Man vs bear in the woods hypothetical

Yeah. Arrogance is the acceptance of facts. Case very much in point. She gave me chances to admit I was wrong for being male. I admitted there are problems, grave ones. But look at the situation. I cannot even just say it sucks and work needs to be done. Soak it up.
Yeah... thanks. No.

I'm not in the mood to further deal with an ego driven male who wants to tell me what I think, what I mean and what my intentions are.

Sean is continuing to prove exactly what I said: too many men (in fact most men) have the arrogance to think they know better and the aggressiveness to keep pushing it.

Case in point.

I’m starting to think Sean Renaud is a LincolnDuncan alt, or vice versa.


LincolnDuncan lost their shit in a very similar way.

I’m starting to think Sean Renaud is a LincolnDuncan alt, or vice versa.


LincolnDuncan lost their shit I’m a very similar way.


It's weird. LD got weird too.

If you say A, then Z is heard.

No one's got time for that bullshit.
I would be the original alt and one with no alterations to be that.

I think the reality is much closer to I was born in a bad era. A few years era I would have been great, a few years later I'd hav ebeen acceptable but hey it is what it is.

I have my choices. Be pro women which I am and be destroyed or be pro men and unable to live with myself and well that sucks too. At least I know nothing is ever about me.
I would be the original alt and one with no alterations to be that.

I think the reality is much closer to I was born in a bad era. A few years era I would have been great, a few years later I'd hav ebeen acceptable but hey it is what it is.

I have my choices. Be pro women which I am and be destroyed or be pro men and unable to live with myself and well that sucks too. At least I know nothing is ever about me.

Count the number of time you used “me, myself, and I” in your post.


Not to mention, your post is ALL about you.

A bear does exactly that. Taht is the point of the exercise.
No, Sean, the point of the exercise was for women to respond to a question.

You are not a woman, and you cannot speak for a woman who posted her answer.

Bears at least know when it is time to retreat.
No, Sean, the point of the exercise was for women to respond to a question.

You are not a woman, and you cannot speak for a woman who posted her answer.

Bears at least know when it is time to retreat.

Sean should have quit while he was a bear…

No, Sean, the point of the exercise was for women to respond to a question.

You are not a woman, and you cannot speak for a woman who posted her answer.

Bears at least know when it is time to retreat.

A woman did not pose the question. AS if that has anything to do with anything. I am responding to the data provided. I retreated years ago or have you not been paying attention?
You are not allowed to you own opinion. Just as you have made perfectly clear I'm not allowed to mine. Only facts. When the last time you reported cat calling to your local represence is silly. That isn't what the poll actual reports. IT reports how many times you spend uncomfortable with a man.

To your silly point lets talk about. If logic were an important thing this entire conversation and its grandfathers wouldn't be a thing. The myth of good guys finish last and the reality of good guys don't finish at all wouldn't be things. If personal experience means anything I can attest that the exact moment you stop pretending that you should do anything but withdraw is silly.

You bring up when has a woman brought up cat calling as assault. I'm sure it has happened. I'm not in a google mood. But please counter when a woman was raped and dumped in a trashcan and the judge gave a paltry sentence because that boy's swimming career would be threatened by prison time. Lets assume for the sake of argument that .1% of women suffer similar cases. I'm not in a math mood. Not all women go to college, not all men are gonna go to college certainly not for swimming. Sounds like a lot of women.

We should take a break here to mention how many college coaches are raping young boys but they don't matter at all. Getting into the NFL is worth it. Encase you didn't know I'm not an NFL or NCAA athlete and my post history would tell you that even if I had been at some point I'd be a legend if I still was.

The point is women do not report rape for a lot of reasons. They are gonna get dragged through the mud for a lot of reasons. Some actually make a lot of sense. If a drunk chick qualifies as drunk you'd be hard pressed to find adults who have never raped or been raped. Honestly if you don't have a college story if "Well I don't remember steps two through twelve but there was Twister, a head ache and I don't know where the Skittles came from" well that's you.

You are thread to me because I draw breath. That isn't a hate fact as I clearly draw out.

I'm not a hero. Never claimed that. I have however made it clear how much effort I put into making things better. I don't live in a world of heroes. For every person who changes the world there are millions who just do the right thing. The right thing here is simple. Do not engage.

Patriachy is bad for both genders. Everything you have posted an women have shown in life has shown that a man who rejects that mentality is alone. You would rather the bear than the wolf. We can defend you nonstop but if you get the choice between a companion and a rapist you've once more made it clear which we should be. Cats are solitary and lions. . . well they do kill the young just so the women will get in line.

I was never responding to Adrina. She made her point when she first responded. I am evil because I have a penise. Nothing I can ever do makes that any better. She made it crystal clear in her first response that she thought I was some kind of pet but then I revealed I had fealings and that made me subhuman.

I hope like hell she enjoyed Memorial Day. I mean my dead brothers and sisters mean a day off work for her. She probably thinks we should be happy about Trump because hey that's life. Do not for a second let someone like her trick you. She is the same person who thinks a man who wants ot be a father is scum. Who thinks a woman who wants a choice in her future is wrong. She wants to make America Great Again.

She does make one solid point. If women had two choices. One where they would accept I enjoy gaming and the other where they couldn't get a bank account or killed by a bear the option is simple. I apologize for thinking you ladies are people. No amount of learning that isn't the proper approach has cured me of treating you as indivduals and people. Just not putting you in bad spots.
Omigod, dude, they've already branded you as a heretic for your lack of purity. Don't be sorry for thinking of these ladies as people. Don't let them get to you.
Yeah. Arrogance is the acceptance of facts. Case very much in point. She gave me chances to admit I was wrong for being male. I admitted there are problems, grave ones. But look at the situation. I cannot even just say it sucks and work needs to be done. Soak it up.
Honestly I did not know catcalling and leering were counted in official sexual assault numbers. Are you serious about that? I get leering at and catcalling underaged girls being counted as sexual assault and worthy of criminal justice action, because of the pedo aspect (because owning sexualized underage photos is a crime and moral abomination so that follows), but adults? Catcalling and leering at adults is an asshole move but hardly worthy of being listed as sexual assault. Who'd have thought "stare rape" could be a thing.

I can see it now.

"Hey what if I look at her too long?

"How long is too long?"

"Well... she was fucking hot, so like 10 seconds?"

"Hmm... not good, man. Hey, what's your ethnicity?"

"African American."

"Omigod you laid eyes on her. That makes it sexual assault... it's called stare rape. You're looking at 5-10 upstate and a lifetime registry as a sex offender."

Please tell me I'm misinterpreting what you wrote...
Point to the doll and show me where the woman hurt you.
My ex-gf hit me over a stupid non-sexual joke about her favorite show character. I've never even told my wife about that. I'm quite sure you think that's funny because a man got hit.

Here's some DV porn for you! Enjoy, fucking psycho.
My ex-gf hit me over a stupid non-sexual joke about her favorite show character. I've never even told my wife about that. I'm quite sure you think that's funny because a man got hit.
Maybe go talk to a professional about it, you seem to need some type of counselling.
Maybe go talk to a professional about it, you seem to need some type of counselling.
He also has the option of starting his own thread about whether men would rather encounter a woman or a bear in the woods.
Maybe go talk to a professional about it, you seem to need some type of counselling.
What? Why would I pay premium dollar for a therapist to tell me men being slapped by their gf is funny or trivial when I can get that from the likes of you for free?
That's not what good therapists do.

You want us to take the abuse you say you've suffered seriously, yet you speak In hyperbole. 🤔
People have a hard time believing women who are victims of DV. People mock male abuse victims. Or am I interpreting this wrong?

Why the fuck am I going to pay for that?
People mock male abuse victims.
When it comes to one sided domestic abuse, women are the overwhelming majority of the perpetrators. One sided domestic abuse situations where the male is the perpetrator is actually the rarest form of domestic abuse.
My ex-gf hit me over a stupid non-sexual joke about her favorite show character. I've never even told my wife about that. I'm quite sure you think that's funny because a man got hit.

Here's some DV porn for you! Enjoy, fucking psycho.


I thought Sean had won this thread’s egocentric male victimhood award…but I was wrong…
