Men seeking to write women better

That’s a lot of looooong words, hun.

Most lie.

They don't want "real women" but just enough to appear a little bit better than their fellow strokers.

So they'll tell you why you are wrong/too fussy with "characterization" and don't understand "porn."

You still owe me my points. ;)

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You just said two things that don't go together. "Big Game" and "Jets."

I know your team is a little desperate these days, but really. He's struggling of late, but your Wilson is better than theirs. Not that that's saying much.

My team takes on the Evil Empire this evening, and I'm looking forward to that. The snacks and drinks will be ready to go.
All of our GAMES are BIG GAMES to us.
I watching the game, chatting here, and spending time with my son and grandson. The DIL is doing something somewhere, and I don't care what it is, just not look forward to when she shows back up.
You just said two things that don't go together. "Big Game" and "Jets."

I know your team is a little desperate these days, but really. He's struggling of late, but your Wilson is better than theirs. Not that that's saying much.

My team takes on the Evil Empire this evening, and I'm looking forward to that. The snacks and drinks will be ready to go.
The offense is not offensive this year. They are, with the exception of the Miami game, in the games. The Defense isn't a traditional Denver Orange Crush quality crew. Again, the Miami game saw a 50 point spread. There were no defense touchdowns for either team. I mean 10 fucking touchdowns, WTF moment major time.
Nobody owes me
I didn't say they owed you, I said they should. There's a difference.

Grousing about your perceived gender state of affairs and making demands ain't that.
The dude wasn't making any sort of demand of anyone, nor was he really even complaining.

You believe they searched the forums and somehow found NOTHING on one of the top 3 AH subjects of all time?
It's pretty clear from the original post that they did not search the AH forum, but the internet at large.

Who cares what it reads like? You write as a hobby and are so flippant about context? 😬
So... following this logic, you're telling me that you would write a story, and then in the event that someone egregiously misinterprets what you wrote, you would just throw up your hands and say "I guess that's what the story means now, just because it reads that way"? You wouldn't even be thinking about your own intention? That's kind of sad.
I knew better than to engage with you having seen a number of your bad faith arguments elsewhere. This will be my last.

I didn't say they owed you, I said they should. There's a difference.
We can parse English nuance until we are both dead. Plenty of others inferred from tone/context lack of basic congeniality when asking for other's help.

It's pretty clear from the original post that they did not search the AH forum, but the internet at large.
That's a failure on OP's part. Learn the landscape of where you are. How others have behaved elsewhere has little bearing on how we do things here.

Forums have been around long enough that adults can expect other adults to do basic research on the forum they are engaging with.

So... following this logic, you're telling me that you would write a story, and then in the event that someone egregiously misinterprets what you wrote, you would just throw up your hands and say "I guess that's what the story means now, just because it reads that way"? You wouldn't even be thinking about your own intention? That's kind of sad.
Unsurprising you'd use "author's intent/misunderstanding" as a excuse/crutch.

Didn't you champion forced castration was merely "a surgery" and not disallowed sexual violence for which your story was bounced?

Plenty of artist 100x more talented than you and I combined have spoken to how their creative output changes form once their audience makes it their own.

Whether or not you intend to a troll doesn't truly matter when you regularly argue like one. Others can (reasonably) use history as a guide, not spend excess effort to decode your poorly expressed intent.

Good luck.
I knew better than to engage with you having seen a number of your bad faith arguments elsewhere. This will be my last.
This is not an argument. I was clarifying what I said to you.

Plenty of others inferred from tone/context lack of basic congeniality when asking for other's help.
He seemed pretty amicable to me in the original post. He literally said he wants to do better. I don't know how much more congenial you could get with this.

That's a failure on OP's part. Learn the landscape of where you are. How others have behaved elsewhere has little bearing on how we do things here.

Forums have been around long enough that adults can expect other adults to do basic research on the forum they are engaging with.
This is just a suggestion: You could have informed the OP that the topic at hand has already been discussed here in the past, and then let them know to look their question up on this forum instead. However, you expect him to do so while not informing him of that fact. So, who's bad faith again?

Unsurprising you'd use "author's intent/misunderstanding" as a excuse/crutch.
An excuse for what? I'm not "excusing" anything. I have nothing to "excuse." It's a genuine question. Shouldn't be surprised that you didn't answer it.
Didn't you champion forced castration was merely "a surgery" and not disallowed sexual violence for which your story was bounced?
No, that's not why Chapter 16 was bounced. You haven't read the story and you likely haven't read that whole thread either. I wasn't "championing" anything either, I was telling the truth: in-universe, Robin's castration was a surgical procedure (you have to have informed consent for surgeries!) and not an act of torture.
Plenty of artist 100x more talented than you and I combined have spoken to how their creative output changes form once their audience makes it their own.
Granted. However, that's pretty much a question dodge and not a good faith answer at all. Even in conversation with another, do you think their interpretation of what you said, no matter how much it may diverge from what you're actually saying, defines the meaning of your words? Of course it doesn't. If your answer is yes, I'm sad for the life you lead.

Whether or not you intend to a troll doesn't truly matter when you regularly argue like one. Others can (reasonably) use history as a guide, not spend excess effort to decode your poorly expressed intent.
I wasn't even arguing with you, I was merely clarifying myself. You're the one seeking an argument, and you're the one being rude.
I'm rather unclear as to what help you are expecting. There are people who do three-year psychology degrees and still don't understand the female psyche so no-one's going to achieve it in a few paragraphs. Read, read and read some more. I'd recommend The New Serving Maid series by Altissimus. He wrote a wonderful lesbian scene in Chapter 3.
I'm a man who is honestly not interested in watching sports. Unless it's female athletes. I don't mind admiring hot women doing extreme physical activity. But I watch it for other reasons than the sports. Is that ok?
Maybe tomorrow I'll read all of these responses. Maybe somebody suggested this already. Anyway, try writing a story from the point of view of the main female character. Do a couple in third-person, and then try one in first-person. She'll be narrating her own experiences that way, so you'll have to see events as she sees them and know her thoughts.

So how do you do that? I don't know, you'll have to get creative! I've done a few, so I know it can be done.
Writing a woman isn't that hard to do. How much does it matter if you're just writing... porn... as you put it? How much substance are you doing to it?
I wrote a story from a (lesbian) first-person FMC perspective. It’s my lowest rated story, but I don’t consider it a failure.

I had my character think about how she was dressed, how she was being perceived by others (especially as a lesbian), active consideration of her personal safety when around men… i.e. things that guys don’t give much thought to, but most women do (I gather).

Other than that, she had aches and aspirations just like any man.

There’s probably as much diversity across the genders, as between them. I think I would find it harder to write first-person for a male extrovert narcissist billionaire character. That’s probably further removed from my usual head-space than the opposite gender.
4) Just write people/characters -- again, that's fine for main-stream fiction, but not for porn.

I wouldn't discard this one so quickly. Obviously where you're writing about specifical biological stuff, it's useful to know the difference between a scrotum and a G-spot. But on the characterisation side of things, that advice is as valid here as it is in mainstream.
ArdentHemingway, are you still there? I think we may be preaching to an empty room now. You certainly got a lot of responses. I was going to do some virtue signalling plus self-promotion ;) by linking to a story that could be useful as an example. But if you're gone, I suppose that is no longer necessary.
I'm here. I find it difficult to respond when the messages aren't threaded.
And then it seems that a discussion of football broke out, so I let that play out.
I also went and checked out the Pink Orchid discussion as recommended.
It's now 07:20 Monday here in Phoenix and I'm about to have some coffee. May I pour you a mug?
I'd read a story you think is a good example. But I doubt it will help with the particular issue I began with.
I write women who enjoy sex and seek it out. In that way, they are the same as the men in my stories. I write women though, as more thoughtful, fun, and appreciative. I don't think further into it than that. In a 15K word story, there's no need to get further into the female psyche, IMHO. I've yet to get any complaints from readers.
I'm here. I find it difficult to respond when the messages aren't threaded.
And then it seems that a discussion of football broke out, so I let that play out.
I also went and checked out the Pink Orchid discussion as recommended.
It's now 07:20 Monday here in Phoenix and I'm about to have some coffee. May I pour you a mug?
I'd read a story you think is a good example. But I doubt it will help with the particular issue I began with.
Sorry, I didn't take the time zone into account. Thanks, I already have a cup of coffee. ;)

All right, here goes. This was in the "Geek Pride" event last May, and it was in the Romance category. The main character is a student at the University of Maryland in 2017. Sex is described but not depicted. It has a lot of details about various topics (including filmmaking and the Civil War) because those are of interest to Amanda. Geek pride, remember?

That inspired me to start writing prequels and sequels. The first one is about how she met her female lover a year earlier and it does have explicit sex in it. It was in the Lesbian Sex category.

Those might help you because everything is seen through Amanda's descriptions. I would say she is quite perceptive and has a good eye for details.
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