Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

Allison was happy to come home and cook a surprise meal and spend more time with John after their night together loving what they had shared and happy they hadnt gotten into any disagreements.

She walked back home with John or her mind but it also drifted to Jack for a moment wondering how he would be spending his weekend and if she were alone she mightve dropped by to spend some time with him buet she also knew he needed days of space as welk even though they both spent every moment together the past week.

She made it back home and saw John was waiting in the living room and smiled placing the groceries down and smiled seeinf the flowers thinking John had went out and got it for her and then he said thry came for ger which she was surprised by.

She heard him say he had a surprise for her and to close her eyes and follow him. She felt him step behind her guiding her to the bedroom and she smirked thinking maybe he had wanted to go again.

The mood changed instantly when they stepped in the door and she felt John stiffen behind her and ask her what she was up to and throw accusations.

She gasped surprised by this and was about to say something whwn John covered her mouth and pulled her against him telling her about the sexy clothes snd asking if Abby was a good fuck too.

This was escalating fast not only was she furious with him she was upset he was speaking to her like that.Shehad never seen John this angry. Her eyes welled up w tears and she stuggled in his arms which was no use since she was smaller than him . He picked up the box with the necklace and demanded she open it which she did nervously and hot tears fell down her face as he asked her what kind of sex she had to get that?

He pushed her back on the bed on the pile of clothes and lingerie and cursed annoyed with him. She was fuming and he finished asking her what she had to say for herself.

"John how fucking dare you! You know i would not do that baby... break our promise... i bought the lingerie because a friend i made...Abigail, is happly married .. convinced me to buy some because ive never worn things like that before , she also took me wardrobe shopping to bond and she helped me pick a few things to wear when we go out!" She said her ager building

"You think im a fucking slut or something John? Like you havent been the only man ive wanted and wanted be inside of me? We made that promise when we lost our virginity 10 years back, to never cross that line wirh someone else and ive kept that promise! I was and am still faithful to you John Hill you damn idiot!" She said

She glared at him as she accused her of fucking Jack everyday and she climbed off of the bed putting her things to the side and stood front of him pissed "Jack is my friend we have not fucked ever, theyre thanking me for fucking billion dollar deal i helped them land in Vegas!" She said yelling a pushed him back " How dare you fucking handle me like that! Fuck! I cant believe you John! You know how much i love you, ive been practically begging you to marry me for years! Why would i fuck that up by cheating?! And you know Im not a bi sexual so why in the hell would you even think i was ? Because Samantha is?!(her best friend) You can fuck off John i cant even deal with you right now! Get Out!" She screamed at him pushing him again.
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John knew when he accused her and then pushed her on the bed she would react like a wildcat. During past arguments, when he accused her of something, it always brought out her defensive nature and it was not pretty.

He was having a hard time believing she bought the dresses and lingerie that screamed sex just because a friend talked her into it. The Allison he knew usually controlled what she wore and it was always of a more conservative nature. Yeah she had a few sexy underwear garments that he liked but nothing like some of the ones on the bed. Did she all of a sudden become aware of her sexual prowess? What had she been doing for two months?

The dresses lying in a heap were not the kind worn in Cleveland. They were more likely found in places like New York, Los Angeles, and Vegas. This was not the Allison he knew. If what she said was true, she was never coming back to Cleveland.

John listened to her yell at him about not breaking their promise. In a nanosecond, the image of him and Sandra fucking like rabbits seared his brain and he knew he had broken their promise.

"I haven't broken my vow. Hell I haven't kissed another woman," he lied but he knew there was no arguing with her when she was on the rampage. When she yelled about him thinking she was a fucking slut or something, his anger grew and then when she called him a damn idiot, his blood began to boil and his anger more intense.

He listened as she defended her boss and John sensed there was more to it but he let it lie. He was not about to try arguing with her when she is screaming at him and pushing him backward.

He grabbed her hands glaring back at her angry tear-filled emerald eyes as she accused him of handling her and saying he knew how much she loved him and how she was begging to marry him which he took as his fault for not tying the knot. She was panting hard and yelling that she was not bi as she pushed him again. John felt her arms shaking trying to escape his strong grip but he just squeezed harder as she screamed that he could fuck off and GET OUT.

John looked into her tear-filled eyes and in a rough gruff voice said, “you can’t deal with this. Well maybe I can’t deal with you.” He felt his anger growing out of control and knew he had to get away and calm his nerves. But he needed to give his two cents worth.

“You say you’re begging to get married for years and when I offered to marry you now, you don’t want to leave New York so you want it all on your terms. You knew I had two years left in med school and you know full well I can’t just up and leave med school. I would have to start over at a new school I can't just enroll in a class in the middle of the semester and it would take more years to complete my training. I don’t think I want to spend the rest of my life in school just to appease your decision to live in New York. As far as I’m concerned you’re the one being selfish.”

He loosened his grip and saw she was about to say something but he would not release her, not until he had his say. “The Allison I remember would’ve been excited to show me what she bought. Remember how you use to buy something you thought was sexy and as soon as you got home I could see the excitement on your face and you couldn't wait to show me. I think you were afraid to show me your new outfits. I think you're hiding something from me. Are you hiding something I should know about Allison???"

Before she could say another word, he released her. "You want me gone well Ms. James I'm out of here. I'm not going back to Cleveland today and if you want to talk about anything, you know my phone number." He abrutly picked up his overnight bag and turned walking out the door not caring that she was calling after him.

When he got into his car, he called Sandra and told him what happened as he drove to a hotel nearby.
Allie saw him begin to pick up his overnight bag and begin walking toward the door. She tugged the bag a bit and tried to move in his way because she wanted to finish this conversation but he easily moved her out of the way. He hurled over his shoulder that she had his number " Yeah well you know mine too,
John!" She said walking behind him "John! John get back here and listen to me we aren't finished talking!" She yelled out to her stubborn boyfriend hot tears on her cheek and she let out an angry frustrated yell in her loft hearing him slam the door behind him as he left.

He was angry because he was used to a more conservative Allie and she knew he didn't like other people staring at her in an attracted way but why shouldn't she be able to feel sexy and confident?

He hadn't given her a chance to show her any of the things, he had just gone into her luggage and started throwing accusations,why had he done that after they had such a good night.

She grabbed a drink and went out to lay on the couch in the living room a couch she and John had been making love on not too many hours ago.

She hated when they fought but John knew just what buttons to push with her and vice versa he always took it a little further and she hated he said couldn't deal with her like she was the cause of all of this moving to new york and them fighting.. he had even called her selfish and that hurt more.

She couldn't stop crying and made to call her friend and she didn't pick up. She sobbed crying and she wanted to call Jack but didn't not knowing how he would feel about her calling about her boyfriend when she knew how he was beginning to feel about her.
John checked into a Ramada Inn and was a bit surprised and flustered at the cost for one night, $250. "Well it's New York isn't it." he mused as he settled into the room. He called Sandra again and they talked about the situation and she tried to soothe his anger. But everytime he thought of those sexy outfits and lingerie, he became more confused if she was telling him the truth. And why now?

He hung up after telling Sandra he would be back in Cleveland either Sunday or Monday and they made plans to have a quiet dinner at his place and talk about things. He knew the talk with Sandra would end up with both of them in bed.

Sitting in the room and looking out over the skyline he started to have some doubts. Was he over reacting? Did she really have a friend in Vegas that convinced her to buy those outfits. Should he had given her the benefit of the doubt? But there was something sticking in his craw and he thought she was not telling him the whole truth about what happened in Vegas. He wanted to believe her but the way she acted when she first saw him seemed odd. He put it down as being surprised but then he thought he heard her call out Jack when they were making love the first time. Maybe it was time to confront the man who might be able to shed some light on his fears.

Looking up the phone number of Wolfe Insdustries, he called thinking that no one would answer. But when a man answered he asked for Jack Wolfe and was surprised to hear the man tell him he was Jack and how could he help him. John felt a cold chill crawl down his spine knowing he was talking to Allie's boss.

"I'm sorry to be calling you on a Saturday sir but my name is John Hill and I'm dating one of your employees ... a Ms. Allison James."

Jack smiled, wondering what the hell happened that her boyfriend would be calling him on a Saturday afternoon. He just happened to be in the office reviewing Jacob's contract again. Did they break up and he's pissed to find out he and Allie almost went all the way? He held his breath, waiting for the shoe to drop. "How can I help you John?"

"Mr. Wolfe. I surprised Allison last night at her apartment and we got into a huge fight this morning about her trip to Vegas." John told him he took delivery of the flowers he sent and got instantly jealous and then he mentioned the clothes he found in her luggage and how he went ballistic on her and he left in a huff. "I'm not one to mince words Mr. Wolfe but did anything sexually happen on the trip?"

Jack had to surpress a chuckle. He thought of President Clinton's famous words "I did not have sex with that woman." What he really was saying ..... it all in how you define sex

Jack was silent for a moment, astonished he would ask but realized Allie must have not mentioned how they kissed and fondled each other, enjoying multiple orgasms without fucking. She probably left that part out of the argument. "No nothing happened sexually. Allison was a perfect employee and she did a fantastic job landing a contract that will be worth billions."

"She said she met a gal I think her name was Abby and she says the woman talked her into buying some clothes ..... that .... that she normally doesn't wear."

"Abby is a partner in the firm we are working with and she is very persusive and convinced Allison to buy some fancy clothes. I'm not sure of what they all purchased as they packed them away in a piece of luggage Abby bought for her." He knew it was mostly a lie but if Allison didn't tell him, he was not about to interfere with their argument. He also was not inclined to tell John that Allie modeled some of her sexy lingerie and they almost fucked.

"Thank you sir. I think I owe Allison an apology," John said.

Jack smiled as he told him, "Anytime John and when you see or talk to her tell her we are very happy she is part of the team."

John felt relieved that he took the initiative to call her boss. He seemed very pleased with Allison's performance. Dialing her number, he heard it ring a number of times and was just about to hang up when he heard her soft voice that told him she had been crying.

"Allison don't say a word .... let me apologize first and tell you Iwas all wrong and jumped to conclusions and should have listened to you. I called your boss (he heard a loud gasp from her) and he told me everything you told me was true about the trip and I'm so sorry I jumped to conclusions. He told me to tell you he is very happy you are part of the team."

He was surprised she didn't say anything and then he said, "Listen maybe you should call him and thank him for the flowers. He seems like a really nice boss. And by the way, I am at the Ramada Inn down the street from you, Room 1402. Why don't you wear something sexy and come stay here for the night?"

He knew he threw a lot at her and he could hear her breathing on the other end of the call as he waited to hear what she had to say.
Allison sat up in the dark curled up crying, she had noone to talk to at the moment even if she was eager to talk with Jack. She was about to give in and call Jack when she saw her screen light up and was surprised it was John.

She let it ring a bit, unsure if he was calling to continue their argument over the phone now, she knew him, and when he was angry he just didnt let up sometimes.

She finally answered and said softly "John I dont-" she began but he interrupted telling her not to say a word and that he was wrong and had jumped conclusions. She was wondering why he had done a 360 and he told her that he had called Jack causing her to gasp.

How did he even get his number?! Had he gone through her phone too? She felt completely betrayed and she was surprised Jack had even spoke with himmand rold john he was very happy she was a part of the team.

She sighed knowing she owed him a call to thank him for the flowers and apologize for John dragging him into their fight by questioning him. He then mentioned he was at the hotel and that she should come wearing somefhing sexy for him.

Allie was still upset with him even though he was sowmwhat righf, she waa hiding who exactly she bought that lingerie for andnhow much he has enjoyed her trying it on for him to the point fhatbthey nearly made thay final step and all promises were nearly broken.

She heard him anxiously waiting for her answer and she was silent a while then said " Give me a little time John, and then ill come over.." she said needing to relax and let the wine settle a bit before seeing him.

They ended their call and she immediately called Jack, she could imagine what he was thinking and some of that might be true but she didnt want Jack upset with her in any way. She knew she shouldn't be feeling like this because john was her boyfriend, but her week with Jack had built something between the two of them she just couldn't get off of her mind or ignore.

She heard him pick up and sighed " Jack...I want to apologize for John bringing you into our arguement ..that was wrong of him, and then... i want to thank you for the flowers, theyre beautiful "she said softly her voice a little hoarse from her yelling than crying "Is this weird talking about this? She asked not wanting to be insensitive to him.
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John waited anxiously for Allison’s answer. And when she told him to give her a little time and she’ll come to the hotel, he felt excited. With Jack Wolfe’s explanation, he felt he was wrong. His lover had done nothing in Vegas that broke their vow to each other.

As soon as he thought of their commitment to each other, he felt some shame for breaking it with Sandra. But, he figured, with him in Cleveland and Allison in New York what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. He laid on the bed, his thoughts shifting from Allison to Sandra as he waited for the woman he dated for 10 years. He was sure it was going to be a memorable night of lovemaking.

Jack was reviewing the Jacob contact when his cell phone chined. A smile formed on his face seeing it was Allie. He knew why she was calling, assuming John had talked to her after they had their conversation. He was still feeling a bit lonely without her. They had spent almost the entire week together and he was falling for her. But with John in town, he couldn't show his true feelings. He knew he was a third wheel and hoped that soon he wouldn't be in third but hers totally.

After saying hello, he heard her soft voice tell him she wanted to apologize for John bringing him into their argument. He listened to her say it was wrong for him to do it and then she thanked him for the flowers.

He was about to talk when she asked if it was weird for her to talk to him about this. Jack hesitated for a moment collecting his thoughts not really knowing if John told her everything about their conversation.

"Allie first of all… you’re welcome. You deserve much more than a bouquet of flowers.” But he knew he couldn’t give her what he really wanted to give her.

“one thing I want to get clear with you. I like you very much and don't like to see you hurt. You can come to me anytime with anything and I'll help you. John called about our time in Vegas and I'm not sure what he told you but he wanted to know if you had an sexual relations in Vegas. I told him no. While you and I did have sexual relations the whole time, we didn't go all the way. What we did is between us and he doesn't need to know unless you tell him."

He took a moment, thinking how he would love to be with her now and then he said, "Our relationship is between us Allie. I know he is with you this weekend and it had to be a shock for you to see him when he showed up." He wanted to say more but knew that it would only interfere with her weekend with John.

"Allie ..... (a long hesitation) I lo ..... he stopped himself. "I look forward to seeing you on Monday. We have a lot of work to do on the Jacob contract and I got a note from Maggie that they want to meet sometime next week to talk about their development."

He sensed she was still confused between him and John and asked, "Are you alright?"
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Allie smiled softly hearing Jacks voice,and him telling her she deserved more than the bouquet of flowers,despite it being one day she did miss him.

She listened to him as he told he told her how much he liked her and didnt want to see her hurt and that she could come to him anytime with anything and be would help her. She believed Jacks words fully and she heard him continue telling her what john had called and he kept things about what they did and if they had sexual relations and he denied it and told her that their relationship was between them.

She thought about how her weekend would've been if she hadnt left his place after their trip, and she heard him say he knew John was with her and how he knew it had to be a shock to her.

"It was Jack, i didnt expect it at all , and he drove here from Cleveland" she said amd sighed knowing how long that drive was there because she had done it.

She heard him call her name and hesitate a bit starting a sentence but not finishing what he said and he deflected the converation to the contract for Jaxob and how they wanted to meet sometime next week. " I'll
review that first thing Monday Jack" she said gently.

Her mind was torn, she wanted to tstay her and talk with him all night, even though she knew John was waiting. Jack had almost a sixrh sense for her and asked her if she was alright.

She chuckled and ran her hands gently through her hair and sighed " Im as good as im going to get tonight ..." she said a little sad at how john had treated her earlier and knew if she told Jack the entire story he might be irrirated or upset with the way he held her and handled her today.

She couldnt help blurting out she had missed him as her wine started kicking in a bit. " Ill make this up to you over dinner Monday? I"ll cook this time" she said and smiled excited for Jack to try her home cooking.

"I lo- I will see you on Monday Jack " she paused almost saying she loved him because it felt so natural. She and Jack hesitantly ended their call and got dressed wearing some lingerie under her dress and worr some heels as well before heading to meet John.
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Jack could tell from the tone in Allison's voice that she was still upset with John over their fight. He didn't know all the particulars but he imagined it took a toll on her.

He didn't want the call to end but knew the more they talked the more he would tell her his true feelings. And now was not the time to tell her. When she told him she missed him and she would make it up to him with dinner on Monday night, he responded quickly, "I miss you too Allie and I'll see you on Monday and I'm looking forward to dinner with you on Monday night." He stopped and he knew she could hear his laugh as he said, "Oh and I'll make the dessert. It won't be as good as your strawberry shortcake."

There was a short pause and both knew they needed to end the call or something might happen that would not be good for either of them. Afterwards Jack walked out onto the terrace and sat in a chair, watching the late afternoon sun. He assessed their relationship and felt like they were two aerialist on a highwire slowly moving toward each other one foot at a time each teetering on the wire trying to keep their balance. He wondered how it would be to meet her in the middle.


John was excited to see Allison. He went out and purchase a couple bottles of her favorite wine and sat in the room anxiously waiting for her to arrive. In the meantime, he thought of Sandra and called her. It seemed like no more than a second passed when he heard her voice.

"Hey baby ..... I've been thinking about you," he heard her say in a very soft seductive tone.

"I've been thinking about you too," he replied and they talked about how they were excited to see each other when he returned to Cleveland on Monday.

He heard her tell him to hold on. She was gone for couple of minutes and then he saw she wanted to face time. John click on facetime and smiled when he saw his lab partner sitting on the sofa playing with a dildo. He felt a huge surge of blood flowing through his veins as he watched her fuck herself.

She had a big smile on her face as she spoke. "I want you here with me John. I want to feel your hard cock inside me instead of this toy. Or maybe I can have both you and the toy at the same time."

"Ohhh baby I want you too," he moaned into the phone. He watched and heard her orgasm and wished he was there with her. After she pulled the dildo from her pussy, she licked it and told him she would do the same to him when her came home. John was torn between Allison and Sandra. He knew he was playing with fire but as long as the fires were miles apart he felt fine.

They ended their call and John had a short time to compose himself before Allison arrived. When he opened the door and saw her dress he smiled, taking her into his arms, kissing her in the hallway. When the kiss ended, he smiled and took her hand, guiding her into his room.

"I'm so glad I called your boss Allie and he cleared everything up. I can't begin to tell you how stupid I felt today when I realized I over reacted. I got your favorite wine and can you forgive me for being a real asshole? I never should have treated you that way."
Allie thought about Jack on her walk over and smiled softly thinking about their conversation. She arrived four minutes later to his hotel, and John smiled seeing her kissing her in the hallway.

She heard him apologize for overreacting and told her he got her favorite peach sangria. "You were upset baby i forgive you.."she said softly and kissed him not wanting to dwell on it.

The clock read midnight and she sighed realizing the two wasyed a whole day arguing and after today he would be going back to Cleveland. She wished he coukd stay longer so they could hang out and relate more but she knew he had school and she had work with Jack,

The spent the night having sex , John had loved the lingerie but did not take the time to appreciate it in the way Jack did. He peeled it off of her and began sex shortly after with hardly any foreplay,it seemed he was worked up by something again but this time he focused on them making them cum a few times then again in the morning before they checked out and went back to her place and shared the shower fucking again in the small space.

John seemed extremely happy after the multiple rounds they had last night and this morning and then she spent the day showing him the city and the has dinner a restaurant out which she treated them. They also explored a few bars and by the time they got back to her place she was tired and both were buzzed they had drunk sex with him cumming in Allie multiple times despite him having done it only once before on the trip.

They woke up in the Morning Monday and she made him some breakfast and a few more things for the road and John was off about 5 am so he could get ahead of traffic.

She had a few hours before work and she knew she woukdnr be going backmro sleep. She did laundry changing the shests they slept ojmall weekend and rhen washing the ones they did sleep on, cleaning the bathroom and kitxhen and then finally sitting to relax a moment and rhinkmof fhe weeknd and about how happy she actually felt going to see Jack today.

She had just eaten fruit with John while they talked comfortably and she was glad they left in a good place, but she wanted to share a meal with Jack and she made a breakfast skillet meal and some mimosa for them paired with fresh baked biscuits and put it in a nice basket to carry so they could eat together at the office before everyone came in.

She brushed her hair back today and put on a little makeup knowing she wanted to be on time. She wore a black dress and heels and hoped Jack woukd like thid outfit.
Jack sat on the balcony after his conversation with Allie, watching the sunset and wondering what her and John were doing. He knew exactly what they doing and he realized he was jealous. He had a feeling that even though they were dating for 10 years, he felt Allie wanted more in life than being a doctor's wife, staying home and having kids. After only a week with her as part of the company, he thought she could really make an impact with his company and industry.

He didn't sleep well on Saturday and Sunday he spent most of the day in the office, reviewing contracts. But throughout the day he couldn't get Allie out of his mind. He kept thinking about her with John and felt helpless. But there was nothing he could do and resigned himself to hoping someday she would turn her total attention to him. Going to bed on Sunday night, he felt excitement knowing that Allie would be in the office on Monday morning.

Waking up early like he did everyday, he sat on the balcony dressed in his shorts and his white terrycloth robe. He liked to sit out in the morning air and read the news on his computer. He knew Charles would be here soon to make his breakfast and looked forward to seeing Allie in the office.

He was reading about the Congress wanting to pass some laws that would affect his business, when he saw the elevator door open and thought it was Charles. He had to look twice when he saw Allie carrying a basket and he couldn't help but smile brightly. He couldn't believe how excited he felt at that moment seeing her in black dress that looked absolutely lovely on her.

When she walked through the balcony doors, he stood and for a moment didn't know how to react. Before this weekend he would have rushed to her but with her spending two days with John, he found himself unsure of what to do. Would she brush him off? Was she still going with John and was their relationship about to take a backseat to her and John?

But there was something in the way she looked at him that told him he was still in the game. He decided to throw caution to the wind and walked quickly to her, taking the basket and setting it on the table. And then he turned to her and put his hands on her shoulders, "Allie you look absolutely gorgeous this morning." He looked at the way she applied her mascara and he smiled, "I love your dress and your makeup. I'm glad to see you this morning."

He still wasn't sure if he should kiss her, not knowing what she would say about her weekend with John. He looked into her emerald eyes and there was an awkward moment. He saw her eyes shift to his lips and decided to take a chance as he pulled her to him. “I’m not sure I should do this,” he said kissing her gently as their bodies pressed together. Breaking the kiss, he waited for her to say something as he said, "I missed you Allie." And then he chuckled "What did you bring for breakfast?"
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Allie had parked and rode up to his suite using the special code he gave her. She was nervous riding up, she knew Jack knew what she and John had been up to this weekend amd womdered if he would even welcome the surprise but shook her head knowing Jack was not like that and woukdnr blow up with her like john had.

She stepped off the elevator and listened for him then spotted him on the balcony wearing boxers and a robe and walked over to see him there. She saw his bright smile at her and she couldnt help but grin back at him.

There was a small moment of awkwardness neither knowing how to react after short weekend with John but Jack walked over helping her and placing the things on the table then turned telling her how gorgeous she looked this morning.

She trailed her eyes over his body and chuckled "Youl ook really good too Jack" she said and blushed slightly when he complimented her dress and makeup " Im glad you like it"

There was a small moment of silence as they stood close to each other and then her eyes looked at his lips and then their eyes met. She heard him say he easnt sure he should do this and she wasnt quite sure after her weekend with John but the moment he kissed her, she returned it eagerly having missed him in those two short days.

She smiled softly as he seemed to have voiced her thoughts and said " I missed you too Jack, im glad to be back here" she would've said more but she smirked seeing him eye the basket and ask when she brought for breakfast.

" I cooked for us.. i made a breakfast skillet, fresh biscuits and bought things for us to makr mimosas, i hope i didnt put Charles out of a job this morning?" She said snd chuckled.
Jack wasn’t sure if what he did by kissing her was the right thing to do. But when he heard her say she missed him and she was glad to be back here, he felt a thrill course through him. Did things go awry with John? Would they finally complete the sensual desire they both were feeling?

He could tell she wanted to say more but she directed his attention to the basket, telling him she cooked a breakfast skillet, fresh biscuits and bought things for us to make mimosas,

He laughed when she said she hoped she didn’t put Charles out of a job. this morning.

“Oh I don’t think you’ll put him out of a job unless you plan to make my breakfast every morning,” he said with a bright smile.

He saw her look and wondered how things went with John? Did they break it off?

Charles appeared to serve them coffee. “Good morning Ms. James. I hope I’m not losing my cooking duties for Mr. Wolfe.” he joked.

“I don’t think so Charles she’s more valuable outside the kitchen,” Havk said seeing Allison’s approving smile.

Turning his attention to Allie, he told her, “we have a lot of work to do today. Robert and Maggie want to have lunch and Jacob wants a zoom call this afternoon to hopefully finalize their contract.”

He gazed into her deep emerald eyes. “Are you ready for a full day of work and remember you promised a great home cooked dinner at you place tonight. Do you think you’re up to it?”
Allie smiled at the thought of making him breakfast when they woke up, she knew it was impossible to do so everyday because of how busy they were, but she definitely didnr mind starting her day like rhis with him.

She chuckled at Charles and Jack joking and was thanfil charles had brought them some plates to enjoy. The basket was insulated so luckily everything she cooled was still hot and fresh. She smiled as Jack too initiative to pour their mimosas

"Im prepared Jack for our day together and for making us dinner, is there anythinf special youd like me to make? Or do you want it fo be a surprise?" She grinned totally fine with whatever he chose just wanting to enjoy rhe meal with him tonight.

His last visit to her apartment is what started things between them, the heated kiss in her living room and he had taken her up to her room without injury , undressed her, and tucked her in. That is how she knew Jack was an amazing man, has he been sleazy he wouldve jumped at the opportunity to fuck her and take advantage of the situation, but he wasnt and he had earned even more of her admjration and respect that day.

She reached over grabbing his hand serious about missing him and knew she couldnt wait to have in iver tonight to feed him in various different ways.
After Allison told him she was prepared for the day he had no doubts in his mind. It had been one week since he hired her and in that week she proved to be very valuable. And when she added her comment about dinner at her place, he remembered putting her bed and admiring her partial nakedness as he lay on the bed.

"Nothing special Allie just like when you came here for dinner. Surprise me and I'll surprise you with dessert." he said picking up the mimosa. "Here's to a wonderful day making deals and money and to what I'm sure will be a great night." They clicked their glasses and he stared into those magnetic eyes wondering what would happen after dinner. He had a feeling her and John left on good terms and that could only mean if they fooled around, they could only go so far.

When she reached over the table to grab his hands, he smiled, seeing her affection in her emerald eyes. He wished they had all day to just be together in bed but duty calls. But she would be by his side all day making deals and that made him happy. He thought of John and Allie but that image was soon fading as he released her hands and picked up his fork.

Jack tasted the food in front of him and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them he saw Allie looking at him as if wanting to know how it tasted. "I should call Charles in right now and fire him and let you make all my meals," he joked with a wide smile. It was like magic when she let out a loud laugh and it was good to see her happy.

They talked a little about the upcoming meeting with Robert and Maggie and then the zoom meeting with Jacob. He saw her staring at his open robe and wondered what was going throught her pretty mind. Was she thinking about joining him in the shower this morning but knew that probably would not happen since she was dressed and wouldn’t want to ruin her makeup. Or was she thinking about later tonight at her place. Would she invite him to spend the night? The thoughts of her with him again set in motion a series of sensations that she seemed to be triggered just by being with her.

"I was wondering Allie about something. What was the surprise our dear friend Abby left for you in your luggage?"
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Allie nodded when he told her to surprise him and knew she woukd make a Jack a meal they would both enjoy and she was excited to try his dessert, but that was for later, now, she was enjoying his comoany like she usually did and couldn't help but feel happy with him

She watched as he ate wondering if he had enjoyed and couldn't help but laugh at Jacks playfulness with her as he joked he should call Charles in and fire him. and let her cook all of his meals. She knew Charles wasnt going anywhere but surprising him with meals from time to time did seem nice.

They began talking about the business for today but Allison couldnt help but trail her eyes over Jacks amazing body, she had a few flashbacks of their times together in the shower in Vegas both the inimate and steamy times where they washed each others bodies but also pleasured one another.

She made a note to get dressed here next time, and perhaps leave a few pieces of clothing and underwear she could change into, maybe she would ship some things to him hoping he wouldnt mind.

She smiled as he suddenly asked what Abby has put in her bag and chuckled " It was a very risque dress, i doubt i can wear underwear beneath because of the fringe, perhaps a small black thong at most and a slicone bra." She blushed a little as Jack stared at her after that statement and she chuckled realizing she had created that visiual in Jacks head.

She was tempted to undress and join him and judtbretouch her makeup, but she knew the two had a busy day ahead of them. She smiled and said " Ok Jack... Ill clean this up with Charles and review the paperwork some before hearing down first ok?" She stood and walked over to him sneaking soft kiss before he went inside and said flirtily" I"ll see you in the office Mr.Wolfe"

She tidied up quickly with Charles and put her tupperware in his dishwasher ro clean knowing she could pick it up anytime and wenr down to the office to read the rest of the paperwork and prepare for their day of making more money.
Jack listened to Allie's description of the dress Abby put in her luggage. He chuckled when she mentioned she doubted she could wear any underwear but maybe a small black thong and a slicone bra. He felt a stirring in his loins imagining how sexy she would look.

"Allie I have a feeling you're going to look very sexy in it, especially if Abby picked it out. Truthfully, I would love to have you model it for me or better yet take you out for a nice dinner." He saw her eyes sparkle at the thought of modeling the dress for him.

Standing up after breakfast, he listened as she told him she would help Charles clean up before heading to the office. He knew she was not going to join him in the shower when she gave him a kiss, telling him in a very sexual tone that she would meet him in the office.

He smiled, "By the way Allie, you do know that I showed you the extra bedroom that is totally yours. If you want to bring some clothes and leave them, you’re more than welcome and it would be great."

In the shower he thought about what might happen today and tonight. She seemed very happy this morning and he had a feeling their non-sexual relationship was still active.

Dressing in his business suit he smiled in the mirror before heading down to the office. He saw her at her desk absorbed in paperwork. Knocking softly on the door jamb, he saw her look up and a wide smile creased her face.

There was something he needed to know before tonight. He pulled a chair around the desk and sat down facing her. Holding her hands in his, he told her, “I’m really happy you’re here Allie. But there is something I think we both need to talk about.”

He saw her eyes scanning his face and then focusing on his steel grey eyes. He was pretty sure she knew what was coming.

“I don’t want any details about what you and John did over the weekend but as far as you and I are concerned I need to know if we are still in a holding pattern.”

The look in her eyes told him the answer. He quickly added, “If we are that is ok. It just means we both have to wait a bit longer and when that time comes, I promise you it’ll be very special.”

He stopped talking because if he did, he knew he would say he’s falling for her.
Allie smiled on her way down to the office thinking about John reminding her about the room in his place and made a mental note to order some things and send it to his place under his name and smirked thinking of how surprised Jack might be opening some of that lingerie.

She was deep into paperwork when heard Jack knock softly on her door. She looked up seeing him in his business suit and glanced over him appreciatively and grinned.

She saw him smile back then enter grabbing her guest chair and moving it around to her side of the desk and grabbing her hands holding them. She heard him say there was something imporrant he wanted to talk about and her eyes met his and she knew from that look it was about her and john.

She wondered how much he wanted to know and he told her he didnt want details , but she knew Jack wanted to be with her fully and was waiting , she also knew it wouldnt be fair to keep him waiting, she and John never did get to finish talking seriously and the rest of the weekend consisted of quality time and sex, and when she thought about the ultimatum he gave her when it came to him marrying her and again wondered if John would ever want to, but they had left things on pleasant terms for now, but she did have to ask him at some point if he ever planned to, because if not, she would have to move on as much as it would hurt her and their families that have grown close in the 10 years

She was happy she Jack had been so understanding and patient with her and she reached up stroking hid cheek a little looking into his eyes " Yes...we are still at a line Jack and i know when our time comes.. it will be more than worth it...Jack i -" she stopped herself again from saying the words and lifted his hand to kiss it gently "..I look forward to my time with you always.., and i cant wait until we have our time together tonight" she said softly.
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Jack knew the answer before Allison spoke but he wanted to hear it from her. He felt a bit sad that they were still in a holding pattern but there was something in the way she spoke that seemed to indicate the wall between them was beginning to crumble.

When she told him there was still a line between them and she knew that when their time came, it would be more than worth it, he smiled. But then she started to speak again but stopped abrutly. He could see she wanted to say something more but he was sure didn't want to really express herself. He couldn't blame her because he was the same way.

He smiled into her emerald eyes as she took his hands and softly kissed the back of them telling him she looked forward to always being with him and couldn't wait until they had their time tonight. The way her eyes conveyed the message and the way she spoke told him dinner was not the only thing on the menu.

Jack stood and pulled Allie out of her chair. He put his hands on her cute buttocks pulling her against him while she put her arms around his neck. As he squeezed her cheeks, he talked softly in a very suggestive tone. "I can be patient but at some time we will have to decide whether we will go forward or not. But for now I'm happy to spend time with you and I'll be counting the minutes until dinner even though I'll be with you all day Allie. I'm looking forward to having a fine meal, dessert, and more." (he put the emphasis on more).

He leaned forward, their lips meeting, feeling her hands pull his head, keeping their lips locked. His lips found her lower lip, pulling and sucking on it teasingly while his tongue slid delicately over it. He could feel his desire for her risiing and when the kiss broke, he chuckled, "you do know that when we were in Vegas there is one place on your body I didn't get to kiss and you know where I'm talking about."

He stared directly into her eyes seeing them shimmering, "I made a promise to kiss every inch of your delicious body and I keep my word Ms. James, he smiled. "And today as we wheel and deal, I want you to think about my lips caressing that certain body part. I want to make your body quiver and want more."
Allie sighed kissing him and understood what he meant and knew she thought the exact same things, but decisons couldnt be made right now and she sighed into the passionate kiss Jack had just given her.

Jack knew just what to do in their short time together and she gasped softly as he gripped her ass kissing her. She loved the way Jack touched her and grinned as he reminded her of his promise i vegas of kissing every inch of her skin.

She stared into his eyes heatedly as he told her he planned on keeping his word and he wanted her thinking about him doing it and how he wanted to make her body quiver and want more.

"Fuck Jack...if you keep this up...i will barely be able to concentrate baby"shd sighed sexily and knew Jack got a peek of the sexy lingerie she had on beneath this subtly sexy yet professional dress, the meeting might be delayed a few minutes

She kissed him deeply onr last time and sighed stepping back reluctantly and said " Lets seal some deals today Mr. Wolfe.. then meet Maggie and Robert for lunch" she smiled
Jack chuckled, hearing Allie tell him if he kept it up she would barely concentrate on work today. "That's the idea baby," he whispered. "I want you thinking of what I'm going to do to your luscious body tonight."

When she pulled up her dress to let him get a peek of the sexy lingerie she was wearing, he smiled. "Ohh playing dirty are we," he laughed. "If you keep that up, I'll just have to do something about it right here in your office." He slapped at her bare ass cheek, hearing her let out a small yelp. "Naughty girls deserve a spanking and I'm just the one to give it to you."

Both of them knew playtime was over as more employees arrived for the day. He had just pulled her dress down when Jessica appeared at the door.

"it's good to have you back Jack and Allison. I hope your trip to Vegas was fruitful?"

"yes it was very fruitful," Jack said, knowing it was fruitful on more than one level. "Jacob Hausman wants to have a zoom call this afternoon. Can you notify us when it's ready?"

"Sure thing Jack." Then she turned to Allie. "Allison I have the changes you requested on the Johnson proposal for your lunch meeting. I think they are ready for you and Jack to review the final draft. I put them in the conference room for you. Is there anything else I need to do Allison for your meeting with Robert and Maggie Johnson? Oh by the way how did you like Vegas? Did Jack behave himself?"

Jack waited for Allie to respond and while he did, he imagined her without her dress and only prancing around in her sexy underwear.
Allison and Jack had just stopped short of their flirting and teasing when Jessica appeared at her door with a small knock at her door and she welcomed them back from Vegas.

She chuckled as he said it was fruitful and I was in many ways and she smiled hearing Jessica had gotten her requests done so quickly and had it ready for her in the conference room.

She also asked if there was anything she needed for Maggie and Roberts letting and said " I have most things digitized but it wouldn't hurt for us to have hard copies printed as well.

She smiled over at Jack before answering " Jack was great, although I did get to meet his competitive side at the racetrack and tables" she laughed she saw Jack ogling her and blushed a little..

" How were things here Jessica? We umm ran into Judy upon our return and Jessica shook her head " Im so sorry i hope i didnt cause any problems Jack"Jessica sighed " I didnt know she would stay up as long as she did , i can have security change codes to your place if you'd like?"
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He was caught gazing at her body and it was interrupted by here recollection and his laugh was genuine as he responded, “Don’t believe a word she says Jessica. I let her win one time on the racetrack and it was me who showed her how to win at blackjack and craps. She was a good student and I have to say she won a boat load of money.

Jack was quick to respond to Jessica’s apology about letting Judy, his ex-wife, have access to his apartment. “Yes please have security change the code and the only person’s to have access is you, Allison, Charles, and myself.”

Jessica smiled and said, “I’ll take care of it right now Jack. Also Al Watson from Watson Electronics sent over some forms from a government contract and he needs to have you look them over this morning.”

Jack looked at Allie. “You’re about to get a quick lesson on government contracts.” They went into his office and Jack showed Allison the redundancy clauses and what to look for with government contracts. It was tricky looking for loopholes, but once you found them it could be a very lucrative deal. He was surprised at how fast she picked up and before long she had found a few loopholes. Jack was proud of her and complemented her, “You’re doing great Allie,”

By the time they finished it was time to meet Robert and Maggie. Jessica told them they were meeting at the Kingston Restaurant. As they walked to the elevator, Hack commented, “you remember that restaurant… you know the one where you had a bit too much to drink.”
Allison giggled teasing that when they got back to Vegas they would have a re match. Jessica mentioned government contracts and loopholes they coukd sneak in and she quickly caught on impressing Jack and Jessica.

They finished that quickly and then had their meeting in the conference room and finalized their Vegas contract and contracts to begin construction. By the time they were finished it was time for lunch with Maggie and Robert and rhat they were meeting at the kingston.

Allie chuckled as Jack reminded her of the restaurant and nodded " Yes i remember Jack, i wjll also limit myself today with drinks if i do indulge" she smirked. It was also the night of their first kiss together.

She knew how professional she had tried staying that meeting and how Jack had been aware of her and made sure to take care of her. They took a car Jack had waiting down for them and climbed in and 15 minutes they arrived and were a little earlt and seated waiting for the couple. If someone were watching, youd think Jack and Allie were out on a date just from how they had dressed.

"You know Jack... i never did get to tell you how good you look in that suit" she said this time her eyes ogoling him flirtily before their guests arrived. She did admit she thought of his promise a few times during the meeting especially with his small subtle touches and their bodies so close as they shared a screen earlier.
While they waited for Robert and Maggie to arrive, they sat in a booth, close together, and ordered a glass of wine. He smiled at her when she told him, with in a tantalizing tone, how good he looked in his suit. The way her eyes sparkled as she said it and then admitted she thought of what he told her earlier about touching her tonight made Jack's thoughts about her boyfriend disappear.

He put a hand on her leg and squeezed, his voice soft and suggestive. "I'm happy to hear you're thinking of how I'm going to touch and kiss you Allie. Keep it up and to tell you the truth I've been thinking of your hands and lips on my body too."

He felt her hand slide onto his thigh both of them looking out over the restaurant to see if anyone noticed. The wine arrived and Jack offered a toast, "to a lovely lady that has made my life bright the last week and is someone very speial." Her smile was infectious and he leaned over to give her a peck on the cheek, not really caring that Robert and Maggie were at the front of the restaurant talking to the hostess. He saw a big smile on Maggie's face when she looked in their direction.
Allison smiled at hearing him say he was thinking about her hands and lips on his body and bit back a sigh knowing that she discovered this weekend just how much she enjoyed swallowing her lovers cock and cum.

She cleared her throat a second from the flashback and felt his hand slide up to her thigh and he toasted to her. She grinned countering with a toast of her own and said " To a kind, smart and generous man, I'm happy you are in my life Jack you are special to me too and grow more special by the week, to our growth together" she said and smiled blushing at the kiss on her cheek.

She returned a quick one as well but glanced toward the door seeing Maggie looking in their direction and knew she had probably seen their cute exchange and soon the couple had made their way over to the table to join them.

She glanced at Jack feeling his hand creep a bit higher beneath the table and he smirked , chuckling before standing to greet the two and she did as well a bit flustered knowing she woukd tease him back in some way.