Like Me, Have You Ever

I have, but I prefer to do the spanking.

LMHYE allowed someone to blindfold you, then take their liberties?
Not yet, but I AM carrying one around in case the opportunity presents itself! LOL

LMHYE mentioned a fantasy to your SO and have them go wide-eyed in shock?
Not yet, but I AM carrying one around in case the opportunity presents itself! LOL

LMHYE mentioned a fantasy to your SO and have them go wide-eyed in shock?
Unfortunately, yes.

LMHYE admitted a fantasy to your opposite sex friend, and (s)he helped to fulfil it?
A few times with various SOs (never been married for the record)

LMHYE Had sex with more than one stranger in one day?
In college, at a party there was this girl that was trying to feel my junk during a game of king's cup. A few of my roommates gave me a look not unlike Owen Wilson's here:

HYE messaged a couple about joining them for a threesome and then just sweated it out waiting for them to answer even though it shows them as being online all the time? Jk, that's wayy to specific.
HYE waited on pins and needles for someone to answer a proposition?
In college, at a party there was this girl that was trying to feel my junk during a game of king's cup. A few of my roommates gave me a look not unlike Owen Wilson's here:

HYE messaged a couple about joining them for a threesome and then just sweated it out waiting for them to answer even though it shows them as being online all the time? Jk, that's wayy to specific.
HYE waited on pins and needles for someone to answer a proposition?

LMHYE been stood up by another couple, then ghosted?