Mustang Sally rides again

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Great little shot - I love a woman draped in fabric, be it a sheet or anything else, the delicious mixture of revealing and concealing.
Unedited every time. I want you raw. Fuck it I just want you. Unffff.

If you keep that up you might make me unfff too! :cattail:

Not sure about the fabric but you are inspiring me as well as many others this morning :devil::devil:

I think I undersold the fabric. You should know that it's also silky smooth sliding against my bare skin...

Material with floral colors and skin to start tanning. Just an outstanding pose!

Thank you! A pose that hides many sins.

Very nice and classy, are beautiful.

Thank you, birdman!

Absolutely stunning and alluring Sally. Very enticing, thanks so much for posting. Makes me jealous of the fabric. As lovely as always.

Thank you for appreciating! I'd toss that fabric aside in favour of you any day. ♥️

“Good morning sunshine,” he said, “that’s a very pretty dress for a Thursday, are you getting ready for the weekend? There is going to be a snow storm, maybe we should stay indoors?”

This is more appropriate than you know, on a day when schools were closed due to hazardous weather. As for the weekend - staying in is my favourite most of the time. 😁

Reminds me of when you pull the table cloth off so fast everything stays right where it is !!!
That's what I would do with your fabric !!!

You'd yank it off that fast? While I appreciate the enthusiasm, wouldn't it be nicer to have a slow, sensual reveal, the soft whisper of silk sliding over skin...

Great little shot - I love a woman draped in fabric, be it a sheet or anything else, the delicious mixture of revealing and concealing.

I absolutely agree! Thank you! xo

Bullis said:
I'm pretty sure the fabric had an erection after this pic was taken. No wait, that's me. Well, it is what it is! Sexy shot!

lol I'm glad an erection was had...somewhere... Thank you, bullus.
If you keep that up you might make me unfff too

You'd yank it off that fast? While I appreciate the enthusiasm, wouldn't it be nicer to have a slow, sensual reveal, the soft whisper of silk sliding over skin...

Your Unfffs will always be welcome here.

I wouldn’t yank it off. In fact I’d keep it right where it is while I seduce you caressing your tits through the material. Sorry that’s another unfff.

The only thing being yanked here is my dick. Vigorously, for you.
Any idea what you’re going to do with that fabric, or is it just to teasingly flash your tits at us? ;)

This is leftover from a project. A few years ago I was part of a group that encouraged the use of vision boards. You know, where you display pics of the things that are important to you and inspirational quotes that represent your goals, etc. Mine says profound things like "Debt Free Just Ahead" and "Time to get healthy!" Anyway, I glued that fabric to a cork board to be the base of my vision board. I chose that specific fabric to match our home office, which my husband painted bright pumpkin orange. Aren't you glad you asked? 😅
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Thank you for all the comments! Bit short on time this morning, so I'm not going to quote everyone, but know that every one of them gave me a nice hit of dopamine and put a secret smile on my face.

The only thing being yanked here is my dick. Vigorously, for you.

You are insatiable. I love it. :D
Thank you for all the comments! Bit short on time this morning, so I'm not going to quote everyone, but know that every one of them gave me a nice hit of dopamine and put a secret smile on my face.

You are insatiable. I love it. :D

You know it…

It's the second snow day in a row here in my corner of the world! Unfortunately for the kids, it seems snow days are now remote-learning days, yet another gift from the pandemic. What a time to be growing up.

Anyway. I wish you a fun Friday. Enjoy this pair of pictures, which I uploaded with the inexplicable title Undone.
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