Man vs bear in the woods hypothetical

Don't need a shovel. There is no mansplaining involved here. These are the facts of the case. I have done the research on the subject which apparently you have not. A man whose gaze lingers is classified as assault. That's no more mansplaining than stating that 24 hour Denny's locations are mostly teens and twenty somethings after midnight not truckers desperate to find a place to eat.
Don't need a shovel. There is no mansplaining involved here. These are the facts of the case. I have done the research on the subject which apparently you have not. A man whose gaze lingers is classified as assault. That's no more mansplaining than stating that 24 hour Denny's locations are mostly teens and twenty somethings after midnight not truckers desperate to find a place to eat.

Dude I was going to write this bullshit off to you being drunk on a Friday night but since you want to come back to this... fine. Let's do this.

I am not talking about catcalling. You thinking and then further telling me I am is just another incidence of you diminishing my opinion. If you want to focus on the least of the issues women face while climbing on your victim soapbox then that's on you. I'm far more concerned with the reality that 1 in 5 women have dealt with rape/attempted rape. 1 in 3 women deal with domestic violence. That several thousand women are killed each year by men. (Yes, men kill more men - that's not a flex.) Beyond those lovely little nuggets, I'm highly concerned about the war on reproductive rights. There's a whole host of issues that are on my docket.

Catcalling isn't one of them. You're the one who latched on to catcalling. And then pulled in your experience as a black male. For whatever fucking reason you want to put your experiences on the level of catcalling. Which is insane. It diminishes every black male to think that. Do you feel better? Has your ego been mollified having that frankly common sense message reach your brain? Fucksakes.

However, things like rape, murder, violence, reproductive rights - they don't fucking compare to you getting your ass chewed at work by Karen. And that's a fact Jack. Everyone gets yelled at at work. It doesn't mean that it is a grave injustice that equates to women dealing with male violence.

You want to paint me as a man hater because that would be easier so you can disregard what I am saying. You are wrong. I don't hate men. I don't trust men. They don't have the best interest of society in mind. No not all men. (Feel better?) But too goddamn many. Men voted for Trump by an over 10% margin over Clinton. (Black men didn't. Black women were the only ones who understood the assignment at less than 6% for Trump. And no white women didn't vote majority for Trump - regardless of the exit polls. There's articles and I've linked them in the past. Yeah too damn many though.) Beyond politics, men have issues with emotional and personal self control. There is a very real epidemic of violence among men that negatively effects society and women. The cherry on the cake: men walk around as the favored default and don't even realize the arrogance of much of what they do. Because of that status.

I don't trust men and I don't think this society raises men to be trusted. It raises them to be selfish and egotistical. Kudos to the men who fight it.

I expect you'll continue to lose your shit on me and blame me for your irrational statement. I'm just shining a light on your stupidity. You think women would rather deal with the bear because of catcalling. Fucking what. You betcha dude.

The shovel offer still stands. At this rate yours will wear out shortly.
Again, whatever dude.

You're the one who brought up mgtow.

Follow your own advice. Get a grip.
You're highly confused. Where did I say I support MGTOW? I said you are exactly like MGTOW. Now stop, ease off the feminist bath salts, take a deep breath, and re-read that carefully. And maybe realize that Sean Renaud is your ally and not your enemy.
You're highly confused. Where did I say I support MGTOW? I said you are exactly like MGTOW. Now stop, ease off the feminist bath salts, take a deep breath, and re-read that carefully. And maybe realize that Sean Renaud is your ally and not your enemy.


So do you think your words will make women trust men more? Just curious.

Perhaps Sean can tell me just how much he has done for me personally - since he claimed he did. Hero that he is. Maybe he can tell me what I think and what I mean. Again. Maybe he can dismiss more of my opinions. Again.

You seem to like all those things as well.

If this is how men act - then women are within their rights to determine just how much they need or want men in their lives. Well... At least the 1 in 3. And the 1 in 5 and the 1 in 6. And those that do the majority of the free labor. Those who lost reproductive rights. Those who have been stalked, harassed and threatened by men at work.

That seems to be a long list. Yet it's not even complete. Wonder why it's so long...

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I wonder...

So do you think your words will make women trust men more? Just curious.
Don't care, really. Women who trust men will, those who don't, well they don't really matter. Y'all have a severely overblown sense of main character syndrome. Sadly there are lots of men who simp for damaged women and they exist just to feed your ego.

Sensible men choose not to be those bad men who did you wrong and not stop to cry over angry women like you. You're really not as necessary as you think you are. The world will keep spinning without you, and you seem to be in very desperate need of someone to tell you that.

But you go on thinking you're the main character while 50% of young men swear off dating entirely and humanity plunges into the event horizon of the Great Behavioral Sink.
This sounds like a cartoon I used to be in.

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Don't care, really. Women who trust men will, those who don't, well they don't really matter. Y'all have a severely overblown sense of main character syndrome. Sadly there are lots of men who simp for damaged women and they exist just to feed your ego.

Sensible men choose not to be those bad men who did you wrong and not stop to cry over angry women like you. You're really not as necessary as you think you are. The world will keep spinning without you, and you seem to be in very desperate need of someone to tell you that.

But you go on thinking you're the main character while 50% of young men swear off dating entirely and humanity plunges into the event horizon of the Great Behavioral Sink.

Appears to be a level of investment here for someone who doesn't care. Honestly you aren't coming off as apathetic, being you are offended enough by my distrust of men to come back here and post the above. I simply can't be distrustful of men and communicate it without being a "main character". Which is easy to dismiss. Right?

It's easy to call me the angry woman, the woman who hates men, "main character" etc. It's easy to shift the blame to the one offended rather than the offender. It's easy to shift responsibility.

"Sensible men". Like the over 60% of white men and the over 50% of all men who voted for Trump? Like the majority who are anti-abortion. Like the men who say "of course a woman doesn't deserve to be raped but she was (fill in the blank)..."

You see things in black and white and thus can never imagine the average Joe as acting against women.

If a woman isn't angry at what is going on then she is either not paying attention or selfishly feels that it doesn't apply to her.

As to you... well you're just an Average Joe who functions from within his bubble. For your links, given the way the majority of men behave I highly encourage they stick to themselves. Shrugs.

Don't worry your pretty little head about it though, you're just an average Joe I'm sure.
Appears to be a level of investment here for someone who doesn't care. Honestly you aren't coming off as apathetic, being you are offended enough by my distrust of men to come back here and post the above. I simply can't be distrustful of men and communicate it without being a "main character". Which is easy to dismiss. Right?
I'm just trying to help you. All you're doing is dividing the Left so these far right nutjobs can just walk in and conquer. Renaud is on your side, not theirs. Your purity test only hurt your allies and put the whole fucking country at risk. That is what I actually care about.

Other than that, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Enjoy. If we make it through 2024 and Project 2025 is thrown on the scrap heap, y'all are leaving the gene pool anyway.
I'm just trying to help you. All you're doing is dividing the Left so these far right nutjobs can just walk in and conquer. Renaud is on your side, not theirs. Your purity test only hurt your allies and put the whole fucking country at risk. That is what I actually care about.

Other than that, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Enjoy. If we make it through 2024 and Project 2025 is thrown on the scrap heap, y'all are leaving the gene pool anyway.

"Dude", do you even hear yourself???


“I’m just trying to help you.”



“y’all are leaving the gene pool anyway”.



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i think a lot of people miss the fact that women can be not wholly trusting of a man and still function in a mixed gender population without too much trouble, even liking some of them!

i would say it's comparable to any slightly built male who has to be in the company of much larger or heavier built guys: he knows most of them are ok, might actually enjoy their company and regard them as friends... but that doesn't mean at some 'lizard brain level' *rollseyes* he's not aware that if they got angry with him, or stupid drunk, or coked up (for example) they could potentially seriously damage him.

The slightly built guy isn't about to come out to those big dudes and say 'hey, look, i like y'alls but i am a bit intimidated by your size', is he? After all, those big guys are probably more than aware of that since big guys using their size to intimidate 'beta' males and women is NOTHING NEW! Just watch any high school teen movies (especially those form the 70's-90's era).

So what he's more likely to do is either avoid them and opt to hang out with those less physically intimidating, or join in the group by laughing along, buddying up with one of them in particular as a form of protection, and ultimately sanctioning their behaviours with signs of his approval.
i think a lot of people miss the fact that women can be not wholly trusting of a man and still function in a mixed gender population without too much trouble, even liking some of them!

i would say it's comparable to any slightly built male who has to be in the company of much larger or heavier built guys: he knows most of them are ok, might actually enjoy their company and regard them as friends... but that doesn't mean at some 'lizard brain level' *rollseyes* he's not aware that if they got angry with him, or stupid drunk, or coked up (for example) they could potentially seriously damage him.

The slightly built guy isn't about to come out to those big dudes and say 'hey, look, i like y'alls but i am a bit intimidated by your size', is he? After all, those big guys are probably more than aware of that since big guys using their size to intimidate 'beta' males and women is NOTHING NEW! Just watch any high school teen movies (especially those form the 70's-90's era).

So what he's more likely to do is either avoid them and opt to hang out with those less physically intimidating, or join in the group by laughing along, buddying up with one of them in particular as a form of protection, and ultimately sanctioning their behaviours with signs of his approval.

Trusting up to a point.

Additionally one can distrust men on a wide scale while still knowing a handful of men who can be trusted. Or at least, trusted up to a point.
i'd even go so far as to say there are definitely women out there not to be trusted, by anyone... it's just that most men are conditioned to believe they are much more dominant physically that they simply don't understand the threat a woman can represent to them. not all women are weak and feeble, and many have brains.

actually watched a gritty little series called Dear Child, a Danish(?) production about an abducted young woman who, after bearing 3 rape children to her attacker died soon after the birth of the 3rd where he refused to get her medical attention. The baby dies too... well, he then set about abducting a series of young women to take her place, one after the other, as mother to the children... those women were later found buried in the woods. The last one managed to get away after hitting him with a snow globe, but ended up returning to him as an apparent willing victim after it was discovered he wasn't dead. She hid a knife up her sleeve, but he'd seen her on cam doing that and took it from her... she asked then, compliantly, if she could go pee and ended up stabbing him repeatedly in the neck with a piece of glass she'd managed to hide in a folded panty liner inside her knickers. Quite satisfying :)

it's just not what the man/bear chart was about.
i think a lot of people miss the fact that women can be not wholly trusting of a man and still function in a mixed gender population without too much trouble, even liking some of them!

i would say it's comparable to any slightly built male who has to be in the company of much larger or heavier built guys: he knows most of them are ok, might actually enjoy their company and regard them as friends... but that doesn't mean at some 'lizard brain level' *rollseyes* he's not aware that if they got angry with him, or stupid drunk, or coked up (for example) they could potentially seriously damage him.

The slightly built guy isn't about to come out to those big dudes and say 'hey, look, i like y'alls but i am a bit intimidated by your size', is he? After all, those big guys are probably more than aware of that since big guys using their size to intimidate 'beta' males and women is NOTHING NEW! Just watch any high school teen movies (especially those form the 70's-90's era).

So what he's more likely to do is either avoid them and opt to hang out with those less physically intimidating, or join in the group by laughing along, buddying up with one of them in particular as a form of protection, and ultimately sanctioning their behaviours with signs of his approval.

A slightly built guy in prison would DEFINITELY choose the bear over a "man".

That ^ slightly built guy can TOTALLY sympathize / empathize on EVERY level with women who would choose the bear.

A slightly built guy in prison would DEFINITELY choose the bear over a "man".

That ^ slightly built guy can TOTALLY sympathize / empathize on EVERY level with women who would choose the bear.

prison reform is so urgently needed

the punishment for serious crime should be the removal of that person from the rest of the civilian population; that comes with the loss of everyday rights such as the freedom to go where you want, eat when, where and what you choose, sleep when you like etc.... A lot of people get sent there who haven't committed acts of violence, you know the kinds of crimes to which i speak as well as the mental illness issues that see some inside when they should be in a hospital receiving mental care.

I see people on here who actually cheer on the dangers of prison for individuals, welcome them, as the normal thing for society. I say prisons, like any other gov't run institution (don't get me started on privately owned cesspits calling themselves prisons) should be a safe environment for all in the building, from the cleaners to the warders to the inmates. To willingly accept /welcome the dangers inherent in the system is the same, to me, as saying violent crime's ok if it happens to anyone inside the prisons. That's just not right. My own son with autism may have easily ended up inside and definitely would have been a target for abuse and manipulation.
prison reform is so urgently needed

the punishment for serious crime should be the removal of that person from the rest of the civilian population; that comes with the loss of everyday rights such as the freedom to go where you want, eat when, where and what you choose, sleep when you like etc.... A lot of people get sent there who haven't committed acts of violence, you know the kinds of crimes to which i speak as well as the mental illness issues that see some inside when they should be in a hospital receiving mental care.

I see people on here who actually cheer on the dangers of prison for individuals, welcome them, as the normal thing for society. I say prisons, like any other gov't run institution (don't get me started on privately owned cesspits calling themselves prisons) should be a safe environment for all in the building, from the cleaners to the warders to the inmates. To willingly accept /welcome the dangers inherent in the system is the same, to me, as saying violent crime's ok if it happens to anyone inside the prisons. That's just not right. My own son with autism may have easily ended up inside and definitely would have been a target for abuse and manipulation.

Couldn’t agree more with every word of that.


A prison environment that is more dangerous for average inmates makes life more dangerous and stressful for the guards as well as making life more dangerous and stressful for society when those traumatized inmates get out.

Your purity test only hurt your allies and put the whole fucking country at risk. That is what I actually care about.
^^^This guy admonishes a woman for putting "the whole fucking country at risk" by expressing her response to the question posed in this thread.

No wonder so many women chose the bear.
Catcalling isn't one of them. You're the one who latched on to catcalling. And then pulled in your experience as a black male. For whatever fucking reason you want to put your experiences on the level of catcalling. Which is insane. It diminishes every black male to think that. Do you feel better? Has your ego been mollified having that frankly common sense message reach your brain? Fucksakes.

However, things like rape, murder, violence, reproductive rights - they don't fucking compare to you getting your ass chewed at work by Karen. And that's a fact Jack. Everyone gets yelled at at work. It doesn't mean that it is a grave injustice that equates to women dealing with male violence.

You want to paint me as a man hater because that would be easier so you can disregard what I am saying. You are wrong. I don't hate men. I don't trust men. They don't have the best interest of society in mind. No not all men. (Feel better?) But too goddamn many. Men voted for Trump by an over 10% margin over Clinton. (Black men didn't. Black women were the only ones who understood the assignment at less than 6% for Trump. And no white women didn't vote majority for Trump - regardless of the exit polls. There's articles and I've linked them in the past. Yeah too damn many though.) Beyond politics, men have issues with emotional and personal self control. There is a very real epidemic of violence among men that negatively effects society and women. The cherry on the cake: men walk around as the favored default and don't even realize the arrogance of much of what they do. Because of that status.

I don't trust men and I don't think this society raises men to be trusted. It raises them to be selfish and egotistical. Kudos to the men who fight it.

I expect you'll continue to lose your shit on me and blame me for your irrational statement. I'm just shining a light on your stupidity. You think women would rather deal with the bear because of catcalling. Fucking what. You betcha dude.

The shovel offer still stands. At this rate yours will wear out shortly.

Unless you wrote the poll and are every woman who has responded to it what you think on a personal level is of no particular use. I've done the research. Cat calling and staring ARE counted in the assault numbers. I'm not even excusing catcalling.

Also getting chewed out by Karen and losing your job. . .sorry not really the same. I didn't paint you as a manhater. I don't even think you are. I think you hate me because I refuse to play a game that has no way for me to possibly win. However I can improve your odds by staying out of the way but even that isn't good enough.

I don't care about not all men and even acknowledge other than to play the odds and trust which has worked more often than not for millions or years that you have no choice. If you want to talk about the very real epidemic of violence among men that's a society thing and one both genders actively encourage.

Society DOES train men to be trusted. I think you probably meant trustworthy though so benefit of the doubt you don't actually want men who fight being trusted. Yes it does raise us to be selfish and egotistical. That's just life.

The only thing I blame you for is thinking that I'm in the wrong for simply not intimidating women. I looked at your demands, deemed them acceptable and went back to my writing, work and gaming and that's bad.

If there is any stupidity you've put a light to is thinking that communicating openly and honestly is a game plan instead of what I was taught and shown growing up. Lie. Life is a giant lying contest and if you're not you can blame nobody but yourself for your failures.

I suck at lying and I blame nobody else for my specific failures. That doesn't mean the game isn't fucked up.

That 1/5 have suffered rape or attempted rape is either way to high or way too low and any rational person knows it. However we won't even define rape because if we did the stats would start making some sort of sense.
I think you hate me because I refuse to play a game that has no way for me to possibly win. However I can improve your odds by staying out of the way but even that isn't good enough.

You are still insisting on playing that game.

A bear would not do that.
Let's break this down folks. I don't see any point in addressing the OP, so I'll just make my point and he can do whatever he wants.

Unless you wrote the poll and are every woman who has responded to it what you think on a personal level is of no particular use. I've done the research. Cat calling and staring ARE counted in the assault numbers. I'm not even excusing catcalling.

So here he is wanting me to be in line with the general polling and I'm not allowed to have my own opinion. In fact, he is so arrogant to insist that my opinion is not valid but since he believes it doesn't align with polling that my opinion is irrelevant.

Now in efforts to prove just how wrong I am, he is now pointing to catcalling as being counted as assault encounters. So, ladies, when was the last time you reported catcalling to your local police? How hard did they laugh at you? Did you make sure they took your statement and filed a report?

Logic. It's a good thing.

Also getting chewed out by Karen and losing your job. . .sorry not really the same. I didn't paint you as a manhater. I don't even think you are. I think you hate me because I refuse to play a game that has no way for me to possibly win. However I can improve your odds by staying out of the way but even that isn't good enough.

No you are not talking about stalking. You are not talking about violent threats. You are not talking about agressiveness or rape or murder. You are talking about cat calls being no different than blacks being shot for existing.

I'm no hero. But you are a flat out villain. I should be. . .well I already avoid you because you are a threat to me just by my drawing breath. The worst I wish on you is a less than perfect life. You are making it clear what you want for men. I've already done every single thing I can to make your life better and you are actively seekign to make mine worse.

Had to bring in an old quote. So now he's saying I don't hate men. Even though he's accused me of being a threat to him just by him drawing breath. Further that he knows what I want for men. (Who wants to take on the hero claims of him doing every single thing he can to make my life better combined with the drama of me actively seeking to make his life worse? Wow.)

Not really sure why he's comparing Karen to losing a job to women being raped and murdered. But then he's convinced that I'm talking about catcalling. It's nice that he's so sure that he knows exactly what I am thinking. And further that he's able to telegraph it to the forum so that it's crystal clear. If crystal clear means he's not listening to me and instead inserting his own internal narrative.

I don't care about not all men and even acknowledge other than to play the odds and trust which has worked more often than not for millions or years that you have no choice. If you want to talk about the very real epidemic of violence among men that's a society thing and one both genders actively encourage.

Honestly - the first part of this is garble.

I'm not sure what the point of the second statement is. It's almost like he is realizing that patriarchy is harmful for both genders and perpetrated by both genders.

However it seems to be a bit of a stretch to understand that patriarchy is perpetuate by both genders - regardless of political affiliation. Something that I said waaaaay back when when this all started.

Go fig.

Society DOES train men to be trusted. I think you probably meant trustworthy though so benefit of the doubt you don't actually want men who fight being trusted. Yes it does raise us to be selfish and egotistical. That's just life.

I think it's great that men pull out arguing over semantics. It makes me feel like I've been heard and understood. It's also great when it's assigned status as a given that men are selfish and egotistical. And that we just better get used to it, eh ladies?

But you know, they can be trusted. Or trustworthy. Or whatever specifically male ego approved term is allowable.

The only thing I blame you for is thinking that I'm in the wrong for simply not intimidating women. I looked at your demands, deemed them acceptable and went back to my writing, work and gaming and that's bad.

Now this is ego over-reach based on erroneous perception. To be fair, when one's goal is to simply defend their ego it's hard to think clearly.

As a side note, notice the victimhood. He's jumped to a conclusion and then got butthurt. He could have asked for clarification if he was confused, but be honest - do you think he would believe me? So far he's stated very plainly that he knows exactly what I'm thinking, what I'm talking about and what my intentions are.

I wouldn't recommend he try his luck at the lottery. Just a thought.

If there is any stupidity you've put a light to is thinking that communicating openly and honestly is a game plan instead of what I was taught and shown growing up. Lie. Life is a giant lying contest and if you're not you can blame nobody but yourself for your failures.

I suck at lying and I blame nobody else for my specific failures. That doesn't mean the game isn't fucked up.

Again, an assumption and turning this into something about him. Okey dokey.

I'm curious who taught him that he should tell women what they think, what they mean and what their intentions are.

That 1/5 have suffered rape or attempted rape is either way to high or way too low and any rational person knows it. However we won't even define rape because if we did the stats would start making some sort of sense.

Again, more correction from a man who has been put on the defensive. This is a psych eval waiting to happen.


I'm not responding to Sean anymore at this point. Unless something dire happens that requires my input. Instead I am simply using his post as an example of just what kind of "ally" "some men" are. I don't hate Sean, although I find his aggressiveness and arrogance to be annoying. But in reality... he's not too different from many men. Liberal men, conservative men, progressive men, religious men, atheist men, white men, black men, green men, martian men...

The arrogance of thinking they know better and the aggressiveness to press the case. Over and over again.
You are not allowed to you own opinion. Just as you have made perfectly clear I'm not allowed to mine. Only facts. When the last time you reported cat calling to your local represence is silly. That isn't what the poll actual reports. IT reports how many times you spend uncomfortable with a man.

To your silly point lets talk about. If logic were an important thing this entire conversation and its grandfathers wouldn't be a thing. The myth of good guys finish last and the reality of good guys don't finish at all wouldn't be things. If personal experience means anything I can attest that the exact moment you stop pretending that you should do anything but withdraw is silly.

You bring up when has a woman brought up cat calling as assault. I'm sure it has happened. I'm not in a google mood. But please counter when a woman was raped and dumped in a trashcan and the judge gave a paltry sentence because that boy's swimming career would be threatened by prison time. Lets assume for the sake of argument that .1% of women suffer similar cases. I'm not in a math mood. Not all women go to college, not all men are gonna go to college certainly not for swimming. Sounds like a lot of women.

We should take a break here to mention how many college coaches are raping young boys but they don't matter at all. Getting into the NFL is worth it. Encase you didn't know I'm not an NFL or NCAA athlete and my post history would tell you that even if I had been at some point I'd be a legend if I still was.

The point is women do not report rape for a lot of reasons. They are gonna get dragged through the mud for a lot of reasons. Some actually make a lot of sense. If a drunk chick qualifies as drunk you'd be hard pressed to find adults who have never raped or been raped. Honestly if you don't have a college story if "Well I don't remember steps two through twelve but there was Twister, a head ache and I don't know where the Skittles came from" well that's you.

You are thread to me because I draw breath. That isn't a hate fact as I clearly draw out.

I'm not a hero. Never claimed that. I have however made it clear how much effort I put into making things better. I don't live in a world of heroes. For every person who changes the world there are millions who just do the right thing. The right thing here is simple. Do not engage.

Patriachy is bad for both genders. Everything you have posted an women have shown in life has shown that a man who rejects that mentality is alone. You would rather the bear than the wolf. We can defend you nonstop but if you get the choice between a companion and a rapist you've once more made it clear which we should be. Cats are solitary and lions. . . well they do kill the young just so the women will get in line.

I was never responding to Adrina. She made her point when she first responded. I am evil because I have a penise. Nothing I can ever do makes that any better. She made it crystal clear in her first response that she thought I was some kind of pet but then I revealed I had fealings and that made me subhuman.

I hope like hell she enjoyed Memorial Day. I mean my dead brothers and sisters mean a day off work for her. She probably thinks we should be happy about Trump because hey that's life. Do not for a second let someone like her trick you. She is the same person who thinks a man who wants ot be a father is scum. Who thinks a woman who wants a choice in her future is wrong. She wants to make America Great Again.

She does make one solid point. If women had two choices. One where they would accept I enjoy gaming and the other where they couldn't get a bank account or killed by a bear the option is simple. I apologize for thinking you ladies are people. No amount of learning that isn't the proper approach has cured me of treating you as indivduals and people. Just not putting you in bad spots.
Yeah... thanks. No.

I'm not in the mood to further deal with an ego driven male who wants to tell me what I think, what I mean and what my intentions are.

Sean is continuing to prove exactly what I said: too many men (in fact most men) have the arrogance to think they know better and the aggressiveness to keep pushing it.

Case in point.