Muse Search

wildsweetone said:

i live about 20 minutes north and west of NZ's major city Auckland. there are a little over 1 million people in Auckland. A very spread out city. I am about 10 minutes drive from the wild west coast beach with it's rocks, rips and black sand.

i am about 15 minutes from the east coast with it's beautiful harbour, white sand calm beaches.

and, i am about 2 minutes walk from yes, emus and cows and sheep, and alpaca too. i can look out my window here and see rolling green countryside. native bush is about 4 minutes drive away. i can walk through that or i can take a longer trip (about 25 mins drive) to the Waitakere Ranges and walk some of the bush walks to the waterfalls or just simply enjoy the bush.

Thank you for the link, I did a little exploring, and am looking forward to coming back and exploring some more.

It sounds like you live in a spectacularly beautiful place, and more importantly, like you get out and enjoy it. Lucky you. I also think of things in minutes. I am 30 seconds from the North Woods that start in my back yard. Five minutes from a beautiful little waterfall in a rock canyon. Half an hour from the top of a rock ridge with panoramic views. Fifteen minutes the other direction from a beach with billion year old black rock ledges, and curling waves that feed my soul. Place is important, isn't it?

It is a good thing I went to bed before I read your post, or I would have been dreaming of New Zealand all night...
Re: Ok Taking

Angeline said:
I'm a kinda nerdy girl with all sorts of opinions on it, but I have learned that they tend to bore people big time, so i just um smile.

I wish you would post more, then. I think kinda nerdy people with opinions make for good reading, and are way more interesting than continual fluff... ;)
Alto River said:

Thank you for those kind words, takingchances42. Actually, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. This forum is so replete with puns and pranks, and toxic sarcasm, that, for a while there, I really did believe that I was confused. I am forced to remember the time that I worked in Alaska, gutting sockeye, on the Kenai peninsula, suffering from abusive barbs, insults, constant shouting from a little Philippino, half my size, -- not to mention frost-bitten fingers and toes, and blood-spattered clothes -- while the whole crowd of our three-hundred odd canners' minds were focused, primarily, upon one little bird, by the name -- Hum! What was it? Lisa! -- or, that is, more precisely, upon her breasts , (for they were rather opulent); and for six fortnights, Lisa -- Oh, she had the cutest, elven face -- would go around, all smiles, always quiet, and polite, but always smiling, as if she heard a sweet sound on the wind -- perhaps a little bird -- that none of the rest of us could hear. Imagine my surprise when, after all was said and done, the fish were canned, the trucks had run, Lisa was gone...

Such is life, my friend. Elusive! As St. Elmo's Fire!
Whoops, I really shouldn't post until the caffeine has kicked in. :(

My impression is confirmed, Alto. And welcome. I do enjoy your sense of humor. Sometimes I get the impression that Lit is like a high school, and people posturing to assure that they are thought of cool and neat and original and members of the right clique -- all in slavish conformity to the standards of the clique of course. Someone who is clearly just having fun and doesn't give a damn is a breath of fresh air.

Good luck on the nympho search. Unless, of course, I find her first... :D
Alto River said:
Lonely, loving SWM, age 32, in Mississippi seeks attractive, nymphomaniacal MUSE to cater to physical and/or fantasy-ical needs, while working on his masterpiece. Apply within. :D

i'll have to pass Alto...not that that matters...but i'm not muse material and i'm starting to question my nymphomaniacal state, seems that it has gone down the crapper...and i just don't venture into the catering business anymore...

But, good luck...and maybe you should try the personals board...just my opinion that isn't even worth 2 cents anymore...

Alto River:
and for six fortnights, Lisa -- Oh, she had the cutest, elven face -- would go around, all smiles, always quiet, and polite, but always smiling, as if she heard a sweet sound on the wind -- perhaps a little bird -- that none of the rest of us could hear.

Maybe she is your muse Alto. She sounds like she could be.

Thank you for those kind words, takingchances42. Actually, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. This forum is so replete with puns and pranks, and toxic sarcasm, that, for a while there, I really did believe that I was confused.

I apologise. I can only say in my own defense that it was because I saw your advert for what it is, an advert.

Thank you for the link, I did a little exploring, and am looking forward to coming back and exploring some more.

It sounds like you live in a spectacularly beautiful place, and more importantly, like you get out and enjoy it. Lucky you. I also think of things in minutes. I am 30 seconds from the North Woods that start in my back yard. Five minutes from a beautiful little waterfall in a rock canyon. Half an hour from the top of a rock ridge with panoramic views. Fifteen minutes the other direction from a beach with billion year old black rock ledges, and curling waves that feed my soul. Place is important, isn't it?

It is a good thing I went to bed before I read your post, or I would have been dreaming of New Zealand all night...

You are most welcome dear. You know, there is beauty in all the world, it just takes an open mind and respect to be able to see it. :) Your neck of the woods sounds delectable and as perfect as mine. I am glad you found it. :)

I often wonder what I'm doing here myself, but I bet most everyone here does that. I'm a kinda nerdy girl with all sorts of opinions on it, but I have learned that they tend to bore people big time, so i just um smile.

Come back often Angeline :) It's a relatively friendly kinda place, we learn lots, we give opinions and we question. Always feel free to put your thoughts in a post. I don't doubt that they'll make for interesting discussions ahead. :)

Wildsweetone writes:

I apologise. I can only say in my own defense that it was because I saw your advert for what it is, an advert.

Well, DUH!
That's what I keep telling people, but no one seems to understand!
But, anyway, it is nice to have someone so much fun to talk to while waiting for applicants . :)
Where are those applicants, anyway?


You understand me better than anyone. Well..except for Angeline. Boy, what I wouldn't give for...Am I thinking out loud again?

good morning/afternoon/evening dear :)

i'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself as much as i did.

good luck with your muse hunt.

Emu: Did you get my message?

chances: lol, man, you kill me!

Hello Folks!
takingchances42, is your AV you? whether it is or not, i really like the black and white effect of the photo.

Oh, Gee Whiz! Now I see what all the confusion was about! I misspelled MOOSE! This was supposed to be a Moose Search! Not a Muse Search! :eek:

Back to the drawing board.
Am only wondering...

Alto, darlin'...why you emailed me once and never again...:( hmmmm?

Did the reply smell bad or something? Were you moved to speechlessness? Were you in awe that i replied at all? (tongue in cheek sarcasm here...):p



must have nymphomaniac tendencies



apply in posting to the original thread poster

Last edited:
to all applicants

Is it really so neccesary to make fun of me? Honestly, I'm just horny. I can hardly write these days! I pick up my pen and it starts ejaculating all over my notebook. I've gone through three reams of loose leaf this week alone!

Muses! Write me! Seduce me! Have your way with me!

Re: to all applicants

Alto River said:

Muses! Write me! Seduce me! Have your way with me!


I still like your sense of humor... go, Alto, go!
Re: Re: to all applicants

takingchances42 said:

I still like your sense of humor... go, Alto, go!

You'd like it less if it were your own. It gets me nowhere with the ladies. They just pat me on the head and go, "Awwwwwww!"
Re: to all applicants

Alto River said:
Is it really so neccesary to make fun of me? Honestly, I'm just horny. I can hardly write these days! I pick up my pen and it starts ejaculating all over my notebook. I've gone through three reams of loose leaf this week alone!

Muses! Write me! Seduce me! Have your way with me!


Awwwww *pats Alto on the head and makes note to post him a new pen...*

maybe it's the virginity tag...

fancy encouraging him takingchances. i think you're having as much fun as he is. ;)
The problem is Alto, you have to give a woman what she wants first.

And last time I looked, that had nothing to do with our own needs:)

I have never had trouble with women when I keep that in mind.
For those wondering about my Avatar, yes I know it has aaaaaaaabsolutely nothing to do with erotica or writing.

So what, it's still "me".
Re: Re: to all applicants

wildsweetone said:

fancy encouraging him takingchances. i think you're having as much fun as he is. ;)

So you are implying that I have been reduced to taking vicarious pleasure from other people's virtual fantasies?

Damn, you know me better than I thought... :p

its Leslie said:
The problem is Alto, you have to give a woman what she wants first.

And last time I looked, that had nothing to do with our own needs:)

I have never had trouble with women when I keep that in mind.

I've rarely met a woman who knew what she wanted before a man had the opportunity to tell her.

Women are just as wishy-washy as we men are, and don't doubt it. Remember Socrates: "I am the wisest of men because I see that I know nothing. Other men assume they know something when they do not. But at least I know that I know nothing. So, in that respect, I am wiser than others, for I truly recognize the limits of my understanding." (alto-phrased)

Anyway, I'm not out to trick anyone into bed. I like playing the devil's advocate, sure. But how else am I going to find out the smart ones? Basically, I just act myself. I'm not surprised that most people find me a little unorthodox. I'm not doing this to see how many times I can get it right. I just want to get it right once.

The problem with your statement, Leslie, is that, eventually, your wants do come into play, and then you're left trying to explain the idea of a 'double standard' to a member of the sex what thinks they in fact invented the notion. Because no dingbat Dom is gonna instantly cheer the moment her heretofore perfectly amenable sub learns to think for himself, and starts asking for favors.

Come, now. All sensible people recognize this!

[By the way, if you've just arrived and you're here to apply for the Muse opening, please, just take a seat, and I'll be with you in a moment. Yes, the position is still available.]
Welcome to reality Alto.

Women have been getting the shaft since we changed God into a man eh.

So they are normally distrustful of us.

Which is why I use a pay before I play approach.

Now granted not all men have the imagination to know what a woman wants.

You might be interested in knowing eh, that every gal I have mentioned this to has responded in a positive fashion.

I merely ask, if I did ALL the housework, would I be allowed to enjoy them sexually for a few hours each night. (after all they can sleep during the day if they want, I will be doing all the work).

Turns out the way to a woman's heart is through her housework.
Not with flowers, chocolates, and trinkets. You have to be willing to walk in her footsteps is all.

Now how that will translate into story material is your headache.
Yes Leslie Yes!

I shiver just thinking about it! You've tapped into my deepest desire. If my man offered me that deal, he'd fall asleep each night exhausted but with a HUGE grin on his face. My mouth waters at the thought ::giggle::

Sorry to interrupt your conversation - just wanted to throw my two cents in :)