Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

Allie had a great time learning the game with him , she observed him carefully and got the hang of it after the first deal and where as some people might get frustrated with the game, Allison had always had the patience of a saint when it came to keaeniing new thi ngs.

She smiled as he complimented her on her natural abilities and giggled " i dont know how good ill be Jack butni know ill have fun doing it especially just to experience it"

She saw him begin taking calls and she pulled out her laptop to do a light research on the companies they were working with and activities to do on their spare time the little that they had.

She glanced at her facebook briefly sighing as she saw a few baby announcements and engagements and she wondered if John would want any of that soon, they had both agreed they were young but vegas wouldve been a fun place for them to get hitched on a whim since they had already ben togetherso long.

She glanced up lost in her thoughts a moment hearing the pilot announce their arrival and she admired the beautiful view of the city below and wished them a good trip.

She grinned as he asked her if she was ready for a great adventure and nodded " Im ready if you are Mr.Wolfe, im sure were going to do great today" she said and smiled.
Jack again saw the excitement on Allie's face when she told him she was ready for a great adventure. "Oh I'm ready Allie and I know we said we would use formal names on business calls but in Vegas you can call me Jack and I'll call you Allie. I have worked with one of the developers and in Vegas, it's pretty laid back as far as this investment group is concerned."

The plane made a smooth landing at Harry Reid International Airport and taxied to a private hangar. Jack was so happy when he purchased the plane and was able to use private hangars at airports all over the world. Using commercial airports was such a hassle with ticketing and fighting the crowd plus you were at the mercy of the airlines as to when you took off and arrived. This was so much more comfortable.

He smiled and grinned when he saw the stretch limousine waiting near the hangar and three people standing near it. "It looks like our greeting party is here," he said to Allie, seeing her looking out the window.

Disembarking the plane, they walked to the limousine. A man Jack had worked with in the past smiled broadly and stuck out his hand to Jack and laughed. "It's good to see you again Jack," he said.

Turning to Allie, he held his hand out and introduced himself. "Hello Allie, I'm Jacob Hausman CEO of Hausman Development Company. Jack told me he hired a new PA but he didn't mention how beautiful you were." Jack could see the sparkle in the man's eyes as he looked at Allie approvingly.

Then turning to the other two persons standing nearby, they introduced themselves. "Hello, I'm Abby Stillwell Executive Vice-President of Hausman Development and Jacob's right hand person." The other person stepped forward and said, "hello, I'm Bradley Stollings Land Acquisition for Hausman.

With the introductions out of the way, they entered the stretch limousine which easily accomodated the five of them. Allie sat between Jack and Jacob while Bradley and Abby sat in the leather seat across from them. As the limousine began to move out into Vegas traffic, Jacob nodded to Bradley.

Bradley gave them his professional sales smile. "We have a piece of land on the strip where an old casino was torn down. The owner died and it's now up for sale and we think it would be a great investment for Wolfe Enterprises to join our group. I assume you have read the papers I sent you?"

Jack smiled and looked at Allie. "Yes we have and Allie was looking them over on the plane. Allie what are your first reactions to what material you've read?"
Allison smiled as he said it was ok to call him Jack in front of this group and that he had worked with someone from the investment group before which was a good news to hear and she was glad the group would a laid back but professional group.

They landed safely in a private cellar and got their things off Which Mr Wolfe had sent off to their hotel and then she peek out the window seeing a limo and people waiting.

Jack grinned saying that the greeting party was there and when they exited the plane Mr. Wolfe was greeted happily by a handsome sandy haired man with a wide smile.

The man introduced himself to her shortly after complimenting her looks and she smiled thanking him assuming Mr.Wolfe had told them her name already since he knew. She smiled shaking his hand and said " Thank you Jacob it's a pleasure meeting you" she said kindly before they turned to greet the other two investors

She shook hands with Abby and Bradley smiling and telling them it was great to be meeting them as well and then the five loaded into the limo to go off to see the land.

They began driving off the the location and not too shortly Jacob and Bradley exchanged looks before Bradley began.

She listened to Bradley began his pitch about the proposal and the beneficial investment they thought Mr.Wolfe could bring to the Hausman Group and asked if they read the files. She had read the files and like the ideas but she felt it needed something different from just another big casino.

She was stunned hearing Mr.Wolfe ask her opinion on it because this had been such a huge project and she smiled at him and then the group and sighed softly before she began " I saw the ideas you had for the casino and the model idea, and for the amount of land bought I think it could be much more and much different from just another mega casino in Vegas" she said watching their reactions and was little nervous but continued.

" From my research on the casinos in Vegas, the more successful large casinos are beautiful on the outside, but the decor and attractions inside aren't that's updated, if we're building a casino we should have something new and completely different from anything ever seen in Vegas, I think a high-tech casino with a smart hotel addition could be a good idea, Noone has that here and it's trendy and eye-catching," she said and looked at them wondering what she thought, she had a million ideas for the hotel/casino, but she wondered what they would think about it and more importantly what Jack had thought.
Jack saw the look on Abby and Bradley’s faces as Allison spoke about the proposed casino and hotel which could be much more than the mega casinos on the strip. It was pretty evident to Jack that nobody else in the past had talked about the concept she was bringing up, namely doing up the interiors with modern technology rather than the stale furnishings in the present casinos.

There was a moment of awkward silence when she finished and Jack was a little concerned that maybe it was the wrong approach. It seems everyone in Vegas has the same mindset.

Abby said in a low voice, "interesting concept," and Bradley follow that up immediately with "yes very interesting."

Abby and Bradley looked at Jacob and Jack was curious what he would say. It was clear that they wanted Jacob's blessing or input. Jack knew both Jacob and Abby from previous projects but this was by far the biggest project they might work on together.

All eyes were on Jacob as he looked at Allison and then at Jack. For another moment Jack was uncertain what his feelings were concerning Allison’s comments but when he he broke into a wide smile it seemed everyone in the limousine blew out a relieved breath of air. "Jack! Where did you find this gem. I like the way she thinks out of the box and you tell me she has only been with you for a few days." He stopped for another moment and then grinned. "Jack .... you had better watch out for this young lady ..... not only does she have great looks but she is very smart."

Jack let out a laugh and put his hand on Allie's knee, slightly squeezing it as he said, "There is no way you're getting her to move to Vegas Jacob. I will do whatever it takes to keep her."

They arrived at the site which was just a large empty lot with casinos on either side. "There's no reason to get out as you have the prospectus with the documents and pictures of the proposed development. All I and my team needs to do is get you to commit to throwing your hat into the ring. And I think we can do that over dinner. I'll have my driver pick you up and six and then after dinner, we'll hit the tables." Jacob told the driver to head to the Mirage.

As they approached the Mirage Jacob told Abby to accompany them to Jack's suite to make sure everything was in order, telling her he would send a car for her when she was ready to leave. In the elevator, Abby told them "housekeeping knows you're coming and the staff is prepared to meet any of your needs Jack and you too Allison."

Abby smiled seeing Allison had never been treated like royalty. She though to herself that if she stayed with Jack, she had better get used to the lifestyle of the rich and famous. The elevator opened to Jack's penthouse suite. The Living Area was immaculate and then she showed Abby Jack's Bedroom 1 and then hers Bedroom 2.

When she saw Allison had only brought an small carry-on suitcase, she turned to Jack. "Jack!! Why didn't you tell her you own this place and she could have packed more clothes."

"I ah .... It was a last minute decision to come,"

"That's a lame excuse Jack. This lady needs some really nice clothes for dinner tonight." She saw Allison start to speak but put up her hand. "Jack you should be ashamed of yourself. Give me your credit card."

Turning to Allison, she gave her a bright smile. "Honey we are going shopping for some really nice clothes at the expense of Jack Wolfe. Do you remember the movie "Pretty Woman"? Well we are going to do her one better. I know some stores where we can buy you some nice dinner clothes, sexy underwear, and swimsuit for the pool and spa here at the Mirage.

Jack smiled at the attention Abby was giving Allison and he was sure it would go some to bring her closer to him which is what he wanted. "I'll be at the pool when you return," he said anxious to see what Allison looked like in a swimsuit.
Allie was nervous seeing reactions first becauseof the silence but when everyone heard Jacob respond she was thrilled by the positive reaction to her ideas.

She smiled thanking Jacob for his compliment and was happy she had always done extra research. She giggled at their joke and grinned at Jack as he mentioned he would do whatever it took to keep his new assistant.

After viewing the land briefly the group drive them to the Mirage hotel and Allison was again stunned by the beauty and lavish interior not used to all of this.

Abby smiled at her one which she returned as she took them up to the penthouse suite telling her staff would getbthem whatever they needed and she still couldn't believe her eyes i, t was like it never stopped getting better..

She walked over to her small suitcase to grab something and heard Abby admonish Mr Wolfe for the size of her luggage and she was even more surprised he had owned the place.

She heard Mr. Wolfe state it was last minute in which she nodded to in agreement and began to say something but Abby wouldn't have that and demanded his card shocking her a little.

Allie glanced at Mr. Wolfe then a grinning Abby as she told her they were going shopping and she knew protesting would not be tolerated because she was determined.

Allie was suddenly grabbed by the wrist and brought back toward the elevator surprised he hasn't protested and just handed his wallet over telling her shed be at the pool when she got back.

Abby seemed giddy as they stepped in and told her about a luxury mall she was taking her to and she asked if she was sure Mr. Wolfe was ok with them splurging only to get a laugh and nod " Jack is perfectly fine with it and he had more than enough money.

Allison went in the shops viewing all the stores and managed to get a purse, new shoes, some lingerie, dresses, a few swimsuits, a bigger suitcase, souvenirs and accessories on Mr Wolfe's tab nearly choking one she saw that they've spent almost 10,000 dollars.

Abby had staff come pick up their bags before they got some drinks from a place called Fat Tuesday's and she urged her to try a pina colada an bring Jack back a drink as well.

She had departed from Abby when they arrived stating they woukd see eachother at dinner and to wear the dress she had dared her to buy which had cost 2000 dollars.

She was stunned seeing all her bags already in the room when she arrived up to the room surprised at how quickly they worked and heard splashing outside figured Mr Wolfe was taking a swim in the pool.

She glanced out to tell him she returned and blushed a bit seeing his sculpted wet body. " I'm going to get changed so I can join you, then I'll bring you a drink from one of the places Abby suggested to me that we should have as one of the hotel vendors"

Abby went and changed into a cute two piece lime green swim set and took their drinks out the freezer she placed in briefly the joined him outside holding them and placed the down before climbing in smiling " I'm excited to try these Abby said they were amazing" she smiled handing him one.
Jack was relaxing in the pool outside the living area thinking of Allison and how there relationship was becoming more comfortable. He closed his eyes, seeing the passionate kiss they shared a few days ago which now seemed a hell of a lot longer. He was wondering if anything would happen on this trip when he heard her coming into the penthouse.

He acted as though he didn't hear her but saw her through half-lidded eyes scanning his body and swim trunks as he floated on the plastic tube. He smiled when she called out that she was going to get changed and join him. Would tonight be the night when they could reenact their kiss.

He was still daydreaming about the kiss when she walked through the glass sliding doors wearing the lime green swim suit. His eyes drank her curves and he didn't care if she saw him staring. He felt a surge of sexual energy in his loins and hoped she didn't see what could only be described as a lump.

She was carrying two drinks and he got off the tube and was standing in waist high water when she entered the water. He smiled when she entered the water and walked to him. He chuckled when she told him Abby had suggested the pina colada drinks. Good ole Abby was one that loved a good time and he imagined they spent a lot of money crusing through the stores.

Taking the drink, he clinked their glasses and then took a sip, tasting Captain Morgans Rum. Nothing like a pre-dinner drink to start the evening. They were so close and he saw the way her lips closed on the glass lip and knew he had to do something. "Mmmm this is definitely a great drink Abby recommended."

"Allie first I want to apologize for not telling you to bring extra clothes and a large suit case. It was my mistake and in the future I will try to tell you more about where we are going and what to expect." He took another sip and set his drink on the side of the pool. He took her drink and placed it next to his, knowing it was time to press a little.

Taking her hands in his, he could see her looking at him with a questioning look. "I know we have avoided talking about the kiss we shared the other night and I know you have been probably thinking about it too. And I know we have avoided saying anything about it but I want you to know that it was one of the most amazing kisses I have ever experienced." He stopped seeing her emerald eyes staring at him, wondering what was going through her mind and knew he had to say it. "Allie I would like to kiss you again."

This was the moment he knew would come at some time and it seemed to be the most appropriate time. He didn't want alcohol to be a factor later tonight when they were with Jacob and his staff at dinner and then later at the casino. He saw her eyes searching his and waited to see what her decision would be.
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Allison saw his eyes on her when she entered the water and she saw he bad been thinking of somethings and thought maybe about he dinner and deal tonight.

She took a few sips of the drink tasting the strong taste of rum mixed with the creamy coconut and pineapple it was delicious and she could see why Abby had reccomended it. He apologized for not telling her to pack more and bring extra clothes and keeping her updated on trips and what to expect. She accepted his apology and thanked him then watched Mr. Wolfe si his drink then place it down, then hers and grab her hands pulling her in looking intently and she was curious and stared back.

She was stunned hearing him Mention the kiss since neither of them had acknowledged of brought it up, she had figured Mr. Wolfe hadn't been interested in her that way and had just brushed it off, but she did notice the small looks and that had enjoyed her company, but she had also put in her head he was just being nice to her.

She sighed he mentioned her thinking about it too, as hard as she tried not to think about it or her attraction to Mr. Wolfe it had always made its way back to her thoughts. She was even more shocked hearing him tell her it was one of the best kisses he'd ever experienced and asked for another.

John was on her mind, she felt guilty feeling like this about another man when he had been her first everything and the only man she had ever loved but Jack had been making that line blurred for her, she hadn't stopped loving John, she had just never been treated this good by him before , they had both been so busy with studies and schooling that the quality time and intimacy at time was slow but they made sure they stayed in communication always.

She looked away for a second ashamed at how much she wanted him, how close his body was the faint smell of his cologne and thinking of the look in his eyes as he watched her and this time the alcohol hadn't kicked in ,Jack had wanted her as bad as she wanted him.

She looked back up into his eyes and reached a hand up stroking the side of his face softly "Just a kiss..?" She asked moreso to herself trying to deny how she really had been starting to feel about Jack over the past few days.

She hesitated a second, but then got on her toes to lean into his lips kissing him and gasped feeling him start to return it.
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Jack knew this was the moment of truth. He knew she and John had been together since high school but he knew she had probably never known the attentiveness of other men.

He knew not to push the issue once it was presented and could see, in her eyes, the internal struggle. Was kissing another man just a show of friendly affection? He hoped she’d agree to the kiss and if things progressed then great. But if not he was willing to draw her deeper into his web.

“Yes just a kiss,” he responded softly seeing her lips move toward his.

He kissed her slowly, his lips pressing lightly against hers at first. He didn’t rush it, letting their lips join together as one. He felt the time to press more urgently would happen as the kiss deepened. His tongue slipped across hers, pressing teasingly to enter but pulling back, not forcing the issue.

He thought of the kiss in her apartment. That kiss was very passionate but it was also alcohol induced. This kiss was purely based on their free will to share with each other. And he found it more tantalizing and passionate.

He released her hands, putting his right arm around her shoulders and his left hand on her right hip drawing her deeper into the kiss.
Allie sighed against his lips as he kissed her back slowly then their kiss getting deeper, more intense. She felt his hard body against hers as they kissed and felt him drop her hands and pull her into him closer.

The kiss was something different to her, she had kissed John plenty of times, and even more passionately during sex but right now, the way Jack had been kissing her , the way they kissed each other that night and how they were right now,she could feel a heat, a sort of hunger as her body responded but they continued.

She gasped putting her hand behind his head as they moved a little more toward the side of the pool and held each other knowing this one kiss she shared with Jack Wolfe was dangerous but something about himmsei couldn't resist.

She felt him stiffen a little and sighed knowing she had grown wet as well but she had to resist Jack, she had to stop soon before they went too far and John would never forgive her.

She pulled back looking in his eyes panting a little, winded from the intense kiss " Was that kiss good enough Mr. Wolfe?" She asked a hint of tesing in her voice, she hadnt wanted things to be awkward of change between them at all because of the sexual tension.
When she put her hand behind Jack's head, he felt her body press agaisnt his, her breasts touching his chest sent a thrill through him. The kiss was even better sober than when they were under the influence of the alcohol. And while her breasts were touching him, he knew she felt his desire on her lower abdomen.

As the soft kiss lingered, he felt a little resistance and knew she was fighting the demons of thinking she had to be true to John. He gave her a soft smile when she pulled out of the kiss and asked if it was good enough.

"Yes Allie it was very good and so much better than the kiss we shared the other night."

He looked into her amazing emerald eyes that sparkled and he knew there was something special about her. She was his PA but he found himself wanting her. Wanting to touch and kiss her body ..... hear her soft moans of pleasure. But he also knew he was treading on thin ice and needed to be careful not to take it too far too fast.

With a charming and teasing chuckle, he said, "You know the saying ..... once is never enough. May I have another please?" He laughed and saw her wide smile and then his lips met hers again with a bit more pressure. His tongue slipped between her lips and he smelled a mixture of different perfumes she must have tried with Abby. As his tongue slipped past her teeth to meet her tongue, he wondered if she would pull away or fall into a more heated kiss.
Allie smiled when he told her their kiss was better than the other night and sighed and looked up into his amazing grey eyes. She felt evidence of his arousal agaisnt her and blushed a bit feeling the size of it somewhat and she knew Mr. Wolfe had not just been financially blessed.

She felt his hands holding her still the two of them comfortable with each other and she did admit she enjoyed this connection she shared with Jack. She wasn't sure what he was thinking but then he asked for another kiss.

Allison knew this was risky but grinned and leaned in kissing him again any way, she gasped softly feeling him kiss her deeply and their tongues met and moved erotically against each other.

She felt him lift her a little pulling her in closer to him and her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. She heard him groan slightly and sighed thinking of how sexy that was and how Mr. Wolfe would be as a partner and lover, but she knew this was Plenty far, if she slept with Mr. Wolfe she would be full on having an affair with her boss and cheating on John.

She felt him press against her a little and she panted rubbing herself against him wanting to get a feel of how big he was , how he could feel agaisnt her and sighed leaning her forehead against his as they both groaned stopping for a second and then they began to slowly kiss again, making out like starved lovers but neither touching too much aside from he light grinding.

She knew her suit was thin, and Mr Wolfe had to feel her heat against him as he reached his hands down gripping her ass to hold her more steadily against him.
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When Allison wrapped her legs around Jack's waist, he let out a groan and then her arms encircled his neck answering his question about pulling out of the kiss. His hands slid under her, cupping her ass cheeks. The two cheeks felt so wonderful in his hands and it was as if they were made for his hands. His manhood began to grow harder and she had to know it was pressing and sliding against her covered pussy but she didn't shy away. Instead she seemed to relish in the idea of rubbing against it. He groaned into the kiss, feeling her hips begin to undulate slowly against him as if measuring his length. Did she want him inside her?

Jack didn't know the answer to that question but he felt the electricity between them growing stronger and more magnetic. He felt their kisses becoming more and more passionate, breaking for a moment, each of them staring into the eyes of the other. Jack's breathing was growing rougher and he noticed Allie's breathing was becoming more ragged as they exchanged kisses like two teenagers on a date.

He pulled his lips from hers and began to kiss the side of her neck listening to her harsh breathing in his ear and her fingernails in his hair. Jack felt her arms tighten around his neck, her breasts pressing against chest. His right hand moved up along her back, feeling the thin strap of her top. How easy it would be to pull the strap off her shoulders and see her breasts for the first time.

His lips trailed back to her lips, pressing harder but he felt something was amiss. It wasn't the kissing but it seemed that something was holding him back from taking this to the next level. He couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't ready and the last thing he wanted her to do was regret what they both were enjoying.

Pulling his head back, he smiled as he tried to catch his breath. Staring into those emerald eyes, he told her, "I can't tell how much I love kissing and holding you Allie. Your kisses are magnificent and they thrill me." There was no doubt in his mind that she felt his desire grow and rub against her. "I think we should stop now unless you think you want more," he added. He had a feeling that while she thought kissing him was ok, if they went further, she would be cheating on her boyfriend and lover of about 10 years. He knew in his heart she was fighting the demons inside her head and he left his words hanging, waiting for her answer.
Allison was on fire after their grinding, him kissing her neck again and she sighed feeling him stop. He pulled back smiling at her and she couldn't help but smile back at him surprised at how their kisses got more intense every time.

She was still holding onto him, liking the feeling of being in his arms, but she was holding back, and she knew he sensed it as well. She listened to him speak telling her again how much he enjoyed their kiss.

She sighed as he mentioned they should stop, and knew he was right, as bad as she wanted to continue, her heart couodnt and she couldnt betray John like that. She smiled softly and kissed his cheek and sighed as he let her down reluctantly from his arms and she unwrapped herslf from him " I enjoyed it too Jack..." She said blushing a little still shy from how much she wanted him, Jack had her feeling things she never experienced before and she knew this was grey territory, the kiss wasn't cheating, but she was starting to grow closer to her boss and she didn't want to complicate things between them.

She grabbed his hand holding it and smiled softly seeing how perfectly the two of them complimented each other's passions, goals and company, she had been with John for years,but hadn't felt a pull this intense and she felt bad for it.

She leaned in hugging him and lay her head on his chest hearing his breathing finally calm down " I do but... it just wouldn't feel right this way Jack".

She didn't know what to do her feelings were conflicted and she had alot of reflecting to do but sleeping with him so soon, with a boyfriend she was loyal to, also would look like that's how Allison got her job if anyone found out and that wouldn't look good for her on Mr Wolfe's reputation.

She pulled away reluctantly beginning to swim gracefully around a little then moved back over and chuckled grabbing her drink and taking another sip then glancing over Jack's body then glancing at the time realizing how quickly it was passing.
Jack got his answer about her wanting more when she told him she didn't think it was right. And that was ok with him. He would take his time, knowing that in time, if he was patient, she would want more from their relationship. He saw her face filled with indecision as she pulled away and swam like a graceful swan. He stood at the side of the pool sipping the pina colada and watching her. His feelings for her were growing stronger and he knew he had to take it slow ..... but the question was how slow.

When she swam over to him and picked up her drink, he saw her eyes surveying his body while he did the same to her. The lime green swim suit she wore did little to hide her charms and he imagined how she would look lying on his bed watching him as he hovered over her. His thoughts did nothing to diminish the lump in his swim trunks and he saw her take another glance at his hidden sword before she took another drink.

It was growing late in the afternoon and he told her, "Allie I think we need to go in and get ready for our dinner. There's time to relax a little, take a shower, and then get dressed. Abby will be meeting us in the lobby at 5:45 so we should be ready to leave here at 5:30.

He took her hand and walked with her out of the water, wishing he could shower with her. But he had to restrain himself. Time will take care of everything he told himself as they walked into the living area. He felt he needed to say something before they went in opposite directions to their respective bedrooms. Pulling her into his arms and hugging her, he kissed her cheek and then smiled, "I understand your hesitation to go further and I admire you for it. I'll meet you here in about an hour." There was no reason to belabor the point.

Jack went to his bedroom and when he stripped off his swim trunks, he saw his cock was still semi-hard. Thinking of the torrid kiss, he wondered if Allie was thinking about it. She was in the other bedroom, so close yet so far away.

Taking a quick shower, he relaxed for a while and when went into his walk-in closet, he opened a drawer and smiled. There sat some sex toys he and Joanna played with when she was here on a visit. He chuckled knowing Allie had seen his toys back in New York.and wondered if at some point she would want to enjoy them. If not here, then maybe back home.

Dressing in his dinner attire, he walked into the living area and poured himself a boubon neat while he waited for Allie. He looked out over the strip and then chuckled knowing Allie and Abby spent nearly $10,000 earlier in the afternoon. If he knew Abby, she would have picked out a dress for tonight.
Allison watched as he walked into his room standing there for a moment looking at his door before she sighed walking into her room and peeling off her swimsuit.

She got her outfit out and some perfume and underwear she had chosen and then went to go shower. She had the kisses they shared on her mind as well as everything else she had shared with Jack so far and she smiled thinking how sweet he was for understanding and being so honest with her.

She glanced at the gown Abby had chosen for her and wondered if it had been too much just to wear at a dinner, but the woman insisted she wear it and she hadn't wanted to be rude so she dried off, oiled her body and brushed her wavy hair and put on light makeup.

She put on her dress looking herself over a bit before putting a little bit of tinted lip balm and mascara on and sliding on her heels. She packed a clutch purse with her phone and a few small items before hearing Mr. Wolfe in the living room then stepping out to join him.

She looked him over seeing how dashingly handsome he looked as he enjoyed his glass over bourbon and staring out at the city.

She stepped beside him to stare out as well admiring it beauty " Wow Mr.Wolfe, it looks amazing from up here..Are you ready for dinner?" She said and smiled
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Jack was lost in thought about Allie and the kisses they shared when he felt her presence. Hearing her soft voice he turned and his mouth dropped open. Facing her he glanced quickly up and down her body and then grabbed her hands and said, "Oh my Allie you look absolutely beautiful in that dress. Abby and you did a great job picking it out." He took another closer examination noticing how the dress hugged her bringing out every curve. Her deep cleavage was clearly on display as the dress pushed her breasts together.

Smiling at her and seeing her perfect makeup sent a thrill through him as he said, "Yes the view is very amazing up here but not as amazing as you. I may have to fight off the wolves tonight." The reference to wolves made him laugh and he saw her chuckle with him. "Yes we should go," he finally said, offering her his arm, they walked to the elevator. At the elevator, he saw their reflection in the shinny doors, they looked good together.

Walking through the casino lobby, he noticed a lot of men and women stopping and staring at them. He was sure it was her and not him they were admiring. Abby had a huge smile on her face as they approached and was standing with a man. "Let me introduce my husband Doug." The man, with dark wavy hair and dressed similar to Jack had rugged features and looked like a model just finishing a shoot.

It was evident they were the center of attention to the people passing by. They walked to the limousine and Jack loved the way Allie clung to his arm, feeling her breasts press into his arm. When they were situated in the back of the limousine, Abby asked, "So Allie .... did you show Jack all the nice things we spent his money on today?" From her voice Jack knew they had purchased some lingere that he had not seen yet.
Allison smiled at Mr. Wolfe's compliment to her fancy dress happy he'd liked it and she admired him in his suit as well adjusting his tie a little "This suit is amazing too Mr. Wolfe , you look very handsome" she grinned.

She chuckled at his comment about fighting off wolves and knew she wouldn't worry much about any other man tonight the most important one now held her arm as they walked to the elevator and she saw in the reflection in the glass elevator doors on the way down how perfect the two looked together.

Allie saw people gawking at them as they walked certain they had been staring at Mr. Wolfe since he was so popular and then the spotted Abby and a man they hadn't met yet and she wore a friendly grin and look of a approval that she wore the dress.

Abby herself had looked amazing she had straighter her hair and wore a classy burgundy colored dress and a plum lip to go with it and introduced her husband who was dressed him as well and the two had looked like models standing there.

All eyes were inn the four of them as they made their way to the limo Abby had waiting outside and she held Mr. Wolfe arm as they walked. She liked being close to him and they settled in and Abby had asked her if she had shown Mr.Wolfe any of what she bought with his money and caught the hint in her voice noting some of the sexier lingerie Abby had again recommended she bought, in fact all of the underwear Abby helped her pick was extremely sexier than anything she ever bought for herself.

Her thoughts went back to their kisses in the pool that took up a good amount of their time and how badly she had wanted to go further with him but knew she couldn't. She blushed a little glancing out the window to hide it and then smiled softly looking back at Abby recalling her statement about how any man that saw her in that would not be able to control themselves long and was carefuk as she said " No Abby, I didn't get a chance to as of yet I didn't have time, I'll show him some things before I finish packing them all in the suitcase" and smiled " I've only worn this and my green swimsuit so far"

Abby seemed giddy at that statement and grinned over at Jack and well and she had a feeling in her stomach the woman had been trying to play matchmaker with the two of them even though she mentioned she was seeing someone when Abby had asked earlier , she obviously didn't care and wanted her friend Jack happy instead .
Jack and Doug chuckled when Abby asked about the lingerie. Jack saw the blush on Allison's face and assumed she didn't own anything as sexy as what she purchased today. He listened to Allison tell them no and that Jack could see them when she packed them to leave Vegas.

Doug looked at Abby with a bright smile and said, "I bet you spent a hell of a lot of Jack's money today." Knowing his wife's spending habits with his own credit card. Turning to Jack he shrugged his shoulders and laughed, "Jack ole boy if I know my wife you're going to want to see her model the outfits your money bought before she packs them away." Tdoug knew only too well what kind of lingerie Abby bought and now he was encouraging in a round about way that Allison should model them for him.

Jack saw a new blush appear on Allison's face as Abby hit Doug in the arm. "you hush up and leave Allison alone. If she wants to show him her new lingerie, she can do and she'll show him when she is good and ready." Turning to Allison, Abby said, "Don't listen to this guy who thinks with his penis and nothing else."

Jack laughed and saw a small smile break out on Allison's face. It was clear to Jack that Allie probably had not spent a lot of time around personalities like Abby and Doug. He glanced at Abby and saw the the grin on her face and then saw a slight nod aimed in Allison's direction. Jack looked at Allie and then back at Abby. "do you have it with you?"

"I sure do," she said in an exuberant tone. Reaching into her hand bag she pulled out a small box and then reached out to give it to Jack.

Jack looked at Allison who had a stunned look on her face as if Jack was going to pop the question. "This is a little something I saw when you two were shopping. I asked Abby to buy it without you seeing it. I thought it would go go with your dress and I hope you like it." Jack handed the box to Allie. "Go ahead and open it," he said watching her hand nervously start to open the small box. "I hope you like it," he added knowing what was inside. He wanted to see the expression on her face when she saw the Emerald and Diamond necklace that matched her emerald eyes.
Allison had chuckled at Dougs comment on Abby spending as much as she had earlier and still couldn't believe the price of the bill was more than she had even spent of her first car.

She could see how much the couple had enjoyed teasing the two of them and the suggestion of her trying the lingerie on for Jack did nothing to stop he thoughts of what the two were very close to doing upstairs in the pool earlier.

A small blush formed on her cheeks again as she thought about wearing it for him and the set she currently had on beneath her dress because she knew if she'd worn the ones she packed it would leave a pantyline.

Allison saw Abby hit her husbands arm and said to her he thought with his penis and couldnt help but smile softly at her at that because she knew some men did.

She watched Abby nod at her , then glanced at Doug then back to her as he asked her if she had something. Abby stated excitedly that she did and when she saw the smalll box come out she was shocked and gkanced at Mr. Wolfe.

She knew he saw the shock on her expression and knew it surely wasnt a ring but she heard him say he had Abby buy it without her seeing and now knew where Abby had went off to when she had her looking at shoes.

She glanced up at the couple then Mr. Wolfe as he handed her the velvet box and was nervous opening it seeing Mr. Wolfe and the nearly giddy couple watching the two of them.

She gasped a little seeing the beautiful necklace hed picked for her and she smiked noticingnthe color as well the green nearly matched her eyes exactly. She wanted to tear up at his kindness but refrained not wanting mascara all over her face and looked up at him a bit speechless at first then said " I love it, its beautiful Jack thank you" she said and held his hand a second really wishing she coukd kiss him again before pulling it away gently.

" Will you help me put it on?" She asked gently staring at him for a lingering second and seeing on his how relieved he was that she had liked the gift and knew once she had time, she would get Jack a present he deserved as well.

She handed hinnthe box gently, then turned her body away for a second and moved her beautiful hair to the side so he could put it on for her the act so inncoent but Abby and Dougs plotting seemed to be eating it up and she couldn't help but chuckke inwardly at the two big personalities they were perfect for each other.
Jack saw her gasp when the necklace came into view. He smiled and was pleased when she said she loved it. The smile on her face was beaming as she held his hand for a moment and he could see in her eyes she wanted to maybe give him a kiss but with Abby and Doug looking on, she asked him to help her put it on.

"Gladly," he said taking the box and seeing her turn her back to him. Under the watchful eager eyes of Abby and Doug, he slipped the chain over her throat and clipped the clasp in the back. When she let her hair down and turned toward him, he looked at the necklace and gave her a big smile. "Now that really compliments your outfit."

"You bet it does," Doug Stillwell said his eyes trained on the emerald but Jack knew he was looking at the luscious valley between her breasts.

"Ohhhh yes ..... it looks fabluous Allison," Abby said in a low appreciative tone. Then turning to Jack she chuckled, "Jack I have to hand it to you ...... you have great taste in necklaces and women."

Jack saw Allison blush and he took her hand in his and then placed his other hand over hers. "I'm glad you like it Allie," he said and then realized he used her nickname. He saw the amused looks from Abby and Doug and he tried to explain. "Since she is my personal assistant, we both decided not to be so formal all the time." He saw Abby's grin and waited for her to say something and then she said, "that makes sense." But Jack saw her look at Allison with a sort of 'way to go girl.' look.
The limousine turned into a drive and up to the front entrance of the Capital Grill which is one of the most upscale restaurants in Vegas. The bell captain opened the door and the group exited to the stares of him and the staff. Jack knew they were used to seeing personalities but he felt their eyes were on Allison and the emerald stone that shown brightly in the sunlight.

Jacob Hausman and Bradley Stollings were already in the dining area that was reserved for their party. With them were two women who gave them a welcoming smile as they entered the room. Jacob greeted them with a hug for the women and a hearty handshake for the men. The two women approached and Jacob introduced Lucinda Hausman and Melinda Stollings to Jack and Allison.

"I thought we would keep this evenings dinner as being social and so there will be no business discussed. We'll save that for tomorrow morning. If everyone will take their seats we ordered wine before dinner." Jacob had ordered a round table so everyone could see each other and make conversation easier.

Jack held out his hand, "May I escort you to your seat ma'am," he laughed as she took his hand. As they sat, he overheard Lucinda comment, "What a beautiful necklace Allison."
Allison had normally been oblivious to peoples attention toward her so the couple checking her out appreciately had been missed but she did blush when she heard her mention he had good taste in women.

She felt Jack grab her hand right after and that he had used her nickname instead of her full name in front of the two and saw the grin on the couples face.

Mr wolfe had quickly tried to explain it and chuckled seeing the look Abby gave her as if approving.

The limo pulled up to the restaurant and they group was greeted at the door as the limo let them out. They were guided in where she saw Jacob and Bradley who she had seen earlier and smiled saying hello oblvious again to the stares she was grtting and smiled metting two new women and introducing herself to them.

She was surprised Jacob hadnt wanted to discuss dinner tonight, she had came prepared with her small tablet in her purse to document things but she also didnt mind having dinner again with Jack a second night although this was alot less intimate than just the two of them enjoying each others company.

She noticed the seating arrangement and thought it was clever since everyone could have a conversation that way and smiled at Jack as he offered his hand asking to Esort her and chuckled " Lead the Way Mr. Wokfe" she said and smirked knowing Jack was being playful with her.

She smiiled thanking him as he pulled out the chair for her then he settled in beside her comfortbly. She saw not only Abby and Doug still amused, but Jacob had looked shocked and amused as well, was Jack not normally like this with women?

She overheard Lucindas comment as she sat on the other side of Jack and she gave her a smile thanking her while Abby mentioned that Jack had picked it out special with a huge grin on her face. She had sworn she saw Mr. Wolfe blush a bit and chuckled " Its a special gift im very grateful for it and for meeting Jack hes been very kind to me" she said honestly
Jack was enjoying Allison's presence. He thrown her into some situations to see how she would handle them and every time she exceeded his expectations. He couldn't remember meeting such an all around woman and now as she sat next to him he found himself being drawn to her. To him she had brains and beauty and while she may not think she has such beauty, everyone else recognized it.

When she responded to Lucinda's comment about the emerald stone, her hand was resting on her thigh and he put his hand over hers, squeezing slightly. "You're very special," he whispered wishing he could lean over and kiss her. As the waitress and waiter poured wine, he wondered if they would repeat the kissing from earlier. Just thinking about it gave him a thrill, hoping to taste her lips once again.

After the wine was poured, Jacob clinked his glass with his spoon to get everyone's attention. "Thank you for coming this evening. It's always a pleasure to have a meal with the best team this side of the Mississippi." Glancing at Jack and Allison, he smiled. "And here is to the greatest partner east of the Mississippi. Jack and I worked on a project a few years ago when we were first getting started and I must say ole Jack has built himself an empire. We also want to recognize Jack's assistant who has already today made me a believer that she has some great ideas for the project."

He stopped and then he added with a laugh. "That is if we can convince Jack to join us in this wonderful adventure." Then he stopped for another moment and chuckled as he raised his glass. "Well I think we can convince Jack easy enough but we will have to convince his beautiful assistant who I believe will help us develop a casino like one never before seen in this town."

"So here's to Jack and Allison." Everyone raised their glass and sipped.

Jack felt he had to say something. "Thank you Jacob for all the nice things you said. So everyone raise your glass and lets toast to a great team coming together to create a one of a kind casino."

Jack sat down and smiled at Allison. Touching her thigh he whispered, "Thank you. I don't think Jacob and team can do this project without you." Staring into her eyes, he again felt he wanted so badly to lean over and feel her lips touching his and then he added with a chuckle, "We are going to pace ourselves tonight, aren't we?"

He saw Abby turn her head and look at Allison, a big smile on her face indicating she heard something she shouldn't have heard.
Allison felt his hand on hers as he held it for a secind calli g her special just loud enough so she could hear and she smiled over at him. Jack was becoming as special to her as she was to him and they hadnt been working together long the chemistry had just been thick and magnetic between them.

She listened to Jaocbs toast and thanked him letting him know how she was looking forward to working with all of them and then smiked as Jack toasted as well and any everyone raised their glass.

He sat back down beside her and whisphered he didnt think Jacob and the team could do this without her and smiled softly. She saw the way he started into her eyes , the same way he had earlier in the pool and she chuckled with him hearing him ask if they were going to pace themselves .

She grinned letting out a small giggle " I promise no repeats, although i did have alot of fun" she said and smirked taking a small sip of the wine in her glass. " Besides...this celebration is different , we are in vegas Jack" she teased lightly knowing she would let either of them get drunk beucause of the final meeting in the morning and then they had the day together with him showing her around Vegas.

She pat his hand and excused herself to tha bathroom for a moment to wash her hands before the food arrived from the prefixed menu the group had chosen. She gave a small smile noting the stares again and Abby couldnt wait before she sat beside Jack her good friend for years whonshe introduced Jacob to for that deal " So Allie hmmm...i was tempted to pick a ring up earljer but i knee youd be pissed?" She teased a bit "I like that one youre not gonna let her get away right?.. Ive never seen your like that with the others,i wont pry too much , but dont fuck it up with her " she said and sighed sipping her wine and moved hearing Abigail's heels coming back into the room.

Allie returned seeing glasses refilled akrady in some of the party but knew she woukd drink lightly tonight. She smiled soflty over at Jack and said " Now.. i have to get you something in return you know and on top of that i owe you a lemon pie " she said and giggled.
Jack chuckled and stifled a laugh when she agreed that their would be no excessive alcohol repeat like the other night. But she also added in a bit of tempting tone "....... we are in Vegas." Just the tone and the way her eyes looked at him made him wonder if things between them might progress further than the kiss. He looked at her lips and again wished he could lean toward her and plant his lips on hers. But then she excused herself to use the ladies room. He was surprised when no other woman at the table got up and accompanied her.

Jack wasn't at all surprised when Abby moved into the seat next to him and teased him about a ring and telling him she thought Allison was different than all the other women he dated. He was surprised she kept track but then again, she probably read the tabloids that were more gossip than reality. It seemed every so often he was seen with a woman and there was some story about him beiing the most eligible bachelor and who would be the lucky woman. "Don't worry Abby I'll try to keep her," he said seeing Allie reenter the room. "She is something very special," he whispered to Abby just as she moved back to her seat.

Jack smiled, seeing her touch the emerald stone and suggesting she needed to get him something and also some lemon pie. In his mind, he had something else she could give him, something that would give them both sensual pleasure but he kept silent on that thought. "You don't have to get me anything Allie." He was going to say something else but then the food arrived and interrupted him. He held up his glass and clinked it against hers, "Just being here with me is good enough ....... Here's to us," he whispered watching how her lips lovingly pressed against the surface of the wine glass.

The food was exquisite and there was something for everyone. He noticed the women tended toward the vegan portion of the food while Jacob, Brandley, and Doug went for the meat portions. He was pleased to see Allie taking a little of each as did he. As they ate the talk around the table was about local and national politics and then at some point the women asked Allie about her background and other general things about her. Jack was relieved that Lucinda and Melinda didn't ask about a boyfriend and Allie didn't say anything about John. Jack was a bit uneasy as they and she talked not wanting Allie to start thinking about the guy back in Ohio. He wanted Allie to concentrate on one person and one person only and that was him, Jack Wolfe, the man who had eyes on her.

After dinner, wine and dessert, Jacob announced that if was time to have some fun at the casinos. "Since Jack and Allison have had such a long day, time wise, I suggest we head to the Mirage and see if we can break the bank." There were smiles all around and no one argued with Jacob. Jack felt a bond with Jacob in that they were in charge and when they wanted something they usually got it. And what Jack wanted most was sitting next to him, Allison James.

"Are you ready to put your gambling skills to the test," Jack whispered in her ear, giving her a quick kiss on her earlobe and seeing an eyeful of her generous cleavage as he started to pull her chair out for her.
Allison knew he would say she didnt need to get him amything but she wanted Jack to have something special from her too and just needed to figure out what smiling as he toasted with her.

She heard him whispher the toast dedicating it to them and clicked glasses in a private toat for them. The food was amazing and it was a way differnet dining experience than she was used to.

She had sampled a little from both menus as did Mr. Wolfe and then the two began conversations with the table the women there

Every new bite was delicious to down to dessert, they all more of wine and the Jacob announced the should go to the casino at the mirage because she and Jack had had such a long day.

Allison grinned at his whisphering to her about gambling skills gasping soflty as he softly kissed her earlobe. " Im not sure if ill be that good at it jack but i guess these games are all a bit of a gamble so im sure it'll be tons of fun Jack" she grinned then thanked him as he pulled out the chair for her to stand.

She thanked him standing and knowing Jack had been eyeing her during di hner and she honestly felt her body reacting and wanting to get tot he room to relive herself a little bit just from feeling his lips kiss her there and remembering how he'd done so earlier and how his lips had moved to kisses down to her neck and held her easily aagainst his concealed cock in his pants.

"Lets go have some fun" she said and smiled as he held her arm and guided her back to the car with the rest of the group coming as well.
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