Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

Jack smiled when he dropped the towel, seeing her eyes staring at his flaccid muscle. Then as she watched him dress in the suit she selected. "You have such great taste in clothes Allie," Jack smiled as finished dressing. Then he returned the favor, staring at her nakedness before looking for something for her to wear. For a moment he thought of calling Jessica and clearing their schedules for the day. When she complimented him looking amazing dressed or undressed. he said, "Not as amazing as you Allie."

It was his turn to select an outfit. Picking out a business suit, he smiled, watching her do her makeup before she put it on. "You look absolutley gorgeous," he whispered taking her into his arms and kissing her softly so as to not mess up her makeup. "Yes I do believe Charles should have breakfast ready," he said taking her hand.

Charles saw them walk out of his bedroom holding hands as he finished their breakfast. He saw the smile on Jack's face, somthing he hadn't seen in a long time with past women he knew. He had been Jack's chef here at the apartment and at his mansion outside the city. There was something different in the way he smiled and walked with a lighter gait when he was around Allison James.

"Mr. Wolfe and Ms. James your breakfast is ready on the terrace." He stopped for a moment, seeing the bright smiles on both their faces. "May I add that you both look very daper and ready to take on the world."

He smiled at their "thank you" and he didn't know what they did behind closed doors and he didn't want to ..... he only knew that his boss was happier than he had seen him in a long time. He smiled seeing Jack hold Allison's chair at the breakfast table and then went back to the kitchen to clean up.

The look on Charles' face was not lost on Jack. They had history and he could see his chef was pleased he was with Allison. But while he was sure he was falling in love with her, he knew he had to confront her about her feelings for John. Last night was the closest they came to violating their agreement but he knew they couldn't go on this way. If he couldn't have her fully, he would have to give her up even if it was the hardest thing he had to do.

Jack began to eat when he got a text from Robert, telling him he wanted to meet with them this morning about a potential project in Hell's Kitchen. Jack and Allie brought them on board as a local real estate broker. He knew Abby would be thrilled since she and Allie had discussed a project in the swanky neighborhood.

Jack looked at Allie, seeing her questioning look. "Robert thinks he has some properties for us to consider and wants to meet first thing this morning. I'll text it to you." He saw her look at the images Hell's Kitchen W 50th St. nightclub, Hell's Kitchen 42nd St. nightclub, Hell's Kitchen 8th Ave nightclub. "I think at first glance the first one looks like something we should consider but the second one on 42nd has a nice atmosphere. The third one on 8th seems a bit too small for what I was thinking. We do have to do some due diligence but what are your first impressions Allie?"
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Allison smiled at his choice for her liking the outfit choice from his selection and how it complimented her figure and skin and returned his soft kiss as he told her she looked gorgeous and she gave him one more kiss loving how sweet he always was with her.

She knew Charles saw them leave his bedroom together dressed and holding hands and knew the Chef knew the two of them meant more to each other then boss and employee.

Allie held his hand as they walked out both smiling Jacks words he had faintly whispered while she was dozing off was on her mind and she wondered how things would be if the had truly been together or change if they just chose to be friends.

She pushed that out of her mind for now , she didn't think she could handle if another woman came in and dated Jack, she admitted she was a bit jealous even when she had met his ex wife, it wasn't right to keep doing this to him, but Allie knew the conversation with John needed to happen again, hopefully in a better way, but if there was no future with John, did he truly love her anymore, love her in the way she felt Jack did and how she felt hers growing for Jack?

She smiled as he got her attention again hearing about a new properties Robert wanted to speak about and some new project in helps kitchen Jacob and Abby wanted to discuss them being the local realtor on before he showed her the pictures to get her opinion.

" i think the first is the largest but with clubs that huge we could risk the change of a fire hazard somewhat if it overcrowded and he same could be said for the third option because of its narrowness, I like the second option the best it has the nicest atmosphere, will bring in locals and tourists in he city and we could have a lounge or night club vibe depends on how Jacob and Abby want to market it." She said and looked at him and reached over wiping his lip instinctively and blushed pulling back forgetting Charles was there for a moment.
Allie had proved her expert analysis last week with Robert and Maggie and in Vegas with Jacob and Abby. He valued her input and listened carefully to her thoughts. It was amazing how she picked up on certain things just by looking at the photos Robert sent.

"I agree with your analysis and we will have to have that talk with Robert and Maggie in a little while. Once we are sure this is a good project we'll put together a propectus and send it off to Vegas for their review."

He was a bit surprised when she reached over the table and wiped a particle of food off his lips. He saw Charles in the kitchen but he was working on cleaning his utensils and didn't notice the small sign of affection.

"Thank you," he whispered and then wished they were alone. After a few more bites of food, he looked at his watch, seeing it was getting close to the time when the rest of the employees would be arriving. "We had better get to the office ..... don't want anyone to start some rumors," he laughed.

They held hands walking to the elevator, taking it to the office floor, then walking to their respective offices. Jack looked over the schedule for the day and then went to her office. "I'll be in the conference room .... Robert and Maggie will be here in just a few minutes."

Sitting alone in the conference room, he thought of their relationship. They couldn’t continue on their present course and had to confront their relationship issue head on. Either they become real lovers or they would have to be just friends and he didn't want that. With Allie still in love with John, he didn't want to force Allie to make a decision. But the time was coming soon and he vowed to discuss it with her soon even if it meant he would lose her.

Jack heard the door open and saw Allie enter. He thought she looked more beautiful than this morning at breakfast. She sat down and opened her laptop when Jessica entered.

“Sorry to interrupt but Allison you have a call from your mother.”

She saw the concern on Allison’s face. “Oh don’t worry Allison. Your mom said you might worry and she said it’s nothing but she tried your cell phone and it went to voicemail. She just wanted to let you know something about home. I put the call into your office so you can have some privacy.”

Jack saw the the concern on her face no matter what Jessica said. “Take your time. We won’t start without you.”
Allison had just settled in beside Jack after gathering some forms and her laptop when Jessica waked in telling her her mother was calling and she sighed knowing she wouldn't have unless it was something important.

Jessica mentioned her mom told her to not worry but she knew she wouldn't call the main office unless it was urgent. She thanked Jessica for taking the call and patching it throught to her office then glanced over at Jack who seemed concerned and toldnher they wouldnt start without gim.

She smiled apologetically and thanked him loving how kind he was " I'll try not to take too long Jack" she said and quickly hurried off to her phone.

Her mother informed her her brother Ashton would be home from the navy visiting for three weeks and she wanted him to see everyone when he got hime and how important it was, she also wanted her flying in from new york the day before to be a surprise.

"Id love to mom, if just have to ask Mr. Wolfe we have a few important contracts rolling in and we just-" her mom chuckled and said " Ok Allison i know, call me when you get in and tell your boss mama says thank you in advance"

Allison laughed at her persistent mother,knowing her, if she got a hold of Jacks number she'd call justblike thismto get him to release her for a few days .

" I'll speak to him shortly mom I love you" she said and smiled hanging up the phone anf making her way back to the conference room knowing fate had given her an opportunity to see her family and surprise john and talk about their future.
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Jack waited for Allie to return, reviewing some of his other business ventures. Wolfe Holdings had more than just the real estate deals he and Allie had worked on in Vegas and possibly in Hell's Kitchen. Allie had only seen the tip of Wolfe Holdings in the week and one half she had been here. But to Jack, it seemed like she had been part of the company and his life for a lot longer.

While his companies made a lot of money in the investment and real estate arena, his electronic manufacturing companies were very profitable. They made electronic devices for military and civilian uses and one thing he liked about the business, it was almost inflation proof. The products they made were part of everyday life and with the military, it was like an never ending stream as long as you greased the right pockets. It was very lucrative and he was reviewing the financials for Wolfe Electronics LLC for the multiple manufacturing plants and offices on the west and east coast as well as in British Columbia, and Toronto, Canada.

Jessica appeared and told him Robert and Maggie were running a few minutes late. He smiled, "no problem Jessica." Returning to the financials, he made a note to call the accountants with questions about some of the line items.

He was looking at his laptop when he noticed Allie returning and a smile on her face. Evidently her mother didn't have bad news. "Robert and Maggie are running behind schedule and should be here in a about ten minutes. I hope everything is ok with your mom?" he asked as she sat next to him, hoping she would tell him about the phone call.
Allie gave a soft smile and sat back beside him as he asked if everything was ok with my mom. " Yes Jack shes fine , my brother is coming home from the navy as she wants us all to be there when he arrives i assume shes rounded my brothers up as well" she chuckled

" I may need a few days off if thats ok? After our meetings of course .. if i dont come she might start calling you or fly here to get me herself" she joked knowing her mother would probably faint if she saw her with a guy like Jack, her mother already had three handsome sons who she adored and she spolied John as well whenever he had visitied which annoyed Allie at times something about her granny saying to treat good looking men good so they dont get away and something along the lines of that.

Her mother is who made Allie so domestic growing up and why she had loved and treated John so well all these years but being here in New York was different , she was doing things she liked more and rediscovering herself in some ways, she did miss home at times but New York and Jack were becoming her home too and she blushed a little at that.

"Would it be ok to conference me in on meetings? I can still work i explained to her i just cant leave right away"
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Jack saw her smile brighten at the mention of her brother coming home on leave. When she said she might need a few days off, he knew he wouldn't deny her a trip home to see her family. Family was important to him. He knew what it meant to have family and he laughed when she told him her mom might call him or come flying to New York to get her.

He wore a big smile. "Well we don't want momma getting mad at me, do we?" he chuckled seeing her laugh. "And yes we will conference you in on any meetings we have." He thought about her comment that she couldn't leave right away.

"After our meeting with Robert and Maggie, call your mom back and tell her you'll be there this evening." He saw her questioning look and smiled."I'll have Jessica call Brad Stover and Jennifer Smith, my pilot and co-pilot to take you to Cleveland."

He saw her start to say something but held up his hand. "Look by the time you book a commercial flight for tomorrow and who knows if it will be cancelled the way the airlines are these days. And that is why we have a corporate jet. Brad and Jennifer are familiar with the Cleveland airports as I have had some business in the city in the past."

He saw her thinking and paused for a moment and then continued, "Call your mom and have her tell you what airport is better for her to pick you up. Either Burke Lakefront Airport which is right in downtown Cleveland, on the edge of Lake Erie, or Cuyahoga County Airport which is located about 10 miles east of Cleveland."

He took her hands in his and looked softly into her emerald eyes. "Allie I know what it means to be with family. I haven't seen my family in a while and I wonder how my two sisters, Anna and Brandy are doing. Yeah I talk to them on the phone but it's not the same as seeing them in person. You'll be home for dinner tonight and you can take all the time you need to surprise your brother and spend time as a family. Your work here can wait."

Just as he finished, Jessica entered and informed them the Johnson's were in the waiting room. "Tell them we'll he right with them." Then turning to Allie, he said, "Is what I told you ok with you?"

As soon as he said it he thought of John Hill and knew Allie would be spending more time with him. He was surprised at how jealous he felt about her seeing her boyfriend.

He was planning to have a talk with her about their relationship but knew now it would have to wait until she returned.
Allie giggled as he mentioned not wantimg her mom mad and shook her head and was happy hed ket her off and conference her in. He tokd her to calll after their meeting and tell her she'd be in this evening.

She looked at him confused knowing she wouldn't be able to get anything fhat fast and could leave in the morning and was more shocked when he said hed have Jessica prepare the jet.

"Jack you dont -..." she said beginning to protest but he held his hand up stopping her and explaining the uncertainty of flying commercial and to call her mom and let her know which airport to pick her up at..

He grabbed her hands gently and told her he knew how important family was and how he hadnt seen his in a while and that she should take all the time she needed to spend with them and that work could wait.

She blushed never meeting a man a generous, understanding and sweet as Jack. She was about to say something when Jessica walked in announcing the Johnson's were there and he told her to let them know they would be right there.

He turned to her gently and said " Is what i told you ok with you?" and she smirked thinking how handsome he looked when he was this determined and knew there would be little room formprotest and no need to " Yes Jack... Im ok with that, but the comprise is , i will submit work when i can i dont want it piking up and leaving you overwhelmed " she smiled seeing Jessica had gone off and gave him a quick peck on the cheek as they were alone at the moment.

She knee he probably thought about her spending time with John again and she was but her main focus was seeing her brother and she'd probably spend a day or two with them first before seeing John on the other side of town with a surpise visit to their place together.
Jack knew she couldn't tell him no and as far as he was concerned there would be no discussion about taking the private jet to Cleveland. He simled, squeezing her hands when she said yes that she was ok with it.

He chuckled when she told him she wanted a comprise, telling him she would submit work when she could. When she added she didn't want his work piling up and him being overwhelmed, he laughed after she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "You don't have to worry about me Allie. I know how to delegate and I'm sure I can have a pile of work on your desk waiting for you when you return."

He knew he wouldn't bother her when she was with her family unless it was really important. The thought of her boyfriend, John, popped into his head. Would he be part of the surprise party for her brother. The thought of him being with Allie was like a spear being thrown into his heart and a jealous pang racked his body.

Putting that thought aside, he told himself he could let their projects slide until she returned. He had some issues with electronic manufacturing division that might take a lot of his time.

Jack wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her but it was too dangerous in the office. He stood behind her and squeezed her shoulders softly and then leaned over to give her a quick peck on the cheek. He whispered, "I'll be right back," and then walked to the door, motioning Jessica to join them.

"Jessica, before we meet with Robert and Maggie, call Brad and see when he can have the plane ready for a flight to Cleveland. Allison needs to be home tonight to surprise her brother coming home on leave. See if you can get the information before we meet with the Johnsons."

Jessica smiled at Allison and left. One thing Jack liked about Jessica was her attentiveness and quick work. In less than a minute, she returned. "Brad can have the plane ready by 3 pm. He is doing some plane maintenance that can't be put off. He said he would have the helicopter here at 2:30. Is that good for you?"

Jack looked at Allie, seeing a surprised look on her face. He knew she wasn't used to having decisions like this made so quickly. "That will be great Jessica. Relay that to Brad and also call Charles and tell him to have lunch for Allison and me at noon." Jessica nodded and then he added, "you can tell Robert and Maggie we're ready to meet."

Even though Jack knew Allie was going home and John would be there, he wanted to spend as much time as he could before she left for a few days. He planned to have a talk with her when she returned and had a feeling today might be the last time they spend together as potential lovers. He didn't tell her but he planned to ride in the helicopter with her to the airport.

He turned to Allison and smiled. "It's all set. After our meeting with the Johnsons you can call your mother and tell her she scared the hell out of me (chuckling and laughing). She sounds like a great mother and someday I hope to meet your family." He paused and then added, "We'll have some lunch and you'll be at whichever airport she wants to pick you up at about 5 pm. You'll be home for dinner with the family."

As the Johnsons entered he wondered if John would be invited to dinner tonight and to the family get together for her brother Ashton.
Allie was stunned at how fast he and Jessica had gotten that prepared for her to go home and knew the celebration would be just family being that Ashton wasnt the fondest of John being with his little sister especially after their trip away with family and friends when she was 16 and lost her virginity to John on that trip and he also did like how demanding john was of her sometimes but she wouldnt tell Jack that she didnt want himmthinking her brothers werent cool they were very sweet , just a little protective of their baby sister.

She smiled softly hearing him say he'd like to meet her family one day and nodded "If we ever do any business there ill be sure to bring you to my dads place and have everyone come, Mom is the sweetest but she does love spoiling people" she warned and giggled " Ill tell her youre the sweetest and granted me the time off" ".

She stopped the talk about back home when she heard footsteps near the conference room and she felt bad she almost wished Jack coukd come noe but she knew he couldn't he had work and John woukd blow a fuse if he did, his anger last time put her off especially with the names hed called her it wasnt like the man she loved it was like he was speaking to a stranger.

He had apologized over and over in many ways telling her he loved her and had too much to drink but it still hurt her to hear it from him.

She smiled seeing the couple come in and greeted them warmly ready tondo more business but her trip home, relationship with Jack and Her boyfriend at the back of her mind.
Jack and Allie greeted Robert And Maggie like old friends. The men shook hands while Allie and Maggie hugged and the Allie hugged Robert and Jack hugged Maggie.

They exchanged pleasantries before Robert asked if they had a chance to review the pictures he sent earlier. He explained the three properties were coming on the market. Robert smiled seeing Jack’s facial expression. “Let’s just say I have a little insider information,” he laughed.

Jack wasn’t surprised by Robert’s admission, knowing he is well connected in the city. “How much,” was Jack’s simple reply.

Robert smiled and laid out the three sites.. “I think we can get Hell's Kitchen W 50th St. nightclub, for $1.0 million, Hell's Kitchen 42nd St. nightclub, for $1.5 million, Hell's Kitchen 8th Ave nightclub. for about $1 million. Maggie like the first two. “We were thinking about doing a walk-thru on Thursday. What are your thoughts?”

Jack smiled at Allie. They had talked about these at breakfast and now with some numbers to work with, he said, “First off Allison is leaving today for a few days to visit family. I definitely want her on the walk-thru so it will have to wait until next week. Allison why don’t you take a crack at what we discussed this morning?”

Before Allie could speak Maggie said, “I hope everything is ok dear. Is this something sudden?”

Jack, Robert, and Maggie waited for Allison Allison to speak. All Jack could think about was Allie in the arms of her boyfriend and he truly didn’t like it.
Allie was surprised at how easily the two greeted Maggie and Robert like couples who had known each other for years and they all began to discuss business shortly after.

She heard Robert announce he wanted to a walkthrough Thursday and felt bad she couldn't be there but then Jack immediately said she'd be out of town and she had family to see and that they would have to schedule it for when she returned and then Jack re directed the attention to her.

She wws about to begin to discuss her thoughts per venue and what the possible ventures could be there since there the layout of the space when Maggie paused asking if everything was ok.

" Yes Maggie, everything is fine, My brother is coming in from the Navy so we are all going to be there when he comes its been a while since we've seen him and we want to surprise him with our love at support." She said and smiled

" Me flying in so quickly will surprise my parents too, and Its been a while since I've seen everyone together I'm sure it will be a lot of fun".

She glanced at Jack seeing he was thinking something but of course he couldn't say in front of their friends but she knew deep down she wanted Jack to join her and hoped one day if the family visited they could meet.
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Jack sensed Allie had the trip home on her mind. Was she thinking about her family? And what about John? He had to stop thinking about in his arms and saw the looks on Robert and Maggie's faces. He immediately gave them a sweet smile and said, "As you can sense, we both have a lot on our minds. But let me give you our thoughts."

He told them how they reveiewed the pictures and both liked Hell's Kitchen W 50th St. nightclub and Hell's Kitchen 42nd St. nightclub, and the price for each seemed pretty reasonable. Almost too reasonable for the locations. "I think we need to know a little bit more about the financials before we make a final decision. It seems too good to be true." He saw the knowing looks on their faces. "By all means we are still interestedd and want to do the walk-thru on them. As for the last one, it's too narrow and we're not interested."

Robert smiled. "We thought the same thing about the financials. It does seem like a sweet deal. I know the value of some of the properties in the area are going for about $2 million. Let us take a deep dive into the financials and get back with you. I do know that when these properties are on the marketplace the prices are going to go up."

Maggie wore a warm smile. "Robert, I see these two have a lot to do before Allison leaves." They stood and shook hands with Maggie telliing them to call as soon as she came back.

Jack's mind was already on other issues, thinking that Allie had to go home and get some casual clothes unless she packed them in the suitcase she brought this morning. He assumed they were business outfits. And what about her plants in her apartment. The decision for her to go home was made quickly and there were things that needed to be done.

He was roused from his thoughts by Maggie speaking to Allison. He saw she had a wide smile as she hugged Allison, "Dear, you enjoy your time with your family and we'll get together just as soon as you return."
Allie and Jack got through their meeting today fairly quickly both working together seamlessly and speaking on the business proposal with Maggie and Robert professionally.

She was happy they all agreed to hold off on buying until they all could view the locations together as a group and delve deeper into the financial aspect of it. Maggie smiled telling Robert they should go because she knew she and Jack had alot to do before she left but her mind wandered to doing a few things.

She was speaking with Maggie and telling her how happy she was to see her brother because it's been 8 months since he's been back home and she might kidnap him a day or two so he could see New York and she could introduce him to Jack and show him her workplace

She saw the smile on Maggie's Face when she said that and she knew Maggie had a hint that she and Jack had cared alot for each other. They concluded their conversation with Maggie telling her to have a good time and let them know when she returned.

Allie smiled hugging her letting her know she would and giving Robert a small hug goodbye as well. She was alone with Jack and smiled "That went fairly well, I'm going to shoot my mom a quick text then we can go have lunch Jack, after that, I'll have to swing by my place to grab a few things is that ok?"
As Jack and Robert were saying goodbye, he overheard Allie, telling Maggie how happy she was to see her brother because it's been eight months. He smiled when she mentioned kidnapping him and bringing him to New York and have Jack meet him. He wondered what her brother was like and what the whole family was like. Maybe someday he would make the trip to Cleveland to meet her family. But as he thought of her family, an image of John popped into her head. It was the one he saw in Allie's apartment of them together on some boardwalk, hugging and smiling brightly for the camera.

When they were alone, he listened to Allie tell him she would send her mom a quick text. When she mentioned lunch and her going to her apartment, he took her into his arms knowing that at any moment someone could enter the conference room.

Pushing a tuft of hair hanging over her forehead, he kissed her tenderly and then told her. "I have some work to do with the electronic manufacturing division. When you come back from your family, I plan to get you more involved with what we are doing. But for now, you need to get back to your apartment and pack some casual clothes for the trip." he let out a laugh and chuckled. "You do remember how you had to change before the trip to Vegas."

He loved the way she smiled and then laughed remembering how she showed up dressed in fancy work clothes for the plane ride to Vegas. "You go ahead and text your mom and I'll have Carl get the limousine and he can take you to your apartment to get your clothes and anything else you need."

He pulled her tight against him, loving the feel of her perky breasts pressing against him. "I better get back to work and I'll see you for lunch up in my apartment. We can relax on the terrace until it's time for you to leave. How does that sound," he said and then kissed her deeply before she could reply.
Allison smiled softly nd he moved some of her hair out of her face gently looking at her for a moment and then giving her a tender kiss, it was moments like this that made her heart quicken and her stomach ache a bit knowing how much she was falling for him.

He puuled back looking at her and telling her he had work to do in the electrotinc manufacturing division of Wolfe inc and that when she returned he wanted her to get more involved with that side of the business but for now she had to go pack.

She smirked seeing him joke at her fashion mixup for their Vegas trip and giggled saying " Hey , that was mostly on you Jack I did t get the memo" she said teasingly.

He told her to text her mom and that he would get the limo driver to take her to the apartment to pack and get whatever else she needed then back to his place for lunch.

She sighed feeling him pull her closer tomhis strong body and she sighed feeling now right it felt being held by him "That plan sounds good Jack,spending time with you before my flight is perfect. "

She knew it would be strange flying without him and she knew she would miss Javk alot when she returned home.
Jack smiled and then kissed her again after she told him it would be good to spend time with him before her flight. When they left the conference room, Jack told Jessica to call Carl to bring the limousine for Allison. Walking side by side, to their respective offices, Jack wanted to hold her hand but knew it was not possible. He also knew he would miss her when she went back to Cleveland. Every time he thought about her in Cleveland, it was not her with her family but with John, her boyfriend, who she still loved. And the thought of her being with John brought out a jealous streak in him.

He watched her leave her office for her apartment, seeing her wave and wearing a bright smile. Once she was gone, he turned to business, having a conference call with the California and Canada offices. There were some discrepancies in the financial records that needed to be addressed. Some of the issues dealt with supply chain problems where the parts and equipmemt providers wanted paid in full before shipment instead of the usual 50% down and 50% upon delivery. Jack and his people worked on the issue, coming up with a plan to contact each supplier. At the end of the call, Jack promised to visit each of them soon. He wanted Allie to accompany him and learn more about the business.

After the conference call, he headed up to the apartment to change into something more comfortable for his lunch date with Allie. Looking through his wardrobe, he selected a casual outfit that showed off his upper body. He smiled thinking how Allie would love seeing it. Going out on the terrace, he had a cup of coffee while he waited for her.


John and Sandra were seated next to each other in the lecture hall half listening to the professor talk about blood flow from the heart. Instead they were more interested in passing little love notes between them on their phones. John had returned to Cleveland on Monday and stayed at Sandra's apartment when he returned from New York rather than go back to his apartment that reminded him of Allison.

They made love as if they had been apart for a year, clawing at each other like wild animals. This morning he knew he had to go back to his apartment sometime and after classes while they sat in her apartment, he told her. "I have to go back to my apartment and get some different clothes. Why don't we both go tomorrow and stay there for the night?

He knew Sandra wasn't keen on seeing pictures of him and Allison in the apartement but with Allison in New York he knew there was no way he and Sandra would get caught. Hell, he thought, she's probably with her boss off on some business trip to who knows where and doing god only knows what. He was feeling pretty safe at home knowing she was a long way off.
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Allie went home packing for her trip and surprisingly did so very quickly. She had contacted her mom before she left her office and she was beyond excited to hear she would be there tonight and expressed how much she wanted to thank Jack and that she would send him something back. Allie chuckled at that knowing her mom loved gifting people things.

She had been in her thoughts while she packed, her trip was mainly to see her brother coming in but she also knew she would be at her place with John in Ohio and he would try to either convince her to stay , or argue with her when she asked for a deeper commitment, it frustrated her because it made her feel like she wasn't good enough for him and she knew she couldn't keep Jack waiting for more than what they already had when he had treated her so well and was willing to be with her either as a friend or lover.

She didnt know how well she could handle having him just as a friend, justbthe thought of his hands or lips on someone else made the jealous side of her heat up but she knew it was selfish and Jack was an amazing man who deserved to be happy too.

She showered and changed into a casual outfit to wear on her flight and enjoy her lunch with Jack before she left. After 20 minutes she was back at his place smelling the lunch Charles must be prepared for them and left then smiled rolling her bag in and spotting Jack on the terrace. "Hey Jack.. are you ready for lunch?" She asked looking him over and admiring what he had on.
Charles finished preparing lunch for Jack and Allison and then told Jack he could dish up the plates when Allison arrived. He showed him the cooked chicken breasts warming in the over, steamed broccoli in a covered pan on the stove, and a bowl of cut up fruit consisting of blueberries, strawberries, and grapes. He laughed and teased Jack, saying, "are you sure you can handle this?"

Jack laughed. " I think I can handle it." He thanked Charles for the lunch and saw Charles had something else on his mind.

In a more serious tone, Charles asked, "when will you coming to your home outside the city? You haven't been there in awhile and the staff was wondering."

Jack had been so preoccupied with business and Allison that he didn't have time. He really wanted to take Allie to the mansion but the opportunity to do so had not fit into his schedule. "Tell them I'll be home tonight. I'll have Jason, the helicopter pilot, take me there after I see Allison off at the airport.

Charles smiled. "It'll do you good to get away from here for a few days and work from home."

"We'll see," was all he said as Charles bid goodbye. Jack retreated to the terrace, looking out over the city thinking of Allie seeing her family and John. Each time he thought of him and her together, a streak of jealously flowed through every vein. He was deep in thought, thinking about what he wanted to tell her when she returned from her trip when he heard Allie's sweet voice asking if he was ready for lunch.

When he turned to see her dressed in what could only be a sexy casual outfit, a smile went from ear to ear. His eyes took in the delicious sight before him. He knew she saw his eyes staring unabashedly at the tight tube top showing off her breasts, her soft skin exposed by the bare midriff and the tight jeans torn at the knee as if she fell and scrapped her knees.

He started walking toward her and she toward him, seeing the desire in her eyes. He saw her eyes looking at him the same way and when they met, their arms circled each other as their lips crushed together. Thoughts of her boyfriend vanished as his lips pressed against hers, breaking for a moment to capure a breath, and then kissing her neck, hearing a soft mewing sound. His lips traveled back to her lips, pressing heatedly with hers again. She felt so wonderful in his arms feeling her hands in his hair as one if his hands tangled in her hair and his other hand roamed over her back, ending up on her delicious ass cheek, pulling her against him so she could feel his hips.

When their lips parted, they were both breathing a bit harder as their eyes stared at each other. He broke the spell. "Charles has lunch prepared and all we have to do is dish it up. Or did you dress like that to turn me on and distract me from food and have you for lunch?"

He saw her eyes sparkling as she pulled his head to her and kissed him softly and then withdrew her lips. He waited patiently for her to speak.
Allie couldnt deny the chemistry the two of them had as they greeted each other lovingly , their lips and hands all over each other as they grew more passionate. She moaned softly feeling his lips travel to her neck down to her collarbone then back up to her lips kissing her again and holding her tight and trailing his hands on her.

She sighed sexily trailing her fingers through his hair a bit as they still kissed then both paused to catch their breath from their heated embrace and she grinned feeling him still gripping her was as he told her Charles had cooked and all they had to do was plate it and joked about her distracting him and having her for lunch.

She giggled and looked him over pulling his head to hers gently and kissing him again softly "It wasn't my plan.. but if I knew how much you liked crop tops I would've worn one around you a while ago Jack" she teased playfully " You look good too Jack.. it's rare I see you in casual clothes and it fits you very well" she said trailing her hand down his chest slowly the back up grinning as he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

She wanted him badly and she knew this trip woukd be a long one especially away from him and she knew how much she'd miss their passion and playful news and how well they fit together.
Jack smiled and chuckled when she told him it wasn't her plan. It really didn't matter what she wore, Jack loved the way she looked in every outfit. "Well now you know and if truth be known I like seeing you in any outfit. That all make me crave you. And now that I know you like my shirt, I'll plan to wear it more often for you." he said teasingly

He pulled her hand to his lips, kissing each finger and then using his tongue to swirl around them. He felt his desire growing in his trousers as slowly sucked on each digit before pulling her hand down to the bulge growing inside his jeans. "Lunch can wait Allie. I plan to have some dessert first," he whispered in her ear, feeling her fingers sliding up and down the hidden growth.

Pulling her jacket off her shoulders, he kissed her neck, sucking on the soft skin as his hands gripped the bottom of the crop top, pulling it upward to reveal her white lace bra. "Mmmmm so nice," he said huskily as he unsnapped her bra clasp to let her bare flesh free of the restraint.

Kissing her neck, his lips slowly worked their way downward until they found a ripe hardened nipple. "You're so lovely Allie," he moaned as his lips and tongue teased one nipple and then slid down into her well developed cleavage and up to the other hard nugget waiting for the same treatment. He felt her hands in his hair, holding his head, pulling it harder against her soft flesh when his teeth nipped at the hard pebble.

Pulling his head off the delectable nipple, he stood, staring into her emerald eyes, “I want you,” he whispered in a lustful tone. He guided her to an outdoor couch, gently pushing her until she sat on the soft cushions.

There was no hiding his intentions when he dropped to his knees, quickly pulling off her shoes. When he reached up to the waistband and started pulling, he laughed as he struggled a little with the tightness of the skin-tight material. “I swear these are painted on,” he laughed tugging until he pulled them off her legs.

Jack felt a surge of lust, looking at the white lace panties showing evidence of her arousal. “You’re beautiful Allie,” he murmured, pushing her thighs apart and settling between them.

“I want you to cum and fill my mouth with your nectar and savor it while you’re gone.” He easily pulled the lace panties off her and moaned as his tongue licked at the lips wet with her desire. He was not going to stop his attack until she was undulating wildly on his mouth.
Allie sighed sexily as he told her lunch could wait and began undressing her as she slowly began to stroke him sliding her jacket off then her crop top admiring the lace bra she wore and staring appreciatively before unsnapping it .

She moved in closer feeling his lips on her and gasped feeling his lips and tongue on her sensitive nipples and causing them both to moan as she slipped her fingers into his hair.

She loved how well he had gotten to know her body and how much he had appreciated it whenever he touched her. She gasped looking into his stormy eyes as he told her he wanted her and she knew how aroused he was before he paused a moment telling her how much he wanted her and then guided her outside to a couch nd gently seating her.

She smirked as he got to his knees and giggled as he wiggled her jeans off struggling a little and giggled as he told her they were painted on. She blushed a little seeing how he eyes her thong and she returned the look as he slowly parted her thighs telling he how beautiful she was.

" Mmm Jack.." She sighed softly as he placed a soft kiss on her inner thigh before telling her he wanted her to cum for him landfill his mouth so he could savor her nectar when she was gone "Fuck Jack... if you keep saying things like that I might just leave tomorrow as planned " she said sexily and smiled as he grinned up at her before slowly pulling her thong off and giving her a slow lick savoring her before continuing his feast.

"Mmmm god baby.." She panted. She wanted him too but she would make him cum for her before she left for her car.. She didn't want to forget the taste of him and the feel of his body as bad as that was.. but if this could possibly be their last time as lovers, she wanted to give an orgasm he'd never forget.
Jack flicked his tongue at her moist lips, tasting her juices and hearing her tell him that if he kept saying naughty things she might not leave until tomorrow. He would love to have her stay the night but the helicopter would be here in about an hour and a half. The plane taking her to her family was due to leave in two hours.

There was enough time to enjoy each other one last time before she had to leave. He didn't know when she would return and when she did, would their relationship be just employer - employee. Flicking his tongue along the crevice, any thoughts of their future was put on hold. The only thought he had was to give Allie as much pleasure as he could before she had to leave.

Jack heard her soft moan when his tongue split her puffy lips and touched her sensitive clit. "Mmmm god baby.." Licking over and around the love button brought more soft moans. And then his lips moved over the sensitive nut, sucking on it feeling her hips begin to move in time with his tongue and lips.
He pulled back and looked up at her, seeing the passion on her face. "You taste so delicious baby," he whispered and then began to lick up and down her slit from her clit to her hole. The more he licked and flicked with his tongue the more her hips moved with them.
Rubbing a finger on her hole, he teased it before it slipped inside slowly fucking her. He could tell she was getting more excited and when he introduced another finger, he felt her body buck against his fingers and face. Each thrust with his fingers was deeper and more forceful while his mouth and tongue devoured her clit.
Pulling back for a moment, he saw the pleasure written all over her face. "Cum for me baby ...... I want all your delicious jucies for lunch." He felt her fingers grab his hair, pulling his head harder against her pussy. His tongue flattened and slid up and down her now very wet pussy knowing she was close to giving him what he wanted, her nectar to savor.
Allie panted as he licked her skillfully touching and rubbing her in ways John admittedly hadnt and she groaned hearing him tell her how delicious she was as he feasted on her.

She felt his tongue lick her deeper making her move her hips more and she moaned as his fingers replaced his tongue and he moved his lips to her clit as he fingered her and she trembled a little. " God Jack Youre too good at that baby.." she groaned

She cried out feeling his fingers brush her gspot and she saw Jack grin at that licking and continuing and telling her to feed him her cum. "Oh fuck Jack yesss... im cumming baby.." she cried out loudly and gripped his hair a bit feeling her body quiver for him.

She didn't know how shed handle the days apart from him she and Jack had spent most meals together and alot of their time, she knew he said he'd be ok, but she also didn't like him being alone.
When Jack curled his fingers inside her pussy and stimulated her G-spot, her body seemed to explode out of control. Her fingers coiled in his hair and he couldn't pull away from her pussy even it he tried. It was as if her body shifted into high gear, her pussy grinding hard on his face as she screamed she that she was cumming.

Her body quivered and rocked against his mouth, tongue, and fingers while her juices washed over his lips. He lapped up as much of the delicious nectar flowing from her vagina. After what seemed a long time, her body began to quiet down but when Jack's tongue continued to flick at the still aroused clit, her body jerked and she finally had to push him away.

She was still panting hard when he saw her staring down at him, her emerald eyes ablaze as she stared back at him. Wiping some of her juices onto his fingers, he stood and staddled her lap, offering her his fingers to taste her own nectar. "Mmmm baby that was fantastic. I love everytime you cum," he whispered swiping his fingers over her lips.

He felt her hands on his shirt, pulling it upward and he chuckled, "I think it's time for your lunch," he laughed knowing she didn't have the food Charles prepared on her mind.