Like you I've been shaved for years...starting with my genital area and progressing from there over the years til today where I shave my entire body.I have a deep hatred of body hair, so I started shaving my genital region back in the early 1990's, longggggg before it was cool to do so.
To me it seemed pretty simple: if you shave, it does not itch.
I shave it every few days, but here is the thing; if you shave it often, it does not take long to shave. Just a few minutes while in the shower, but I have been doing it for 30 years now too. If it grows back and gets itchy, then it takes a while to hack back off.
Incidentally I started shaving my legs and other parts of me about a year ago, which is something I will continue to do. It takes very little time once it is done and routinely done, and while I am hardly a trendsetter on anything, I predict in a few years men will be shaving more and more of themselves as well.
Like you, I shave in the upper body every couple days and my legs/arms maybe once a week.
As I get older, (and I'm really my body hair gets more unruly, what I like to call "old man hair", I like not having body hair more and more it makes me feel sexy ...
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