Men, does your mother know your penis size?

Probably. I never asked her and never showed it off to her but I didn't hide it either. She bought me the tightest. skimpiest spandex Speedo bathing suit when I was 18. It was easy to get an idea when I wore that, especially if there were bikini clad women around. That suit could sometimes make even my flaccid cock look hard.
When I was 18 (24 years ago) my girlfriend (who is now my wife) were having a quickie in my room and I heard my grandmother (who raised me instead of my mother) coming up the stairs. My girlfriend barely had time to get off me and we quickly pulled our respective pants up before my grandmother walked in. However, apparently my grandmother caught a glimpse because sometime afterwards made a remark about how my penis went down my leg to my knee. This of course was an exxageration but it has been an experience that my wife and I continue to laugh about.
Men, does your mother know your penis size?

When I was 35, my mother saw me nude when she stayed with me when I was sick in the hospital.

I was so sick one night that I didn’t have the energy to keep taking off and putting my clothes back on so I went nude in the room. I saw that mom glanced at my exposed penis, but she never said anything about it.

I had once heard her say that my dad was small so I think it didn’t surprise her that I’m also small.

A few years later, I was a passenger in her car and we got caught in major traffic. I had to urinate badly and I asked her if I could use one of the empty water bottles in her car. She said I could, but she questioned how I’d be able to fit the head of my penis inside the opening end of a water bottle. I told her I was sure it would fit.

When the head of my penis did fit inside the opening end of the bottle and I began peeing, mom was shocked, she said, “Oh my God! I didn’t think you’d be THAT small!” And she broke out in laughter and she was still laughing while driving as the traffic problem had cleared.
Yes unfortunately. Very embarrassing
Yes she did, Not in a sexual way nudity was not unusual in my family. on another note Thinking back I'm sure mom was a size queen my dad was hung like the proverbial horse. and after they divorced there was always a assortment of big bottles in her room
Is he bigger than you?
I don’t think me or my brother had big enough cocks for her. My mother flirted with me but she was always just into my ass and chest, I never noticed her show any interest in my penis maybe because she knew I was too small.
Dick size is no metter if performs is good and you and your mom also know that. Many short men are very famous in their fields. Because they performance well.
When I was 18 (24 years ago) my girlfriend (who is now my wife) were having a quickie in my room and I heard my grandmother (who raised me instead of my mother) coming up the stairs. My girlfriend barely had time to get off me and we quickly pulled our respective pants up before my grandmother walked in. However, apparently my grandmother caught a glimpse because sometime afterwards made a remark about how my penis went down my leg to my knee. This of course was an exxageration but it has been an experience that my wife and I continue to laugh about.
Grandma loved what she saw no doubt.