Looks more like pandering to me

WickedEve said:
I have such a taste for monkey tonight.

dip me in wasabi and roll me in rice baby


I may have to write a poem about fear and lust
Tathagata said:
dip me in wasabi and roll me in rice baby


I may have to write a poem about fear and lust
Don't mention wasabi. I had this... incident with wasabi.

And I just got mail from someone named ballkiller, telling me that my neighbors lost their alarm cock.
WickedEve said:
Don't mention wasabi. I had this... incident with wasabi.

And I just got mail from someone named ballkiller, telling me that my neighbors lost their alarm cock.

I used to work with a guy named Dick Burns. You'd think he'd have used Richard....
WickedEve said:
Don't mention wasabi. I had this... incident with wasabi.

And I just got mail from someone named ballkiller, telling me that my neighbors lost their alarm cock.

I had the same thing happen with pickled hot cherry peppers
taught me to dance

so...you have a neighbor called ballkiller
thats a bit ironic isn't it??
Tathagata said:
I wonder about peoples behavior as well
which, in fact, is what drew me here
ironic huh??

man milking would interest me greatly but lets face it
eve scares me in a " come into my parlor said the spider to the fly" way

man cannot live on appetizers alone
give me general gau's chicken

Um I would but I am too wrapped up in researching male chastity products.
Angeline said:
I used to work with a guy named Dick Burns. You'd think he'd have used Richard....

there was a guy up here a few years ago running for office named Dick Swett

the morning radio had a ball with that one
Tathagata said:
I had the same thing happen with pickled hot cherry peppers
taught me to dance

so...you have a neighbor called ballkiller
thats a bit ironic isn't it??
ballkiller is a spammer who is telling me about my neighbors. lol
I love the titles on junk mail.
Angeline said:
I used to work with a guy named Dick Burns. You'd think he'd have used Richard....
Are you sure that was his name and he wasn't just crying out for medical attention?
WickedEve said:
ballkiller is a spammer who is telling me about my neighbors. lol
I love the titles on junk mail.

you open junk mail??

if i did that I'd have a 15 penis by now...or so they told me
lying fuckers
"12 and everyone on the poetry forum, please accept my apologies for any roll that I may have played in causing so much turmoil on the board."

ballkillers is a dislike and man milking <a good thing= grin>
Angeline said:
It doesn't make me sick, Anna; I'm just expressing an opinion. Lots of people expressed displeasure in their posts in this thread. Are you wondering about them, too?

Sure, I would never ask anyone to not express their opinion-- I hope you did not get that from my post.

And I should not have said "make me sick" I should have said something like-- why do people even come to these threads if they do not like them.

I would never willingly go to a boxing match because, well, gross. But if they stay in their arena, that is okay with me.... if they start boxing in the grocery store or in the bank, then I am going to, well, I am not sure what one does to display displeasure of public boxing...?

Everyone has a right to express their opinion. Certainly. I was just expressing my question to the people who seem to get really upset, enough to pull poems etc, with something they could avoid by not looking. :cool:

And yes, I am here. I go through phases. Sometimes I get all pissy about people being honest, etc. I skip most of these bickering threads that go by. I also miss out on a lot of good things because I do not go to other valuable threads here, like not sure how many words, which each time I stop in is very cool, or Zen mountain, or the funnies thread or many others. Not because I dislike them, just because there is not time to read every thread.

It is when the bs spills out all over the place that it is a real problem.
Tathagata said:
you open junk mail??

if i did that I'd have a 15 penis by now...or so they told me
lying fuckers
Just read the subject line, then delete.
Poor monkey. You'll have to make do with just 14"
WickedEve said:
Just read the subject line, then delete.
Poor monkey. You'll have to make do with just 14"

that reminds me of that av you had with penis mushrooms growing all over a man's um area :cool: I had nightmares. And I am not kidding.
annaswirls said:
that reminds me of that av you had with penis mushrooms growing all over a man's um area :cool: I had nightmares. And I am not kidding.
I love that av! Wait. I'll go dig it up the big version.
My Erotic Trail said:
12 and everyone on the poetry forum, please accept my apologies for any roll that I may have played in causing so much turmoil on the board.
That was nice you, Art. Wasn't that nice 12?
Tathagata said:
consensual or forced?

um can I borrow one of your penises? please? this thing is pretty pointless without one.

now I need a keymaster

is that what they were talking about on Ghost Busters? I never knew!
WickedEve said:
I love that av! Wait. I'll go dig it up the big version.
WickedEve said:
I love that av! Wait. I'll go dig it up the big version.

oh my god, I am scared.... it makes me sick.... but I HAVE TO LOOK!!!!! :devil: :) :heart:

:heart: :heart: :heart: here lots of hearts, you know I love y'all

dont we have some love poems to write or something?

:heart: :heart: :heart:

I want to Challenge Carrington to a rhyming poem. With the following rhymes




Do you think he could do it? I bet the little jerk could write something wonderful with anything.
annaswirls said:
Everyone has a right to express their opinion. Certainly. I was just expressing my question to the people who seem to get really upset, enough to pull poems etc, with something they could avoid by not looking. :cool:

I prefer to react to what is rather than just cover my eyes and pretend it isn't there.

there is a level of politeness that exists here where some people strive to dance around what one wants to say and not offend anyone.

That is polite and has it's purpose to an extent.

I pulled my work for a variety of reasons, some I made clear, others are personal.
To think that 1201 or art or any ONE here was the ONLY reason I did is giving far to much more importance to anyones behavior or opinion here.
annaswirls said:
um can I borrow one of your penises? please? this thing is pretty pointless without one.

now I need a keymaster

is that what they were talking about on Ghost Busters? I never knew!

i got a brand new pair of roller skates
you have a brand new key

we studied that song in psychology
annaswirls said:
Sure, I would never ask anyone to not express their opinion-- I hope you did not get that from my post.

And I should not have said "make me sick" I should have said something like-- why do people even come to these threads if they do not like them.

I would never willingly go to a boxing match because, well, gross. But if they stay in their arena, that is okay with me.... if they start boxing in the grocery store or in the bank, then I am going to, well, I am not sure what one does to display displeasure of public boxing...?

Everyone has a right to express their opinion. Certainly. I was just expressing my question to the people who seem to get really upset, enough to pull poems etc, with something they could avoid by not looking. :cool:

And yes, I am here. I go through phases. Sometimes I get all pissy about people being honest, etc. I skip most of these bickering threads that go by. I also miss out on a lot of good things because I do not go to other valuable threads here, like not sure how many words, which each time I stop in is very cool, or Zen mountain, or the funnies thread or many others. Not because I dislike them, just because there is not time to read every thread.

It is when the bs spills out all over the place that it is a real problem.

And a boxing match you don't want to see is different from a car wreck you can't avoid how? :D

I have certain threads I avoid because I don't have time for them, too, or because they are not particularly productive for me. You'll notice I rarely post in the progress thread, for example, and never in the thin-skinned thread because most people there don't comment on my poems--a few do, but rarely. Generally if I want feedback from Patrick or Eve or Tath, I pm them and ask their opinion.

I usually skim other threads to see if anything there interests me. If I want to comment, I do. I feel pretty free to say what I want and not worry that it's misinterpreted.

I hate when the bs overtakes the board, too. That was my whole point. What came up tonight is an ongoing argument that shows up ad ininitum and nauseum. Of course, I'm anticensorship and think everyone here should say whatever they want assuming they follow forum guidelines. I do think that kindness and inclusion go a long way, but I'm not so naive as to believe it works with everyone.

And as much as I don't like arguing, I prefer when it is straightforward and people just come out and say what the problem is. What is really insidious--and undermines the forum--is when people play games, take digs at others and then backpedal as if they didn't intend it at all. I see that in a lot of posts/comments. I find it devious and cowardly--as much as I disagree with 1201's outburst, I understand it was such behavior that precipitated his anger in the first place. I usually try to handle that in pm myself.

And with that, I bid you happy poeming and goodnight. ee is home now and he brought ice cream. ;)

Tathagata said:
i got a brand new pair of roller skates
you have a brand new key

we studied that song in psychology

please do not hurt yourself with the rollerskate restraints!
good lord man!