Muse Search

its Leslie said:
My wife has had to get used to the fact that as an aries I always fuck up lies so I just tell her the truth all the time.

So she rarely asks me much heheh.

Now that one had me laughing out loud, good thing I wasn't drinking anything.

Thank you, Leslie...
wildsweetone said:

re first para: i apologise, it's the wild bit slipping out for air methinks. it'll pass. ;)

re second para: actually Alto River is beginning to grow on me. i'm enjoying playing today. :)

Re the second para: I could tell, and that says good things about you.

Re the first para: you are a wickedly bad punster and should be ashamed of yourself... :D
is it possible to be 'wickedly bad', and secondly, do you mean 'wickedly' is good as in a *wicked wink* or bad as in *wicked stuff*?

and isn't there a name for having two words in a row that mean the same thing? somebody help me out here. i'm sure there is, i just can't for the life of me remember it.
well howdy!

Hello takingchances42, welcome. Officially, this was originally intended as a real Muse Search; and unless you are an attractive female nymphomaniac, I'm afraid you're just not the proper material...But everyone else seems to think this is merely some sort of Lunatic Playground where anything and Everything goes, so...Hop on in! The water's hot!

Sorry I did not respond sooner, but you see I am rather busy trying to net this enchantress Emusweetone, but I am now convinced no net can hold her.

Welcome to my pandemonium.
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Charm is being able to tell an overweight or plain girl she is such, and get complimented for your generous heart I suppose.

It must be rough being good looking:D
wildsweetone said:
is it possible to be 'wickedly bad', and secondly, do you mean 'wickedly' is good as in a *wicked wink* or bad as in *wicked stuff*?

and isn't there a name for having two words in a row that mean the same thing? somebody help me out here. i'm sure there is, i just can't for the life of me remember it.

I believe the word that you are looking for is "redundant". However, as I meant "bad" in the sense of its opposite, good, it was not redundant... but merely opened up the opportunity for you to be a troublemaking pseudo literalist... :p
Ahh yes redundant , why didn't I think of that word (considering how it means so much to me hehe)
Re: well howdy!

Alto River said:
Hello takingchances42, welcome. Officially, this was originally intended as a real Muse Search; and unless you an attractive female nymphomaniac, I'm afraid you're just not the proper material...But everyone else seems to think this is merely some sort of Lunatic Playground where anything and Everything goes, so...Hop on in! The water's hot!

Sorry I did not respond sooner, but you see I am rather busy trying to net this enchantress Emusweetone, but I am now convinced no net can hold her.

Welcome to my pandemonium.

Hiya Alto, welcome to the Circus. Your thread is in the process of being officially hijacked...

I will somehow try to get over the humiliation of being _publicly_ rejected for not being the "proper material". But couldn't you be a little more tactful? Us writer types can be so sensitive, don't you know...
it's not redundant is it? gee i wish i had taken more notice in class.

*in southern drawl* oh i do declare!

'troublemaking pseudo literalist'... nah that's not me, i was just making sure i knew what you were talking about. *wicked wink*
Tune in tomorrow when Leslie takes over the whole Authors forum heheh
Today this thread, tomorrow the whole forum

Look out I have a word processor and I am not afraid to use it.

One false move and I'll post again.
Alto, I think you're sweet

The guy wants a lover and this is a bad thing? He sounds sweet and sincere! Alto, were I not attached I would try to get to know you more in a muselike sorta way. I'm a writer myself: a loving muse is wonderful. Don't give up sweetheart--she's here somewhere.


oh and hi Leslie!! I've not seen you for a while in the stories and authors room!
Hello Ang, yeah I am usually busy with Wildsweetone (hmm did I say that out loud, hey stop hitting me wildsweetone).
wildsweetone said:
it's not redundant is it? gee i wish i had taken more notice in class.

*in southern drawl* oh i do declare!

'troublemaking pseudo literalist'... nah that's not me, i was just making sure i knew what you were talking about. *wicked wink*

You are a very, VERY, bad girl... so very sarcastic... in a delightful sort of way... were it not for the mere technicality of our being 12,000 miles apart, I know just what I would do about it too... *leer while panting*
Re: Alto, I think you're sweet

Angeline said:
The guy wants a lover and this is a bad thing? He sounds sweet and sincere! Alto, were I not attached I would try to get to know you more in a muselike sorta way. I'm a writer myself: a loving muse is wonderful. Don't give up sweetheart--she's here somewhere.

Advertising for a nymphomaniac is sweet and sincere? :eek:

Angeline, I can tell you are a sweet and wonderful person. What it is a nice girl like you doing in a place like Literotica?
its Leslie said:
Look out I have a word processor and I am not afraid to use it.

One false move and I'll post again.

at least you didn't threaten us with your carbine...
She normally hangs out in the Stories and Authors chat room that I know of 42.
takingchances42 said:

You are a very, VERY, bad girl... so very sarcastic... in a delightful sort of way... were it not for the mere technicality of our being 12,000 miles apart, I know just what I would do about it too... *leer while panting*

my geography is lousy... is upper midwest california? or is there a state higher than that?
wildsweetone said:

my geography is lousy... is upper midwest california? or is there a state higher than that?

Right by the Canadian border, middle of the country. But being the hiking / kayaking / skiing / mountain climbing kind of a guy I am, I have always wanted to visit New Zealand... ;)
takingchances42 said:

Right by the Canadian border, middle of the country. But being the hiking / kayaking / skiing / mountain climbing kind of a guy I am, I have always wanted to visit New Zealand... ;)

close to BC? i've heard that is a beautiful part of the world indeed.

don't get me started on the wonders of NZ... have you ever tried bungy jumping?
its Leslie said:
She normally hangs out in the Stories and Authors chat room that I know of 42.

Thank you, Leslie. I spent some time in that room, before I found out that the boards in Literotica had a lot more going on...
wildsweetone said:

close to BC? i've heard that is a beautiful part of the world indeed.

don't get me started on the wonders of NZ... have you ever tried bungy jumping?

BC is a beautiful part of the world, but I am quite a bit east of there. Lakes, forests and rock ridges and so forth....

Please do get started on the natural wonders of NZ... I would like to enjoy them, at least vicariously... :)
Ok Taking

I'll grant you "nymphomaniac" isn't the most serendipitous way to put it, but you know what he meant. And thank you for the kind words; I often wonder what I'm doing here myself, but I bet most everyone here does that. I'm a kinda nerdy girl with all sorts of opinions on it, but I have learned that they tend to bore people big time, so i just um smile.

Thanks again.
ahh i was thinking west not midwest, sorry.

this is a link to a website i recommend now and again to people who'd like to know a little more about Godzone :)

there's just about everything you can possibly think of in there, just figure out the right place to start and you'll be okay :)

i live about 20 minutes north and west of NZ's major city Auckland. there are a little over 1 million people in Auckland. A very spread out city. I am about 10 minutes drive from the wild west coast beach with it's rocks, rips and black sand.

i am about 15 minutes from the east coast with it's beautiful harbour, white sand calm beaches.

and, i am about 2 minutes walk from yes, emus and cows and sheep, and alpaca too. i can look out my window here and see rolling green countryside. native bush is about 4 minutes drive away. i can walk through that or i can take a longer trip (about 25 mins drive) to the Waitakere Ranges and walk some of the bush walks to the waterfalls or just simply enjoy the bush.

There aren't very many of our Kauri trees left in the Ranges though. they were all taken prior to the '30s and used in ship building and wooden house/factory/school buildings etc. the land was stripped when the huge Kauri were felled and rolled down the rivers to the sea to be carried to Australia (i think some went to England too - not 100% sure on that).

so, the native bush in many parts of Auckland is secondary bush. but we're heavily into protecting it.

oops i think i waffled ;)
Alto River I am not so sure of. Sometimes I think he has a fine, dry sense of humor, and shows his confidence with self-deprecating humor and faux confusion. Other times, I think he really is clueless...

Thank you for those kind words, takingchances42. Actually, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. This forum is so replete with puns and pranks, and toxic sarcasm, that, for a while there, I really did believe that I was confused. I am forced to remember the time that I worked in Alaska, gutting sockeye, on the Kenai peninsula, suffering from abusive barbs, insults, constant shouting from a little Philippino, half my size, -- not to mention frost-bitten fingers and toes, and blood-spattered clothes -- while the whole crowd of our three-hundred odd canners' minds were focused, primarily, upon one little bird, by the name -- Hum! What was it? Lisa! -- or, that is, more precisely, upon her breasts , (for they were rather opulent); and for six fortnights, Lisa -- Oh, she had the cutest, elven face -- would go around, all smiles, always quiet, and polite, but always smiling, as if she heard a sweet sound on the wind -- perhaps a little bird -- that none of the rest of us could hear. Imagine my surprise when, after all was said and done, the fish were canned, the trucks had run, Lisa was gone...

Such is life, my friend. Elusive! As St. Elmo's Fire!
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