Mississippi has really let Jackson down... no clean water at all, indefinitely

Incompetent local government. In 2014 voters approved a 1% sales tax hike in part to fund water and sewer repairs. Since then more than $490 million has been allocated. In addition, the state made available nearly $170 million in loans and grants from 2016 to 2021 specifically for Jackson’s water and sewer infrastructure.

And yet, the money has been poorly spent and the problem has worsened. In 2020, the EPA issued an Emergency Administrative Order to Jackson citing conditions “that present an imminent and substantial endangerment to the persons served” by the water system. The city had “failed to perform filter maintenance” at both of its water treatment plants. Jackson residents say the city doesn’t even respond to calls when pipes burst or sewage backs up in their homes.

The mayor actually complained when the state offered another $25 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds. He was pissed that the state insisted on oversight. Terrible schools, terrible infrastructure, and an astronomical homicide rate, all caused by dysfunctional local officials are causing blacks and whites alike to flee the city.
Whites flee because there are too many blacks, so crime, filth and decay spread. Blacks flee because there are no more whites to make things work and pay the bills and less and less and less to steal. They always follow whitey and try to be amongst whitey.

Apartheid didn't build fences to keep blacks in and prevent them from escaping the evils of whitey. It built fences to keep them out to stop them coming in. As soon as a darkie is old enough to crawl he makes a bee line to get some of whitey's 'oppression'.
Yes,racist whites flee because they fear non whites