Looks more like pandering to me

I haven't been paying enough attention to this thread to know what all is going on, so if I'm off-topic, well, we can save my post for another thread. :D Of course, no one listens to me anyway...

12, calm down.

Art, don't discourage novice poets from listening to critics. Some of the poets here may actually know more about poetry than you do, and they can greatly help new poets improve their poetry--if that's what the poet wants. If a novice poet feels that a critic is too harsh, then let him/her contact that person and deal with it.

We all need to remember that many people who submit poetry at lit have no interest in improving or hearing constructive feedback--unfortunately. But it never hurts to give it a shot--just be tactful. :)

12, calm down.
twelveoone said:
Tath, Liar, et al, don't like it; sit on the sidelines.

Ah I see
gestapo spank
Sorry if I don't agree and was expressing an opinion

Carry on
This is much more important than the the actual poetry forum
Well, I've seen worse threads than this, but I'm really surprised this thread hasn't been deleted. It's ridiculous, pathetic, and elementary - kind of like the General Board where I refuse to go anymore. Things get way out of hand and it just goes on and on and on.

The problem here is with twelveoone/anonamouse and Art. When these bickering threads start on the poetry forum, the mods or Laurel should remove them. This shit never ends and doesn't change anything by making similiar threads when something doesn't go your way.

You're never going to get along, so agree to disagree and shut the fuck up. :)

One more thing: I find it real sad hearing some people having or feeling to delete their poetry because of these threads.

Regarding myself, I want honest feedback on my poetry but I'm not going to put up with a "crapola" on my work. It tells me nothing. It tells me the person is just a lazy assmunch who won't take the time to explain what is wrong with the poem. Prehaps the person is bored or hurting inside and this boosts their self esteem.

Whether you care or not, I don't hate anyone here. I'm just speaking my opinion.
WickedEve said:
I haven't been paying enough attention to this thread to know what all is going on, so if I'm off-topic, well, we can save my post for another thread. :D Of course, no one listens to me anyway...

12, calm down.

Art, don't discourage novice poets from listening to critics. Some of the poets here may actually know more about poetry than you do, and they can greatly help new poets improve their poetry--if that's what the poet wants. If a novice poet feels that a critic is too harsh, then let him/her contact that person and deal with it.

We all need to remember that many people who submit poetry at lit have no interest in improving or hearing constructive feedback--unfortunately. But it never hurts to give it a shot--just be tactful. :)

12, calm down.
I am very calm, I feel MET took another cheap shot, let him either admit he can't spell anonymous or he was too dumb to look at it, or let him apologise.
saldne said:
Well, I've seen worse threads than this, but I'm really surprised this thread hasn't been deleted.
Moving it will do no good. Another one will pop up. So, let everyone involved get it out of their system. And for those who want something more than this thread, try out the poetry discussion circle or the new contest (with prize)--that thread is stuck near the top. Or go read the new poems and comment. Not nearly enough of you comment!
twelveoone said:
Tath, Liar, et al, don't like it; sit on the sidelines.
Depending on what "it" means.
Threads wander, this one took a turn over a general turf that affects me as a member. So I spoke my piece.
Don't like it? Not my problem.
Next time I'm accused of being part of a sinister trapezoid, I'll sure step in again.
WickedEve said:
Moving it will do no good. Another one will pop up. So, let everyone involved get it out of their system. And for those who want something more than this thread, try out the poetry discussion circle or the new contest (with prize)--that thread is stuck near the top. Or go read the new poems and comment. Not nearly enough of you comment!
Thank you in public, you are right.
Liar said:
Depending on what "it" means.
Threads wander, this one took a turn over a general turf that affects me as a member. So I spoke my piece.
Don't like it? Not my problem.
Next time I'm accused of being part of a sinister trapezoid, I'll sure step in again.
Okay. Forget our traditional oval. Sinister trapezoid rocks! :D
Liar said:
Depending on what "it" means.
Threads wander, this one took a turn over a general turf that affects me as a member. So I spoke my piece.
Don't like it? Not my problem.
Next time I'm accused of being part of a sinister trapezoid, I'll sure step in again.

I'm gettin a t shirt that says " member of the sinister trapezoid"
I'm bettin it'll get me chicks in truckloads
WickedEve said:
Okay. Forget our traditional oval. Sinister trapezoid rocks! :D
Wait... I thought it was oblong not oval? Not that I like ovals any more than oblongs or have anything against them.

Can we get back to your statement about wanting to milk men?
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anonamouse said:
Bring it to me, let's see it.

Now let me see, if I remeber correctly you complained to MET you were zero-bombed, MET got into his Mr Macho mode started annoucing "look out 1201" or something like that. Now some of my stuff has been zero bombed, maybe it was you, do you see a thread started. Do you see any thread from me complaining somebody treated me unfairly with comments? Nope, I came to learn, NOT get my ego stroked.

He starts, he wants to make me a demon for his campaign purposes, let him. Let him come over now and preach compassion or call me names, try to threaten me or some other shit, or maybe he will just sit back, and let his poor followers do it. But he will not admit he was wrong, (and he was), may lessen himself in the adoring eyes of his followers, like you.

Allow me to begin with correcting your misspelled words, remember and announcing. To become excited, or in haste, one tends to write without thought. Here on a thread that is asking for an apology for a misspelled name where the apology has been offered. You sir do not intend to settle for that, you want more?

I respect Art for many things but his constant verbal tussle with you. It is annoying. I will eject the truth. I am the one that told him to be more selective and listen to those with Credentials only. I believe we discussed this once. When I read comments left by those that parade their intelligence and two intelligent critics disagree concerning the strophe or which lines should be removed. It leads me to wonder which one I could rely on to be correct. Unilateral likes and dislikes are in everything, every one and most certainly in every online poetry site.

But you sir cross that line by leaving rash and threatening PMs. Your goal is to badger and discredit those that do not believe as you do. A poetry forum politician that seems to be running for office and you feel Art is the opponent. I find you to have character flaws as well as your opponent. The one difference being, he is polite to many and a good online friend. I do not follow him as you stated. In fact you may notice a considerable change in his poetry for he asked for my help and I find him to be an eager student. Not as you put it, unwilling to learn. Perhaps he is selective in whom he learns from. After viewing comments left on poems, I am aware of who has the ability to relay proper advice and who is here to comment harshly for that is their nature. Becoming a critic takes practice and I feel this is more of a training ground for ego scratching rather than a site that will guide someone to write properly. With that said, there are some here who are helpful, positive and polite that of course is the balance.

What did you think the poet felt or thought when you left your comment telling them their poetry was SORRY? You probably do not care. You believe they were inspired to do better? I believe we all strive to be better and hope that some will accept us in our present state of literary skills while growing from those that reached out with a kind, helpful, hand full of advice.

I will turn off my computer and go away. You sir, have a nice day.
quasar said:

What did you think the poet felt or thought when you left your comment telling them their poetry was SORRY? You probably do not care. You believe they were inspired to do better?

I want to see this comment.
twelveoone said:
Thank you in public, you are right.

Well, I disagree and I'm not going to start an argument over it. I just want to know what you think you're going to accomplish by all this? Has anything changed from the last threads that were similiar? And seriously, I'm not trying to be a wise ass. I just want to know.

I have to get ready to leave and I think this will be my last comment here. I hate to see it continue. I'll probably just read it later on because I'm nosy. :kiss:
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neonurotic said:
Wait... I thought it was oblong not oval? Not that I like ovals any more than oblongs or have anything against them.

Can we get back to your statement about wanting to milk men?
I think we were originally accused of being a circle. Then we created the oval, which I believe was stretched into an oblong, but snapped back into an oval. Now we're considering the sinister trapezoid. Who are "we''? Um...

I'm out of milk and I need some for my cereal in the morning.
:eek: God your rationality turns me on

Liar said:
*sigh* I really shouldn't. But here goes.

Art, 12, Q, a-s, et al, all I can do is call it as I see it. And I do believe I see it with 20/20 these days.

Some commentors, the mouse included, comment in a very direct and sometimes harsh way. Yes, this might discourage the sensitive new poet For reasons I don't understand. Because when I was a new poet, I had to deal with the criticism of Senna Jawa in his A-game. He always had a solid point but he made trolls look friendly. Ah the memories... So anyway, yeah, some could be more tactful in the tone of some comments, sure. I agree with Quasar on that particular point, that in order to communicate, one first needs an audience that will listen. But if you call a little loss of tact "badgering" you wouldn't last a day at, for instance, my workplace.

The RIGHT thing to do then is to say the truth. Tell the poet that those commentors mean well, and that they often know what they are talking about. But to not take the harsh tone personally, invite them to the forum to meet the culprits and get a second opinion. That would be to smooth over negativeness.

The WRONG thing to do is to attack the commentors, mock them in public, (Even if you think that's what they do to the poet - why stoop to that too?), and spread hate and fear of the "oblong" or whatever other conspiracy that is the fad that week. That would not be to smooth anything over, but actually contributes to scaring people off.

You seem to believe in bullying the bullies. Guess what, that's bullying too. The sad part is that I don't think you see that that's what you do.

Try the truth next time. You might like it.

my 2c, I doubt they will matter.
won't reply further, so feel free to misinterpret, on both sides of the fence ;)
saldne said:
Well, I disagree and I'm not going to start an argument over it. I just want to know what you think you're going to accomplish by all this? Has anything changed from the last threads that were similiar? And seriously, I'm not trying to be a wise ass. I just want to know.

I have to get ready to leave and I think this will be my last comment here. I hate to see it continue. I'll probably just read it later on because I'm nosy. :kiss:
Chill out, babe. Other things are happen' on this thread. Man-milking. Sinister trapezoids.

I didn't say anything good was happening--just happening. :D
quasar said:
I will turn off my computer and go away. You sir, have a nice day.

It would have been really cool if you had said " I bid you Good Afternoon!!"

Like Scrooge

twelveoone said:
Again, I want to see this comment, I allegedly made.
What I want to know is why I got over having my poems called "pathetic", "horrible", "disgrace" and "a disgustingly non-poetic waste of time" when I started writing them, and still be around to tell the tale, while "sorry" is apparently giving current poets the shivers.

I must have balls of titanium. :cool:
WickedEve said:
I think we were originally accused of being a circle. Then we created the oval, which I believe was stretched into an oblong, but snapped back into an oval. Now we're considering the sinister trapezoid. Who are "we''? Um...

I'm out of milk and I need some for my cereal in the morning.
But didn't miss anna say she was afraid of sharp edges?

And you never did get back to me about the technique how to milk. I really did want to try it out on myself and tell you about it.
Liar said:
What I want to know is why I got over having my poems called "pathetic", "horrible", "disgrace" and "a disgustingly non-poetic waste of time" when I started writing them, and still be around to tell the tale, while "sorry" is apparently giving current poets the shivers.

I must have balls of titanium. :cool:
What a wimp. I was here with U.P. and he had to "gouge his eyes out" after reading one of my poems. :rolleyes: God, I loved that brutal bastard!
neonurotic said:
But didn't miss anna say she was afraid of sharp edges?

And you never did get back to me about the technique how to milk. I really did want to try it out on myself and tell you about it.
Self-milking is just icky.
Go away and don't type at me anymore! :devil:
Liar said:
What I want to know is why I got over having my poems called "pathetic", "horrible", "disgrace" and "a disgustingly non-poetic waste of time" when I started writing them, and still be around to tell the tale, while "sorry" is apparently giving current poets the shivers.

I must have balls of titanium. :cool:

there once was a man from belfast
whose balls were made of brass
when they clanged together
they played stormy weather
and lightening shot out of his ass

i couldn't rhyme titanium