Lord Pmann Wants to Discuss Weird Sex Stuff

My question is: once you’ve doused your nuts in honey, maple syrup or cinnamon rolls, then what?
Are you doing this just before a shower? Or at the Cinnabon at the mall? Where is the appropriate setting to see if your balls have a sense of taste?
My question is: once you’ve doused your nuts in honey, maple syrup or cinnamon rolls, then what?
Are you doing this just before a shower? Or at the Cinnabon at the mall? Where is the appropriate setting to see if your balls have a sense of taste?
Afterwards. Freshly dipped balls must do helicopters on video.
But I'd suggest at home. More comfortable. 😍
Alright women of Lit, which do you prefer?

Traditional teddy bear?




Or Panda Poundtown?


I know. It's hard to choose, right?
My question is: once you’ve doused your nuts in honey, maple syrup or cinnamon rolls, then what?
Are you doing this just before a shower? Or at the Cinnabon at the mall? Where is the appropriate setting to see if your balls have a sense of taste?
Fun fact, your balls have taste receptors/buds.. Google it. 😎
I don't want my balls to "taste" the inside of my waders or really any of the other places I happen to stow them.