Mathgirl Turns 21


To both you, and Durt Gurl MG. You wit, and effervesense has raised my spirits on more than a couple of occasions. Your brass, and no-nonsense approach to life defines the future of woman more than any marches ever have. I wish you fortune in love, glory of life, and the career of your chosing.
Re: HappyBirthday!*********

Dirty Slut said:
To both you, and Durt Gurl MG. You wit, and effervesense has raised my spirits on more than a couple of occasions. Your brass, and no-nonsense approach to life defines the future of woman more than any marches ever have. I wish you fortune in love, glory of life, and the career of your chosing.

Yeah, what she said! :D

- Mindy; shamelessly stealing words, but the sentiment is true
Woo woo woo

Thanks, everyone. I didn't realize I had so many friends. I do try so hard to irritate and offend people. I resolve to try harder in the coming year.
Thank you all,
Ps. Now that I'll legally be able to go into bars, I can't think of a single reason to do so.
Pps. At my size, I'll still be asked for ID when I'm fifty.
Happy Birthday, MG!

I remember when I turned 21. I went to a bar with friends and, wouldn't you know it, it was to be about the only time for the next 10 years that I DIDN'T get carded! LOL

Glad you're here. Have a good life.:rose:
Maths, pardon the sidetrack. I cannot remember turning 21. I know I was married, nothing else of the year. Bummer. I do remember 30, 40 and 50 though.

Weird, P, I can't remember much of my early 20'ies either. M claims I've "blocked it out".

Who says divorce can't be a great thing?
perdita said:
Maths, pardon the sidetrack. I cannot remember turning 21. I know I was married, nothing else of the year. Bummer. I do remember 30, 40 and 50 though.


Let's see... I remember a bar. I remember lots of guys (older brother's friends, no one good damnit) buying me shots all night. I remember a friend giving me a $90 bottle of Wild Turkey that I never did open. (I know the price because he always bought the most expensive liquor he could find and always left the price tag on.) I never could decide which was more strange: that he would give me a $90 bottle of Wild Turkey or that one existed at all! Anyway, back to the 21st B-day. It all gets pretty fuzzy after that. I still remember the hangover, though. Rumple's definitely right about that one.

- Mindy
So what you guys are saying is that MG, Carrie and I should start keeping a diary of some sort? :confused:
I was in Long Beach, California on my 21st birthday.

There was a drinking contest going on at this bar, and a few of my shipmates were in it. The contest lasted three days, and I drank drink for drink with them though I was drinking scotch, and they were all drinking beer. I stayed until the last man fell unconscious late the third morning, and then went out for breakfast. Nobody had asked me for my ID, they never had before so there was no reason to that night the contest started. Hell, I never did get drunk, just had a nice buzz. But then alcoholic beverages were nothing new for me, I'd been drinking all, or at least most of my life. Beer, and wine were served with certain meals, and in small quantities to me since I was a child. To this day I don't really understand what the big deal is about drinking alcoholic drinks in moderation. I still have a glass or two of wine, scotch, or the occasional beer when I get the thrist for them, but I never over indulge. In fact, I'd rather drink Iced Tea.

In any case, have a Happy Birthday MG, and don't over do it.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
And Nobody Else Got To This First?

She's off celebrating with the sheep, out behind the garderobe.

(couldn't resist)
Happy Birthday, MG!

I hope Walt the Beagle treats you good today and doesn't do anything untoward in your yard.

Make sure you have a drink for each and everyone of us here. Oh, and get someone to take a few piccies. ;)

Katie :rose:
Lauren Hynde said:
So what you guys are saying is that MG, Carrie and I should start keeping a diary of some sort?
Dear LH,
Why the hell would I want a dairy? They're smelly and disgusting. I don't even like milk.
Ps. Swede, Who is E. Getty?
Goddamn, Bladerunner's older than you are...

Happy birfday, you big-butted-baby!

Happy birthday MG. Since everyone seems to be reacting to your aging with descriptions of how they could be your grandfather or father, or kindly uncle who give you sweeties, I'd just like to say happy birthday from someone who could be your younger brother.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Happy birthday MG. Since everyone seems to be reacting to your aging with descriptions of how they could be your grandfather or father, or kindly uncle who give you sweeties, I'd just like to say happy birthday from someone who could be your younger brother.

The Earl

So does that mean I've been playing guitar for longer than you've been alive, Earl?
MathGirl said:
Ps. Swede, Who is E. Getty?

She played Stallone's cool mum in "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot!"

Ps) Don't you DARE say "who's Stallone?", you little... birthday girl!
Svenskaflicka said:
Ps) Don't you DARE say "who's Stallone?", you little... birthday girl!
Well, you know, there is always...


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Happy XXI Birthday, Maths! :D

- Yeah! Math is young enough to be my great niece’s ‘big’ sister, and Durtgurl could help lead them astray . . . well, further astray. :rolleyes:

- I DO remember my twenty-first birthday. What I have trouble remembering is the following nine days, or how I wound up in Kashechewan, Ontario? :confused:

- Some of the questions I expect Maths to answer over the next few years, is at what point will it be decided that every conceivable combination of letter has been employed, and that they all have a vulgar definition? :eek:

- When will Maths’ researches prove the link between transvestite school marms, singing cow punchers, and the ASPCA’s decision against violent fisticuffs with bovines? :rolleyes:

- How will Maths eventually develop the garderobe as a delivery system for three foot bowel movements? :(

- What will be Maths’ reaction when she finally learns what “they” say about South Africans and their sheep? ;)