Looks more like pandering to me

Tathagata said:
I prefer to react to what is rather than just cover my eyes and pretend it isn't there.

there is a level of politeness that exists here where some people strive to dance around what one wants to say and not offend anyone.

sure sure I totally agree, but I always think how much of the "what is" there IS out there, it is not a matter of covering your (universal your, not Your your) eyes, it is more of a matter of looking in a direction you would miss if you were still looking here...and reacting to that instead.

for example, right now across the internet is a squabble on another poetry board that I frequent but I am here. And there is poetry in the new poems but I am here. If I clicked on New Poems it would not be closing my eyes to this craziness, it would be opening them to something else.

and I hope you know I am not accusing you of anything, as I am HERE and this is as much about trying to figure it out for myself as anything.

What size are your skates?
Angeline said:
And as much as I don't like arguing, I prefer when it is straightforward and people just come out and say what the problem is. What is really insidious--and undermines the forum--is when people play games, take digs at others and then backpedal as if they didn't intend it at all. I see that in a lot of posts/comments. I find it devious and cowardly--as much as I disagree with 1201's outburst, I understand it was such behavior that precipitated his anger in the first place. I usually try to handle that in pm myself.


1201 would rather rally his friends to back him and help him than to PM a one on one <grin. coward? I adressed the issues, I apologised to keep peace in the forum. That was not enough, as I knew it would it continues, why?

I find it strange he waited five days to bring this up after the comment was removed because it was a harsh critics voice, which means some body here has to know who left this comment and you call me devious? I don't see it that way at all. I aint back pedaled to nowhere, I am here.

You spilling your emotions into the 'brawl' I understand a lot more than your viewing this as undermining the forums. Wouldn't that be the anonymouse leaving 'negative' comments and not showing their name? Casting the bad vibes that live in the cracks of the comments and forum as a jeckle and hide? I see alot more cowards than this man standing here addressing the issues.
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My Erotic Trail said:
1201 would rather rally his friends to back him and help him than to PM a one on one <grin. and you call me a coward? for what? I adressed the issues, I apologised to keep peace in the forum. I find it strange he waited five days to bring this up after the comment was removed because it was a harsh critics voice, which means some body here has to know who left this comment and you call me devious? I don't see it that way at all. I aint back pedaled to nowhere, I am here. You spilling your emotions into the 'brawl' I understand a lot more than your viewing this as undermining the forums. Wouldn't that be the anonymouse leaving 'negative' comments and not showing their name? Casting the bad vibes that live in the cracks of the comments and forum as a jeckle and hide? I see alot more cowards than a man standing here addressing the issues.

dude take a reading comprehension class.
then go read what the lady said.


annaswirls said:
dude take a reading comprehension class.
then go read what the lady said.



chick, <grin...I understand why she said what she said as much as what she said when she said it.

nite nite
My Erotic Trail said:
1201 would rather rally his friends to back him and help him than to PM a one on one <grin. and you call me a coward? for what? I adressed the issues, I apologised to keep peace in the forum. I find it strange he waited five days to bring this up after the comment was removed because it was a harsh critics voice, which means some body here has to know who left this comment and you call me devious? I don't see it that way at all. I aint back pedaled to nowhere, I am here. You spilling your emotions into the 'brawl' I understand a lot more than your viewing this as undermining the forums. Wouldn't that be the anonymouse leaving 'negative' comments and not showing their name? Casting the bad vibes that live in the cracks of the comments and forum as a jeckle and hide? I see alot more cowards than a man standing here addressing the issues.

Don't be dragging me into this now. Reread my post. I was talking about the forum in general and did NOT call you a coward! You extrapolate and come up with something new. I didn't call you an anything, but paranoid might work if you read that into it and take it personally.

And Art, you can be assured I speak for myself and myself alone. Well, maybe for ee, but I'll say so first if I do.

And now I really am going to bed!
Angeline said:
Don't be dragging me into this now. Reread my post. I was talking about the forum in general and did NOT call you a coward! You extrapolate and come up with something new. I didn't call you an anything, but paranoid might work if you read that into it and take it personally.

And Art, you can be assured I speak for myself and myself alone. Well, maybe for ee, but I'll say so first if I do.

And now I really am going to bed!

thanks grasshopper, your opinion is always welcome.
annaswirls said:
sure sure I totally agree, but I always think how much of the "what is" there IS out there, it is not a matter of covering your (universal your, not Your your) eyes, it is more of a matter of looking in a direction you would miss if you were still looking here...and reacting to that instead.

for example, right now across the internet is a squabble on another poetry board that I frequent but I am here. And there is poetry in the new poems but I am here. If I clicked on New Poems it would not be closing my eyes to this craziness, it would be opening them to something else.

and I hope you know I am not accusing you of anything, as I am HERE and this is as much about trying to figure it out for myself as anything.

What size are your skates?

size size size
typical woman

I read the poems, i skim the threads, and for the most part don't say much anymore.
what goes on here. goes on here, what i say or don't say isn't going to matter at all.

as you said I too have moments where I see something and feel the need to say something
it's all ego on my part
it is a weakness

but I also see this as something detrimental to the forum et al
something that takes away from the Lit that was here when I first joined

all things must pass
the fact that I cling to the way things used to be here should give you an idea of how much in enjoyed it
how welcome i felt
how wonderful and creative it was here for me.

i expect a level of consciousness here that perhaps i shouldn't
I read these words and see the discussions and read the poems, and camaraderie and think " we are all on the same plane here. we all want to create and seek truth and heaven and the inexpressible'
and writing it out I see how naive I must seem.

So when i see this petty bullshit it hurts and it angers me.
that is my problem and I'll deal with it as best i can.

i will say that these kinds of things, in my mind, have hurt this place and will continue to hurt this place.

this is the way of all things
i can not control
i can not fix
i can only watch

that is what i write about

I have stated my opinion, it means no more or no less than anyone else's

i will try and refrain from doing so in the future
this just caught me at a time where I too had reached a breaking point and was sick of the petty fuckin bullshit

but who am i to judge?

good nite to all

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Did I tell you I have a murder of crows that live in the tree outside my window? I look out from the second floor and we can see eye to eye. They are trying to hypnotize me into burning more pancakes, they love my pancakes, but mostly they come for the corn and my bratty kids breakcrust with peanut butter still attached.

Lets make a pact to look away from all of the bs and watch for ladies who want to feed us breakfast.

toppins a bag.



Tathagata said:
size size size
typical woman

I read the poems, i skim the threads, and for the most part don't say much anymore.
what goes on here. goes on here, what i say or don't say isn't going to matter at all.

as you said I too have moments where I see something and feel the need to say something
it's all ego on my part
it is a weakness

but I also see this as something detrimental to the forum et al
something that takes away from the Lit that was here when I first joined

all things must pass
the fact that I cling to the way things used to be here should give you an idea of how much in enjoyed it
how welcome i felt
how wonderful and creative it was here for me.

i expect a level of consciousness here that perhaps i shouldn't
I read these words and see the discussions and read the words, and camaraderie and think " we are all on the same plane here. we all want to create and seek truth and heaven and the inexpressible'
and writing it out I see how naive I must seem.

So when i see this petty bullshit it hurts and it angers me.
that is my problem and I'll deal with it as best i can.

i will say that these kinds of things, in my mind, have hurt this place and will continue to hurt this place.

this is the way of all things
i can not control
i can not fix
i can only watch

that is what i write about

I have stated my opinion, it means no more or no less than anyone else's

i will try and refrain from doing so in the future
this just caught me at a time where I too had reached a breaking point and was sick of the petty fuckin bullshit

but who am i to judge?

good nite to all

Angeline said:
You may argue that your original comment on KR's poem was intended to further good poetry,

Look at the people who have come into this thread and basically said they are disgusted with the way this forum operates now.
No, Angeline I am disgusted with this forum because, nobody bothers to get the facts right, but you all can't resist having something to say.
I repeat, that was NOT my comment. That is the issue
anonamouse has been in existence for over year, as anonamouse he has left maybe 10 comments, (get your facts straight Liar) mostly refering to those jackass cowardly comments left that DO NOT ADDRESS THE POETRY.

Now Tath, the logic of you jumpng in with a comment, that you pulled your poetry, etc., escapes me.
My Erotic Trail said:
1201 would rather rally his friends to back him and help him than to PM a one on one <grin. coward? I adressed the issues, I apologised to keep peace in the forum. That was not enough, as I knew it would it continues, why?

I find it strange he waited five days to bring this up after the comment was removed because it was a harsh critics voice, which means some body here has to know who left this comment and you call me devious? I don't see it that way at all. I aint back pedaled to nowhere, I am here.

You spilling your emotions into the 'brawl' I understand a lot more than your viewing this as undermining the forums. Wouldn't that be the anonymouse leaving 'negative' comments and not showing their name? Casting the bad vibes that live in the cracks of the comments and forum as a jeckle and hide? I see alot more cowards than this man standing here addressing the issues.
Unlike some who chose to ignore, I will come back at you.

I'm sorry are you starting again?
Here is the issue, you are devious coward for posting that comment. This thread was posted when I discoved it four days later. As stated, you have done it before, if you wish to take issue with a comment I left, do so.Don't infer I left one I didn't
I discovered your comment because it was a slow day, and I was drifting though the backlog scanning new poems and comments. Some comments have useful information, as it turns out...
Now, if the past I have seen not only have you made accusations and inferences, fail to prove them, and yet somehow manage never to admit you are wrong when you can't back up these slurs.
As far as friends rallying....
Your friend quasar came on twice managed to dump a load of trash, and yet
Failed to produce the comment. I find it even stranger, and more devious that quasar knows more about this comment than I do. How did that happen?

This is not a matter of me getting upset with anyone disagreeing with any thing I say. They are quite welcome to do so.

It is a matter of being attacked for something I did not say

I saw both purported apologies you left, they do not address the issue. They avoid it.
And what the fuck is this:
My Erotic Trail said:
Wouldn't that be the anonymouse leaving 'negative' comments and not showing their name?
Are you being clever? I see you relaced the a with a y now. There is no E in anonymous. Clever, clever.

You sir are the coward, afraid of the truth, afraid of the fact that a hell of alot of people here write better, have a real reason for being here, and you are most afraid of the fact that some of them leave helpfull comments and you can't. Just Ego feed. Don't try to make this out as just me, I've seen your list of rant names, it is anyone who dares to leave anything other than "Oh this is sooo wonderful" and less than a 100 on your selected crowd. Right, ward politician?

If you wish to take issue with jackass comments that address nothing in the poem, but rather attack the writer, do so with my blessing, after all that is one of the reasons I created anonamouse.

I will take issue with your false claims, your disgusting inferences

Hide from that MET
twelveoone said:
anonamouse has been in existence for over year, as anonamouse he has left maybe 10 comments, (get your facts straight Liar)
I don't make a difference between alts. Is that wrong? Shoulda adressed you as twelveoooneanonamouse, sorry 'bout that. Anyway, fact is you don't mince words. Which is fine by me, you're not here to cuddle. Kudos. But sadly, some seem to expect cuddliness, and view any critisism, even constructive one, as harassment. I stand by what I say.
Tathagata said:
there once was a man from belfast
whose balls were made of brass
when they clanged together
they played stormy weather
and lightening shot out of his ass

i couldn't rhyme titanium

Here's my shot at it...

There once was a man from Wisterium
Whose balls were made out of titanium
He came with such force
when he had intercourse
That he blew out the top of her cranium.
Unlike some who chose to ignore, I will come back at you.

I'm sorry are you starting again?
Here is the issue, you are devious coward for posting that comment. This thread was posted when I discoved it four days later. As stated, you have done it before, if you wish to take issue with a comment I left, do so.Don't infer I left one I didn't
I discovered your comment because it was a slow day, and I was drifting though the backlog scanning new poems and comments. Some comments have useful information, as it turns out...
Now, if the past I have seen not only have you made accusations and inferences, fail to prove them, and yet somehow manage never to admit you are wrong when you can't back up these slurs.
As far as friends rallying....
Your friend quasar came on twice managed to dump a load of trash, and yet
Failed to produce the comment. I find it even stranger, and more devious that quasar knows more about this comment than I do. How did that happen?

This is not a matter of me getting upset with anyone disagreeing with any thing I say. They are quite welcome to do so.

It is a matter of being attacked for something I did not say

I saw both purported apologies you left, they do not address the issue. They avoid it.
And what the fuck is this:

Are you being clever? I see you relaced the a with a y now. There is no E in anonymous. Clever, clever.

You sir are the coward, afraid of the truth, afraid of the fact that a hell of alot of people here write better, have a real reason for being here, and you are most afraid of the fact that some of them leave helpfull comments and you can't. Just Ego feed. Don't try to make this out as just me, I've seen your list of rant names, it is anyone who dares to leave anything other than "Oh this is sooo wonderful" and less than a 100 on your selected crowd. Right, ward politician?

If you wish to take issue with jackass comments that address nothing in the poem, but rather attack the writer, do so with my blessing, after all that is one of the reasons I created anonamouse.

I will take issue with your false claims,
This dated 1/6 by you, establishes a prior

My Erotic Trail said:
I would like to mention the other "Influential poets".... Du Lac, bluerains, JenniferC and Rhymefairy for welcoming new poets and an encouraging force in the forum as well as Pat, Wicked, Angeline (grasshopper) and Tess, Liar, duckie, Champ, flyguy, anonamouse, jim:) Lauren and more....
Read this defination:
Main Entry: 1li·bel
Pronunciation: 'lI-b&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, written declaration, from Middle French, from Latin libellus, diminutive of liber book
1 a : a written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought b archaic : a handbill especially attacking or defaming someone
2 a : a written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression b (1) : a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt (2) : defamation of a person by written or representational means (3) : the publication of blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or obscene writings or pictures (4) : the act, tort, or crime of publishing such a libel

Produce either the comment or a direct apology

Is this for real?

EIGHT pages of bickering about horseshit?

What a fucking fuckload -An official metric fuckload, I might add- of fucking fuckery.

You fucking fucks.

If you weed it down, it's probably only between threee and five pages about the actual horseshit. The rest is someone venting her milkman fantasies, and the usual suspects joining in. ;)
Hah! It's nice to see that you can go home again, after all. On the internet, nothing ever changes.

DeepAsleep said:
Is this for real?

EIGHT pages of bickering about horseshit?

What a fucking fuckload -An official metric fuckload, I might add- of fucking fuckery.

You fucking fucks.

I'm old school. I prefer "a wagon-load, twenty fuckits by forty fuckits and stacked twelve fuckits deep of fuckery."
flyguy69 said:
I'm old school. I prefer "a wagon-load, twenty fuckits by forty fuckits and stacked twelve fuckits deep of fuckery."

You, sir, are a steel-belted madman and a genius, to boot.


flyguy69 said:
I'm old school. I prefer "a wagon-load, twenty fuckits by forty fuckits and stacked twelve fuckits deep of fuckery."
Twelve fuckits deep? That doesn't sound right.
You're not using twelve because of 1201, are you?
12, I think he just insulted you!
WickedEve said:
Twelve fuckits deep? That doesn't sound right.
You're not using twelve because of 1201, are you?
12, I think he just insulted you!
It is the 01 that saves him from slipping completely under.