Let's Get This Chain On!

And cause the deadline looms and I've heard nothing but the most votes are for Erica, I've used Erica.

I use MSN and I'm also available to IM brainstorm. When I'm not working. And when I'm working!
<turns to Muff>

No one's listening. Does that mean we write the whole thing? Cool. My chapter was running long anyway. Healing a wounded hero takes some time. :)
Hello, gang ;)

I have reconsidered participating in the chain story. Please skip over me in the line-up.

I hope this will not cause any disruption in the flow.

It's off to a wonderful start and I know this will be fantastic when it's complete.

MP ;)

Quick add - I hesiatated to say this at first, because I thought this might come off as condescending, but screw it.

I want to wish you all the best of luck and tell you that I know this will be an amazing cooperative effort - most of Lit's best authors are participating, and, as a reader, I can't wait to see it and be proud of all of you.

[Edited by Madame Pandora on 05-01-2001 at 11:22 AM]