Monthly Poetry Challenge

What is the status on this?

Put me down for November, I think that's doable.
I can take a month, and will certainly try to jump in and play.

And I think it is an excellent idea to have this as a sticky! Along with an explanation that while anyone can propose a challenge anytime, it might help keep the forum focused if we try to stick to one main one a month.

How about putting me down for the spring?
annaswirls said:
I can take a month, and will certainly try to jump in and play.

And I think it is an excellent idea to have this as a sticky! Along with an explanation that while anyone can propose a challenge anytime, it might help keep the forum focused if we try to stick to one main one a month.

How about putting me down for the spring?

Anna, good to see you.

Neo, thanks for aksing where we're at.

Everyone...your enthusisam is exciting, and thank you! I'm grateful to be a part of this.

I'll be putting the info together and letting everyone know where we're at this Friday night.

Sex&Death said:
Everyone...your enthusisam is exciting, and thank you! I'm grateful to be a part of this.

I'll be putting the info together and letting everyone know where we're at this Friday night.

Good. That means we should expect a challenge on August 1st (sharpens pencils and wit).

champagne1982 said:
<weg> Yes, definitely doable... ermm.. :devil:
This sounds like a fantastic idea. I don't come around these threads very often, but I am interested, if that's possible. :cool:
arienette said:
This sounds like a fantastic idea. I don't come around these threads very often, but I am interested, if that's possible. :cool:
Hello Ari. Welcome to the PF&D forum. :) Try on our threads! You'll be surprised at how good they'll look on you. :p
Ok will it be a theme or just free form? I have no style to speak of, though I borrow heavily from Emily, or whatever I am reading when inspired.

If I could put out an idea, how about abstract terms or ideas, I couldn't write about trees in school and I still can't. I am not Shakespearian enough to compare anything to a summers day, and a litiany of words will force me to write a novel to fit them into something cohesive. I actually try to avoid the set words so much I went over my wedding vows with Super Roget's... well not really but I should have.

I guess this is interest along with an appeal for something less structured.
champagne1982 said:
Hello Ari. Welcome to the PF&D forum. :) Try on our threads! You'll be surprised at how good they'll look on you. :p

I've been in the 30 Poems in 30 Days thread a few times - 2 poems from the first attempt, my latest poem for the second attempt; hopefully I actually keep this up.
EriAliSaa said:
Ok will it be a theme or just free form? I have no style to speak of, though I borrow heavily from Emily, or whatever I am reading when inspired.

If I could put out an idea, how about abstract terms or ideas, I couldn't write about trees in school and I still can't. I am not Shakespearian enough to compare anything to a summers day, and a litiany of words will force me to write a novel to fit them into something cohesive. I actually try to avoid the set words so much I went over my wedding vows with Super Roget's... well not really but I should have.

I guess this is interest along with an appeal for something less structured.

Hey there, EAS!

Why don't you stick around and play for awhile, and if you want to do one of the challenges as time goes by, you can let me know and I'll put you in your to speak. :D Nope, no dom tendencies uh...


Alright, here's the line up so far:

Sept.........Lauren (who, apparently, is willing to be a switch <grin>)
Jan...........My Erotic Trail
Feb...........HotKittySpank (whose crtiques are priceless, and who gets my b'day month)

If I missed anyone, let me know.

We still need Dec an June covered. I'll be happy to do it if needed, but maybe someone could shanghai a couple more volunteers...friends and neighbors...innocent bystanders...? Whose names don't we see here?

I'll have the basics drafted this weekend for the two threads we'll need: Monthly Poetry Challenge and Monthly Poetry Challenge: Logistics & Reveries.

I will have the first challeneg up by August 1.

Anna, any experience with how to request that the Monthly Poetry Challenge thread be a sticky thread? (Just saying sticky threads gets me kinda hot.)

Sex&Death said:
Anna, any experience with how to request that the Monthly Poetry Challenge thread be a sticky thread? (Just saying sticky threads gets me kinda hot.)


Send a pm to WickedEve or LaurenHynde, the moderators of the forum.

I humbly suggest that we keep it all in one thread, you lose momentum of comments by separating it out. Sure it is neater and cleaner but less spontaneous. It feels stilted having to copy a poem in one thread, then paste it in another in order to make comments. I dunno, just a thought--

Sex&Death said:
Hey there, EAS!

Why don't you stick around and play for awhile, and if you want to do one of the challenges as time goes by, you can let me know and I'll put you in your to speak. :D Nope, no dom tendencies uh...



Put me in my place? How did you know about MY PLACE? I was so careful. I watched my back, made sure I wasn't being followed, and even set traps for those searching for it.

People said I was acting paranoid, and I told them; Just because I am paranoid does not mean they're not out to get me! Now here you are. A proverbial THEY, and you already know about my space and where it is located.

Well I'll show you! I will get a different place and make it harder to find than the last. First the traditional sweep for hidden microphones, pinhole cameras, and tracking devices. Then we will see about who's in what place!

Actually, I didn't exactly follow (nothing new there)... must be more competatives than I thought. Is it something like La Crosse or Basketball? Contact Poetry? If so anytime anywhere. I will tell you what. I be shirts, you get skinned ;)
Last edited:

Not exactly sure that was coherent, cohesive, or any other coh one can think of.

Sorry strange mood.
annaswirls said:
Send a pm to WickedEve or LaurenHynde, the moderators of the forum.

I humbly suggest that we keep it all in one thread, you lose momentum of comments by separating it out. Sure it is neater and cleaner but less spontaneous. It feels stilted having to copy a poem in one thread, then paste it in another in order to make comments. I dunno, just a thought--


Anna...I get what you're saying. But I think I was unclear. I have no intention of separating the poems from the feedback and critique.

The poems, critiques and discussion about the poems would be in a single thread. The discussion regarding whose doing which month, trading months, and discussing and testing out possible challenge ideas would be in a second thread. The first thread The Monthly Poetry Challenge, is for poems, critiques and discussion about poems and critiques (also for thank yous, etc...) and the second thread, The Monthly Poetry Challenge: Logistics & Reveries, would be for those of us interested in facilitating a challenge. This split is much like the New Poems Reviews thread and the "To Keep the Review Thread Clean and Other Chit Chat" thread.

Make more sense?

I don't have a computer any more and I don't know when I will, but I'll be watching and entering when I can. If I get one, I'll take Dec if no one else does. Winter winds and crystal nights make me all erotic. Go figure.
neonurotic said:
Put me down for November, I think that's doable.
November is no longer doable for me because I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year. If someone could swap months with me, I'd greatly appreciate it. TIA
just playing devil's advocate here :devil:

do we really need an official monthly challenge? the boards seem to be rich with spontaneous challenges :rose: