Men, does your mother know your penis size?

I would ask you Beth but I think I might already know the answer! I know his size though!! 😉😉 wink wink!
🤣I almost laughed my ass off when I saw in the notification that you had commented on my post!😂 I didn't know you came on here much so I was surprised. It won't do much good, but I'll tell you to be good anyhow. Love ya' girl!! 💗
I just have a vague memory. It must have been when i was around 13 or so. I also suppose something must have happened where I my balls got hit or something. Anyway, what I remember is my mom saying to me , let me see to make sure you're ok. I was reluctant and my mom said, come on , i've seen it all before , i need to make sure you're ok. So, i pulled down my pants and underwear for her to see. Even then I was self conscious about my small size and I could tell by my mom's reaction that even she was disappointed by my small one.
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When I was still in my teens, I had a emergency appendectomy and woke up back in my hospital room wearing nothing but a short gown, with my mother and older sister standing over me. The gown was damn short and I wondered who had put it on and if my mother and sister had been there. Well, later in the day, a nurse and nursing student came in to removed my urinary catheter. The student flipped my gown up without warning and went to work, my mother and sister watching on. So yeah, my secrets are out.

Are you big or small?
yes, when i was 11 I had a burst appendix and had my first erection which I didn't know what caused it at the time, asked my mum and she dismissed it, I went to hospital for a couple of weeks and 2 of the nurses came to bed bath me and saw my erection too (about 7 inches) and said for me to look her up when i was 18 - again at that age didn't know what she meant
Not a chance in hell.

I don't know when the last time she saw me naked was. Probably 5 or 6? Never caught me in any kind of act, and by the time I started using the digital camera I got as a graduation present for what digital camera are supposed to be used for, I was out if the house. So unless she stumbled upon the fuel when I first joined, she has no idea. I have no incest fantasies (actually difficult to develop when you're only related to your family on paper) so I really don't feel the need to let her know how much I grew up...
I don't know if she knows (she actually did once get confused about which one of us was circumcised and which one wasn't (different hospitals) - but she in fact said something about how we were 'hung like horses' - can't remember how or why that came up
When you say we, do you mean you and your Dad or you and your brother?
I just have a vague memory. It must have been when i was around 13 or so. I also suppose something must have happened where I my balls got hit or something. Anyway, what I remember is my mom saying to me , let me see to make sure you're ok. I was reluctant and my mom said, come on , i've seen it all before , i need to make sure you're ok. So, i pulled down my pants and underwear for her to see. Even then I was self conscious about my small size and I could tell by my mom's reaction that even she was disappointed by my small one.
Although your mother didn't say anything unkind to you, it appears, a couple of other men posting in this thread have reported their own mother's making, in my opinion, positively cruel remarks about the small size of their dicks. Why a mother would deliberately say something to her son guaranteed to hurt and humiliate him and undermine his confidence, I don't know.
I've posted about this before, but the ideal (and probably fantasy only) version of this was inspired by one photo posted by a young guy with a huge cock the hung down to his knees, as he stood half-naked in the bathroom, the door open. I suddenly got incredibly aroused by the thought of his mother walking by and seeing that, and what that might lead to, so I shot him a PM and asked if that had happened, and he said yes, and that she'd said "Put that thing away."
Now that is both funny or, if my entirely plausible suspicions are true, is incredibly hot, because having seen something that big, right there, knowing she could lay her hands and more on it whenever she wanted, and it being unlikely she had seen or had one that big before (plus, given the rarity of a cock like this, the young man's father, while he might have been of respectable size, was likely not to measure up to his son), the thought of it would slowly drive her crazy, until one day she burst into his room, dropped to her knees, took it out and commenced sucking. And other things.
It was because what I saw was a real cock on a real young man whose mother, he confirmed, had definitely seen it, that this has been a theme I've come back to again and again. It's a pity the stepmom/stepson porn is so poorly done, so obviously fake, and the supposed stepsons don't have cocks the size of this kid's.
If she knows she's never let on. I can't remember ever being caught in any way (post puberty).
Men, does your mother know your penis size?

When I was 35, my mother saw me nude when she stayed with me when I was sick in the hospital.

I was so sick one night that I didn’t have the energy to keep taking off and putting my clothes back on so I went nude in the room. I saw that mom glanced at my exposed penis, but she never said anything about it.

I had once heard her say that my dad was small so I think it didn’t surprise her that I’m also small.

A few years later, I was a passenger in her car and we got caught in major traffic. I had to urinate badly and I asked her if I could use one of the empty water bottles in her car. She said I could, but she questioned how I’d be able to fit the head of my penis inside the opening end of a water bottle. I told her I was sure it would fit.

When the head of my penis did fit inside the opening end of the bottle and I began peeing, mom was shocked, she said, “Oh my God! I didn’t think you’d be THAT small!” And she broke out in laughter and she was still laughing while driving as the traffic problem had cleared.
Yes she does. As I grew up my mother allowed me to bathe with her. She washed me and would soap me up very good. As my life went on she never missed a chance to look at and touch me. She sometimes wore a very thin nightgown and come in my room and help herself to me. Her attitude was that she birthed me so she had a right to tend to her son. After I married she became very jealous of my wife. She regularly would have me over as she found things that needed fixing or attention. She wore a light robe without any bras or panties. As she excited me she would feel me up. Yes, my mother has known what my cock size has been throughout my life. She always pleased herself and me regularly. And, yes she knows how my cum tastes.🥰💕
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My Brother and me
So from the fact that she said that about your brother and you--since most mothers would never say anything to their sons about their penises, I think--do you suspect she wanted you horse cock--maybe because your Dad's cock didn't measure up? And did anything ever happen between you and her or between your brother and her?
So from the fact that she said that about your brother and you--since most mothers would never say anything to their sons about their penises, I think--do you suspect she wanted you horse cock--maybe because your Dad's cock didn't measure up? And did anything ever happen between you and her or between your brother and her?

I don’t think me or my brother had big enough cocks for her. My mother flirted with me but she was always just into my ass and chest, I never noticed her show any interest in my penis maybe because she knew I was too small.
Men, does your mother know your penis size?

When I was 35, my mother saw me nude when she stayed with me when I was sick in the hospital.

I was so sick one night that I didn’t have the energy to keep taking off and putting my clothes back on so I went nude in the room. I saw that mom glanced at my exposed penis, but she never said anything about it.

I had once heard her say that my dad was small so I think it didn’t surprise her that I’m also small.

A few years later, I was a passenger in her car and we got caught in major traffic. I had to urinate badly and I asked her if I could use one of the empty water bottles in her car. She said I could, but she questioned how I’d be able to fit the head of my penis inside the opening end of a water bottle. I told her I was sure it would fit.

When the head of my penis did fit inside the opening end of the bottle and I began peeing, mom was shocked, she said, “Oh my God! I didn’t think you’d be THAT small!” And she broke out in laughter and she was still laughing while driving as the traffic problem had cleared.
When I was twenty I was staying with my parents. Very drunk. Next morning my dad said I walked in to parents room naked during the night. The following week my mother coujd not look me in the eye. I am tiny compared to him. He is bigger soft than I am hard unfortunately
When I was twenty I was staying with my parents. Very drunk. Next morning my dad said I walked in to parents room naked during the night. The following week my mother coujd not look me in the eye. I am tiny compared to him. He is bigger soft than I am hard unfortunately
I walked in on the parents when I was young. He pulled out of her but he was so big she slid down the bed because she was stuck in him
A penis like this remains at the center of my recurrent fantasy. The mother has seen it, thoughts of it drive her insane, until she can resist no more, and the rest is history...
I saw the pic, stared at it, wet my lips, forgot what the thread is about, and stared some more and imagined how it'd be if I could rub a pic over my pussy and feel the real thing. When will technology catch up to my pervy thoughts?