Man vs bear in the woods hypothetical

When it comes to one sided domestic abuse, women are the overwhelming majority of the perpetrators. One sided domestic abuse situations where the male is the perpetrator is actually the rarest form of domestic abuse.
I don't want to get into "women are the biggest abusers" or "men are the biggest abusers". I want everyone to be treated with equal empathy by society. I want everyone to be treated as individuals.
I don't want to get into "women are the biggest abusers" or "men are the biggest abusers". I want everyone to be treated with equal empathy by society. I want everyone to be treated as individuals.
Certainly an agreeable sentiment, but as you correctly pointed out, abused men are simply laughed at or mocked by many, including examples in this very thread.
Certainly an agreeable sentiment, but as you correctly pointed out, abused men are simply laughed at or mocked by many, including examples in this very thread.
We need to deal with the way abused men are mocked. Look at how Fuzzy1975 just salivates at the chance to poke fun at me for having had to put up with that.
Actually I just realized a better take on this, one that'll really get under the feminists' skin.

Men getting mad over women choosing bear is like getting mad when rats decide to choose some garbage dump over your house.
Actually I just realized a better take on this, one that'll really get under the feminists' skin.

Men getting mad over women choosing bear is like getting mad when rats decide to choose some garbage dump over your house.

A comment that validates many women’s position is going to get under their skin???


I suspect many women will just point to your comment as”Exhibit Z”.


Feminists choosing bear... are like cockroaches fleeing your house!