Looks more like pandering to me

neonurotic said:
Oooh, but that makes me want to staaaay now.

Stay if you want. I'm not paying attention to you. I'm too traumatized by my lack of milk--for breakfast.
WickedEve said:
Stay if you want. I'm not paying attention to you. I'm too traumatized by my lack of milk--for breakfast.
Nah.. I weirded myself out with that last post. *shivers*
twelveoone said:
Why the fuck are you here?

Doesn't he have as much right to be here and say what he wants as you or anyone else? I know why you're pissed off, but honestly how is this going to change anything? And more importantly, what does any of this have to do with poetry? You may argue that your original comment on KR's poem was intended to further good poetry, but you're getting exactly nowhere in your quest to make other people see it the way you do. Wouldn't it be more productive to focus on the people and poems who do welcome your comments?

Look at the people who have come into this thread and basically said they are disgusted with the way this forum operates now. They include some of the best writers on this forum, people who have consistently gone out of their way to support poetry and poets here. Their words and actions are saying they don't want this to be a place where people are at each others' throats.

This forum used to be an oasis at Lit. It used to be fun here. Now it's uptight and nasty and competitive in an ugly way. Why don't you take this issue to pm or give up on it and support the people who do want your feedback?

You aren't going to change the fact that some people feel excluded and others take advantage of that for all the wrong reasons. And when you make it public and angry this way, you simply give those who want to be devisive more ammunition for justifying why they're the "underdogs." Can't you see that?

I enjoy discussing poetry with you and there are lots of others here who do as well. Stop crusading and concentrate on the poems.

No, I want to see the alleged comment, not references to something that someone infered I wrote.
That is all.
neonurotic said:
But didn't miss anna say she was afraid of sharp edges?

And you never did get back to me about the technique how to milk. I really did want to try it out on myself and tell you about it.

I am afraid of sharp edges, and you should be too if you are considering a good milking.

I dont think it is possible to self milk, unless you use some sort of milking machine or have really long flexible arms
annaswirls said:
I am afraid of sharp edges, and you should be too if you are considering a good milking.

I dont think it is possible to self milk, unless you use some sort of milking machine or have really long flexible arms
You're right. I should've put 'sharp edges' and 'milking' in separate posts.
ah I thought the forum was fun, the nastyness had pretty much gone away for a while ? I must not be paying enough attention.

I think by "here" 12er meant in this thread, like there are other fun threads to go to if you dont like this arguing stuff. But it is like driving past a car wreck, you just cannot help but look :cool:
neonurotic said:
You're right. I should've put 'sharp edges' and 'milking' in separate posts.

I am going to get a diagram. I think we have milked this topic for all its worth

and Eve, does your milk man deliver soy?
annaswirls said:
I am going to get a diagram. I think we have milked this topic for all its worth

and Eve, does your milk man deliver soy?
You people know I am without a milk man! :mad:
twelveoone said:
No, I want to see the alleged comment, not references to something that someone infered I wrote.
That is all.
I repeat....
No, I want to see the alleged comment, not references to something that someone infered I wrote. :rolleyes:
That is all

if I am wrong, I will apologise
annaswirls said:
okay but how about a soy man? :cool:
I have a rubber man and a plastic man. I hate them both. They never take the initiative to do anything.
annaswirls said:
ah I thought the forum was fun, the nastyness had pretty much gone away for a while ? I must not be paying enough attention.

I think by "here" 12er meant in this thread, like there are other fun threads to go to if you dont like this arguing stuff. But it is like driving past a car wreck, you just cannot help but look :cool:

I'm sure 1201 appreciates your explaining what he meant.
and I know regardless of what he or anyone says I am free,as is everyone else, to wander about and express my thoughts and opinions no matter how silly or uninformative or cliché' they are.

We all have an opinion
no one is right
no one is wrong
annaswirls said:
ah I thought the forum was fun, the nastyness had pretty much gone away for a while ? I must not be paying enough attention.

I think by "here" 12er meant in this thread, like there are other fun threads to go to if you dont like this arguing stuff. But it is like driving past a car wreck, you just cannot help but look :cool:

I understood what he meant, but rather than rant in public I sent you a nonranting answer in pm. :)
Tathagata said:
I'm sure 1201 appreciates your explaining what he meant.
and I know regardless of what he or anyone says I am free,as is everyone else, to wander about and express my thoughts and opinions no matter how silly or uninformative or cliché' they are.

We all have an opinion
no one is right
no one is wrong

Yes dear, you have every right to express all your grand and ridiculous opinions. I, for one, look forward to them.

I guess I am the lucky one because I get the explanation. :D
Angeline said:
Yes dear, you have every right to express all your grand and ridiculous opinions. I, for one, look forward to them.

I guess I am the lucky one because I get the explanation. :D

vy is you up?

honah lee
i'm so surprised you missed that
Tathagata said:
I'm sure 1201 appreciates your explaining what he meant.
and I know regardless of what he or anyone says I am free,as is everyone else, to wander about and express my thoughts and opinions no matter how silly or uninformative or cliché' they are.

We all have an opinion
no one is right
no one is wrong


why certainly, absolutely you do, I just wonder why people come around to these threads when it makes them sick. we have lots of freedoms that I do not take because I am not really interested.

like man milking, for instance, I found a nice forum set up just for that topic, but well, there are other squirells to bark at.

if you figure it out let me know. I am still trying to figure out why I am here.

I think it is the appetizers
Angeline said:
Doesn't he have as much right to be here and say what he wants as you or anyone else? I know why you're pissed off, but honestly how is this going to change anything? And more importantly, what does any of this have to do with poetry? You may argue that your original comment on KR's poem was intended to further good poetry, but you're getting exactly nowhere in your quest to make other people see it the way you do. Wouldn't it be more productive to focus on the people and poems who do welcome your comments?

Look at the people who have come into this thread and basically said they are disgusted with the way this forum operates now. They include some of the best writers on this forum, people who have consistently gone out of their way to support poetry and poets here. Their words and actions are saying they don't want this to be a place where people are at each others' throats.

This forum used to be an oasis at Lit. It used to be fun here. Now it's uptight and nasty and competitive in an ugly way. Why don't you take this issue to pm or give up on it and support the people who do want your feedback?

You aren't going to change the fact that some people feel excluded and others take advantage of that for all the wrong reasons. And when you make it public and angry this way, you simply give those who want to be devisive more ammunition for justifying why they're the "underdogs." Can't you see that?

I enjoy discussing poetry with you and there are lots of others here who do as well. Stop crusading and concentrate on the poems.


Yeah, I wish I would've worded it this way. Damn, Ange, you just rock, chickiedoodle!

I know, I know, I wasn't going to comment any further but it's a woman's perogative to change her mind. I am woman, hear me roar! :cool:

I'd stick around to cyber with someone who's willing in this thread, but Luv2 isa waiting and I'd rather geta laying. LOL! That's sounds as if I'm getting ready to lay an egg. Um, as in a chicken. I don't do the other. Nope. Never. Not me.
saldne said:
Yeah, I wish I would've worded it this way. Damn, Ange, you just rock, chickiedoodle!

I know, I know, I wasn't going to comment any further but it's a woman's perogative to change her mind. I am woman, hear me roar! :cool:

I'd stick around to cyber with someone who's willing in this thread, but Luv2 isa waiting and I'd rather geta laying. LOL! That's sounds as if I'm getting ready to lay an egg. Um, as in a chicken. I don't do the other. Nope. Never. Not me.

Well I'm just hanging out waiting for ee to come home from his son's basketball game. ;)

And here's the :hug: for the :hug: the other night, but um you have better things to do.

annaswirls said:

why certainly, absolutely you do, I just wonder why people come around to these threads when it makes them sick. we have lots of freedoms that I do not take because I am not really interested.

like man milking, for instance, I found a nice forum set up just for that topic, but well, there are other squirells to bark at.

if you figure it out let me know. I am still trying to figure out why I am here.

I think it is the appetizers

I wonder about peoples behavior as well
which, in fact, is what drew me here
ironic huh??

man milking would interest me greatly but lets face it
eve scares me in a " come into my parlor said the spider to the fly" way

man cannot live on appetizers alone
give me general gau's chicken
annaswirls said:

why certainly, absolutely you do, I just wonder why people come around to these threads when it makes them sick. we have lots of freedoms that I do not take because I am not really interested.

like man milking, for instance, I found a nice forum set up just for that topic, but well, there are other squirells to bark at.

if you figure it out let me know. I am still trying to figure out why I am here.

I think it is the appetizers

It doesn't make me sick, Anna; I'm just expressing an opinion. Lots of people expressed displeasure in their posts in this thread. Are you wondering about them, too?
Tathagata said:
I wonder about peoples behavior as well
which, in fact, is what drew me here
ironic huh??

man milking would interest me greatly but lets face it
eve scares me in a " come into my parlor said the spider to the fly" way

man cannot live on appetizers alone
give me general gau's chicken
I have such a taste for monkey tonight.