Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

Robert and Maggie wore bright smiles as they walked together toward the booth. They hugged Allison, giving her a kiss on the cheek. And Robert gave Jack a hearty handshake followed by Maggie giving him a big hug.

As soon as the waiter appeared, they ordered a glass of wine. Jack let out a soft laugh, “Robert …. we have an important zoom call after this so only one glass of wine for Allison and me.”

Maggie laughed. “I told him he was an asshole last week trying to get both of you drunk.”

Robert “Jack you know better than that.” He looked at Allison, winking with a bright smile. “I would never do such a thing to a pretty lady”

Maggie hit Robert’s arm telling him to apologize which he did as their waiter appeared with their wine. They all clinked their glasses and Maggie smiled at Allison

Men…. They are so predictable. They only have one thing on their minds, don’t you think Allison?”
Allie chuckled accepting his apology his wife demanded and they all toasted once their wine was brought and then ordered their lunches to have.

She smirked at Maggies statement feeling Jack had placed his hand subtly back on her exposed thigh.

Allison grinned and said "Its definitely at the forefront for most, but the. When they do put their minds ro good use we get the result of smart business men lije Robert and Jack here right?" She laughed

She pulled out her tablet informarion from her bag and chuckled " Are you two ready to discuss the next steps for the project and property development?" She asked then glanced at Jack who had speaking with Robert casually but rubbing her thigh in small slow circles teasing her beneath rhe table subtly.

She saw him grin and nod telling Rob to begin then Robert began yo speak about the structure.
As Robert smiled at Allison’s remark about being ready to discuss the next steps, Jack rubbed little circles higher on her thigh until he felt the hem of her dress. Her dress was tight against her skin and he knew he couldn’t push the material any higher which created a barrier from further exploration on her soft flesh.

Before Robert could speak, Maggie spoke. “I love your dress Allison.” Then looking at Jack, she smiled, “And Jack you look extremely handsome in your suit. In fact you two look very good together.”

Jack saw Allison blush a little and was going to comment but Robert said, “Maggie can’t you see you might be making them feel nervous.”

“I’m just stating the obvious,” she quipped. “But go ahead and talk business.”

Robert chuckled at her comment. Then he turned his attention to Jack and Allison. “We got word on Friday that our zoning request was approved by a special meeting of the commission which was not supposed to be held until this week. Whatever you two did with Deputy Mayor Michael Robbins and his assistant Jane Wilson did the trick.”

Jack smiled, knowing exactly what happened. “You might say the Mayor got a healthy boost to his re-election campaign.”

He tried to push the hem on her dress higher but felt her hand cover his hand on her thigh. She looked at him with a glint in her eyes as she pushed his hand off her thigh and her hand landed on his thigh. He looked in her eyes seeing a silent smirk that seemed to say, you can’t reach me but I can reach your manhood.

Robert laughed at Jack’s comment and said, “You two certainly know how to get things done. So now I think we need to schedule a groundbreaking ceremony with the Mayor. What do you think Allison?”

Jack was happy Robert respected her input and he looked at Allison and smiled, “we certainly know how to get things done don’t we Ms. James?” feeling her fingers sliding to the inside of his thigh and moving upward.
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Allison thanked Maggie for her compliment to her and fhen she mad one to Jack as well telling the two they looked veey good together and she blushed a little at that knowing Jack was teasing her beneath the table.

Robert tated she was making them nervous and then she said she was stating the obvious which made her husband chuckle and then change rhe subject. If only they knew how right on the head Maggie was and how well the two went together, they had done everything but that final step and their short week together had felt like years, it wss pretty much true loves kiss rhe first time they done so and she supposed Robert and Maggie were to thank fotr that as well had they not gotten the two buzzed.

She smiled as he mentioned their zoning had gotten approved quickly and remembered the deal Jackmhad made and was glad everyone had kept their end of the bargain.

She felt him trying lift her dress more and gave him a quick look before stopping his hand and smirked inwardly placing her hand on his thigh but also keeping her face pleasant and paying attention to what the pair they were with was saying knowing the two probablt had no clue what they were up to and she also knew she couldn't tease jack to the point of stiffness, it woukd be hard to explain and she couldnt taste him like she wanted to.

She grinned as he said the two of yhem knew how to get things done and Jack agreed as she slid her hand higher, then Robert suggested a meeting with the mayor and asked her thoughts " Im sure that would be a great idea and coukd be arranged with the proper timing and scheduling the introduction of this small community would be amazing and the more promotion of it the better, im certain he would like the appeal for younger voters, What do you think Jack?" She asked
Jack felt her hand creeping higher on his thigh until her fingers were pressing against his semi-swollen muscle. He would have loved to have her pull it out and stroke it under the table but knew that was a very dangerous thought. But he did like the feel of her fingers pressing and then pulling back only to press a bit harder. She knew just how to tease him and he was a bit distracted when she asked what he thought about the ribbon cutting with the Mayor.

"I think it's a great idea and we should invite the planning commission, some of the council members." Glancing out into the restaurant, he saw Caroline Masterson of the Daily Sun talking to the hostess. When he saw her smile in his direction, he whispered, "I don't think that woman will ever let us alone."

Ignoring her, he turned back to Robert and Maggie and continued, "I think it would be great for the community and the PR would do a lot of good for us and the Mayor. He glanced at the blonde reporter headed to their table.

Caroline had a big smile on her face. "Good afternoon everyone. I hope I'm not disturbing your lunch but I couldn't help but come over and want to say hi."

Robert piped up, "we're just about to leave Caroline," giving her a critical eye.

"This won't take long Robert," she chuckled and then turned her attention to Jack and Allison. "I was just wondering if anyone else has discovered your friends identity?" She didn't wait for an answer, pulling a paper from her large handbag and plopping it on the table, a picture of them in limousine staring at them. "I do believe this is you Ms. James."

Jack felt Allie's body stiffen a little as he looked at the blonde reporter. "Yes it is and how did you find out?"

"Oh Jack you should know I have my sources and being a good friend of your ex-wife is very helpfut."

"Well Ms. James happens to be my assistant and we closed some very lucrative deals in Vegas. Problem is you and your kind won't leave me alone."

"You are the most eligible bachelor and that is news. Besides I her give you a nice peck on the cheek just when I walked in the door. What am I to make of that?"

"We have no further comment." he said looking at everyone at the table and announcing, "I think it's time we leave. Ms. James and I have a conference call we have to get ready for."

Caroline was not one to be put off. "Ms. James or can I call you Allison. Could I set up a time to interview you? I know you're from the Cleveland area and there are a lot of Allison James in the area and rather than researching all them until I find you and your family, I thought you might give me an exclusive interview. I promise to be very aware of your privacy."

Jack started to answer but knew it was not his call. He couldn't protect her like he wanted. Everyone at the table waited for Allie's response. Jack hoped she would decline her invitation because he knew how she could twist words and make what Allie says sound worse than what they really were. He also thought of her boyfriend, John. He would probably explode if he saw the pictures of her and him in Vegas. Would it ruin there relationship. How long could she or he keep their secret from John Hill or for that matter everyone else?
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Allison sighed seeing the reporter make her way over determined and made sure she pressed record on her phone beneath the table, it was clear Jack's ex wife hadn't like being put out of his place or that Jack had a beautiful new assistant. She heard the woman say she saw Jack give her a peck on the cheek and she didn't deny it , she wouldn't be surprised if the woman had even gotten a picture, reporters these days were vultures.

Allison was annoyed the reporter had known her name as well and did beat to stay calm knowing how well tabloids could twist words to create their own narrative.

The woman offered her an interview and she could tell fhe woman was fishing for a story between her and Jack, she knew John would explode seeing the Vegas photos let alone her and Jack looking so comfortable together.

She was glad she had stopped her teasing in time and she knew it was a matter of time that people would realize she and Jack were alot closer than boss/employee on a more personal level, but right now she needed to be careful with her words.

"Caroline was it?.." She said and smiled " I think your story will be a bit discredible and bias if you are sourcing your information from Mr. Wolfe's ex wife who you just stated was your very good friend, I doubt speculation and friends having a talk would count as a very interesting article, I hope she mentioned as well that I'm Jack's assistant right? We mentioned it the other night as well when you interrupted our business meeting" she said in a professional tone probably shocking the reporter.

"My statement is this Mrs Masterson, Mr. Wolfe and I are friends and business partners, i told him about a personal matter and he was caring, if there is any false information or harassment toward me or people back in my hometown I will take that seriously and take legal action toward you and the news outlet you work for, you wouldnt want to face all of that for an assistant ". She said and chuckled softly seeing the reporter was irritated

She turned and looked at Jack trying to ignore the seething reporter "Are you ready to go Mr. Wolfe? We need to get back on time to prepare for that meeting and finish our planning right?" She said then glanced over at the couple who nodded in agreement..

"If that'll be all I hope you have a wonderful day Mrs Masterson" she said smiling before the group left leaving the reporter standing at the table.
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Jack was impressed with the way Allie stood up to Caroline Masterson. She was professional in her statements and showed the reporter she was not afraid of her. But Jack knew that Allison’s threat of a lawsuit would not stop the reporter from keeping digging until she found whatever dirt she felt would make headlines. It didn’t matter if it was true or not.

He was amused seeing Caroline standing at the table when he, Allison, along with Robert and Maggie walked away. He knew they had not heard the last from her. When the foursome got outside they had a good laugh with Robert and Maggie telling Allison how proud they were of her.

Robert mentioned that he would set up the ribbon cutting with the Mayor’s office and let them know when it would happen. Robert and Maggie gave Allison a big hug before they left.

Carl arrived with the limousine to take them back to the office. Jack put his left arm around Allison, telling her, “I’m very proud of you and the way you handled yourself professionally.”

He looked into her eyes and then couldn’t resist leaning toward her, his lips lightly brushing hers before pressing a little harder as their tongues swirled against each other. Hie right hand rubbed her shoulder and then slipped across her upper chest to slowly massage her breasts. He wished they could call it a day but their was one more meeting.

Releasing her lips, his right hand slid upward and he stroked the side of her face. “I’m looking forward to dinner at your place tonight. When we are done with Jacob’s zoom call, why don’t you go home, replace and start dinner and I’ll fix my dessert in my apartment and bring it?”

He saw her eyes glance at Carl. Don’t worry about him. He is trustworthy and what happens in or outside the car is safe with him.
Allie had a feeling the reporter wasn't finished but the statement would hold off her harassment a bit and that's all she needed. They all had a good laugh outside everyone stating how proud they were of her and how she handled things and. She thanked them all of them hugging and parting ways before she and Jack entered the limo that arrived 2 minutes later.

Jack mentioned again how proud he was of her and how she handled herself and she said " I was a little nervous , I figured killing her with kindness would work best although I figure I will have to alert people back home Mrs. Masterson might make an appearance and to watch their words"she said particularly her best friend Samantha who she told everything excluding the sex, but her best friend was smart enough to realize she had feelings for Jack the way she talked about her times with him.

Their eyes caught each other and she saw the cloudy grey in them noting Jack's desire but he wasted no time leaning in kissing her. She kissed him back softly at first and then their desires grew hungrier and he began to slowly rub her her breasts through her dress.

She sighed sexily and listened as he explained the rest of their day and nodded knowing they needed a private meeting with Jacob and Abby about another project they were interested in here in New York.

She glanced at the driver a second wondering if it was ok they were doing all of this in front of him and Jack smiled assuring her it was and confidential.

She kissed him one more time and said " Ok sounds like a plan Jack, I'm excited to see what you bring for dessert"she said with a hint of teasing.

They were soon back at the office and in professional mode minus when they were alone, they bonded like a newlywed couple unable to resist small kisses or touches when they were alone.

They had their final meeting in the conference room on the big screen and herself, Jack, Abby and Jacob, discussed a possible club/restaurant in New York City Hells Kitchen.

Once the meeting was done she chuckled seeing a teasing text from Abby saying Jack could hardly stop staring at her and she was proud.

She finished up at the office and went into Jack's office giving him a small kiss before saying " I'll need you at 7 for dinner" and then headed to her car, the grocery store and then home.
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Jack only smiled at her teasing remark as she told him she was excited to see what he brought for dessert. "I think it's something that we both will love, especially the name and the exquisite taste," he told her as they kissed again just as they arrived at Wolfe Towers.

At the office they stole kisses in private and Jack's thoughts about John Hill were fading. The meeting with Jacob and Abby went very smoothly. After they ironed out a few details on the Vegas contract, Jacob mentioned a possible club/restaurant in Hell's Kitchen. It was Abby's idea and Jack realized that was what she meant when she told them she would be in New York for a potential project.

Abby asked Jack if he saw the package she slipped into Allison's luggage. Jack looked at Allie and smiled as he told Abby that Allison told him what it looked like but he has not seen it yet. "Trust me Jack when you see it, you'll be thanking me," she said jokingly.

Jacob finished the zoom meeting promising to come to New York soon to further discuss the project. "I also want to see your offices and I heard you have a nice place just outside the city."

Jack looked at Allie wondering what she would think of his real home. The one where he seemed to never get to spend much time. "We look forward to your visit," he said as the zoom meeting ended.

After the meeting, he and Allie shared a small kiss before she left. "I'll be there at 7 sharp," he told her and watched her ass wiggle and sway a bit more than normal as she walked out the door. He smiled, looking forward to being with her tonight.

Heading up to his apartment, he met Charles. Jack was able to cook some things but he wanted something special that took some time to prepare and he didn't think he was cheating by using Charles. He planned to tell her he had help but he was sure Allie wouldn't mind.

As he and Charles prepared the dessert, he still wondered about the relationship between Allie and John. How long could he or she hold out from finishing what they both knew was inevitable. To him it was now only a matter of time that whether Allie and John broke up or not, the constant ebbing and rising passion within each of them would eventually override any sense of loyalty.

With dessert ready, Jack took a shower and looked for something to wear. While in his large walk-in closet, he spied some of the sex toys and debated whether to take some with him but then declined. There would be plenty of time for that another time.

Finding an outfit for dinner he picked up the dessert and headed to Allison's wondering what she had cooked and how the evening would hold for them.
It was late afternoon and John was almost to the Ohio line. He was thinking about his weekend with Allison, smilimg at the images floating around in his head of them making love. But he was also thinking about Sandra and as he crossed the Ohio River, he when he got a call from Sandra asking when he would be back. He told her he would be there about 6 pm. He smiled, his thoughts drifting from Allison to Sandra when she told him she would be wearing something special when he arrived.
Allie was excited but nervous cooking dinner for him it was more intimate in her smaller place and it had also been where they shared their first kiss. She checked on John on her way home and he told her he was 2 hours out and he'd call when he settled in and she thought nothing of it happy he was near home safe and knew he would if he didn't fall asleep first.

She cleaned up a little more even though it was tidy and she began her meal of Mediterranean herbed salmon with roasted veggie couscous and spinach and she chilled a nice red wine for them to go with the meal.

Before she knew it it was 6:30 and she set up some movies the could watch and relax with for a while and also wondered if he had considered staying with her for the night though she knew it would be easy for him to call his driver if they had too much or he was tired.

She slid a nude color underwear beneath the dress Abby got her and knew it would look like she was bare beneath and chuckled at her friends choice of dress.

She had changed her sheets in her room when John left into something more comfortable and plush and would give Jack the proper tour of her place like he did for her.

Sandra Templeton couldn't wait until John had returned from New York, it had only been a few days but she was jealous, she had always had a thing for John but he had been madly in love with his girlfriend and when she saw opportunity to have a hot guy like him, she took her chance.

She knew it started out as sex, and she also knew how guilty he feltncheatung on his long time girlfriend but she didn't care, girls who were literally perfect to the world were like worshipped in Ohio and Allison had been one of the most beautiful she's seen in fact her whole family had been fucking hot and to make matters worse her grandfather had been some sort of baseball legend so they were known for that along with their businesses.

John's Dad was sheriff and he was aspiring to be a doctor and with his looks and dating Allison , everyone loved being around them especially with Allison's beauty and kindness, she almost hated her because she was so nice and oblivious, and she also knew from John she had gotten a place in New York, once you made a move like that it as clear coming back was going to be on the back burner.

She and John had sex the first few times and he was hesitant, but the more she fucked him, the more she wanted him fully for and she knew he and Allison weren't that experienced as each other's first so she offered to teach him and try whatever he wanted and John loved every second of that.

She was getting impatient and called seeing how far he was and when he said an hour out, she prepared her apartment (whixh he was driving to) and told him she would wear something sexy and had planned on wearing lingerie since he told her Allison recently bought some and she wanted him to forget about her.
Jack stood outside the door to Allison's loft thinking of the last time he was here. She had too much to drink at dinner with Robert and Maggie and was a bit unsteady on her feet. He remembered their first kiss just inside the door and then undressing her down to her underwear and tucking her into bed. He chuckled as he waited for Allie to come to the door, thinking it was a hell of a way for her to start her new job with her boss. But as things turned out, the trip to Vegas brought them closer together. But there was one hurdle to jump over and he doubted it would be tonight from the way she acted after her weekend with John.

When the door opened he nearly dropped the carrier case holding the dessert. He knew from Allie's description that this must be the dress Abby snuck into her luggage. He was stunned for a moment unable to speak as his eyes roamed over every inch of her.

"Allie you look absolutely gorgeous ...... let me look at you," he said once inside the door and setting the dessert carrier down and taking her hands in his.

The dress fit her perfectly and highlighted her curves to perfection. The way the dress was designed, it appeared she was totally naked under the soft shimmering material. His eyes drifted to her smiling face seeing her makeup was done expertly, her mascara highlighting her bright emerald eyes. Her perfume was intoxicating and her hair done flawlessly and he wondered if they should skip dinner and go out on the town.

He pulled her easily into his arms, feeling her body mold perfectly with his. He felt a sense of happiness just holding her in his arms, something he had not felt with any other woman. Her lipstick was a soft hue of red and when her tongue slipped out to moisten them, he couldn't resist.

"It's only been a few hours Allie but I missed you," he whispered as his lips touched hers. He pulled her body tighter against him and felt her hands circle his shoulders and her fingers on the back of his head, pulling their lips tighter as his tongue was captured by her lips, sucking on it and then allowing it to dive a little deeper into her mouth.

This was the spot they first shared a drunken kiss but this kiss was not fueled by alcohol but by passion. He wondered if they would move from this spot or just enjoy being together. His dessert was forgotten as they contiuned to kiss passionately as if they were two long lost lovers.


John pulled into the apartment parking lot wondering what Sandra would be wearing. She mentioned something sexy and he knew from their short time together it would turn him on. He remembered some of the sexy underwear she wore under her hospital scrubs when they were forced to stay 24 hours for hell week. \

An image of the sexy lingerie he found in Allison's luggage crossed his mind. It was not like her to buy so many outfits and the thought of her fucking her boss in Vegas loomed in his head. She told him nothing happened but being with her for 10 years he knew she had a couple of sexy lingerie outfits and wore them on special occasions. Sandra, it seemed, wore them every day they were together as some kind of tease.

His mind was in a turmoil as he walked to Sandra's apartment door, feeling her apartment door key on his key ring. He smiled thinking how she gave him the key just before he left for New York. Opening the door he didn't know what to expect and there sitting on the sofa facing the door was Sandra wearing a sexy lingerie. He saw the smile on her face as he closed the door, kicking off his shoes and began to undress.

"That is so fucking sexy," he murmured as he pulled his pants and underwear off and stood before her naked. He smiled when she crooked her finger at him and like a magnet drawn to metal, he walked toward her and then fell to his knees between her thighs. "I'm happy to be home," he whispered as his tongue flattened against her black thong.
Allie couldnt stop the smile that crept on her face seeing Jack eye the dress she spoke about earlier and look her over with appreciation. They walked him him behind her and he placed his dessert on the kitchen island.

She nodded grabbing his hand and did a small spin around for him as he complimented how good she looked in the dress instead of blowing a gasket like John might've, he had even suggest she give it back which she had ignored.

She sighed softly as he pulled her closer whisphering telling her it had only been a few hours but he missed her. She placed her hands on his shoulder and one hand slipped to the back of his head pulling them closer as they shared a sensual kiss and she sighed as it deepened dinner and dessert at the back of their mind at the moment and she felt Jack lift her and she held on as he moved them toward the couch and continued their kissing.

The way he held her and kissed her was complete different than the rushed rough sex John had greeted her with and she moaned feeling Jack's lips on her neck John out of her mind right then.

"I missed you too Jack.. what about-?.."her sentence was cut short by a kiss and Jack say in he wanted a little appetizer before their meal.

Sandra heard the keys at the door and posed sexily and John had appreciated that she did wasting no time shedding his clothes once he saw her and stealing over with a hungry lustful look on his face..

She grinned curling her finger wanting him to join her and he wasted not a second telling her how sexy it was and getting on his knees and tasting the dampness of her thong telling her how much he missed being home.

"- Mmmm yeah I missed that tongue on me, it's been different masturbating, I missed your thick dick inside of me John,I want you to fuck in me like last time...I'm on the pill and shot remember" she said and grinned knowing he's been dumping his cum into her lately and wonderd if he came in his girlfriend pulling her rhong aside so he could lick more of her.
Jack easily carried Allie to the sofa, wanting more of the kissing and hugging before dinner. He pulled her into his arms and told her he missed her and then they began kissing on the sofa. He couldn't get enough of her and he wished he knew where her relationship with John stood. He had a feeling his and Allie's was the same but he also felt her becoming closer to him. And he knew at some point, the final piece of their relationship had to be placed in their relationship puzzle.

They traded kisses and were content for the moment to share their contentment with each other. Jack had never really felt this way with Judy. She was a gold digger from day one but he didn't realize it until they were married and she developed a drug and alcohol addiction.

Jack loved the way Allie's body fit against him, snuggling and kissing instead of eating dinner. His hands roamed over her back and sides feeling the soft fabric of her dress. He thought of just junking dinner but he knew they were both hungry.

"As much as I would love to stay here and be content in your arms, my stomach is telling me it's time for food," he said seeing her smile and then follow that smile with a another deep kiss, feeling her tongue swirling inside his mouth as if to say .... the hell with dinner. But when the kiss broke, he pushed her gently seeing a playful pout appear. "Don't worry baby there is plenty more kissing and other delightful things we can find to do after what I'm sure is a delicious dinner and don't forget the amazing dessert I brought with me."

John ran his tongue up and down her damp thong listening to her tell him how much she missed his tongue and he smiled hearing how different it was for her to masturbate. He felt his cock thicken hearing how she missed his thick dick inside her, fucking her until he filled her tight hole with his cum.

He didn't have to be reminded about her on the pill and he thought of Allison and how he pulled out of her, fearful that she was off the pill. The last thing he wanted was having Allison or Sandra pregnant or both of them. Kids at this point in his life was something he didn't want to deal with. He had enough on his plate with med school and now pleasing two women who didn't know about the other and he wanted to keep it that way. Allison was in New York and Sandra was here, wanting him to fuck her and that was what he fully intended to do after he made her cum on his mouth.

When Sandra pulled her thong to the side, John knew exactly what to do. He began licking Sandra's pussy tasting her nectar begin to flow onto his tongue. He loved eating pussy and knew both Sandra and Allison loved to have his tongue sliding inside, teasing their clit. But he put Allison out of his mind. Sandra was here for him and that mattered a lot. She was sticking by him through the tough medical school agenda and that meant a lot to him

He glanced seeing Sandra teasing her tits, pulling on her hard nipples, knowing that soon he would have them in his hands and mouth while his cock was buried deep in her pussy. He smiled, knowing she probably was playing with herself before he got here from the way her hips were bouncing up and down, pushing her pussy against his face with urgency.

He felt her move and change positions and smiled at him as she spread her legs wide open inviting him to finish the job. John didn't waste any time plastering his face agaisnt her and began licking Sandra's pussy knowing she was ready to explode.
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Abby pouted playfully as he ended their cuddling and kissing both of them briefly getting distracted from their dinner they were having together. She giggled giving him one last kiss as he told her that there would be more fun for them after and felt her stomach growl slightly as if to side with Jack.

"Ok, dinner it is.." She said and chuckled holding his hand and and leading him over to the table where she had plates already set up. She grabbed their dinner and dessert and had the wine chilling in a bucket on the table.

She played their Salmon Meal and roasted veggies smirking seeing Jack eye her as she made his plate truly enjoying her time with him and genuinely he was there spending time with her.

"I hope you like it? Mediterranean food is something I learned on a cooking show so i hope it isnt too bad" she teased and chcukled soflty sitting across from him.

She smiled letting him for the wine and the two began to eat their dinner comfortably and engage in small talk.

"Fuckkk.." Sandra sighed sexily feeling John use his talented tongue on her discovery a while ago just how much the man truly enjoyed feasting on a wet pussy.

She rolled her hips on his tongue and played with her nipples glancing down seeing him grin slightly at her and smirked back knowing John knew just what a bad girl she was and that she had been fingering herslf to have it nice and wet for him when he got in.

She rolled her hips on his tongue and they switched positions slighty as he got back to his feast not taking long to make her cum. " Ohhhh yes yess I'm cumming!" Sandra screamed and came down from her orgasm and grinned leaning down to kiss him.

"God I love when you do that, I want you inside of me right now John, fuck me good so everyone can know what it sounds like to make a woman cum right... I'm going to let you take me as much as you want tonight, just to show you how much I missed you and that amazing cock." She said panting and kisses him hard.
Jack watched Allie plate the Salmon Meal and roasted veggies wondering how she knew he loved salmon and then realized it was what he ordered their first night out with Robert and Maggie.

"I love it,” he said with a bright smile. He tasted it and it was cooked to perfection. “Allie you’ve outdone yourself with this meal. It tastes absolutely delicious,” he said as he picked up his glass of wine. “My compliments to the beautiful chef for an excellent meal.” They clinked their glasses together and he could see she was very happy. He wondered if John made her happy? Shaking the thought of her boyfriend out of his mind, he told her they needed to bring Robert and Maggie up to speed on the Hell’s Kitchen project since they had the knowledge and expertise in finding and negotiating a piece of property in the upscale neighborhood.

When dinner was done, Jack chuckled as he stood. “I’ll clear the table and it’s ime for dessert,” he said in a teasing tone.

Putting the pan on the table still covered, he leaned toward her stealing a kiss. “Before I unveil this wonderful creation I must confess Charles helped me make it. I did all of the work and he supervised. There are a lot of things I can do but cooking is not my speciality.

“The bottom layer is a crust made with pecans, flour and butter. The next layer is a layer of cream cheese sweetened with powdered sugar and made fluffier with whipped cream. Then we added a layer of chocolate pudding, then another layer of vanilla pudding and to top it off we added whipping cream and then sprinkled it with chocolate. My dear Allison I present to you my creation called Sex in a Pan.

John loved the way she rolled her hips as hus tongue flicked at her aroused clit. He could tell she was getting ready to orgasm when she changed positions making her pussy more accessible for him to take her over the edge. It didn’t take long to hear her screams of delight, something he hadn’t heard from Allison in a long time.

As they kissed he felt closer to Sandra than he did to Allison. And when she told him passionately that she loved it when did that to her and wanted him inside her and to fuck her so good, he felt his cock throb with lust for her. “I'm going to fuck you all night and fill you with all my cum,” he moaned.

John pulled her down onto the sofa cushions seeing her smile and her arms over her head as if to suggest she was all his. He drank in her nakedness feeling his cock harder than it felt in a long time.

Rubbing the tip of his cock over her moist pussy lips, he felt a tremor in his body as he pushed his cock deep inside her hot pussy feeling her muscles clenching it.

His hips rocked swiftly back and forth seeing her eyes staring at him. He grabbed her breasts and murmured, “I love you Sandra.”

It was as if time stopped for a moment realizing he utter words to a woman not named Allison. He saw Sandra’s bright smile as her hands grabbed his head pulling him down to her as her mouth opened to say something.
Allie has been happier than she had been in a while, it wasnt that John hadn't made her happy at home but the past three months had been hard for them both with her graduating college first because she entered right out of high school where as John took a year and a half off working and interning at medical places to build his resume.

The time they did spend together back then the sex was constant and it was so good they could hardly peel each other off of one another and it had been that way right up until she had to leave for new york but this weekend something felt off. He had cum in her right before he went home but it was like he was hesitant about doing so and she had wondered if he was stressed about something going back.

She had put it off wanting them to leave on a happy note after their weekend together and right now put John in the back of her mind as she stared at her sexy older boss.

She smirked as he cleared the table putting their things in the dishwasher and then came over giving her a small kiss which she returned with a smile. He told her Charles helped because he wasnt the best at cooking and she couldn't help but grin loving loving the effort he put in for her anyway.

"I'm sure Charles is and excellent teacher and it'll be delicious Jack, it sounds amazing"she said and smiled then went to grab them two spoons. He raised his eyebrow curiously as she ditched the plates and giggled " It's just for us to enjoy this sex in a pan right? I only want to have this with you" she teased lightly but also was realizing she was falling deeper for Jack as she sat beside him and she smirked as they both took spoonfuls seemingly having the same idea to feed each other.

"Ok..let's taste this together" she grinned and they fed each other playfully


Sandra looked up as him gasping as he rubbed his cock at her entrance before he sank all the way inside.

"Uhhhh!" She cried out feeling him sink deep into her and feeling him work his hips. She moaned and looked up into his eyes and could tell something was on his mind as he fucked her and then she heard him say it , that he loved her and couldn't stop the grin on her face because it's what she wanted to hear, girls like Allison could get a man like John easily , but she wanted him to herself and she didn't think it was selfish because Allison lived somewhere else now.

"Fuck.. I love you too baby.. it's so good" Sandra moaned holding onto him as he pounded away at her eager wet pussy.

She pulled him down and kissed him hungrily " Mmmm i want you John, I'm all yours whenever you want" she said against his lips looking into his eyes and that seemed to fuel his hips more determined to give her his cum.
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Jack watched Allie retrieve two spoons from the kitchen saying she was sure Charles was an excellent teacher and she only them to enjoy his sex in a pan dessert.

He saw her eyes shimmering with playfulness as she scooped up some of the dessert saying they should taste this together. He did the same and rather than place the spoon in his mouth he offered it to her while she did the same.

The dessert tasted delicious and he murmured, “mmm very delicious if I do say so." He saw her eyes widen and a wide smile etched on her face knowing she loved it too.

They fed each other a few more spoonfuls of the creamy dessert, both smiling at the exquisite taste. After another spoonful, he leaned toward her, kissing her lips, tasting the scrumptious combination of ingredients. “Mmm I love the taste of your lips,” he moaned as they felt into a deep kiss.

He knew he was falling for her, wanting to make love to her. He pulled his lips away noticing her heavy breathing matched his.

Jack put his spoon down gave Allie a mischievous grin. “I know a better way to enjoy this,” he laughed, scooping some of the creamy dessert on two fingers.

“Open wide baby,” he chuckled swiping some on her lips and seeing her lips part. Pushing his two fingers, into her mouth, he whispered in a low husky and sensual voice,”does this remind you of something else you really enjoy Allie?” He drew his fingers back a little and then began to slowly imitate fucking her mouth, seeing a glint of lust in her eyes.

When she responded saying she loved him too, he began to thrust his hips harder against her.

He felt a moment of indecision as they fell into a deep soulful kiss but his hips didn’t slow down. Was he rushing it? He knew he still had feelings for Allison but they were fading into the background. Here on the sofa, was a sexy vibrant woman who wanted him and didn’t run away to New York.

When their lips parted he stared into her eyes, as his hips picked up speed, thrusting his cock deeper into her eager wet pussy.

His breathing was rapid and rough as he growled, “I want you every minute of every day and …. and …. Oh fuck honey I’m going to cummmm.”

He felt her strong vaginal muscles pulsing around his cock, milking his hard shaft. And then he couldn’t hold back as wave after wave of his thick seman filled her welcoming pussy.

Afterwards he lay on her knowing his love was shifting wondering but also thinking about what he should do. He knew he had to make a decision
Allison smiled returning his kiss and tasting the delicious treat on his lips and sighed sexily looking into his eyes as he pulled away a little and both of their breathing grew quicker.

She hasnt felt this type of fun for a while, she and john were happy but they hardly got to have playful moments like this anymore and she giggled seeing the mischevious look on his face and knew she had been falling deeper for Mr.Wolfe every passing moment and it made her a little shocked how fast he and Jack had connected and how feelings for John had been slowly fading somewhat.

She opened her mouth seeing he wanted to feed her another way then he said in sexy voice as she sucked the dessert off if to reminded her of something else she enjoys as he slowly fucked her mouth with his fingers.

She sucked them off erotically and nipped his finger playfully and said " It does baby but... i think we both know how much i prefer tasting the other "she teased back.

Sandra moaned as they continued their hot sex and he told her he wanted her every minute of every day and she wondered if he had meant it and moaned loudly as the two of rhem came hard together in her bed cuddling a bir before they fell asleep.

She knew he would have ro decide between the two of them, but she woukd play dirty if she needed to, so she could keep John as hers.
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Jack smirked and enjoyed watching her sucking on his fingers as if she were cleaning his cock. When she nipped playfully at the tip of his finger he thought of how she used her teeth to scrape over his sensitive head and felt a thickening in his pants.

He laughed at her comment about both of them knowing how much she preferred tasting the other. Scooping up more of the Sex in the pan dessert, he offered it to her again and smiled when she obediently opened her mouth to accept it and treating it like she did the last time. Her teeth scraping and nipping at his fingers while her tongue swirled around them, cleaning off the scruptious dessert. "I know a way you can have both," he smirked, kissing her lovingly and long. After the kiss he saw the burning desire in her eyes and he was sure she saw the same in his.

Standing, he told her, "Stand up my dear and let me relieve you of your dress. We don't want to get it all messed up. I want to take you out on the town and let people see what a beautiful person I have on my arm." He saw the questioning look in her eyes as she stood. Unzipping her dress, held it until she stepped out of it, hanging it over the back of a chair.

"Mmmm interesting choice for underwear," he whispered as his eyes roamed over her. Unhooking her bra, he smiled at her breasts and the two hard nipples. "I think I can have some delicious fun with these beauties." he reached for the dessert and put some on each nipple as he watched him cup them and then lick the dessert from them.

But that was not his end game. "Let me get comfortable too," he said in a low seductive tone. He smiled as she helped him strip off his clothes until he stood naked in front of her. Leaning against the table, he saw her eyes look at his flaccid cock. "I think you know how to double your pleasure," he moaned seeing her hand move to the dessert on the table.

John lay in bed after the torrid sex with Sandra thinking of his dilemma. He loved two women, one for 10 years and one he met in med school and over the last few years have become closer. He thought of his love for Allison that was cultivated from a high school romance. They had planned to marry but that seemed to be on waining now that she was in New York. Everything was simple but now it seemed so complicated.

Lying nex to him, was a vibrant woman who had the same dream of becoming a doctor and he was with her everyday as a lab partner and now as a lover. He studied her naked body lying on the bed, seeing her soft breats rising and falling from every even breath. He had to make a decision but thankful Allison was in New York and he figured she was so tied up in her job that he wouldn't see her until he visited or the family had a birthday celebration which was about a month away.

He felt safe now but knew Sandra would be pushing him to make a decision. His excuse would be to wait until he saw her because he didn't want to break it off over the phone. He saw her eyes open and then a soft smile appeared on her face. Gathering her in his arms, they cuddled until his eyes grew heavy and sleep overtook him. There was no reason to rush the decision.
Allie sucked the deesert off his fingers a second time and looked at him naughtily, it was clear they were going to have this dish and each other for dessert .

She saw the desire in Jacks eyes and in his pants and she smirked when he said he knew of a way she could enjoy her dessert and get what she wanted. They kissed again passionately and he stood telling her to stand as well so he could help her out of the sexy dress easily and telling her he didnt want to mess it up because he planned on taking her out and showing off what a beautful woman he had on his arm.

He held it up before she stepped out and she smirked as he eyed the neadly skin toned colored bra and seamless panties she wore admiring it before undoing the bra and ir falling to the floor at her feet.

She grinned as he said he could have fun with her dull perky breasts and he put dessert on them licking and sucking it off cauaing her to pant a little. He mentioned getting comfortable too and she kissed him removing her own undeeear and helping him undo his shirt, belt take off his pant and shoes, hi clothes laying in the chair and underwear in a pile with hers on the floor.

She watched him lean against the table and moved in close leaninginnkissing him then reacing down to stoke him a bit harder. She scooped some out on her fingers and rubbed it over his hand cock and then got on her knees in front of him , licking , sucking and cleaning it off.

She heard him moan and wnr back for a second helping doing it again " Mmmm delicious baby...i love rhe dessert tasfes..but i love lickinf this more.." she said teasing the head of his cock with her lips and tongue.
Jack smiled and moaned at Allie when she leaned her naked body against his and gave him a kiss while stroking his flaccid cock until it started to grow. He wasn't sure she was game for a little food fun but when she dipped her fingers into the dessert, he saw her eyes stare at the dessert's intended target. It erased all doubt about what she planned to do with it.

The glimmer in her eyes told him all he needed to know. And the seductive smile as she rubbed the creamy substance over his cock, make his cock throb. The smirk on her face as she lowered her body to kneel in front of him let him know that not only was she about to have a treat, but so was he.

He let out a moan of appreciation when she began to lick and then suck his cock untill it was clean. And then he saw the devilish smile as she scooped up more dessert and rubbed it over his now growing member. After another cleaning he smiled and moaned when she told him how delicious the dessert tastes but she loved licking his cock more.

"Hmmm yes baby," he moaned watching her cradle his cock in her hand and then begin to lovingly tease the head of his cock. She didn't take his almost fully hard cock into her mouth seeing her emerald eyes shimmering with lust as her lips and tongue began to work over the head with her lips and tongue.

His fingers slid onto the top of her head, gripping her hair but not pulling as he watched her mouth begin to take more of his veiny muscle into her mouth. "Mmmm I love watching you tease my cock. I love watching it disappear into your mouth and feel your teeth nipping at it. That's it baby ...... ohhhh god you're making it harder."

He knew where this was going to end and then it would be his turn. He released her hair, wanting to watch how she enjoyed making him harder until he couldn't stand it. Breathing a bit harder, her moaned, "Take your time baby ..... we have all night to play." He let out a soft groan and closed his eyes feeling her teeth scrapping over the skin as more of it disappeared into her mouth.

"I missed you so much the last few days and I only want to make you happy." He felt a shudder course through him as he saw something in her eyes that told him she missed him too.
Allison was enjoying her time teasing Jacks cock. She knew he like her teasing him and her foreplay just as much as the pleasure they both got when she fully sucked him.

She licked and sucked the head of his cock lovingly hearing one of the sounds she had come to love from Jack and him moaning his appreciation for her talented tongue and lips.

She sigehed sexily feeling his fingers in her hair gripping lightly but not pulling aa she began to take some of him in her mouth and he told her how much he loved her doing that.

She wanted fo do more than suck him, but oral was the farthest they coukd gomwithout crossing that line...a line that was wearing dowm the more she spent time with Jack.

She took her rime slowly licking and teasing hearing him say how they had all night to .play and how much he missed her over the three days John had been there.

She had missed him too, after Vegas it felt differnt not waking up in his arms, sharing breakfast with him and enjoying his company fhen doing the same at night after dinner and amazing orgasms before falling asleep, it has been their little routine.

Shs kissed his hip lovingly looking up at him as he told her he only wantrd to mkae her happy and she saw that behind his eyes " I want to make you happy too baby and i plan on making up for our lost time tonight" she said softly.
Jack saw the desire in her eyes as she told him she wanted to make him happy too. His mind filled with erotic thoughts of what she might do to make up for their lost time.

"I'm going to hold you to that Allie," he said referring to her comment about what she might do. When he saw her mischevious smile and then nipped that the tip of his cock with her teeth, he groaned, "And I'm going to make sure you don't forget this night too."

She had him well on his way to giving her what she really liked. The way she licked his cock from tip to the base and then applied butterfly kisses back to the tip, made his cock throb and jerk in her hands. And when she slipped her mouth over the engorged head, her tongue swirling around it, he felt as if an electrical current was running through every nerve in his body.

"ohhhh fuck baby," he murmured seeing her mouth slip off the head and then slide suggestively downward until she captured a large nut. "You have me on fucking pins and needles Allie," he sighed as she sucked on the other nut. While she pleasured herself sucking and licking his ball sac, Jack scooped up some dessert and rubbed it on his cock and then licked his fingers clean.

He laughed and said, "You missed some." And then groaned feeling his balls filling with his creamy His breathing was becoming a little more rapid. "Are you planning to finish me off and get your first of many tastes of what I have stored up for you or are you ready for me to start pleasuring you?" Jack knew the answer and it didn't matter what choice she made, the pleasure for both of them was only starting. It was early evening and they had all night to swim in the sea of pleasure.
Allie sighed knowing their night would filled with pleasure he promised her and she planned on giving him and she looked forward to every minute she had with him.

She moaned knowing the pleasure she was giving him sucking his balls loved hearing him groan for her "ohhhh fuck baby...You have me on fucking pins and needles Allie" he sighed then she grinned alternating to the other side taking it her mouth and looked up at him seeing he put more dessert on his cock.

"You missed some" he said with a playful groan and she chuckled feeling the heaviness in his balls and hearing his breathing hitch,She was familiar with the sound he made when he was close and she paused sucking his balls but licked up his cock slowly looking up at him and then cleaned and tasted the whipcream from his cock and grinned up at him hearing hin ask if she was going to finish him off or if she was ready for him to pleasure her too.

" I want to finish you first and thank you for such a delicious treat Jack.." she grin, we have all night to touch taste and explore baby.. i want to taste my favorite kind of dessert" she said and took him in her mouth sucking him until he exploded, swallowing and licking and cleaning his semi hard cock again.

"Mmmm i love when you cum for me baby.. do you want more... or are you ready for your turn Jack"she said sexily
Jack knew what her answer would be, smiling when she told him she wanted to finish him and thanked him for a delicious treat.

His cock jerked with anticipation of what was about to happen when she added that they had all night to pleasure each other with touching, tasting, and exploring but first she wanted to taste her favorite kind of dessert.

Jack felt a surge of desire and lust hearing her words. He never met a woman who loved to make love to his cock the way she did. It was as if she couldn’t get enough and for a moment he wondered about her and John. Did he get the same treatment she gave him? He felt a strong wave of jealousy rock him but he quickly forgot about her boyfriend with the way she took him deep into her mouth and began to voraciously suck his cock while her hands stroked whatever meat didn’t fit in her mouth.

It wasn’t long before his self control waned and he pumped what seemed a gallon of his creamy seed in her mouth. When she finally pulled off his cock he moaned watching her cleaning his semi hard cock again.

He loved the way her eyes shined when she told him she loved when he came for her.

Her voice was saturated with sexual tension when she gave him a choice. “Yes I want more baby but it’ll have to wait baby because it’s my turn to have some of your delightful body.”

He pulled her up and immediately took her into his arms, his lips pressing against hers conveying his heated desire for her.

When their lips parted, he smirked, “I bet my dessert will taste good on your tits”. Dipping his fingers into the dessert, he rubbed some on one nipple and then leaned down to claim it. His lips sucked as much of the soft skin into his mouth while his tongue swirled and teased the erect nipple. As he slowly released her breast his teeth nipped at the aroused button hearing her soft moan.

Treating the other nipple the same way, Jack could tell she wanted him somewhere else. “You are so beautiful Allie,” he moaned as he slowly sank to his knees leaving a trail of kisses.

Kneeling before her like a subject to a queen, he smiled seeing a dollop of dessert on her fingers ready place it on her moist lips so he could taste her juices mixed with the dessert. “I can’t wait to taste you honey,” he whispered knowing it was the first time he used a term of endearment.