Like Me, Have You Ever

I’ll prompt

LMHYE become inadvertently wet / hard because of something you’ve read when busy with a task
I’ll prompt

LMHYE become inadvertently wet / hard because of something you’ve read when busy with a task
Considering I'm on here while logged in at work...yes. I had a client call last week and had a message through from someone, could feel my hardness twitching while the guy talked on

LMHYE been interrupted by nature? (Knelt in a thistle while enjoying ourselves outdoors and really turned the whole thing off)
No, thankfully nature has been good to me

LMHYE caught other people playing in nature and desperately wanted to join?

LMHYE been pegged?
No 😭😭😭 would love to try though, have multiple toys but haven't had a...guiding body on the other side.

LMHYE been disappointed by 'sexy' male underwear (found some in no way elasticated lace boxers that became the unfun kind of tight)
Not for pay , but for products.

LMHYE done something you would have never thought you would?
fuck yeah and recently too!

LMHYE thought about punching someone in the face and then realized you actually did it?