Meeting Men Whose Wife You Have Fucked

Did it turn you on to be watched by the hubbys?

To be honest I was in it for the pussy and gave the wife my total attention. I basically ignored the hubby sitting off to the side and stroking his dick.
If he joined in it was a bit more of a turn on as I enjoy cock to cock contact, having my cock and balls stroked by guys and doing the same for them, but just having hubby there getting turned on watching his wife get fucked, nah, that in its self didn't turn me on.
I used to run in a circle of friends in which one of the women in that group had, during college, dated two guys within the same group. We had game night at a different person's house every Friday. So, every Friday her husband was in the room with three other guys that had slept with his wife: two ex boyfriends plus me. I was still actively sleeping with her and I was the only one no one else in the group knew she had hooked up with.

The other guys were just ex-boyfriends from college, so there wasn't anything sexual about this group of friends. But, I couldn't help thinking about it as such!

I'd love to meet someone else that has been with her. It's actually something I hope will happen. I was never brave enough to bring it up with her ex-boyfriends that I was friends with.
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I used to run in a circle of friends in which one of the women in that group had, during college, dated two guys within the same group. We had game night at a different person's house every Friday. So, every Friday her husband was in the room with three other guys that had slept with his wife: two ex boyfriends plus me. I was still actively sleeping with her and I was the only one no one else in the group knew she had hooked up with.

The other guys were just ex-boyfriends from college, so there wasn't anything sexual about this group of friends. But, I couldn't help thinking about it as such!

It's a very sexy situation that could go anywhere and generates the obvious fantasies for me.
I was at a party some years ago with a guy I had been seeing for a few months. Unbeknownst to me, an ex-bf was at the party, and he noticed me and sidled up to us and said hello. I introduced him to my boyfriend as an old acquaintance from college. We exchanged happy pleasantries and mentioned old mutual friends, and he soon moved on. A few minutes later my boyfriend quietly dropped a bomb, "You fucked him, right?" I simply responded that he and I used to date, so yes. He said, "He wanted me to know that." I know that the ex didn't say a single suggestive word in our little chat, but my boyfriend could sense that the ex was doing something like marking his territory.

I find it exciting when she tells me who she is fucking now.

Funny this should be bumped now. I met accidentally with a woman I fucked some time ago in a store yesterday, she was with her husband. I have no idea if he knew or not -- she used to cum loud and often. I wonder if she does for him?
There was a girl I was friends with for years, and we fucked one night when I was visiting from out of town and took her to a wedding. The night before, she had gone on a first date with the man she'd later marry. I've since met him, he's a cool guy, and I don't really feel anything like "turned on" when I see them or care whether he knows.

On the flip side, there have been times when I'm with a girlfriend (or my ex wife) and I encounter women I've fucked in the past. I don't say or hint at anything and always wonder if they pick up on it. But beyond that, to me it's just a moment between two people and nothing to get worked up about.

Yea it happened and we just talked and then he asked how do you both know each other. I said we knew each other in high school and run into each other here and there at times. We had beers a few nights later and she gave us both a bj. Felt good but awkward.
The night my summer lover met my husband

I'm 48 years old, married, and work as a food and bev server at a restaurant-bar. Summer before last I had a fling with a young guy who was working with us part time. He had just gotten out of the Army and was waiting for his college classes to start. Anyway, he was flirting with me quite a bit, and i guess I was flirting back a bit, but teasing him that I was twice his age, old enough to be his mother, blah blah blah. One night his car wouldn't start, so I gave him a ride home. He was still living with his parents. To make a long story short, we ended up in my back seat, the beginning of a really fun affair. We got together frequently after that. Usually at a cheap motel, but sometimes in his parents house when they were away. When school started that was the end of it. He had a gf, and quit at our place. Anyway, my husband and me were out Christmas shopping one evening and ran into him, his gf, and his parents at a mall. He shook hands with my husband and they got into this what do you plan to study what do you want to do conversation. Meanwhile, I'm trying to make small talk with his mom, dad and gf and the whole time, not trying to look at him that way, and I'm thinking do they suspect or know about us. Totally awkward, and my husband is just going on and on and on with career advice and all that. Too funny.
Meeting women whose husband I have fucked.

I am not a big fan of fucking married men but over the years I have done it a number of times. Now I only do it if the wife knows and they have an open marriage. But when I owned my beauty shop I had a customer that was a major bitch. She would complain about her husband and anybody and everybody else. As I worked on her hair I wondered how crazy she would get if she knew I was doing her husband. I only comment on this because lots of wives complain about their guy cheating but if they do nothing but go around bitching about everything what do they think is going to happen?
Usually the experience for me as been pretty fucking awkward and occasionally violent. There was one time it was interesting, but usually the experience was unsatisfactory, mostly because I usually knew the guys before I fucked their wife too
Since we almost always hook up with couples since we started opening up our marriage, I have met most of the guys that have fucked her as I was with their wives. I have no way of knowing who fucked her back in her prostitution days.
Yea it happened and we just talked and then he asked how do you both know each other. I said we knew each other in high school and run into each other here and there at times. We had beers a few nights later and she gave us both a bj. Felt good but awkward.

Reads like a ... what was your first swinger experience. :) J/k

In my reality , it hasn’t been that big of a deal. I’ve done the cockhold fuck as the stag or bull numerous times. Those husbands are actually in my experience pretty cool and interesting. To each their own . Several of those couples crossed over into the bdsm realm of fetish fucking.

The wife swapper husband that’s the control freak amateur porn director sucks.

The swinger virgin husbands are a crap shoot , I had one actually cry once as I was fucking his wife , her legs up in the air , hard stroking and her moaning out loud. I stopped and asked him if he was ok and if he wanted me to stop. He explained he just hadn’t really thought it all the way through , what it would be like seeing that.

No worries mate , I stopped they left and my wife and I had a nice hotel room to our self’s.

Then there’s the swinger virgin husbands that my wife hits it off with and we all four have a blast.

I’ve never cheated per say , so I haven’t got a clue what that feels like.


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It’s always a very naughty thrill to meet or socialize with the husbands of women I am or have fucked. I actually get really turned on by it.
So how long have you known the Falwell, Jrs.? :devil:

To be honest I was in it for the pussy and gave the wife my total attention. I basically ignored the hubby sitting off to the side and stroking his dick.
If he joined in it was a bit more of a turn on as I enjoy cock to cock contact, having my cock and balls stroked by guys and doing the same for them, but just having hubby there getting turned on watching his wife get fucked, nah, that in its self didn't turn me on.
Unfortunately I haven't, but would like to. I'm obcessed by married pussies, engaged girlfriends... Anyone into a serious relationship. I love to think about myself owning her genitals with my own breeds. Also love to think about someone's son being emasculated by my manhood coated all around his dick. I insanely enjoyed it when some innocent dudes are getting unknowingly dirty with my mess on their... Just thinking about them going to their mum this way: nasty.
I have found that I really get turned on meeting men who's wife or girlfriend I have fucked at some time or other, especially if they are open to talking about her in a sexual way.

I realize that this could be a bit intimidating for some guys, but for me it is very hot. Wondering if other guys have the same experience. Or if there are women out there who like to introduce their former lovers to their hubby.
i met one guy who fucked my wife but we never spoke just looked at each other for an instance.
I was having an affair and I would talk with him around town, at the school, in the store. His wife would get real nervous. I told her to calm down. I always got a kick out of it.
I have met several. Never did bring it up as i didn’t know if they knew. Never wanted to get anyone in trouble. Never gave me a thrill or anything. Past is past. Best to leave it there.
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Started hooking up with a woman after she split from her hubs for a bit and fucked her senseless. She kept a daily journal and I made several entries in it every week. She still lives with her hubs and he knew where her journal was and read all about me long before I ever met him. He was a bit shocked I guess at how far I'd go to make her cum and doubted what she wrote was true. He asked me once about it and I bluntly told him I'd eat her all day and fuck her all night if I could. He never asked again