Lord Pmann Wants to Discuss Weird Sex Stuff

Pie- that’s a myth that is perpetuated by a movie. Unlike vaginas, pies are solely for eating, not fucking. I’ve never fucked a pie.

Cake- I’ve never fucked a cake but the same rule applies, although I believe the most fuckable cake is tres leches. Which, if you fuck it long enough, it’ll be cuatro leches.

Women’s underwear- you can’t really fuck them. You can use them to masturbate. But not fuck.

A box- not as good as a shop vac. It has sharp edges and there is nothing there once you slide your dick inside. It does not feel good.

A bowl- I’ve never fucked a bowl. But I can’t even wrap my head around the bowl fucking logistics.

A pillow- this is the best choice on your list. It’s fuckable, but it just lays there.

Paper- no. Maybe origami. But not just a plain sheet of paper.

Shop vac > all your suggestions
But none of my suggestions can rip off my dick
"Meth mouth Mollies" is one of my favorite phrases ever. Everyone has that one friend, and if you don't know who it is, I have bad news for you.

The funny thing is, I kind of thought I was the weirdest of all my friends. The one who liked the odd porn… I never thought he was freaky at all. But lo and behold, he was freaky AF.
It's just cunning linguistics
I've heard it both ways.

The funny thing is, I kind of thought I was the weirdest of all my friends. The one who liked the odd porn… I never thought he was freaky at all. But lo and behold, he was freaky AF.
Yup. After more than once of having all eyes glued to me, I learned to shut up. 🤣

I mean, it's probably the most dependable option.
So, today I learned I haven't shoved nearly enough random objects up my ass
Apparently, I haven't either. Who knew.
I’m a big fan of ass play, but I can’t think of a single random thing I’ve shoved in there. I started with a finger (not mine) and worked up to all the normal things (dicks, toys, tongues.) I have a large variety of toys and regularly try new ones. With all of those options, why would I want to even try the random object route? 🤷‍♀️

To this day I don't know why I went with that option. There were easier options that didn't involve that.
Oh, oh, I know this answer! 🙋‍♀️

Your brain gets cloudy af when you’re horny 😂