Meeting Men Whose Wife You Have Fucked

The wife swapper husband that’s the control freak amateur porn director sucks.

The swinger virgin husbands are a crap shoot , I had one actually cry once as I was fucking his wife , her legs up in the air , hard stroking and her moaning out loud. I stopped and asked him if he was ok and if he wanted me to stop. He explained he just hadn’t really thought it all the way through , what it would be like seeing that.

About the control freak...So often in these forums when someone asks about getting into the swing lifestyle, I tell them that if they are going to create a lot of rules, don't bother.

And as for the guy who started crying...he'll be back. He was just having a reckoning on a scale much greater than he expected. As he looks back on it, the way his wife was taken like that, I am sure it was the hottest thing he has ever experienced. On that night, a cuckold was born, and he will be forever grateful for the epiphany you provided.
I fucked a few married women over the years but never met any of their husbands. Mostly these were women that I met while traveling on business so it was highly unlikely I would ever meet their husbands. On the other side I have met four men that have fucked my wife. Two I did not know they had fucked her but I have become friends with a guy that fucks her at least once a week. It was a bit awkward at first but now he is comfortable and understands that I enjoy that he is fucking her.
I've met most of the husbands of the married women I've fucked. All of those husbands I've met were there at the time watching me fuck their wives. I don't think I've met the husband of any of the other married women I've fucked who were cheating on their husbands.

Married women are so hot!
This reminds me of a fun little experience I had a few years ago. I had begun fucking a coworker of mine. I say that because neither of us was in it for a relationship we just liked having sex. We'd booty call each other when we were horny and that was it.

The company Christmas party comes and I am there with my husband and my coworker shows up with this blonde. I did not know he was dating anyone and that was fine with me it just kind of tossed me for a loop as he had not said anything. They sit down next to my husband and I and we chat and she was actually really cool.

A few weeks go by and my coworker shoots me a booty call. I asked what happened between him and the girl at the party. He tells me that they are trying an open situation like my husband and I have. I do not think too much about it and things carry on.

A few months go by and this girl is becoming more a part of his life. On the other side as well her and I are becoming great friends. I did not come out and ask her if they were sexually open because I did not want to be the one dropping the bomb like that if my coworker had lied to me.

Finally the tipping point was when she calls me super excited telling me that my coworker had proposed to her. Literally like the day before my coworker and me had fucked. It was at this point I had to call it quits because even though he was telling me she was fine with it I don't think she had an idea.

I actually thought about calling her and telling her what had been going on at this point because we were friends but then she also announced that she was pregnant with his child. After a large mental battle I choose to focus on being her friend and put some distance between him and I.
This reminds me of a fun little experience I had a few years ago. I had begun fucking a coworker of mine. I say that because neither of us was in it for a relationship we just liked having sex. We'd booty call each other when we were horny and that was it.

The company Christmas party comes and I am there with my husband and my coworker shows up with this blonde. I did not know he was dating anyone and that was fine with me it just kind of tossed me for a loop as he had not said anything. They sit down next to my husband and I and we chat and she was actually really cool.

A few weeks go by and my coworker shoots me a booty call. I asked what happened between him and the girl at the party. He tells me that they are trying an open situation like my husband and I have. I do not think too much about it and things carry on.

A few months go by and this girl is becoming more a part of his life. On the other side as well her and I are becoming great friends. I did not come out and ask her if they were sexually open because I did not want to be the one dropping the bomb like that if my coworker had lied to me.

Finally the tipping point was when she calls me super excited telling me that my coworker had proposed to her. Literally like the day before my coworker and me had fucked. It was at this point I had to call it quits because even though he was telling me she was fine with it I don't think she had an idea.

I actually thought about calling her and telling her what had been going on at this point because we were friends but then she also announced that she was pregnant with his child. After a large mental battle I choose to focus on being her friend and put some distance between him and I.

Absolutely the right decision.
Meeting men whose wife I fucked

Never gave it much thought; however this past summer my wife and I had a pool party with some of our friends and I invited a lady that I met while selling some JetSkiis on Craigslist. She bought the skis from me without her hubby. My wife never met her but knew I had remained in contact with her just to make sure she had no issues with the JetSkiis. Well a few months after the sale, I met her across town to give her the JetSkiis owners manual I came across. I asked her it I invited her to lunch would she go, and she said yes; then I said if I got a room, would you join me? She said yes, and so we did. Her hubby was a local cop. I had never met him but invited them both to our pool party. I had fucked her several times before I met him at the party. I never mentioned it but wish I would have as I think he got off on sharing her... They actually spent the night at our home in our guest room. I wish I would have put my wife to bed and hit on her but it was too risky.

Haven't sleep with her since...
I had a short affair with a woman whose future husband I also once had sex with. Confusing? A bit. He was a very fun one night fling and she was a very horny several date fling. I was delighted when they married, good match. Never had sex with either again and have no idea if they ever disclosed our trysts to each other.
I've been doing a lot of overtime lately (I'm in a healthcare adjacent field) as has everyone else I work with. A co-worker and I recently started hooking up on our breaks. She wanted a quickie on our lunch break last week in my office, then we go downstairs for a cigarette and she introduces me to the husband she'd failed to mention who was bring her lunch! I don't know if he knows or not or if he's okay with it, I kind of hope he is because he's actually a pretty nice guy!
I’ve met a few guys whose wife/gf that I’ve enjoyed, never had any issues. One or two knew and didn’t make a big deal out it. A couple others had no idea and I never brought it up, wouldn’t have minded chatting about thier girls though lol. My sister in laws boyfriends have never had a clue, the one she been with for a while now I see a couple times a month and is none the wiser, even made some insinuating comments from time to time but he hasn’t caught on, she just give me a look to cut it out.
I have found that I really get turned on meeting men who's wife or girlfriend I have fucked at some time or other, especially if they are open to talking about her in a sexual way.

I realize that this could be a bit intimidating for some guys, but for me it is very hot. Wondering if other guys have the same experience. Or if there are women out there who like to introduce their former lovers to their hubby.

Ha! Similar but different - I get off meeting the wife's of guy's who I have sucked! Standing there talking to her thinking "we've both had his dick between our lips" and "I wonder if she's as good as me" :)
I met a guy that fucked my wife two days before we Wed, she also started an affair with him two years into our marriage, when she new l suspected she was cheating she admitted it when she saw how much it turned me on she told me everything and more,l have loads of visions that l wank off to.

PM if you want to chat, but not with two word questions go a bit in depth
My wife has fucked 5 men since we married. I have met 4 or the 5. The first two, i had not know that she was fucking them but the latest two, I know that she is fucking them and have even watched a few times. They know I know so it does make for some interesting conversation. One guy was a bit shy about talking about her but the latest is quite happy to talk about it.
When I first got married I knew my wife had dated a guy who had worked for the same small company I had just started with. But that was all I knew. One morning my boss introduced me to a friend of his that was going to ride along on my daily route. The rider told me he used to have my job and offered a few pointers on how to scam the company. And all day he kept talking about a gal he used to fuck back then. Some wild tales were told. A few months passed before it became apparent to me that the rider was the former employee my wife had dated. And yes, all those tales were about her. I had formed a dislike for the rider during the ride along due to his personality, e.g. offering unsolicited advice on cheating my boss. He was a true asshat. Made me wonder if he had a huge dong because I cannot imagine what else my wife could possibly have seen in him.
My wife Joanne had told me a lot about an exboyfriend, Steve, and how great the sex was. In fact she described the sex as the best ever and she also told me, in graphic detail , what he'd do to her and what she did to him. He also had, according to Joanne. the biggest and longest cock she'd ever seen.

Joanne and I continued to occasionally bring up Steve’s name in conversation and we rather half-jokingly suggested that we try to locate him. I began to look for him. On line and in directories and, eventually, after tracking down an old colleague of his, I made contact with Steve. It turned out that he was only 30 miles away from us and that he was divorced.

I called him and told him who I was. He was a bit surprised at first, to be honest. I was also nervous. My stomach was churning a bit when I made the call. I simply asked him if he remembered Joanne and said that Joanne had been talking about him and that I wondered if it might be good to meet. He told me he would think about it and let me know in a few days. An hour later, he called me back and said he'd love to meet.

I arranged to meet him for a coffee two days later. I had his description and he had mine. I still hadn't mentioned anything to Joanne but she asked me a few times why I was acting rather strangely. I hadn’t realised that I was! But I knew I was nervous and that I had butterflies in the stomach and that my mind racing.

Steve and I met. He was tall and slim. Not what I would call poster-boy handsome but presentable. He does have quite piercing eyes and I could tell by his manner that he was probably a "take-charge" sort of guy. We talked about our lives, my relationship with Joanne, his divorce, our jobs and then I asked him if he would like to meet Joanne again. He looked straight at me and said, "Yes I would,” he said, “Very much so".

I couldn't hold his gaze. He lowered his voice and asked me if Joanne had ever spoken to me about the sexy they had had. I told him that she had. He smiled at me and asked me if that was the reason for my making contact with him. I was a bit short of breath, my face was flustered and I sort of stammered, "Yes it was". He kept looking at me and then said that I should arrange a meeting as soon as it was convenient for everyone.

We stood up and left. I went out to my car and sat down, trembling, wondering how and when I was going to tell Joanne.
Not so much meeting their husbands other than to think in the back of my mind she was a freak back in the day. Certainly like running across some old lovers and seeing that knowing look in their eyes that it was hot and heavy at one point in time.
I'm still good friends with a girl I had sex with before I met my wife and she met her husband. Neither my wife nor her husband are aware that she and I had sex.

I honestly do not really think about it when chatting with him.

But she and I had a lot of fun back in the day. :)

Same here.........We built houses in a gated community and after moving in I had walked over and talked to him about life in general and our new houses. His wife walked out and looked at me and she had a "oh-shit" moment. Couple of days later I was in my yard and she walked over and said lets keep the past to ourselves. We still grin about it today. :D:D:D
20th high school reunion. Cheryl Anderson introduced me as a guy she once dated. She forgot to add that on most dates my cock was buried deep in pussy, but I think he knew. She still looked pretty good. Would have fucked her but she wasn't offering, and my wife was keeping a close watch. She knew me too well.