Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

When Allie mentioned she was excited for him to taste her dessert, he knew what she meant but in his mind he had other ideas of dessert. He knew he wouldn't take advantage of her tonight, seeing how it was only her second day on the job. But the more he saw her work ethic, the more enthralled he became with her. She had something Joanna, his previous personal assistant didn't have and it excited him to find out more about her. Thinking about Joanna for a moement he missed the sexual exchanges they had together. They were wired together on what gave them pleasure and with Allison that was the one thing he wasn't sure about. How would she react to his sexual desires? It was not a matter if but a matter of when. It took him about two weeks with Joanna and then it was full throttle. With Allison he felt she wasn't quite ready to find out what other assistance would be required of her.

Finishing lunch, Jack picked up some contract files he was reviewing before Allie walked in for lunch. He explained how he was starting negotiations on a casino in Vegas, a ski lodge in British Columbia, and a wine company in Nappa Valley, California. The projects were in the preliminary phases and he was expecting a call from the Vegas conglomerate today.

He was plannng to go up to his apartment after lunch and work in his home office until Allie arrived for dinner. There he could dress in his Casual clothes and relax away from the constant office chatter and usual interruptions. He assumed Allison would need the kitchen to create her dessert and he wanted to make sure everything was in order.

After reviewing the contracts, he looked at his watch. "Allie ..... after you send the Johnson contract and email the Mayor's office, why don't you go home, relax a little and then change into something more casual for dinner tonight."
Allison could tell something was on Mr. Wolfe's mind as they went over the other contracts briefly and discussed the negotiations he had in mind.

She admired his work ethic and Mr. Wolfe's looks in silence he was nothing like the bosses she had worked with before, he valued her opinions and was friendly with her and she found that very comforting.

There was the kiss as well, and the looks, she had caught his stares a few times and she was sure he had caught hers as well and she didnt blame either of them they were both very good looking, the two had heard or saw that whenever they met with people , but she knew Mr. Wolfe had just seen her as an assistant and mentee unknowing of his true intentions for her.

She stood as he mentioned she could go home and relax , change and make her way back after she did her work and she nodded " I'll get on that right away Jack" she said and smiled.

She walked back into her office scanning the paperwork for the Johnson's and faxing them as well so they had a digital and hard copy of the contract and then she emailed the mayor's office in less than 20 minutes.

She packed her office up neatly logging out of her computer and clocking out before she headed out signaling to Mr. Wolfe she was on her way out as she saw him in a phone call.

She quickly made her way home getting showered and dressed in a casual outfit and shopping before heading to Mr. Wolfes place.
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After Allison left Jack made a few more phone calls and while he was on the phone saw her leaving her office. He nodded to her, seeing her wave and smilie while he continued with the call.

Later, Jack went up to his apartment, changed into his casual clothes, making sure the top buttons on his shirt were left unhooked. He then proceeded to do some more work from his office off his bedroom. He received a phone call concerning his Vegas project and wondered how Allison would react to the news he just heard. He was sure she would be surprised but would she be receptive and agreeable to what they had to do in the morning. He was excited but decided not to tell her until after dinner.

Waiting for Allison to arrive Jack went out onto the balcony and stood near the railing looking out over the city. His thoughts were about Allison and his wanting to find out more about her family background and maybe more about her boyfriend. He hoped that the dinner would go smoothly and he would find out more about not only her family but her desires in life.

What were her goals for the future? Jack knew her boyfriend, John Hill, was in med school and probably had another three, four, or five years of medical schooling and training before he was out into the working world. By then he would rack up a pile of debt and though hospitals paid a good portion of the doctor's debt, they didn't pay it all. Did he have any designs on Allison to ask her to marry her? And what about Allison? Did she plan to live apart from him for a few more years and wait possibly five years to become Mrs. Hill. Jack had a feeling that Allison wanted some of the life she was now living. He could tell from her facial expressions when they met with clients that she really enjoyed this opportunity. Would she give it up? Somehow Jack didn't think so but he had to find out for sure.

He was still deep in thought when he heard the glass door sliding open. Turning at the sound, his eyes opened wide and he took in Allison's outfit. She looked absolutely delectable standing just inside the living area. A wide smile spread across his face as he approached her. "I see you've been shopping. Let me show you the kitchen area and I can start my dinner preparations while you get acquainted where everything is located."

As they made their way to the kitchen, Jack told her. "I think I surprised you when I told you I was cooking dinner. Well being a bachlor, I sometimes have to fend for myself and so I learned to cook a few things." He laughed. "Don't get the idea that I'm a master chef. Far from it and tonight you get to be the judge and jury on my cooking skills. It'll take about 30 minutes to prepare. How long will your dessert take to make?" He opened a bottle of wine and poured two glasses. "We're not having a repeat of last night," he said with a chuckle.
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Allison was lost in her thoughts on her way back up to Mr. Wolfes private place above the offices, she saw the office had died down from the busyness earlier but some sections were still there hard at working in some departments.

She walked into is place and spotted Mr. Wolf standing out on the balcony seeming deep in thought. She slid the doors open to join him and was greeted with a smile which Allie returned sweetly.

She saw he noticed her shopping and she followed him to the kitchen so he could get her familiar with it. She giggled when he mentioned her surprise at him cooking and his claim to not be a master chef and that she'd have to be the judge.

He told her his meal would take a halfhour to make and she said hers would take about 25 minutes because she prepped some things.She chuckled about not having a repeat of last night and said jokingly " No worries Mr. Wolfe if you have too much ill tuck you into bed this time" she teased lightly knowing her bos had done so for her in a gentlemanly way after they restrained themselves.

She pulled her hair up and out of the way and said " Im excited to try the recipe, many men dont offer too cook so ill take it and i do appreciate it, i hope you enjoy what i make , baking is one of my hobbies" Allison said and began to pull out her ingredients.

She in fact was president of her culinary arts club in highschool, she watched alot of cooking shows at that age and had been inspired to do so at that time but business and marketing had been her number one passion.

She had enjoyed cooking and she enjoyed Mr. Wolfes company, it was hard living alone in New York and if he didnt mind , she wouldnt, they could have dinner sometime just so they didnt have to eat alone, she hadnt made many friends there yet so the surprise was welcome.
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Jack smiled when Allison told him not to worry about drinking too much and that she would tuck him in. “I’d like to see you carry me,” he said with a more hearty laugh. Both know she could not carry him the way he easily carried her. The reminder made him think of the kiss and how he took the liberty to see her semi naked body as she slept in her bed. He could tell Allison was thinking of that kiss which happened last night but seemed longer.

Jack watched her rummage through the cupboards looking for the right pans, bowls, and utensils. He retrieved what he needed and while he began to boil water, he started preparing the salad. Taking a sip of wine while working, he had the chance to watch Allison working too.

“Why don’t you tell me a little about your family while we prepare dinner and dessert.” He knew about her parents and siblings from the research he had done. But he wanted to know more and more importantly he wanted to know about her boyfriend. That was his mission tonight and if she didn’t tell him, he would have to figure a way to coax it from her.

He also added, “you know what I am preparing. Are you planning to tell me what you’re making for dessert or are you going to keep it a secret?”
Allison couldnt help but laugh as well at the thought of her carrying Mr. Wolfe to his bed knowing that probably would be a disaster and the most should could probably get his to was the couch.

She had gotten comfortable getting the bowls to mix in once Mr. Wolfe instructed her and she preheat the oven to bake the short cake mixing it and the fresh whipped cream as well.

She looked up as he asked her about her family " My family is very close actually " she grinned " Im the only girl and i have three older brothers Max, Ashton and Dean. Max is the oldest he and my sister in law live in Michigan and Ash is overseas in the Navy hes the second oldest. Dean is 4 years older than me, hes a musician, plays in a band and then there is mom and Dad of course. Mom owns a few charities in town helping homeless woman and single mothers and Dad owns a restaurant and bar, theyre the sweetest honestly" she said and smiled thinking about them missing home a bit and wondering if she should say more " How about you? How is your family?"

She smirked hearing him ask what she was making and said " I think ill keep it secret for now Jack" she giggled " I have a feeling youll enjoy it though ot pairs really welll with dinner and the wine we're having" she said
Jack listened attentively to Allison tell him about her family. He could see a somewhat far away look on her face as spoke and knew she missed them while living in the big city. He imagined her growing up with three brothers who would always protect her.

Just as she asked about his family while mixing her ingredients, he saw a dollop of whipped cream land on the counter and almost onto her black top. “Just a second,” he quickly said.

He quickly opened a drawer, pulling out an Ohio State University apron. “You don’t want to mess up your top,” he announced with a wide smile as he walked behind her. As he pulled the apron loop over her head, he was thinking how nice it would be to slip the spaghetti straps off her shoulders and kiss her shoulders. But instead he tied the strings against her lower back and placed his hands on her bare shoulders, squeezing just a little and then laughed. “I know you’re a Golden Flash kind of girl but I have to admit you look good in my Buckeye apron.” His comment drew a loud laugh from both of them.

Jack went back to fixing the salad and then saw the water boiling. Placing the pasta in the boiling water, he spoke as he began to make the lemon-garlic-butter sauce. Stirring together the garlic, lemon zest, fresh parsley, salt and red pepper flakes, he spoke.

"I have two younger sisters, Anna is the middle child and is a dietian at a hospital and Brandy is the baby of the family and is a labor delivery nurse. The're both married and married and don't have any kids yet but Brandy is expecting in about 5 months. My dad is great guy who owns a large machine shop and my mom is a volunteer at a number of organizations. I do miss them but I also love this life." He spun his head in different directions, silently indicating that he loved the life of a successful businessman. Then as an afterthought, he added, "some people don't know me very well and think I grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth. But the truth is, my parents didn't give me anything but love and encouragement to be the best I can be."

Jack stopped talking and saw Allison's intense gaze and then she placed the dessert into the oven. The pasta was done cooking he pulled out two plates and began to mix the Linguine all together. "Why don't we start eating while your super secret dessert is in the oven and you can take it out when the timer goes off," he laughed loudly picking up the two plates. "Grab the wine and let's eat out on the balcony tonight. It's a beautiful night."
Allison enjoyed cooking with himm it seemed natural and comfortable and she watched as he prepared to cook his things carefully. She spilled a little whipped cream distracted while talking and he moved in not too far behind placing his apron over her head and tying it around her waist and back so she wouldnt ruun her top.

She noted the closeness and the scent of his cologne and they both laughed as he mentioned her looking good in the Buckeye apron although she was a golden flash girl.

They seperated shortly after and she watched him move back over to his boiling pot and tell her more about his personal life and was surprised that his family wasnt too far different from hers despite him being wealthy. She heard the tone in his voice as he said he missed them but he loved his life and she nodded understanding because she could tell how hard Mr. Wolfe had worked to get where he was today.

She noticed he caught her staring more in processing what he tokd her and admiration of his journey and then she turned bending to put her shortcake in the oven and fresh whipped cream in the fridge so it wouldn't melt.

He suggested they eat on the balcony and she thought it was a perfect idea and she grabbed the wine and salad whike he carried their two plates of pasta for them.

She placed the wine down and removed the apron to be comfortable while she sat and the sat across from him settling and giving a small smile " It looks delicious Jack" she complimented seeing he had plated it great as well.

She grabbed their glasses pouring them some of the chilled wine and grinned toasting to him " To our second dinner of many i hope Mr, Wolfe, i hope you let me return the favor and cook you something one night" she said and grinned
Jack was thoroughly enjoying having dinner with Allison in his apartment. She was seemingly enjoying the atmosphere of being on a balcony 55 stories above the busy street below and the view of skyscrapers all around. If she liked this, he wondered how she would feel in his country home. That home was more luxurous and three times the size of this apartment and located on 30 acres of wooded land. He made a mental note to take Allie there in the future.

When she sat down across from him, he smiled when she complimented him and responded. "Thanks for the compliment Allison. And I can't wait to taste what I'm sure is the best dessert this side of the Ohio River. He clinked his glass to hers after her toast. "I tool hope there are many more dinners and I look forward to having you cook for me at your place. But only if you allow me to make a dessert." They both smiled and chuckled at the comment and began eating their delicious dinner.

About half way through dinner, the oven timer went off and he smiled as Allison excused herselt to see to her dessert. When she returned he saw she had left the dessert in the kitchen most likely to cool off before serving it. They continued to eat dinner and as they neared the end of their meal, he spoke.

"Allison do you remember when you interviewed and I told you there would be some travel involved. Well just before you arrived I got a call from a developer and he wants us to meet him in Vegas tomorrow for some negotiations and look over the potential site. So we have to be in Vegas tomorrow morning, Vegas time. They are three hours behind us we need to meet with some potential developers of a new casino. I think it might be a good deal. Anyway we need to leave from the office at 9 am and with tomorrow being Wednesday. If everything goes smoothly we will be back on Friday and then you can rest over the weekend after what I'm sure was a first hectic week." He let her mull over the iternary for a moment and then asked, "how do you like your first week so far?"

He personally thought she might be thrilled with the excitement of traveling.
Allison grinned agreeing with Mr. Wolfe that if one did dinner the other would do dessert and she chuckled knowing the two would have plenty of friendly nights like this.

The shrimp linguine was as delicious as it smelled and midway through she put the apron back on and hurried along to the kitchen to remove her dessert which had cooked perfectly golden and she smiled at that. She left it on the cluntdr to cool before removing the apron and leavin it in the kitchen then joining him again out on the balcony.

She sipped her wine and looked upmas he spoke about her travelling with him and nodded then was shocked he said they needed to go tomorrow to Vegas to meet a potential developer for a casino and that the two would be gone for two days and she could have the weekend off after.

She was prepared for travel but she needed to pack a few extra things in her carry on bag clothing wise and then the could be off early. She had never been to Vegas before, she had heard stories of wild bachelor party weekends and people spontaneously getting hitched and chuckled knowing that once the business aspect of things were done for the day she woukd be interested in a look around.

She grinned as he asked about her liking her week so far " Its definitely eventful Jack but its not anything i didnt sign up for , I like the work and and processing of things but none of that would've been as easy if i didnt have you as my boss and mentor, youve really made me feel welcome" she said seriously " I have never been to Vegas, i know it youre willing to fly out about this deal it has to be a good one in the works, ill make sure im here at 7 so we can have breakfast, i can make sure out arrangements are fully prepared and we can get to the airport on time " unsure if Mr. Wolfe flew private or public.

She looked up and smiled saying " I hope ive been making you proud as an assistant? If theres anything you need of me Mr. Wolfe you know im eager to learn and help" she said not hearing how suggestive that sounded out loud and glanced toward the kitchen sure the dessert was cool " Do you want to have dessert out here? Or inside Jack? Im sure itll be delicious both places " she chuckled and looked up a second admiring the beauty of the sky this high up.
Jack smiled at the excitement in Allison's voice and the expression on her face as he told her about traveling to Vegas. He was happy she seemed ready to go to Vegas although she had never been to Sin City. He sensed that this was just the tip of the iceberg for her, visiting states in the US and countries both on the North American continent and overseas. And when she told him he made her feel welcome and was a good mentor, he wondered what she would say if she knew what some of his plans for her involved.

"Breakfast sounds good Allie, but you don't have to worry about making it. I will have Charles, my chef when I need him, come early and make it for us. So, all you have to do is get your computer from the office and meet me here about 7:30. The travel arrangements have already been made and after we have breakfast, we'll head to the airport." He knew she would be in for another surprise when she found out how they would travel.

There was a lot he needed from her but he kept silent, feeling that she was becoming very comfortable with him and he also felt this trip to Vegas would draw her further into his web of wanting more. “Let’s have it out here on the balcony,“ he said seeing her soft smile and then watching her hips sway seductively into the kitchen.

While she was in the kitchen, he heard a ringtone on her phone that was lying on a table near the glass sliding doors. He got up to retrieve it and saw a picture of a young man on the face. It could only be John Hill, her boyfriend. The notice on the phone indicated the call was from her mother. "Allison, you have a call from your mother," he shouted into the kitchen and then walked to her holding the ringing phone. "I'll give you some privacy and you might want to tell her about our travel plans. I know how mothers can worry about their children," he said handing her the phone and retreating to the balcony.

While Allison talked on the phone, he thought about John Hill again. He had planned to ask her about him but decided against talking to her about her boyfriend tonight. He was enjoying the two of them being together and didn't want to ruin it by her beginning to think about him. There would be plenty of time when they were on the plane to Vegas to talk about him and other business issues.

When Allison returned, she had a smile on her face which seemed to indicate she had a good conversation with her mom. “Mmmm your dessert looks scrumptious,” he said when she placed it in front of him. “I want to tell you something else but first I want to savor this shortcake. Is everything okay with your parents,” he asked letting out a very satisfied groan as the flavor hit his taste buds.
Allison was surprised Mr. Wolfe had planned things out so well on short notice and she nodded when he mentioned she just needed to grab her work laptop and tablet and meet him at the right time.

She smiledas he mentioned dessert on the balcony and bounded off to the kitchen again to quickly assembke the dish for them. She heard him call out that her mother was contacting her and she thanked him and gave her mother a quick call back and ket her know she was off to travel for a few days.

She chuckled at her moms enthusiasm and her telling her to get her a post card for her collection and she agreed along with getting her dad a souvenir bottle opener.

She finished the brief call plating their dessert and walked over with a smike placing his in front of him and hers on the opposite side. She chuckled as he asked if her parents were ok and nodded " Theyre fine, just doing their daily check in on me, they're always worried about me staying alonehere in the big city, i told them about my travel and they want souvenirs" she smiled then watched him take a bite of her dessert.

She heard him groan and her body flushed a little and she took a quick bite of hers and small sip of wine " Well Jack what do you think?" She said and smirked knowing he had liked it just from the reaction
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Jack closed his eyes at the first bite of the strawberry shortcake and the flavors hit his taste buds. "What do I think of this? Oh my god ..... mmmmm this is the tastiest shortcake I have ever had. I don't know what you did so special but you should give the recipe to the chef at the Kingston." He stopped to take another bite and after savoring it, he added, "the restaurant can put it on the menu and call it ...... Allison's Surprise." He saw the delight in her eyes and the smile that beamed happiness and he knew he had made it hit with her. But it was not a lie, this was the best strawberry shortcake he had ever tasted.

He raised his glass of wine and offered her a toast ....... "to the best strawberry shortcake not only east of the Ohio River but I bet in the entire world."

There was no mistaking on his part that he needed to move his plan up with Allison forward. But for now he finished his dessert and then said, "there's one more thing I want to talk and show you Allie."

He stood and waited for her to stand. "Come with me." He escorted her through the massive apartment and stopped at the door adjacent to his bedroom. He saw the confusion on her face and then said, "I have a couple of extra bedrooms and I want to offer this one to you to use when it's been a late night and you're too tired to go home after a long day of work. You can use it, let's say as an extension to your apartment when you are running short of time for a dinner meeting and you don't have time to go home and change. I'm not saying you have to use it, I'm just offering it to you for your use." He opened the door to the elegant bedroom and let her walk in before him. "Joanna, my last PA used this room and she kept some clothes here in case of emergency meetings and other times she just wanted to get a good night's sleep." What he didn't tell her was Joanna hardly used this room as she spent a lot of time in his bed.
Allie was thrilled he enjoyed her dessert that much and she definitely wouldnt mind sharing her recipe for the shortcake , it was a simple recipe but it was well exceuted and thats what always made a meal fantastic.

She smiled at his toast and giggled "I'll make more whenever you want Mr. Wolfe, i actually love baking in my freetime and my dad uses my recipe at his restaurant as well" she grinned and chuckled remembering the chefs there first attempt at her recipe and the cake hard been hard as rock from too much flour.

They had both finished dinner and dessert and he tokd her there was one last thing he wanted to show and tell her. She was curious at that but she nodded and followed him into his place.

She saw they made their way toward his bedroom and a smallsurprise was on her face when they stopped. Her mind flashed briefly to the display of toys she saw earlier getting his replacement clothes.

She knew Mr. Wolfe had sensed it as he began and she explained how he wanted to offer her a bedroom at his place to use when she was too tired to drive home or running late for one of their dinner meetings.

She nodded surprised he had done that and he opened the door letting her in first to the beautiful room and explained how his last PA had used the room and kept extra clothes there and she thought that wouldn't be too bad of an idea especially if they had to fly out somewhere right away to handle a business matter.

She turned and gave him a small hug and she could tell that shocked him and she pulled back and gave a smile " Jack you are one of the kindest men ive ever met i really appreciate you offering me your home to use on occasion, mine is for offer as well, thought the guest bedroom at the loft isnt quite as nice as this" she giggled and teased lightly.

She had actually been impressed he'd gotten her up the stairs to her actual bedroom in their drunkenness the other night but she had a place on the first level he could've slept safely and comfortably until the morning. She wanted Mr. Wolfe to feel as comfortable with her as she did with him for some reason.

"I can bring a few things over when we get back from Vegas to have here" she said and smiled grabbing his hand seriously " Mr. Wolfe i do want to thank you again for being such and amazing boss and friend, its made being here alone in New York alot easier for me" she chuckled and stepped back a little admiring the room then glanced at the time wondering if now would be a time she should stay but knew she had to drive home and pack her small carryon to travel with.
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The wide smile on her face pleased Jack as she took in the elegant bedroom. And he was surprised and shocked when she turned suddenly, hugging him. He put his hands on her hips as they faced each other and he heard her complimenting him on how kind he was and how she appreciated the offer. He was again taken back when she commented that her place was open for him to stay. It didn't matter when she said her guest bedroom wasn't as nice.

He really wanted to lean forward and kiss her but stopped. What mattered to him was that she was becoming more comfortable with him and their relationship. As her eyes surveyed the room again, he knew she had seen the toys in his closet and then he saw an image of her lying naked on the bed, her hands tied over her head and he was teasing her with his mouth and hands. He was pulled from his fantasy when she told him she could bring a few things after the Vegas trip, he smiled feeling her getting closer to climbing onto his web.

Taking his hands off her hips, he again was surprised when she took his hand and thanked him again. When she mentioned being alone, he smiled and told her, "I know what it's like to be alone in a big city and you can come to me with any concerns you have or if you're feeling alone." He knew he had hit home with the comment and when she drew back and looked at the clock he knew it was time to have her leave. If not he might try something with her and it might backfire.

"I think we should probably wrap up the evening and let you get home to get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day and I want you well rested." He thought he saw a bit of disappointment on her face and while he wanted her to stay the night, he didn't suggest it. Vegas could be a wild city and it might be just the time to step up his game.

They walked into the living area and he told her he would clean up. He went with her into the parking garage as a safety precaution. While they were in a safe location, one never knew what danger might be lurking in the dark corners of the parking garage. Arriving at her car, there was a moment of hesitation between them. Jack quickly hugged her and kissed her cheek, telling her, "Thanks for the great dessert and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning."
Allison smiled gently and climbed into her car waving before she took off to her place. Tonight had been another great dinner with Mr. Wolfe and she had been happy they were growing so close and were comfortable with each other.

She showered when she got in her mind wandering to their kiss, his room, and then quickly tried to think of something else, think of John, she knew she was attracted to Mr. Wolfe, but she knew it had to stop there, John would be furious if he knew about the kiss they shared and she sighed leaning her head back into the water relaxing as if that would wash away her thoughts or her attraction.

She toweled off quickly and dried her hair now curly because it was wet. She put her nightgown on and then she quickly packed two ightgowns, some underwear and a few outfits and shoes unsure of the weather and was impressed with herself that she had managed to fit it all in her carryon smaller suitcase.

She slept soundly through the night and woke up on time getting showered , straightening her hair and put on a stylish but comfortable dress and heels to wear on the flight.

She drove to the office in a timely manner and made sure to pack the briefcase with what she needed before meeting Mr.Wolfe up at his apartment at 7:15 a little early.

She didn't spot him at first then glanced outside seeing he was on a call and waved so he could see she was there. " Good Morning Mr. Wolfe" she said kindly before turning hearing a sound in the kitchen.
After leaving Allison in the parking garage, Jack cleaned up and then sat on the balcony finishing the bottle of wine. His thoughts of their dinner made him smile and then the image of their kiss loomed in his head. With her not around, he spent a few moments reliving that kiss that lingered into a more passionate kiss. He knew in his heart that he wanted to feel her lips again as well as feeling her body pressing against his. He thought of Vegas and wondered if sometime during their visit they would kiss again it could possibly lead to much more.

While he thought about Allison, he also couldn't help but wonder what would happen if her boyfriend showed up. How would her attitude toward him be when John Hill was around? He had a feeling he would find out but in the meantime, he only wanted to concentrate on having Allison all for himself. And he was sure, the next two days would bring them closer together, much closer he hoped.

That night, Jack slept soundly, and when he woke up in the morning he felt refreshed. Taking his morning shower, he dressed in casual clothes and then remembered he should of told Allison to dress casually since they would be out in the field for awhile. He hoped she either wore or brought some casual clothes for the trip.

He goes to the kitchen where Charles is already preparing breakfast for him and Allie. Jack hired Charles a few years ago and has been impressed with him ever since. Charles was a large man of 55 years and looked like a model of the chefs seen in magazines. Salt and pepper hair, goatee, and a large stomach that had sampled a lot of food in his lifetime. They exchanged greetings and then Jack went to the balcony with a cup of coffee and made a few phone calls. He saw Allison in the living room and the dress she wore screamed of sex and he watched her saunter toward the kitchen.

"Good morning Ms. James. My name is Charles and I look forward to serving you this morning. Mr. Wolfe will be along shortly," he said not knowing she had seen him already. "I have an assortment of choices this morning as I don't know your tastes yet. But once I know what you like, I will endeavor to make it for you."

Jack appeared as if on cue and smiled at Allie. "Good morning Allie." He looked her over again, feeling a surge inside him that seemed to grow when she was in his prescense. "I'm sorry but I should have told you to dress more casually as we will be doing a field survey when we arrive. I hope you brought some other clothes that are more comfortable for the trip to Vegas. If not I think I can find something in my wardrobe for you." He saw her smile fade and quickly added, "Listen .... it's my fault. I should have told you last night that we are taking a helicopter to the airport where my plane is stored."
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Allison smiled at the friendly chef and looked at the assortment not used to having this done and told him "Nice to meet you Charles, I'm sure everything will be great it smells incredible" she said curious to try it.

She turned hearing Mr. Wolfe greet her and smiled but it faded a little when he told her they were doing a field survey and and she should've dressed more casually.

She nodded as he asked if she packed other clothes and she glanced at her bag happy she packed a few extra outfits "It's ok Mr. Wolfe" she chuckled "I have some extra things packed ill get changed and then we can have breakfast" she said giving a small smile.

She noticed how Mr.Wolfe had stared at her when he told her and she shook her head thinking maybe he was surprised she'd been so business ready that early. She was surprised by the helicopter ride, it would be her first and she was excited by it and then he mentioned a plane also which shouldn't have surprised Allison yet it did because she knew Mr. Wolfe was very financially blessed.

She grabbed an outfit quickly from her luggage folding her dress and packing her heels and switching to her sneakers ,feeling alot smaller than when she was in her heels.

She returned wearing a light blue shirt, light color pants and her white sneakers knowing it was alot more comfortable and made her way back out to join Charles and Jack. She was unsure of what to call him in front of the man so kept it formal.

" I hope this outfit is a bit more fitting Mr. Wolfe" she said and chuckled " I have a habit of dressing up I've always been a girly girl" she joked
The new outfit was more appropriate for flying and when they arrived in Vegas. "Yes that is more fitting Allie," he said seening Charles out of the corner of his eye staring at her. Jack loved the way her clothes fit to her body, outling her womanly charms. "And I like your girly girl clothes too," he said waving his arm to lead her to the balcony where Charles would serve them.

Jack enjoyed breakfast with Allison and during the meal, he he tells her about the day ahead. He shows her some photos of the site and lays them between him and Allie. "We will land at McCarren Airport and be picked up by one of the developers. Then they will drive us to the site for a brief meeting and give us a chance to see the site before we meet in the afternoon. Afterwards we will go to the Mirage for a chance to rest before having a lunch meeting with the developers in one of their conference rooms. Then we'll discuss more particulars about the project. One thing to remember ..... there is a 3-hour time difference so I suggest you try to rest on the plane because if my guess is correct by the time you get to sleep tonight your body will feel as though a truck ran over it."

Afterwards he told Allie, "Time to go." He picked up her carryon suitcase thinking that next time she could use a bigger bag since they were flying in a private plane. He led her the elevator and saw her surprise when it traveled upwards. "the helicopter is on the roof." The elevator stopped and they went down a short hallway and when Jack opened the door, the helicopter was waiting for them.

Climbing into the helicopter, the pilot told them to put on the headsets and then welcomed them for the short flight to Teterboro Airport about 25 miles from downtown. When they were situated and lift off the roof, he saw Allie's eyes glued to the surrounding skyscrapers. "Pretty sight isn't it," he said as the helicopter headed to the airport.
Allison was happy her outfit was ok for their task and they had breakfast and enjoyed their breakfast together as he went over the plans from getting off the flight and heading straight to the site and then heading to the Mirage hotel to rest before going to a lunch meeting un a conference room and she knew from all of thr plans they would have a busy day today.

She knew the flight would be about 6 hours from her research and she knew he was right about them resting on the plane so they wouldn't be exhausted at the end of the day and she also knew it wouod make them sharper for the meetings after waking up so early.

She saw him grab her carry on and call her to follow him to the elevator and she assumed they were leaving the building to go to a helipad but Mr. Wolfe had taken them to the rooftop of the building where a helicopter was waiting for them.

They climbed in the helicopter and she was still amazed being in one it was actually one of her date ideas to go on with John when he visited and now that she experienced it she wanted him to as well.

They began to lift off and she looked around admiring the view of being so high over the city. She smiled over at him as he mentioned the sight " Yeah its beautiful up here Jack, the view of the city is even more breathtaking this high up in the sky" she said

She pointed out little landmarks She could spot on their way to the airport and they arrived in a little under 30 minutes to his private plane.

Allison couldnt help the gasp seeing Mr.Wolfes Plane. It was a sleek black plane and definitely Mr. Wolfes taste and inside was just as amazing " Wow Mr. Wolfe this in amazing as well, its alot different from commercial" she said as the were escorted on by the small crew.

The got comfortabke and she sat across from Mr.Wolfe settling in her chair comfortably. "I cant help but be a bit excited sir, im sure its not your first time in Vegas, so when the deals are done.. what do you think about exploring it some with me once we've settled in our hotel of course"
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Jack was pleased to see the thrill on Allison's face as the helicopter flew over the city and across the river with the Statue of Liberty in the far distance. It also seemed like she was a little kid, excited to experience something for the first time. He was looking forward to this first trip with Allison, knowing it would go a long way to giving him an idea of how she handles different situations. On this trip, she will meet some high rollers who make Robert and Maggie look like paupers but are in the same league as himself. Jack is not vain and he knows that he is one of the richest men in the world but he never flaunts it.

He smiles when they land at Teterboro airport not far from his new jet plane and again see the look of excitement on Allie's face. After boarding the plane Jack says, "This is a pretty comfortable flight and we don't have to fight the crowds like we would if we flew commercially."

Once they are in their seats, Jack hears Allison request to explore the city after the meetings. "I promise you Allie we will take time to explore whatever your heart desires." He had more than just sightseeing on his mind.

There was movement in the front of the plane and Jack smiles as the captain approaches. "Welcome aboard Mr. Wolfe and Ms. James. Our crew hopes you have a wonderful flight today. The weather is perfect and it should be a smooth flight." A young woman walked up behind him and he introduced her. "This is Jennifer, my co-pilot, and she will also take care of anything you may want for refreshments."

Jack was used to the personal attention and when he looked at Allison, he saw her look of wonderment that the captain would know her name. They buckled in and heard the planes twin engines start. Soon they received clearance from the tower and the plane inched onto the tarmac runway.

The plane taxied and Jack always loved it when his body was forced back into the seat as the plane took off. When they got to crusing altitude, the seat belt sign went off and Jack looked at Allie with a big grin. "There is one thing to remember when we are in Vegas Allie. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." It was a line from a movie but it knew it was pretty true. A lot of things can make people do things they normally don't do because of the excitement of being in a city where just about everything happens.

He looks at his watch, seeing his watch and figuring they would arrive about 11:30 Vegas time since his plane flies faster than a commercial plane. He looks at Allie, who is looking out the window at the landscape below. Jennifer appears and asks, "Can I get you anything?"

Jack tells her. "Coffee will be fine. Allie what about you?"
Allison heard the sincerity behind Jacks words as he mentioned they could explore whatever her heart desired and she stared up at him and smiled loving the kindness of her boss but not knowing the double meaning behind his words.

She glanced around and saw the pilot and copilot approaching and introducing themselves and telling them they would get anyting they needed for them during the flight. Allison was still not used to any of this attention or special treatment and was very thankful to the staff and let them know it as well.

They buckled in and she said a small prayer to herself for crew and passenger, just habit of hers and she glanced up seeing Mr. Wolfe looking amd chuckled " I trust both pilots of course but a little prayer always helps" she grinned she wasnt over religious or anything close but Allison believed in luck and she had a feeling Vegas woukd be very different from what she had experinced in New York so far.

She felt the plane level after a few minutes and saw Jack look over at her with a grin telking her the line what happened in Vegas stays in Vegas and she couldnt help her giggle at that " Ive heard stories Jack... whatever happens my lips are sealed fully" she said and laughed more

She was curious about what fun they could get up to out there, she knew from research that the strip was alot more lively at night and she was curious to see and experience it.

It grew silent a moment as she gazed at the window alot of things on her mind from the meeting, to exploring a new city and making sure she read over that paperwork again before the landing, she was brought out of her thoughts seeing Jennifer approaching and asking them if they needed anything.

She heard Mr. Wolfe request coffee and she was asked if she needed anything "Some tea would be ok Jennifer thanks" she said getting a polite smile from the woman and returning one back .

She couldn't help but look at Mr. Wolfe and tease a little now that they were alone " So Jack, I know that youve been to Vegas before... what kind of activites are there to do besides go to a casino?"
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Jack listened to Allie's question about what kind of activities there were in Vegas besides casinos and gave her a wide grin. "Well it really depends on what you're looking for. Vegas has changed quite a bit over the years and now they have activities for every age group from families to retirees. some of the activities include golf, scavenger hunts around the strip, there are shows at every casino featuring big name entertainment stars, and if you're into it ..... there are clubs for adults only that can be pretty risque."

He stopped for a moment to let that information sink in. "I'm not sure what the group wants to do after we have our meeting. I'm assuming they will want to have dinner at one of the fabulous restaurants in town. And I'm pretty sure they will want to have a follow up meeting tomorrow morning and give us the rest of the day to do what we want. And then we will come home on Friday and remember we lose about 6 hours when we return home."

"Oh and I really suggest you get your souvenirs soon. There are so many shops in the casinos that sell pretty much anything you can think of." Jack got up and moved to the seat in front of Allison, turning it so he was facing her. Pulling up the table, he pulled a deck of cards from the side pocket. "the trouble with leaving so early is we have just had a good night's sleep. How about playing 21, a game that is very popular in Vegas?"
Allie nodded listening to all of the activities he listed and was stunned by the thought of the adult club and blushed a bit knowing the things that went on i there were probably way more advanced than her sexual experience with John.

She listened as he continued telling her he wasnt sure what the group would do after the meeting but he assumed they would want to go to dinner at a fancy dinner and she was happy that she had prepared for that and other meeting as well.

She smiled as he remembered the souvenirs " Ill make sure i get them once we've gotten business out of the way" she said then watched as he moved closer to her and pulled a table down between them.

She watched as he pulled some cards out for a game of 21 and nodded " Ive seen men play back home but ive never learned, you can teach me right Jack?" She asked and smiled
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"I sure can Allie," he said dealing a card face down and then another one face up. "You look at the card face down and don't show anyone. Aces count for one or eleven, face cards count for ten, and all other cards are face value. The object is to look at your bottom card, add it to the card face up and call for cards from the dealer without going over 21. He will deal each card face up until you tell him to stop or until you go bust over 21. And if you get an ace and face card it is automatically 21 and you win. When you win, you beat the house, and when the dealer wins, the house wins and you lose your bet. And if you place a bet and if you win, your money is doubled. There are some other rules but for now let's play."

Jennifer arrived with his coffee and her tea. They thanked her and she said she would be back in just a little while and then returned to the front of the plane.

Jack was thrilled how quickly Allie learned and thought of Joanna who had a terrible time learning the game. She finally got the hang of it but with Allison, she picked it up after the first deal. Jack taught her how to split the cards if, when dealt, the two cards were the same and he taught her how to bet. They played for an hour and at the end, Jack was smiling how she beat the house and won about a thousand dollars of imaginary money. But he knew that playing with imaginary money was easier than playing with your own money.

Afterwards Jack sat back and smiled at Allison. "I think you're a natural. I can't wait to see you at the roulette table. I have a feeling you are going to have a lot of fun." Jack knew Roulette was a game where if the dice were hot, and the table was surrounded by bettors, it could get to be loud and exciting. He had another feeling Allie was going to really enjoy that game.

For the remainder of the flight, Jack took a few calls and he saw Allie pull out her computer and it looked like she was on facebook or some social media. He thought of her boyfriend and realized, she had not mentioned him since the dinner with Robert and Maggie and he wanted to keep it that way.

The pilot, Brad Stover, came back to visit for a few minutes and then announced that they were about 100 miles out and they should put their computers away and turn off their phones within the next 15 minutes as they would be landing in about 30 minutes. Jennifer came back to pick up the cups and told them she hoped they had a good time in Vegas.

Jack smiled at Allison and then as they approached the city, he said, look out your window. There is a great view of Las Vegas and the large casino that has the word love on the face is where we are staying. "Are you ready for a great adventure Allie?" He was and hoped that their relationship took another turn that was more sensual.