Lord Pmann Wants to Start a Cult

I am fascinated by cults. But I donā€™t believe in anything enough to fall victim to one. However im not opposed to hanging out with a cult. like at the Spahn movie ranch.

So yeah. Horses, lots of hot guys with big cocks and no houses made out of lettuce and dung. Electricity a must
I used to be in a cult. What Iā€™ve learned is that most people in them want to let go of control and let someone else handle their day-to-day. So get really good at launching people into subspace
I used to be in a cult. What Iā€™ve learned is that most people in them want to let go of control and let someone else handle their day-to-day. So get really good at launching people into subspace

Did you really used to be in a cult?

I have questions if you donā€™t mindā€¦

How did you find it?

Was there anything good about it?

How long were you in?

How hard was it to leave?
Did you really used to be in a cult?

I have questions if you donā€™t mindā€¦

How did you find it?

Was there anything good about it?

How long were you in?

How hard was it to leave?
Iā€™ll answer your questions in order:

Yes, I used to be in a cult.

I was born in it.

No. Wellā€¦maybe the food šŸ˜‹

21 years

Extremely. Lots of financial sabotage and a plane ticket later and Iā€™m scot-free šŸ˜Œ

One thing about cults is that itā€™s not rare to end up in another cult bc youā€™re unknowingly in a network of cults with different leaders. So I jumped in and out of cults Iā€™d originally thought were job offers before I got out completely. Some friends Iā€™ve made have been in similar situations where they think theyā€™re going on a spa retreat or mental health getaway, only to be sucked into something sinister MLM style.
Milord: I seek in vain for the cult writings. They must be:
-vague enough to be interpreted 813 different ways
-contradictory to each other
-have verses that can be put to semi-cool music.
I await instruction.
Iā€™ll answer your questions in order:

Yes, I used to be in a cult.

I was born in it.

No. Wellā€¦maybe the food šŸ˜‹

21 years

Extremely. Lots of financial sabotage and a plane ticket later and Iā€™m scot-free šŸ˜Œ

One thing about cults is that itā€™s not rare to end up in another cult bc youā€™re unknowingly in a network of cults with different leaders. So I jumped in and out of cults Iā€™d originally thought were job offers before I got out completely. Some friends Iā€™ve made have been in similar situations where they think theyā€™re going on a spa retreat or mental health getaway, only to be sucked into something sinister MLM style.

Thank you for answering this. This is fascinating.

Did you live on a compound or something? Or did you get to live wherever?

Also, on a scale of CrossFit to Heavens Gate, where do you say your cult fell in terms of harm to its members? You could also use a 1-10 scale. Why did you choose that number?
Milord: I seek in vain for the cult writings. They must be:
-vague enough to be interpreted 813 different ways
-contradictory to each other
-have verses that can be put to semi-cool music.
I await instruction.

Iā€™m a musician, so I can definitely put some of this to writing. But youā€™re right, I need some good cult writings.
I am fascinated by cults. But I donā€™t believe in anything enough to fall victim to one. However im not opposed to hanging out with a cult. like at the Spahn movie ranch.

So yeah. Horses, lots of hot guys with big cocks and no houses made out of lettuce and dung. Electricity a must
Spahn ranch is overrated. Scariest thing about it is the other people who like to visit it. Just saying.
Yeeeeahhh, but thereā€™s something appealing about a cult living there in exchange for barn chores. But those horse better have been well taken care of
Iā€™m all for communal living. Just not sure that the archetype to follow. I have been eyeing a silent weekend retreat at a local Buddhist temple. Though thatā€™s not ideal either for many reasons.
So, Iā€™ve been watching a fair amount of documentaries about cults lately- The Vow, Love Has Won, Twin Flames, etc.

It makes me want to start a cult, honestly. I mean, with my charming personality and knack for branding people, I think I could really be a great cult leader.

But it got me thinking about all the things that make a good cult. And different people want different things. As the leader, Iā€™m mostly concerned with sex and money. Maybe a little power. But if Iā€™m going to promise you some unachievable shit, what is it that you want to be promised?

I want to know what people are looking for in a cult. And do you think there was ever a time in your life where you couldā€™ve fallen victim to a cult?
I've always dreamed of being one of those 72 virgins that terrorists get to have after they blow themselves up.