March Same title Challenge

fecund not being a widely used word manifests in poems 1, 2 & 3.

I smell conspiracy.

Or perhaps it's the manure and compost.

#15 is without a doubt is Ashesh.

I'm going out on a limb that #9 is GuiltyPleasure
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omgds there are so many different writing types for one title! :eek: heh definetly lots of ways to say fertility!

Sorry Harry ! Don't be offended! was meant as a joke as to kids being mini humans :p little balls of joys! hehe ...everyone wants to reproduce at some point in time I think!
Stop all this nonsense about tiny harry balls at once! :mad:

We have serious poerty business to attend to. :rolleyes:
the first 3 poems have " fecund" in common ----Fecund , fecund earth & fecundity to be precise ---did 3 diff. Poets have the same word , idea , concept simultaneously or is Fecundity a powerful idea relatin' to Fertility ?
Poem no 13 has a mistake apparent prima facie from the face of the Poem " till the dead was done" actually meant " till the deed was done ".........
#1 -- Magnetron.

#2 -- GM.

#5 -- I haven't a clue, but I like it.

#9 -- possibly Champs.

#13 -- possibly Magnetron.

#15 -- Magnetron.

#19 -- possibly GM.
Perhaps the challenge should have been to use fecund in every poem?

After adjusting her knobs
she lured me into her room
beckoned with a fecund ditty
emanating like elevator music from her boom
ok so here is my thinking ...possibility of guesses :p

7 is champ

8 piscar

11 ange

17 mags

19 remec

heh and I am probably wrong on all of them :p
Just to let you know you will have from the 2nd to the 7th to guess who wrote what as I'll be away for a few days after that.

I agree with many of the possible attributions so far, but am holding back.

UYS will there be a contributors list?
#3, I believe, is Angeline.

"Kulululululu, your husband will follow the path
to your garden. May you be the mother of multitudes."

I can hear as well as see the women making that wonderful shrill tongue vibrating sound in a small village of Israel; a great ending couplet.
#3, I believe, is Angeline.

"Kulululululu, your husband will follow the path
to your garden. May you be the mother of multitudes."

I can hear as well as see the women making that wonderful shrill tongue vibrating sound in a small village of Israel; a great ending couplet.

I agree the #3 could well be Angeline's

And suggest 2 & 19 as likely GM's
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#3, I believe, is Angeline.

"Kulululululu, your husband will follow the path
to your garden. May you be the mother of multitudes."

I can hear as well as see the women making that wonderful shrill tongue vibrating sound in a small village of Israel; a great ending couplet.

Do they do that in Israel too ?
this Ululation or a shrill "ULULULLLLLLLLLUUUUUU" is done by Bengali Hindu ladies during weddings too !!!
believe it is an auspicious Hindu rite !
What a great group of poems! This is not an easy title imho: I agree with the poet who said it's an evil, fertile mind that came up with this title (I'm lookin at you, Annie!).

A few thoughts:

#1 Dunno who wrote it (maybe Mags or Harry?), but the combo of mollusks and fertility cracked me up.

#2 is an acrostic. I have a feeling this poem is Piscator's. I like how it's succinct, but has a big story in those few, rhymed lines.

#6 I really like a lot. Maybe butters?

#7 I'm not sure who wrote this (maybe GP?) and I'm still not sure exactly what Felicity found in her garden, but I really like the story the poem tells so well.

#9 A great pantoum that had me laughing and I'm gonna guess that UYS wrote this one.

#11 sounds like AH to me, but it's not a sonnet which he often writes, so maybe he went freestyle on this one. :confused:

#12 is great. For a short poem, it's a very apt summation!

#13 is another I really like but don't know who wrote it.

#15 is funny and true and written by Ash imo.

#19 is another I much like, especially how it expresses a mix of conflicting feelings. I also think it pairs well with #3, which I find quite interesting. ETA: I think it's a GM poem.

Ok. I'm now prepared to be told I'm 8 or 9 kinds of wrong. :D
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Do they do that in Israel too ?
this Ululation or a shrill "ULULULLLLLLLLLUUUUUU" is done by Bengali Hindu ladies during weddings too !!!
believe it is an auspicious Hindu rite !

I think it's used in the same way in many Middle Eastern cultures. I always thought it was a Semitic-related thing...although in my family it appears to have been exchanged for various repetitions of Oy!
I think it's used in the same way in many Middle Eastern cultures. I always thought it was a Semitic-related thing...although in my family it appears to have been exchanged for various repetitions of Oy!

Ha! :D

1 is GP, 19 GM, 10 is butters, 4 is awesome might be butters too, 6 is Mags
..........................................>>>NEW LINK
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What a great group of poems! This is not an easy title imho: I agree with the poet who said it's an evil, fertile mind that came up with this title (I'm lookin at you, Annie!).

A few thoughts:

#1 Dunno who wrote it (maybe Mags or Harry?), but the combo of mollusks and fertility cracked me up.

#2 is an acrostic. I have a feeling this poem is Piscator's. I like how it's succinct, but has a big story in those few, rhymed lines.

#6 I really like a lot. Maybe butters?

#7 I'm not sure who wrote this (maybe GP?) and I'm still not sure exactly what Felicity found in her garden, but I really like the story the poem tells so well.

#9 A great pantoum that had me laughing and I'm gonna guess that UYS wrote this one.

#11 sounds like AH to me, but it's not a sonnet which he often writes, so maybe he went freestyle on this one. :confused:

#12 is great. For a short poem, it's a very apt summation!

#13 is another I really like but don't know who wrote it.

#15 is funny and true and written by Ash imo.

#19 is another I much like, especially how it expresses a mix of conflicting feelings. I also think it pairs well with #3, which I find quite interesting. ETA: I think it's a GM poem.

Ok. I'm now prepared to be told I'm 8 or 9 kinds of wrong. :D

9 isn't me but thank you for the compliment.
Gonna say #18 is Trix.

Have a feeling #4 is Sinseria.
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I'm guessing Ashesh for #20, because I know he is partial to ellipses.

Clearly I was wrong about #9, because Champs doesn't appear on the list of contenders. Maybe GP or Angeline? Oops, Angeline has already guessed UYS for that one, so I lean toward GP.