Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

Allison was having a great time with everyone at dinner tonight and thanked god for her keeping her composure so well with the amount of drinks they were all consuming the drunken side had not creeped it's way out of her and ruined her professionalism.

She spoke with Maggie about upcoming designer collections and their similar tastes in jewelry and style, while Mr.Wolfe was conversing with Robert about local and national views on things and looked over at Mr. Wolfe pleased to see he was enjoying himself and didn't seem as serious as pictures she had always seen of him online it was refreshing.

She heard Robert offer post dinner drinks at a bar and saw Mr. Wolfe's expression possibly wanting to decline but he took the route she had and accepted and knew she for sure had to get a light drink if that were the case the few she had was already affecting her.

She glanced at Maggie as she excused them for the ladies room and Allie nodded surprised when Mr.Wolfe stood to pull her chair out for her and gave kind a small smile thanking him as he asked what she would like to drink " I think an espresso martini sounds good Mr.Wolfe thank you" she said before following Maggie who seemed to be eagerly waiting , she could tell the drinks wee getting to her as well.

They got into the bathroom and Maggie smiled fixing herself in the mirror before she began to speak " Youre such a lovely girl Allison , its surprise you arent seeing someone with your looks and beauty"

Allison smiled at that " I'm actually seeing someone Miss Johnson , he's back home in Ohio, it's only been a few weeks here in New York but I speak with him all the time" Allison said retouching her lipstick.

Maggie chuckled and said " Ahh I see you have a way with Ohio men, they seem to be drawn to you"

Allison chuckled at that unsure how Maggie meant that statement " I guess fate wanted me to work with Mr. Wolfe" she said and smiked at the woman
Jack watched Allison and Maggie walk towards the restroom. He admires the way her hips sway in the tight green dress. He is not the only one noticing the brunette. Other men along the route turn their heads admiring his same view. It’s only been a day but what a day it’s been.

He and Robert headed toward the quiet bar area, greeting people along the way. Sometimes it seems people want to glad hand him so they can go back to their friends, telling them they met someone famous. Jack never thought of himself as a celebrity. But ever since his picture was on television and on the cover of magazines and newspapers, he found people wanted to be near him. He thought of Allison and didn’t get the feeling she was smitten by him. That just made his desire stronger to know her better in a lot of ways.

The bar area was full with the exception of one booth with a large reserved sign. “Your table is ready Mr. Wolfe”

“Thank you Monica.” When they were seated Jack said, “we’ll have an espresso martini and a bourbon neat.” He wondered if the vodka in the drink would adversely affect her. Robert ordered a vodka martini for Maggie and a scotch on the rocks for himself.

He saw Allison and Maggie on the other side of the room and smiled seeing her talking to Maggie. She seemed oblivious to the stares of men and women around her but could she tell he was taking in each delicious curve and sexy stride?

He and Robert stood to allow the women to slide into the booth, noticing how her dress parted exposing her left thigh. When she was settled, he noticed she didn’t attempt to cover it as he slid into the booth next to her.

Robert made some wisecrack and Maggie gave him a dirty look as Monica returned with their drinks. He wondered how many times in a day she has to put up with his comments.

As they all began to sip their drinks Maggie smiles at him and Allison as if she knows something. Did Allison tell her something in the restroom? Then she asked, Allison, if we only start with the large stores and some luxury condos, how would you propose we start marketing them?
Allison had been questioned a bit more by the curious Maggie in the bathroom but revealed details without saying too much. She did tell the woman how much she admired Mr. Wolfe and was surprised at her asking those questions but it seemed to please her because she was in a boastful mood the entire way back to meet the Jack and Robert.

She had always been oblivious to her own looks at times, Allison knew she was pretty but she never realized she was runway/model potential beautiful until someone pointed out her beauty or her brothers or John too offense to people staring she had always been humble about it so the stares she got tonight hadn't really affect her much.

She realized how rich Mr. Wolfe was of course so she noticed people glancing toward their table or trying to sneak pictures but was glad They had gotten seated somewhere private enough that it was somewhat private.

She and Maggie approached the table and Max and Robert stood so the two women could sit across from each other but inside of the booth which was luxury velvet.

She hadn't heard Roberts remark the drink affecting her a bit but she remained composed as she sat there thanking Mr. Wolfe as he passed her drink to her and looked over at the couple as they asked her how she would propose marketing for them.

"I think billboards, and social media may be the best bet for Marketing the stores along with a name for the area that people would remember and a decent type of transportation or private shuttle people could use to get there if you want the area to be more exclusive" she said
Jack had to stifle a chuckle at Maggie's question. She knew damn well how to start marketing the project. She was just testing Allison similar to how Robert tested her earlier in the evening. And just as she had done earlier, she hit the ball out of the ball park. There were a few things she left out but for now he could see both Maggie and Robert were well satisfied with his new personal assistant.

The conversation turned to possible start and completion dates along with what permits would be needed. Robert did most of the talking and was typically corrected by Maggie. Jack, Maggie, and Robert had been friends for a few years and involved with a couple of projects. This was by far the biggest project the Johnsons had taken on and Jack knew it would take time to make sure his investment was not squandered and he received a good return. He hoped now that Allison showed some expertise, she could help him. Robert agreed with send him a contract in the morning for him to review. Jack thought the evening was winding down and he sensed Allison was either feeling her liquor or just absorbing everything.

"Well it was a great evening and I'm looking forward to seeing your contract," Jack said as he glanced at Allison.

"We have one more thing for you two," Maggie said as Robert nodded at the waitress. "We found an existing building on the river with a great view of downtown for sale. We wanted to talk to you about going in with us to buy it and renovate it into upscale condo and luxury apartments. We have to give them an answer tomorrow morning."

Jack was a little irritated that they brought this up at the last minute. "You know I don't work like that. I want to know more about the project before I commit any capital."

"We know Jack," Maggie cooed. "It's not a total commitment but a right of first refusal. Give us a chance to tell you about it and you can always back out."

Jack was aware of the amount of alcohol everyone had this evening. He looked at Allison, seeing the beginning signs of too much alcohol consumption and then the waitress arrived with a new set of drinks. He felt compelled to hear about the investment but he was also concerned about Allison. He made a mental note to tell her tomorrow that this was an out of the ordinary situation and he would apologize to her.

Turning to her he smiled, seeing her bare leg so close yet so far away. He put his hand on her bare knee in a friendly sort of way and then leaned toward her, his mind beginning to stir with more amorous ideas as he said, "Allison, let's hear their proposal and then we are out of here. Are you ok with that?"
Allison had enjoyed the evening but she knew she had been completely feeling the drinks at the moment and the espresso martini had made her very alert but added significantly to the buzz she was feeli g and she knew now that her body size could not handle that amount of alcohol.

She knew she'd forgotten some details in her explanation, and they had honestly slipped her mind her brain in a semi fuzz and she had a feeling Mr.Wolfe could tell she was buzzed but had been very polite about it.

She was slightly embarrassed she'd gotten that way and she would be certain to make it up to her boss for getting that way. Robert and Maggie had been talking about deals and contracts and she pulled out her phone making small memos while she was thinking clear enough, she also put down a contract they threw at Mr. Wolfe last minute.

She blushed at his hand on her knee and her body reacted to that somewhat and she couldnt believe it and the whispher close to her ear did not help the reaction her body was having she was a bit flustered and nodded saying "Yes Mr. Wolfe, I am ok with that" she said glancing in his eyes a moment then back to the Johnson's giving them a smile.
Robert and Maggie smiled at Jack and Allison for their decision to stay and have one more drink while they pitched their project. "As I said, we found a real steal on the river. It's an old warehouse that would be perfect for condos and luxury apartments. It has a great view of the river and downtown. We think it's perfect for the younger crowd who don't want to own cars. It's an easy jaunt by Uber or walking over the bridge adjacent to the building. I think you know where I'm talking about, don't you?"

Jack knew the building and knew it had good bones. He was surprised it was for sale and was interested in the deal. "How much are they asking?"

Robert excitedly answered with a tone like that of a little boy who found the deal of a lifetime. "One and a half million and we think we could renovate it for another million and a half." Both he and Maggie sat stone still seeing Jack mulling over the numbers.

He looked at Allison, not for advice, but to check on her soberness. Then he turned to the couple and said, "I'm in .... but I want to see all the details on my desk first thing in the morning so Allison and I can go over the numbers and let you know by mid-morning. Is that good enough for you?"

"Yeah that's good for us," they both said almost simultaneously. They both held up their half glasses of liquid and the four of the clinked them together. Jack was a bit concerned seeing Allison chug the last remaining vodka and Kahlua. He felt he needed to get her out of the restaurant.

Turning to Allison, he whispered, "Alright I think we can call it a night. Congratulations on your first of many successful dinner meetings."

Twisting in his seat, he whispered under his breath, Ohhhhh fuck." Quickly glancing at Allison, he saw her stunned look. "I'm sorry for the language but the lady approaching from the bar is Caroline Masterson from the Daily Sun. I'm pretty sure she has already taken a picture of our booth.

"Hello Jack," Caroline said in a sweet tone. "And you too Mr. and Mrs. Johnson." Then her eyes zeroed in on Allison. "And who might I ask is this beautiful woman Jack? Is she the latest Wolfe catch?"

Jack was seething. "No this is my new assistant Ms. James (leaving off the personal) because he was sure their picture would be in the paper tomorrow. "Now if you don't mind Caroline, we have to leave. We have a very busy schedule tomorrow."

"Don't let me hold you up," she said in a rather seedy and snotty voice.

Jack ignored her and held his hand out for Allison, helping her out of the booth. The Johnsons and they began to walk out of the restaurant when he felt Allison stumble a little into his arm. He put his hand on the small of her back leading her out of the restaurant to the waiting limousine.

Robert and Maggie said their good-nights and Jamie held the door for them. Once inside the limousine, Jack saw Allison close her eyes and lean her head onto the back of the seat. "Sorry about the bitch news lady. But did you have fun tonight," he asked as Jamie pulled away and into traffic.
Allison was happy the meeting concluded she had saif much else agreeing with whatever Mr. Wolfe's decision was and chugging the rest of her drink quickly as they all began to ready themselves to leave.

She shocked by the reporter who had appeared out of nowhere and asked if she was Mr. Wolfe's catch and she made to say something but Mr. Wolfe had beat her to it In a much more professional response than drunk Allison would have given.

Allison was happy he helped her up and helped her somewhat keep her composure up In front of the Johnson and the reporters and once outside he held her up with an arm at the small of her back to steady her in the heels she wore.

They got into the limo and she placed her head back against her seat closing her eyes to stop the dizzy feeling she felt and opened for a second looking at him as he asked her if she had fun tonight "Yes Jack I had alot of fun and learned so much" she said remembering he said in private she could call him his first name.

She sighed as he mentioned the news woman " You are one of the top 3 eligible bachelor's of New York sir, I'm sure the story will stop there with just her" She said kindly she probably wasn't even Mr, Wolfe's type the though alone amused her and she let out a little giggle when they had reached her place not realizing she'd been in her thoughts most of the ride.

She fiddled with her purse taking the digital key that went up to her duplex in the city and Mr. Wolfe yet again had to help her out of the car. Jamie had looked a little concerned but Mr. Wolfe assured she was ok and he was making sure she got in safe probably something he hadn't normally done.

They got into the elevator and she was happy she had kept her place nice and tidy and also ashamed he had to pay for her drunkenness. They stepped into her apartment and she began to cry " I'm so sorry Mr, Wolfeee" as he said las he was leaving and leaned in grabbing his shirt a little and looking up at him "You shouldnt have to help me like this .." She said a bit slurred
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Jack was also feeling no pain from the alcohol when he told Jamie to wait and he would make sure Allison was safely in her apartment. In the elevator, he put his arm around her to steady her wobbly body. During the short ride he regretted having so much alcohol at dinner.

After fumbling with the remote door key, she was safely In her apartment and he was about to leave when she pulled on his shirt telling him he shouldn’t have to help her. He looked into emerald eyes and felt a connection. He felt an unseen magnetism pull him to her. His hands held her waist as she put her arms around his neck. And then, their mouths touched softly, their tongues meeting, slicing gently but urgently along the soft ridge of their lips.

Jack pulled Allison closer, feeling her arms tighten around his neck and her body pushing against his. One arm moved to her upper back increasing the pressure between them, feeling her breasts press into his chest.

His lips pressed harder and he felt hers respond in kind. Their tongues teased each other, first his pushed into her mouth feeling her lips suck it and he did the same when hers snaked into mouth. The kiss broke for a moment before resuming and seemed to last a long time.

When their lips finally parted they were both breathing a little harder and he felt her head move to rest on his shoulder. It was now as if they were on the dance floor, their bodies gently swaying to some unheard music. Jack knew he could take advantage of her but he didn't want her that way. When the time came he wanted her fully aware of what they were about to experience.

"I have to go," he whispered to no response. It was clear to him, she was well into an alcohol induced state. Directing to a door he thought was her bedroom, he held her next to the bed while his fingers on her back found the zipper on her dress. Slowly pulling the zipper down, she took a step back and let the dress fall to the floor in a heap. Jack marveled at her emerald bra and bikini panties as he sat on the bed.

It took a lot of will power not to climb into bed with her but he grabbed her legs and swung them onto the bed and then partially covered her. He stood for a few minutes staring down at her lovely body before he realized he had to leave before he did something they both would regret. He covered her with the sheet and then picked up her dress and found an empty hanger in the closet. Taking one last look at her he quietly exited her bedroom. One day, he thought, he would not be leaving her alone in bed.

On his way out he looked as some of the pictures she had scattered around the living room. He saw what he thought was her mom, dad, and brothers. There was one picture of her and a man who he supposed was John. He took a minute to study it and something told him they were not right for each other. He didn't know why but he couldn't shake the feeling. Leaving the apartment, he wondered if she would remember anything about their kiss. He would not bring it up unless she did.

Jack knew
Allison woke up the next morning by luck at the right time. She looked down at her underwear as gasped not really remembering how she had gotten there in the first place and slowly climbed out of bed sighing as she made her way to the bathroom.

She washed her face and remembered somewhat the passionate kiss she shared with Mr. Wolfe and blushed deeply figuring that had been who put her in the bed and she had been even more embarrassed.

She felt guilty kissing him like that and rememberedthe passion he had behind his kiss as well but they had both drank so much , she knew that was what it was and she ordered some of his favorite food to be ready in his office when he arrived at his desk as well as made them both fresh juice with her juicer and bottled them so it coukd helpthe hangover she was sure both of them had.

She wouldnt even tell John about the kiss, it hadnt gone further than that and she hadnt wanted to cause unnecessary problems for him but she would make sure she was careful from now on.
She took some asprin, got dressed in a professional outfit paired with printed heels and drive to work regretting not taking a cab but she had parked , grabbed them some coffee(His in a thermos she purchased for him) and set Mr. Wolfes office up nicely as well as sat and began to digitally prepare his contracts for the day while she had her coffee,she wanted him to see how profesional she was despite her behavior last night.
Jack stayed at his apartment in Wolfe Towers rather than drive out of the city to his large estate. He slept pretty well but he woke up a few times with thoughts of his new personal assistant on his mind. The taste of her lipstick was still on his lips and the image of them kissing continued to play in his head. He did, however, wake up feeling surprisingly refreshed with just a bit of a headache. Taking a shower, he wondered what the day held for him and Allie. He smiled in the mirror, thinking of the kiss and wondering if Allie had a hangover. Would she broach the subject of the kiss?

Jack's suit a Joseph Abboud design was pressed and ready to wear. Taking the private elevator one floor down to his office he got quite a surprise. Normally he was the first one in the office but on this morning, he saw Allison‘s office door slightly ajar. Peaking inside he saw her dressed very professionally in a white top and black skirt that hugged her hips. He again was reminded of her soft lips and then he saw she had arranged some breakfast food on her conference table. Also on the table was a thermos with his name on it and realized she had purchased it for him.

She seemed very intent staring at the computer screen and when he walked in he saw her bright smile when she saw him. It seemed to be an awkward moment between them and he wondered if he had overstepped his bounds last night. It was only the first day of their business relationship and he had already taken advantage by kissing her passionately in her apartment. But, he reasoned quickly, she also was a guilty party when she started to cry and pulled on his shirt. God she look fantastic this morning.

He shook off the awkward feeling and smiled, "Good morning Allie." Walking to the conference table, he added, "I really appreciate you doing this and the thermos looks great. Thank you but you don't have to do this." He sat down at the conference table, surveying the breakfast food which reminded him that he was very hungry. "Please join me. Are you looking over the Johnson contract proposal for the building renovations? If so, I don't want to put anymore than half into it. I know Robert will try to wiggle more money from me."
Allie was so focused not her computer she had hardly noticed Mr. Wolfe had come in and when she eyed him she smiled at him as he entered the room and was happy he seemed in a good mood after her her bad judgement for drinking last night.

He wore a well tailored suit , designer most likely and designer and tailored to him, she could tell it was freshly pressed and she could also tell he hadn't expected to see her so early.

He smiled back and she blushed a little remembering his lips on hers then on her neck a bit before she remembered him stopping himself. She knew she had to forget that kiss and act like it didnt happen because she knew Mr. Wolfe had drank alot as well and she didnt want to makenthings awkward, but she would apologize for losing herself last night and thank him.

"Good morning Jack" she said and smiledagain using his name since he told her to when they were alone. "It's no problem for me to do that for you Mr. Wolfe , it's also a thank you for looking out for me last night, I misjudged my drinking and I promise I'll watch for how much we both have next time especially conducting business" she said and looked as he mentioned what she was looking over and nodded as he asked her to join him, walking over with her laptop to sit a bit closer so he could view as well.
"Don't worry about last night Allie, We all had a lot to drink. In fact, I received a text from Robert apologizing for ordering the extra drinks." He noted she didn't mention the kiss. But he could see the way her eyes shifted downward just a little she was thinking about it. He wondered if he should say anything about the sensuous kiss but decided to let it lie for now. He was sure that in time, shortly he hoped, they would have the opportunity to kiss again.

He watched her walk toward him with her laptop, admiring how she filled out the outfit. The black skirt was tight, hugging her hips and the white blouse did nothing to hide the swell of her breasts. The thought of her last night, lying in bed, her emerald bra hiding them and all he had to do was unsnap the bra. But that would have not achieved his goal. It took time with Joanna, his last personal assistant, to bring her into his lair. The kiss is usually one of the last lures but with Allie it was done quicker.

Sitting next to him on his right side, Jack smelled her sweet perfume as she arranged her laptop between them. They were close together and Jack leaned further toward then he really had to as she brought up the screen she had been reviewing. It was Robert's standard contract which Jack always had a problem with. Some of the wording protected Robert and Maggie, leaving him out on a limb if things went wrong.

At one point, Jack shifted, turning his chair so he was half facing her left side. As he did, he noticed the jut of her breast pressing against the silky blouse material. He put his right arm around the back of her chair while pointing out some changes he wanted with his left hand.

They were mostly basic changes in wording with Jack explaining how using words such as "will" rather than "shall" can have dire consequences if they ever went to court. When they were finished, he pushed back a little and smiled. His voice was more demanding, telling her, "I think that'll do it Allie. Make the changes and have a copy for me to review within the hour."

His voice had changed from a more friendly tone to all business as he picked up his coffee and sipped, seeing her eyes meet his. Standing, he saw that his crotch was at her eye level and he didn't miss the way her eyes stayed focused on it and then shift upward to look at him. "That was very good work Allie. Do you think you can have that on my desk within the hour so we can get our final answer to Robert?"
Allie had smelled the expensive cologne on him it was something she had taken a liking to last night as she sat beside him having her meal. It was a warm woodscent with a hint of something she coukdnt quite place but it smelled amazing.

She explained the contracts theyve been sent and Mr. Wolfe had been precise changing the wording on the contract so that in the end of it him and herslf would be protected regardless of the amount of the work put into the project.

Allie nodded as they finished and he told her to have a copy for him to review im an hour and he stood in front of her and Allie stared for a second and then blushed slightly looking up at him as he stood above her.

She noticed the slight change in tone in him and wondered if he was ok or if hed remembered last night , they all had drank so much.. she was glad it was behind them and they were both professional at the dinner and now even though the kiss they shared after wasnt.

"Ill get right on that Jack" she said offering a small smile. " The contract should be ready in less than that actually, is there anything else you need me to do for you sir? She said glancing up at him.
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What a leading question, "..... is there anything else you need me to do for you sir?" He looked down into her bright. emerald eyes that seemed to shimmer with excitement. What he wanted to tell her was ..... yes open my trousers, take out my cock and let's see how good and hard you can make it. But he didn't. Instead he smiled and replied, "I think we have the makings of a really good team."

Putting a hand on her shoulder, he couldn't help but notice the nice curvature of her breasts as he said, "thanks for breakfast and the thermos. I really appreciate your efforts but I'm not expecting this every morning." What he was really aiming for was to have her for his own and wake up in his bed. "I'll be waiting for that contract," he said and walked through the ajoining door to his office.

In less than an hour, true to her word, Allie knocked on his door and entered with the finished contract. When Allie handed him the papers, she sat in the leather chair in front of his large oak desk. He took his time reviewing the contract and found a few minor mistakes. With Joanna, his most recent assistant, he knew she made the mistakes on purpose, knowing she would feel the palm of his hand on her naked bottom and much more.

With this being Allie's second day, he was not going to be very harsh with her. At some point in the near future, she will feel his hand making contact with her bare butt but he felt he needed just a little more time to draw her deeper into his lair.

Seeing some expection on her face, Jack cleared his throat. "There are still a number of mistakes Allie." They were mistakes he didn't point out earlier. He wanted her to think on her own. "You have to think in terms of losing your own money when reviewing contracts. You did a good job on the changes we talked about but in this section (showing her the section on payments) I don't want to wait 45 days to get my money back. We should cross that out and put 15 days. Remember we have the upper hand and he needs our infusion of cash rather than go to the bank to make this project work. And if he balks, like I know he will, we can negotiate."

Jack handed her the contract and picked up his coffee cup. He heard the noise of an airplane outside the 54th window and then accidently spilled coffee onto his shirt and tie. "Ahhhh shit," he blurted, grabbing some tissues and trying to wipe the coffee off his shirt.

He knew it was a lost cause and then to make matters worse, the intercom squawked and Jessica's voice filled the room. "Boss, I have Deputy Mayor Robbins here in the lobby."

Quickly thinking, he looked at Allie. "I was planning to introduce you to the Deputy Mayor but I can't meet him looking like this. I need you to go to my apartment on the next floor and get me a clean shirt and tie." When she gave him a confused look, he said, "I have an apartment that I use when I don't want to travel to my country home. It makes it easier to get to the office early. There is an elevator just down the hall from the main elevators and you need a pass code to use it. The number is 6284. The elevator opens directly into my apartment. In my bedroom, the closet on the left has some shirts on the shelves along with ties. I trust your judgement to pick something that will go with my suit."

He wondered what she would think when she saw the massive apartment taking up almost the entire upper floor. And then he smirked knowing that when she walked into the closet, she would see some nylon rope and handcuffs hanging from the wall. Would she put two and two together and what would she think of his bondage toys. He was interested to see if she says anything when she returns.
Allison quickly rose and nodded after getting the information from Mr. Wolf on how to access his apartment " I'll be quick Mr. Wolfe.." she said surprised at him having an apartment right above them but knew she shouldn't be he was the ceo of the companies and this was a parent company to many others.

She made her way into the elevator and rode up silent and curious about Mr. Wolfes home although she knew she shouldnt be. She let out an audible gasp as she saw the size of his apartment. The interior was sleek and clean as she explored around quickly seeing the modern sleek dining area and a beautiful kitchen off the side through and entrance she saw.

She got a glance at the balcony as well and the breathtaking view of the city he might get everynight before focusing herself again from her shock and quickly making her way to his bedroom to retrieve a shirt and tie for him.

Allie made her way into his bedroom in awe again at the size and design of it and quickly spotted the walk in wardrobe off to the side and wasnt surprised at just the size of it but the organization of everything in his home.

If this was just his secondary home , she could imagine how his beautiful his country home was. She began to look through his wardrobe for something that would fit him perfectly and impress her boss.

As she looked around Allie spotted some handcuffs , ropes and and a few other sex and bondage toys displayed neatly on a lighted panel and her eyes grew wide at the sight of it and her body grew flush.

She and John had experimented with handcuffs here and there wanting to try it out but some things she had saw on the panel, alot of things, Allison hadnt tried yet and just from her glance at the wall she could tell Mr. Wolfe was experienced in alot of other things aside from business and blushed remebering the heated kiss he gave her again.

Allison quickly found a shirt that woukd fit him and possibly impress the deputy mayor and a tie as well that would accent the lining in his suit and color in his steel grey eyes.

To tie everything as well she grabbed a tie clip and watch to accessorize from his jewelry and grabbed the things neatly and made her way back downstairs to Mr. Wolfes office.

She noticed the blinds had been slightly closed and paid it no mind as she knocked softly before stepping in and gasped as she saw the bare chest, sculpted body and steel grey eyes of Mr. Wolfe staring at her as she walked in.

Allie controlled herself as professionally as possible not shocked hed been so comfortable and she walked over to him handing him the clothes trying not to look at his eyes or body after discovering what she did upstairs and what could've happened last night.

She loved John, it was wrong of her to think of Mr. Wolfe like that and she was sure a little crush or attraction would make him feel awkward, besides, they couldn't do anything about it, He was her boss and she was seeing someone she was in love with and missed dearly, she was certain it was her lack of sex the last month and a half since john had last visited that had her riled up somewhat.

"Here you are Mr. Wolfe" she said and stepped back a bit " I picked out two items to compliment those as well, i hope this is ok" she said then waited for his reaction.
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Jack removed his soiled shirt and walked to the window overlooking the city. He thought of Allie getting her first glimpse into his private quarters and smiled. He figured she had never been in an apartment so large and designed to give him all the comfort and extraordinary views of the city. Then he chuckled knowing she was going to discover his sex toys which were promantely displayed. Did she and her boyfriend, John, experiment with bondage? He felt a rush, thinking how nice it would be to see her tied up on his bed and he teasing her mercilessly until she screamed for him to let her have an orgasm.

Folding his arms, he looked out at the city's landscape feeling the city belonged to him. He knew it didn't but it was so different than the Northwest Ohio upbringing. People back home were surprised to see his name in the news and on the cover of magazines. He was voted, in high school, as the most likely to succeed and he didn't disappoint, finishing his undergraduate college in three years and then getting two masters in less than two years. At the ripe old age of 25 he struck out to make his fortune and now he climbed the ladder of success but not without stepping on a few toes. He had learned some hard lessons along the way and he knew there were others, just as ambitious, wanting to take what he had built.

He heard the soft knock and turned to see Allie holding a shirt, tie, clip, and watch. The look on her face didn't escape him either. Her eyes were scanning him and he saw the slight blush of red on her cheeks. He smiled, seeing her gaze try to avert his blue eyes. And the thought of her laying in his bed with him, sent a jolt of lust through him. He knew he had to have her one way or the other.

Jack smiled taking the shirt from her. "You made an excellent choice Allie." He took a little longer than necessary putting on his shirt. He fumbled with a couple of buttons on top prolonging giving her a view of his chest. He saw her eyes slide down his front when he tucked his shirt into his trousers. Did she want to see what he had hidden? He smiled again, finishing with the tie, tie clip, and watch.

"I want you to meet the Deputy Mayor with me. I'm sure he is here to try and get some money for the mayor's upcoming race. That's one thing about having a lot of money. It seems everyone wants some of it." He hit the intercom button. "Jess tell Mr. Robbins we are on our way." As they headed to the conference room, he asked, "So Allie what did you think of my apartment?" And then as an after thought he added, "Would you please have dinner with me tonight. I promise no excessive drinking tonight. I think we had enough last night."
Allison smiled as he told her she had made an excellent choice and he stood dressing in front of her. She had watched him for a second then quickly looked away not wanting him to feel uncomfortable and he smiled before she turned and she sighed knowing he'd probably caught her staring too.

His smile was something she had been happy to see as dangerous as it was working for a man that good looking but she knew they were appreciative ones and she turned back seeing he was fully dressed and she admired how well things looked together.

He had told her again he wanted her to meet the deputy mayor and how he was most likely there for money and chuckled at that knowing how true that statement was.

He informed Jessica the secretary that they were on their way down and she stopped in the elevator adjusting his tie a bit a sort of instinct of hers and smiled softly stepping back.

She heard him ask about his apartment and she smiled soflty saying " It has a cool and comforting aesthetic Jack, from what I saw I could tell how much detail and time you put into it, it was really beautful from the bit ive seen.

She heard him as for dinner a short moment after and looked at him surprised he'd want dinner with her again and chuckled at his comment on no excessive drinking again tonight.

She thought about it for a moment and thought dinner would be fine but tonight smiled looking up at him, it beat having dinner alone at the diner near her place like she planned.

"Mr. Wolfe dinner sounds great I really enjoyed my time last night, but I'll only agree to it If you let me treat us to dessert" she said and smiled knowing with a body like his Mr. Wolfe might not the indulged in treats much but she had the perfect after dinner dessert and she enjoyed baking.
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Jack smiled broadly at Allison when she told him she would accept his dinner invitation. "That's great," he said as the eelevator doors opened. Walking to the conference room, his thoughts were on what kind of dessert she had in mind. He knew it was not the same kind of dessert he was thinking of, shedding her clothes and ravaging her body with sensual kisses and touches.

"I don't want to ruin your surprise for dessert Allie. Let Jessica know what ingredients you need and she'll make sure you have everything you need. I'll be cooking dinner for us. I hope you like shrimp and linguine with a side salad and french bread." She didn't respond before they entered the conference room but that was ok. He could see she was thinking about the evening.

They walked into the conference room, seeing a tall man with a beard sitting at the table with a young female assistant. Jack knew Deputy Mayor Mike Robbins for a couple of years, having to deal with him on a number of zoing issues and other permits for his projects.

Jack saw his eyes open wider and then a smile formed on his face when he saw Allison. He introduced the young female, Ms. Jane Wilson, to them and then waited while Jack introduced Allison. When they were all seated, Jack asked, "So what brings you to us today Mike?"

Jack saw the young assistant begin to write notes and he smiled pulling out his cell phone. "Let me record the meeting and Ms. James will transcribe it and send you an email." Jack knew the reason for taking notes; it was to use as a weapon over his head in the future. The young assistant looked to the Deputy Mayor who nodded and put the pen down.

"Jack, let me cut to the chase. The mayor has a brutal campaign coming up and he needs your support."

Jack knew what he was driving at and immediately asked, "how much Mike?"

The Deputy Mayor smiled and Jack knew from past experince he was very good at this game. "Jack we need $100,000 to help with his re-election. And the Mayor wanted me to let you know that your current zoning request is up for discussion next week with the planning commission."

There it was the hook. Jack didn't bat an eye. "That's a pretty heffy amount Mike. What do you think Ms. James? do you think we should contribute that amount of money?" Jack knew he would give him the donation because the new project he was pushing through the city would net him millions of dollars. Jack saw Mike's assistant and his eyes shift to Allison.
Allison was surprised Mr. Wolfe was going to cook dinner for them up at his place and blush threatened to fill her face remembering what she had seen in his wardrobe.

She heard him say he didn't want to ruin her surprise for dessert and she gave a soft smile nodding as she made mental note to remind Jessica and she would possibly have a few things ubered as well.

They were at the conference room in no time and Allison stood beside Mr. Wolfe's taller frame then watched the tall deputy Mayor sitting and greeting them with a smile.

Allison gave her brilliant smile back shaking hands as introduction was made and MR. Wolfe and herself sat across the table from the Deputy Mayor and his assistant.

She noticed Jane writing and she was curious Mr. Wolfe had his phone out to voice record. She nodded immediately taking her tablet out to transcribe the meeting as he asked and she was stunned at the amount they needed.

She heard Mr. Wolfe voice her thoughts about that and then he asked her for her opinion on the matter. She knew his zoning was on the line and Mr. Wolfe had needed that land and how iimportant it was so she was careful with her words.

She gave the deputy mayor and smile as well as his assistant and earned grins back from them and said nicely " Well Mr. Wolfe I think you should offer the money but as an angel investor, all things would be documented behind the scenes for this transaction but Mr. Wolfe & Wolfe Enterprise and any branch companies cannot be involved in the campaign advertisements in any way."

She knew politics were tricky and she looked at Mr. Wolfe wanting to be sure she hadn't said too much but she remembered his wording earlier on always protecting yourself when it came to contracts.
Jack listened to Allie speak about baing an angel investor in the Mayor's re-election campaign and was very impressed. It took Joanna, his past PA, weeks to get to know what Jack wanted. And here was Allison James nailing on her second day. Looking across the table, Deputy Mayor Mike Robbins and Mayor Paul Huggins assistant Jane Wilson had wide smiles on their faces. They knew they had the money and could now go back to the Mayor and tell him. Jack chuckled a little figuring they would go back to the Mayor and tell him how hard they pushed for the donation, figuring they put a few good marks in the Mayor's ledger.

Jack turned to look at Allison. "I couldn't have said it better myself." Then turning to the Mayor's grunts on the other side of the table, he said, "Tell Mayor Huggins he has my silent support and keep me out of any public acknowledgement unless he gets my approval. Is that perfectly clear?"

Mike Robbins smiled and instantly said, "Thank you and the Mayor thanks you ...... and ..... and I will pass along your concerns about keeping your name out of the public."

They both knew that the Mayor would have to disclose any and all contributions on his tax statements but by then the election will be over.

Jack let out a soft sigh and then in a deadly serious voice that carried ominous threat, he said, "Mike tell the Mayor I'm expecting that zoning issue to pass the planning and zoning commission."

"Will do Sir," he responded with a sheepish look on his face. He knew what Jack was capable of and so did the Mayor. Stories of Jack's retribution when he didn't get his way were spoke of in hushed tones.

"if that's all then Ms. James and I have some contracts to finish up this morning."

The two representatives from the Mayor's office rose and shook hands with him and Allison. After they left, he turned to Allie and closed the distance between them. Touching her shoulder, he gave her a soft smile that could be taken as sensual if the mood was right. He looked into her emerald eyes and for a quick moment had the urge to lean toward her and kiss her. But instead he said, "well done Allie. I'm very impressed with how quick you are picking up my thoughts. I think we really do have the makings of a great relationship." In his mind he had more than just a friendly business working relationship and knew that shortly she would come to realize he wanted more ...... much more.
Allison was thrilled Mr. Wolfe had been pleased with her work again and she only planned on keeping him happy with what she did for him and the company.

They all exchanged goodbyes and she saw how serious Jack had been about his zoning pulling through and she hadnt blamed him after such a large donation to the city office.

Once it was confirmed the message woukd be relayed to the mayor, Jack and herself exchanged goodbyes and she gasped under herbreath as he stepped in closely to her when they were alone touching her shoulder.

She looked up at him as he touched her shoulder and complimented her telling her how impressed he was with her picking up on what he wanted and that they had the makings of a great relationship.

Allison offered him a kind smile and said " Well Mr. Wolfe , it is my job as your assistant to make sure your needs are met precisely, i just simply thought beyond the campaign" she glanced up into his grey eyes then at his lips she remembered the kiss and glanced back at his eyes quickly.

" We should head back up to finish those contracts, then i can grab you something for a light lunch if youre hungry Jack?" She said as she glanced down to the tablet she had to say the transcript of the metting she had typed out.

She knew she and Mr. Wolfe had gotten close in just two days but she knew their chemistry had been just harmless. She even blushed at the subtle hints Mrs. Johnson tried dropping to her in the bathroom that Mr. Wolfe had never brought women to dinner meetings before and how it normally was done in office. She chuckled softly thinking it had been beause of the drinks but maybe Mr. Wolfe did feel a connection to her since the were both Ohioins.
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When Allison responded that it was her job to make sure his needs are to be met precisely, Jack wanted to tell her that his needs went well beyond the normal boss / assistant relationship. He saw her blush a little as she looked into his eyes and then she said they should finish up the contracts.

Jack looked at his watch, seeing it was close to lunch time. "I think we are all set on the Johnson contract once you make a few more of the minor changes. Get with me for my signature before you send it to Robert and Maggie. And i would like to see the finished transcript to the Mayor's office before you email them. ....... And if you want to bring me something for lunch that would be very appreciative."

Retiring to his office, Jack began working on some other projects he had started. He thought of bringing Allison into the other projects but he wanted to do it slowly, so as to not overwhelm her. Finishing some of the work, he made a few phone calls and then sat back reflecting about Allison. His thoughts turned to her boyfriend, John Hill, she mentioned a couple of times. Since he was in Ohio attending med school, he wanted to find out more about him. Was he going to be a problem when he started to really get serious with Allie? It was always good to know as much about your competition and even though Allie didn't know it yet, she was going to be the prize. Smiling he looked out over the city and wondered if he could coax Allie to open up about him tonight at dinner.

His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door and then Allie appeared with some contract files and lunch. "I see we're going to have a working lunch," he chuckled admiring the soft curves of her body.
Allison nodded as Mr.Wolfe mentioned he wanted to revised the contract a final time before he signed and sent out to the Johnsins and to see the final draft of the transcript before she had sent the email out.

She made sure to do both tasks quickly and throughly including a confidentiality clause in the arrangements with the mayoral office as well that secured Mr. Wolfes anonymity as an investor.

She had glanced at the clock and ordered in some turkey and swiss paninis , italian soda and cauliflower soup for them to have and she hope Mr. Wolfe had like her choices not really familiar with his diet yet and made a mental note to learn that as soon as possible.

Allison brought everything with her and knocked softly at his door hearing him tell her to come in and she chuckled back hearing him say they were having a working lunch and nodded " Indeed we are Mr. Wolfe" she chuckled " Everything is in order i just need your signatures and revisions" she said setting up lunch for them as she sorted out the paperwork .

She saw how hard at work Mr. Wolfe had been and that also something had been on his mind and she couldnt help but ask " You we're really focused when i came in Mr. Wolfe , anything i can help with? " she asked spotting the pile of paperwork.
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He smiled and then looked down on his desk, seeing the short stack of files realizing she saw how deep in thought he was when she entered. "I was just going through some projects that need some attention," he replied as he stood and walked to the small conference table. "And as for your help, I was planning to go over a few of them with you this afternoon."

If she knew what he was really thinking, he wondered what she would think if she knew she was going to be the prize. It was all presumption on his part now as to what John Hill would do when he found out that Jack had his eye on the beautiful Allison James. Would he fight for her or would he give her up easily? Jack hoped the latter but he had a feeling that since they were dating since high school, he might not want to give her up without a good fight.

In any event, Jack was looking forward to finding out and if the truth be known, he loved a good challenge. From what he had seen so far, Allison loved Jack's world of big deals. She has demonstrated a knack for knowing what to say at the right time. And soon she would be introduced to traveliing at the drop of a hat. How would she fare with havng to travel at his side? His world could be fast paced at times and in the end, he knew, the more time Allie was close to him, the more she would be drawn into his web.

Looking at the turkey and swiss paninis , italian soda and cauliflower soup, Jack felt his hunger kick in. First breakfast and now lunch. She knew how to get on his good side and it's only been a day and a half. "I'm not how you knew what I would like but you certainly hit a home run Allie. Let's eat." As they ate, Jack looked over the final contract with Robert and the donation to the Mayor. One of the phone calls he made earlier was to Robert telling him the contract would be sent over after lunch.

Signing the contracts, he looked at Allie and saw her staring at him. He wondered what she was thinking as he announced, "after lunch I have a few more contracts to go over with you and then you're free to go home early and change into something more comfortable for dinner. I assume your dessert will take some time to prepare so you know how to admit yourself into my apartment to start preparing it. I'm really looking forward to cooking for you tonight."
Allison smiled softly when he complimented her on how she seemed to know what he wanted and that shed hit a home run with picking lunch for them and she was happy he was pleased with her decision, she was certain most of her instincts to when a man had wanted something came from observing them and Jack was a very interesting and important man to obsseve, she knew she had to get to know him closer because she had to anticipate his needs as his assistant.

She nodded as he mentioned eating and realized she hadn't eaten more than a coffee and croissant for the day. She sighed softly at the taste of the soup better than she had expected from this small bistro style restaurant and she figured she'd guess what he'd like and would try some herself.

She watched him a moment enjoying his meal and smiled inwardly thinking how relaxed he looked just eating and how handsome but she quickly shook her mind from that and continued her meal because she was certain Mr.Wolfe had caught her staring a little.

She wondered how things would be when they travelled since they were so well tuned here in New York. She had enjoyed the calm presence of Mr. Wolfe and she saw a few contracts in Vegas,Canada and California in his upcoming schedule.

She enjoyed her meal silently for a few moments and looked at him as he told her after lunch they could go over some contracts and then she was free to go home and change then head up to his place to prepare her dessert. She was surprised that he had been so trusting of her in his place alone and nodded then was shocked Mr. Wolfe said he was excited to cook for her and smiled softly at that " I'm just as excited for you to taste my dessert Mr. Wolfe" she said still shocked he'd wanted to cook for her but she had a feeling Jack Wolfe was a man of many talents and could most likely cook very well.

She thought about after dinner for a moment.. would Mr. Wolfe want her to stay and talk a bit or would he want her to go right after they ate? Allison wouldn't be offended by either , it was his home he was offering and when she cooked she woukd make sure she kept it very tidy for him.