Like Me, Have You Ever


LMHYE taken sexy photos of a friend?
Absolutely! I am a huge fan of photo shoot fun!

LMHYE been surprised at the degree of both your hunger, and your willingness to go to practically any lengths to sate that hunger?
LMHYE been surprised at the degree of both your hunger, and your willingness to go to practically any lengths to sate that hunger?

I can't say that I have. Oh, I've been surprised at how hungry I am, but never felt I needed to go to extreme lengths to satisfy it.

LMHYE had sex in a public park?
There is a drive-in 20 minutes from my home.

LMHYE.....Went on a date and forgot your wallet.

LMHYE been on a date that went poorly, so you decided to go out with friends afterword and ran into the person from that date, again?
No, but I should have I'm told, by the one who I didn't date.

LMHYE dated the wrong sister?
They were both wonderful women, in their own different ways.
We're still on friendly terms today.

LMHYE.....accidently fell into a lake???