Looks more like pandering to me

saldne said:
Um, a, um, I cannot believe I said what I did! Of course I know this. I must've been REALLY having a blonde moment that 4am morning when I commented here.

How embarrassing! LOL!

BTW - I like the anonamouse. At least it's not anonarat. Although 'some' people may think you are. ;)

Thank you, say what you think about the poetry, stand up and take the consequences. I'm not afraid to admit if I'm wrong.
anonamouse said:
Thank you, say what you think about the poetry, stand up and take the consequences. I'm not afraid to admit if I'm wrong.

Which seems to be often.

It is hard to tell the difference between your rudeness and your objective criticism. Just a couple days ago I had seen where you told a poet their poem was SORRY. Do you expect them to learn from this or will they shut their minds to you? Sabina relayed her thoughts and since they did not agree with yours you spat your negative output once again towards her. I see a pattern here. The same pattern that you have displayed many times.

I disagree with annaswirls that MET is the cause of 99% of the problems here when he simply tries to smooth over the negative that is spilled by you and a hand full of others here that are trying to sound intelligent. Badgering new and unpolished poets is not a way to teach them or to be influential to them,.

This is my opinion and I had kept to myself till I saw the SORRY comment you left and then you say you leave honest feedback. Honestly, who is sorry? Were you born into poetry and wrote perfectly from the first day you wrote a poem. Do you nurture poets to continue writing and inspire them? I think not. In your eyes if they don't make your list then they are plain and simple, SORRY.

I have watched your lunatic mouth spill negative PMs to me and others and now in the open forums. I can only hope that people are intelligent enough not to get caught up in your lunacy or listen to your negative, not very influential and badgering ways. You have a method of starting arguments and then run to those you respect for approval of your methods. Then when they disagree with you, you become angry again. See the pattern.
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quasar said:
I disagree with annaswirls that MET is the cause of 99% of the problems here when he simply tries to smooth over the negative that is spilled by you and a hand full of others here that are trying to sound intelligent. Badgering new and unpolished poets is not a way to teach them or to be influential to them,.

You are not the first to disagree with me and will certainly not be the last.

I said that his false accusations or judgements without evidence were what caused 99% of the problems.

He is not simply trying to smooth over the negative... or maybe it is his intent, but it sure as heck never works. It blows my mind that you honestly can believe that, but then again, it doesn't. It is the message he sends out over and over and over again so it is what sticks in some people's minds.

Do you think when he accused another poet of rigging a Poetry contest that she did not even have any hand in that he was trying to smooth something over?

When someone leaves a honest critique and then another person comes along and say something along the lines of-- "oh that's okay sweetie we luv you and your wittle poem" it undermines possibility that the poet will improve.

It's like someone being brave enough to tell you your fly is down and then another person saying... no no no you look great! Don't listen to that negative person! You are perfect just the way you are! So you walk around with your fly down all day, but DAMN you feel so good about yourself!

But I do stand corrected. It is more like 85%
quasar said:
Which seems to be often.

It is hard to tell the difference between your rudeness and your objective criticism. Just a couple days ago I had seen where you told a poet their poem was SORRY. Do you expect them to learn from this or will they shut their minds to you? Sabina relayed her thoughts and since they did not agree with yours you spat your negative output once again towards her. I see a pattern here. The same pattern that you have displayed many times.

I disagree with annaswirls that MET is the cause of 99% of the problems here when he simply tries to smooth over the negative that is spilled by you and a hand full of others here that are trying to sound intelligent. Badgering new and unpolished poets is not a way to teach them or to be influential to them,.

This is my opinion and I had kept to myself till I saw the SORRY comment you left and then you say you leave honest feedback. Honestly, who is sorry? Were you born into poetry and wrote perfectly from the first day you wrote a poem. Do you nurture poets to continue writing and inspire them? I think not. In your eyes if they don't make your list then they are plain and simple, SORRY.

I have watched your lunatic mouth spill negative PMs to me and others and now in the open forums. I can only hope that people are intelligent enough not to get caught up in your lunacy or listen to your negative, not very influential and badgering ways. You have a method of starting arguments and then run to those you respect for approval of your methods. Then when they disagree with you, you become angry again. See the pattern.

The man used by name, to infer I left a comment. Will not either admit it was a spelling mistake nor apologise. This is not the first time remember. This is who you admire, why, nuturing or cheap ego feed? Now if you want to play follow the leader go ahead. If he does this crap, I'm coming after him, and I don't care how many followers he has.
My advise to you and Sabrina is do a little research. Take a look at the whole thread, he is conforted with a wrong doing, he has no proof, calls me names but will not directly answer the question, nor apologise. Artso has made more than one unfounded accusation.
And you where around when he was posting all that, what is the word "negative" crap about me,and I had to go play wack a moron, all over the threads, did you step up then, tell him to shut up. Nope. Tell me all about it follower, what is it like NOT to think?
quasar said:
Which seems to be often.

It is hard to tell the difference between your rudeness and your objective criticism. Just a couple days ago I had seen where you told a poet their poem was SORRY. .
Bring it to me, let's see it.

Now let me see, if I remeber correctly you complained to MET you were zero-bombed, MET got into his Mr Macho mode started annoucing "look out 1201" or something like that. Now some of my stuff has been zero bombed, maybe it was you, do you see a thread started. Do you see any thread from me complaining somebody treated me unfairly with comments? Nope, I came to learn, NOT get my ego stroked.

He starts, he wants to make me a demon for his campaign purposes, let him. Let him come over now and preach compassion or call me names, try to threaten me or some other shit, or maybe he will just sit back, and let his poor followers do it. But he will not admit he was wrong, (and he was), may lessen himself in the adoring eyes of his followers, like you.
twelveoone said:
I have a set, I have lost patience. This has been about the third time, it is what is known as standing up. And I am not the only one, he has made sly little public digs. For some reason he thinks, it is OK for him to say anything he wants, god forbid, anyone say anything he doesn't like.
And this wasn't baiting, he put it somewhere where it would be consumed by gullible people like you, quite by accident I saw it.
Now, do YOU have anything else to say.
Now, anything else to say?

and you are so insecure that what someone you have no respect for says causes you to become so enraged that you feel the need to carry on a public pissing contest?
On a porn board?

If you don't have the self control to overlook him, why not put him on ignore and spare the rest of us this bullshit.
Speaking for myself I don't care what art says about you or what you say about art
It has nothing to do with poetry or why most of us are here.

I will say it's shit like this that prompted me to pull my stuff .
anonamouse said:
Bring it to me, let's see it.

Now let me see, if I remeber correctly you complained to MET you were zero-bombed, MET got into his Mr Macho mode started annoucing "look out 1201" or something like that. Now some of my stuff has been zero bombed, maybe it was you, do you see a thread started. Do you see any thread from me complaining somebody treated me unfairly with comments? Nope, I came to learn, NOT get my ego stroked.

He starts, he wants to make me a demon for his campaign purposes, let him. Let him come over now and preach compassion or call me names, try to threaten me or some other shit, or maybe he will just sit back, and let his poor followers do it. But he will not admit he was wrong, (and he was), may lessen himself in the adoring eyes of his followers, like you.

you take you hatred and build on it, spill it in you'r comments you appear to be a very possed person. The fact that KR removed the comment shows that I am not the only one that think's this way about negative critic comments. The Iron curtain is drawn in your mind and I am your enemy <grinin'> why? You have a need to 'shake things up' as you have stated many times. I just seem to be the 'goal' <smile> honored (~_~) and tweleve I aint never threatened you, that is fear on your part.

dispite your only point, I relay my thoughts on what seems to be a gauntlet for newer poets being battered in a critc and literary way. Lauren and Du, then pat and JC then 'mouseys' attacks and sacks attacks, (I call it defensive mode) when we get verbally with name calling and when I REPLY you select me to reply to as being the name caller. there are two here <grin...'slinging' but thanks for YOU'R assumption. perhaps You did not read the apology way back when this started? I am sorry we are doing this again.

Thanks Q, but it is best to not stir a fire in order to let it die. 12 will keep it stirred just fine <grin for this is what he lives for, 'shaking things up' <grin
*sigh* I really shouldn't. But here goes.

Art, 12, Q, a-s, et al, all I can do is call it as I see it. And I do believe I see it with 20/20 these days.

Some commentors, the mouse included, comment in a very direct and sometimes harsh way. Yes, this might discourage the sensitive new poet For reasons I don't understand. Because when I was a new poet, I had to deal with the criticism of Senna Jawa in his A-game. He always had a solid point but he made trolls look friendly. Ah the memories... So anyway, yeah, some could be more tactful in the tone of some comments, sure. I agree with Quasar on that particular point, that in order to communicate, one first needs an audience that will listen. But if you call a little loss of tact "badgering" you wouldn't last a day at, for instance, my workplace.

The RIGHT thing to do then is to say the truth. Tell the poet that those commentors mean well, and that they often know what they are talking about. But to not take the harsh tone personally, invite them to the forum to meet the culprits and get a second opinion. That would be to smooth over negativeness.

The WRONG thing to do is to attack the commentors, mock them in public, (Even if you think that's what they do to the poet - why stoop to that too?), and spread hate and fear of the "oblong" or whatever other conspiracy that is the fad that week. That would not be to smooth anything over, but actually contributes to scaring people off.

You seem to believe in bullying the bullies. Guess what, that's bullying too. The sad part is that I don't think you see that that's what you do.

Try the truth next time. You might like it.

my 2c, I doubt they will matter.
won't reply further, so feel free to misinterpret, on both sides of the fence ;)
Liar said:
*sigh* I really shouldn't. But here goes.

Art, 12, Q, a-s, et al, all I can do is call it as I see it. And I do believe I see it with 20/20 these days.

Some commentors, the mouse included, comment in a very direct and sometimes harsh way. Yes, this might discourage the sensitive new poet For reasons I don't understand. Because when I was a new poet, I had to deal with the criticism of Senna Jawa in his A-game. He always had a solid point but he made trolls look friendly. Ah the memories... So anyway, yeah, some could be more tactful in the tone of some comments, sure. I agree with Quasar on that particular point, that in order to communicate, one first needs an audience that will listen. But if you call a little loss of tact "badgering" you wouldn't last a day at, for instance, my workplace.

The RIGHT thing to do then is to say the truth. Tell the poet that those commentors mean well, and that they often know what they are talking about. But to not take the harsh tone personally, invite them to the forum to meet the culprits and get a second opinion. That would be to smooth over negativeness.

The WRONG thing to do is to attack the commentors, mock them in public, (Even if you think that's what they do to the poet - why stoop to that too?), and spread hate and fear of the "oblong" or whatever other conspiracy that is the fad that week. That would not be to smooth anything over, but actually contributes to scaring people off.

You seem to believe in bullying the bullies. Guess what, that's bullying too. The sad part is that I don't think you see that that's what you do.

Try the truth next time. You might like it.

my 2c, I doubt they will matter.
won't reply further, so feel free to misinterpret, on both sides of the fence ;)

I had the word "bully" written and erased it
thank you
i agree
Liar said:
*sigh* I really shouldn't. But here goes.

Art, 12, Q, a-s, et al, all I can do is call it as I see it. And I do believe I see it with 20/20 these days.

Some commentors, the mouse included, comment in a very direct and sometimes harsh way. Yes, this might discourage the sensitive new poet For reasons I don't understand. Because when I was a new poet, I had to deal with the criticism of Senna Jawa in his A-game. He always had a solid point but he made trolls look friendly. Ah the memories... So anyway, yeah, some could be more tactful in the tone of some comments, sure. I agree with Quasar on that particular point, that in order to communicate, one first needs an audience that will listen. But if you call a little loss of tact "badgering" you wouldn't last a day at, for instance, my workplace.

The RIGHT thing to do then is to say the truth. Tell the poet that those commentors mean well, and that they often know what they are talking about. But to not take the harsh tone personally, invite them to the forum to meet the culprits and get a second opinion. That would be to smooth over negativeness.

The WRONG thing to do is to attack the commentors, mock them in public, (Even if you think that's what they do to the poet - why stoop to that too?), and spread hate and fear of the "oblong" or whatever other conspiracy that is the fad that week. That would not be to smooth anything over, but actually contributes to scaring people off.

You seem to believe in bullying the bullies. Guess what, that's bullying too. The sad part is that I don't think you see that that's what you do.

Try the truth next time. You might like it.

my 2c, I doubt they will matter.
won't reply further, so feel free to misinterpret, on both sides of the fence ;)
*Copy cats Liar's whole post* I agree too and empathsize with Tath and Tess.
isn't he cute?

Did I kill the threrad? Please tell me I killed the thread.
My Erotic Trail said:
you take you hatred and build on it, spill it in you'r comments you appear to be a very possed person. The fact that KR removed the comment shows that I am not the only one that think's this way about negative critic comments. The Iron curtain is drawn in your mind and I am your enemy <grinin'> why? You have a need to 'shake things up' as you have stated many times. I just seem to be the 'goal' <smile> honored (~_~) and tweleve I aint never threatened you, that is fear on your part.

dispite your only point, I relay my thoughts on what seems to be a gauntlet for newer poets being battered in a critc and literary way. Lauren and Du, then pat and JC then 'mouseys' attacks and sacks attacks, (I call it defensive mode) when we get verbally with name calling and when I REPLY you select me to reply to as being the name caller. there are two here <grin...'slinging' but thanks for YOU'R assumption. perhaps You did not read the apology way back when this started? I am sorry we are doing this again.

Thanks Q, but it is best to not stir a fire in order to let it die. 12 will keep it stirred just fine <grin for this is what he lives for, 'shaking things up' <grin

Hey Prove it, you claimed something, either prove it or apologise. Mr Evasions.
Simple questions did you or did you not know how to spell "anonymous" at time ?
Did you or did you not infer I was zero bombing in the past?
the only way to truely kill a thread, is by walking away...not looking back...removing your subscription to it.

or i heard also that you can use a 12 gauge.
Liar said:
Drat, dang and gosh darnit.

"Kill the head and the body will die" - Hunter Thompson ( based on a 1971 film " The Two headed Transplant)