March Same title Challenge

Fun, fun, fun...

And the subject can be anything? Any no-no's?

Hi there and yes anyone is welcome to join in as long as the poem sticks to some semblance of the title, not given yet as I'm waiting for the Members to actually see this thread and post their names. Mind you that doesn't mean people can't join in at the last minute as long as I get their poems before the deadline, I've done that myself before now!
Ok we have 17 names, all will be revealed (metaphorically speaking) on the 16th giving you until March 1st to get all those masterpieces written :)
NB Although I know the title I haven't started without you.
Ok according to GMT it's now the 16th, goodness knows what day it is where you are!
March is named after Mars and before he became popularized as a warmonger, Mars was actually a fertility and agricultural deity. He, along with other deities like Ceres and Cybele oversaw the new growth of spring, and encouraged the continuation of life (fertility, sex, procreation in human, plant and animal realms).

So there you go your title is Fertility. Make of it what you will, Human, Animal, Plants, the Earth, anything as long as it's got some semblance to the subject. Serious, Erotic or downright funny any genre. Submit as many or as few as you can. Last day of entry is March 1st and beware the Ides :)
Send you poems to me and I'll try not to tear my hair out in confusion. All poems will be posted anonymously on March 2nd in a different thread.
If you haven't signed up yet and still want to have a go, that's ok too as long as you let me know.
All clear now on what to do? Clear as mud they say! Ask in here and someone will set you on the right path.
Ready! Steady! Write!!
Hmmnn here's an interesting topic 'Cervical Mucous and your fertility' :rolleyes:
Booty call: How to spot fertile women (
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heh ok we gots to get some more dark writers on here so well ...ya ...pffft ...heh
heh ok we gots to get some more dark writers on here so well ...ya ...pffft ...heh

synchronized poetry, brilliant! :confused:

how like water ballet the precision of your swimmers
wheeling down the vagina, tails up and wiggling

Do you ever look at someone and wonder how the hell they managed to come first in the sperm race? Perhaps there was some skulduggery even then!
I could edit that down to an American sentence :)
Do you ever look at someone and wonder how the hell they managed to come first in the sperm race? Perhaps there was some skulduggery even then!
I could edit that down to an American sentence :)

"The Sperm Race" sounds like a great title for a poem to be followed by, oh I don't know, maybe an Annikey for the March Challenge.:rolleyes: