My Andy Thread

Cub4ucme said:
I think you might want to inform some of those olympic swimmers that they need to give their medals back.

Nopes, m'dear. They're synchronized.
Google it!
Fair enough.

Synchronated gets 3,100 hits, against 16,400,000 for synchronized.

Like I said,

either a mistake (made by 0.0002% of the world, if Google is to be trusted),
or a deliberate deviation from the norm by the poet,
or a word variation taken from a very limited linguistic domain.

Do you know how many words in different forms are not in the average dictionary?

Guess not or you wouldn't be questioning me on something so obvious.
Like I said, taken from a very limited linguistic domain. used by a dissapearingly small minority of people. If you could even say they use it, looks like a statistically fair number of writing mistakes to me.
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Liar said:
Nopes, m'dear. They're synchronized.
Fair enough.

Synchronated gets 3,100 hits, against 16,400,000 for synchronized.

Like I said,

either a mistake (made by 0.0002% of the world, if Google is to be trusted),
or a deliberate deviation from the norm by the poet,
or a word variation taken from a very limited linguistic domain.

You say it's not a universal world
well my dirty shirt don't know
if i'm a knave or a saint
either way my balls still blow

..............................and the pretty girls in tight ass jeans giggle as the go!

While I can't find synchronated in a dictionary, none in my possession at least nor on the internet, synchronated does appear to be part of the jargon used in film and photography to mean a reflected or mirrored image.

The best I can do.
am reading your work

on the V forum you post on..I love the images of the dolphins and some of your writing is wonderful...its like a new language of light in words...will read the rest with

Let me remind you. You threw poop at me over a mistake ("One ghost turn(s) to another") as if my entire credential as a poet and person depended on it. I just responded in kind. Without the profanities.
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Liar said:

Let me remind you. You threw poop at me over a mistake ("One ghost turn(s) to another") as if my entire credential as a poet and person depended on it. I just reponded in kind. Without the profanities.

My apologies are due.

I'm sorry for that. I was actually moving a mile a minute defending myself from an onslaught and had you confused with someone else.

I'm not above mistakes and I don't find it difficult to apologize when
I am wrong.

bluerains said:
on the V forum you post on..I love the images of the dolphins and some of your writing is wonderful...its like a new language of light in words...will read the rest with

Thank you.

Your comments are well received and greatly appreciated.

Cub4ucme said:
My apologies are due.

I'm sorry for that. I was actually moving a mile a minute defending myself from an onslaught and had you confused with someone else.

I'm not above mistakes and I don't find it difficult to apologize when
I am wrong.

Color me flabbergasted. Thanks, I'm glad that's cleared out.

I have no wish to make enemies, but if I do, I want to make damn sure it's for a proper reason.
Cub4ucme said:
I don't have to explain it. The root word takes care of that.

Why don't you read before you respond.

The poem HAS been published so your point is irrelevent on both accounts.

Because, you don't get it is not my concern.

The poem has stood on its own for four years now and has been through numerous editors.

Do you think I should concern myself with what you think about it?

Not a chance.


I googled it, got nothing, except, "did you mean Stratego?"

You made it up, pure and simple, your explanation however was quite funny.

The very fact that you responded means you care what I think.

You should really quit trying to balance yourself on one "award" and mature, go write something else and submit it to a place where you haven't won anything.

a few years ago, a group of us got together here and set out into the world to see what might happen if we submitted our work elsewhere.

So far there have been several Pushcart nominations, annas ezine recieved an award for being an excellant journal, there have been several of us included in non-self-published print anthologies...and on and on.

Every new poem is like being born all over. None of us here attempt to stand on our past work, we learn and grow. We dont make up words and expect the world to know what they are. For the most part, we are kind to one another, BUT not me, I enjoy cussing and humiliating myself, especially with people like you, it keeps my mind fresh :D

To my best count, there are about 14 of us who were published and we all used our "real" names. I can understand why you admit that you dont always use yours, Toy Sokdiers is all the explanation I need for that, lol.

Angeline is being modest, so are several others because you see, they took the time to grow and learn,. They did not get one "award" then sit back and shout about being an award winning poet because of one poem

Does your work fare well with other 'zines than Ms. Lewis'?

Let me see them, I want to see work of yours that is touching and honest and good. Something you have no innate need to defend to people you have insulted before you even knew their names...

Actually, some of your work is pretty good, but your despicable attitude does obscure that fact. I might have enjoyed it if I had not seen the way you have treated totally innocent people.

I am not among those ( innocent people), I stepped into your pile of crap because I was bored. I was upset at first, not because you slammed poetry of mine that was ancient and admittedly mediocre, but because you are so narrow-minded and cruel to people whom I admire.

Now you are just funny. I admit that I enjoy watching you trying to defend yourself against your own ignorance, and so many glaring mistakes, after you invited me to point out any imperfections in your work.

But hey, you dont care what I thinik, so I will continue to think you are a narcissist without much to fuel your fire so you cling to your award. I congratulate you again On your Toy Sokdiers getting an award.


have a nice day

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Maria2394 said:
I googled it, got nothing, except, "did you mean Stratego?"

You made it up, pure and simple, your explanation however was quite funny though.

The very fact that you responded means you care what I t hink.

You should really quit trying to balance yourself on one "award" and mature, go write something else and submit it to a place where you haven't won anything.

a few years ago, a group of us got together here and set out into the world to see what might happen if we submitted our work elsewhere.

So far there have been several Pushcart nominations, annas ezine recieved an award for being an excellant journal, there have been several of us included in non-self-published pring anthologies...and on and on.

Every new poem is like being born all over. None of us here attempt to stand on our past work, we learn and grow. We dont make up words and expect the world to know what they are. For the most part, we are kind to one another, BUT not me, I enjoy cussing and humiliating myself, especially with people like you, it keeps my mind fresh :D

To my best count, there are about 14 of us who were published and we all used our "real" names. I can understand why you admit that you dont always use yours, Toy Sokdiers is all the explanation I need for that, lol.

Angeline is being modest, so are several others because you see, they took the time to grow and learn,. They did not get one "award" then sit back and shout about being an award winning poet because of one poem

Does your work fair well with other 'zines than Ms Lewis?

Let me see them, I want to see work of yours that is touching and honest and good. Something you have no innate need to defend to people you have insulted before you even knew their names...

Actually, some of your work is pretty good, but your despicable attitude does obscure that fact. I might have enjoyed it if I had not seen the way you have treated totally innocent people.

I am not among those ( innocent people), I stepped into your pile of crap because I was bored. I was upset at first, not because you slammed poetry of mine that was ancient and admittedly mediocre, but because you are so narrow-minded and cruel to people whom I admire.

Now you are just funny. I admit that I enjoy watching you trying to defend yourself against your own ignorance, and so many glaring mistakes, after you invited me to point out any imperfections in your work.

But hey, you dont care what I thinik, so I will continue to think you are a narcissist without much to fuel your fire so you cling to your award. I congratulate you again On your Toy Sokdiers getting an award.


have a nice day


I'm thouroughly conviced that you are crazy.

Your assumption that my poetry has won one award actually had me smiling.

You continue to lie.

You don't mind making an ass of yourself.

I don't care what you have to say.

I care that other people might be influenced by your false accussations
about me hating women, and so on.

I'm concerned that if I don't reply to them I am giving you the space to paint a false picture of me.

What you are trying to do is to get me to start attacking you.

You've been assasinating my character and my poetry all day.

So, here I'll give you what you want:

Fuck You Scumbag!

Maria2394 said:
Toy Sokdiers is all the explanation I need for that, lol.

Here's an assement of the poem from QED

I'd love for you to put one, just one of your poems up for critique there and see how it pans out.

I could cut and paste a couple of hundred responses to the poem from websites, email, editors, publishers, and so on. Why would you dream that I would be affected by your opinion of a poem that has been sucessfull for over four years standing on its own.

You are intent on making an ass out of yourself ,and for the life of me, I can't see why.

Comments from QED:

Hi Andy,

Maybe it's just my mood today, a wish for order, but this appealed to me very much. Can't see anything I'd change, but others more adept may find them. My favorite by far, though, is the one that starts "Tomorrow".


"Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance."---Unknown
Yo, Andy. Good stuff. Not so good stuff. On balance, I'd say stay with it. I think it's Stratego but that's a niggling complaint. I particularly liked:

such a lovely month
for a man to be born,
again, and again,
dying in-between

but not

each blink of sun.

for some reason. On the other hand, I trust Ally's judgment.

This seems an interesting mix of less-than-perfect and absolutely perfect linebreaks, e.g.:

in the prone position
blue, they fought at rest

Keep on keeping on. Thanx.

I am like Ally, I find something so appealing in this poem, in its tone. I have come back to read it over and over today and still cannot put my finger on exactly why it speaks to me, but it does. I know you will get far more constructive comments, suggestions...but wanted you to know how much I've enjoyed it and hope that quality I found but can't describe is not lost in the honing.



Errruuuhhm, Andy, hopping back in to say 'God's Honest, I'd forgotten that I DID hitch some at "each blink of sun", and Watson's comment, reminded me, after the fact, that I did, actually. I'm maybe 45% trustable, Watson is being generous, but I've found that Watson is normally 90 percentile spot on with his reactions/sensibilities. I still say this poem hits me right, and like Pat, I can't say exactly why, but know it did, and to be honest, I suspect that the "distinct" stanzas, the part you feel may need of work, is one of the features in the poem that caused me to like it so much. I thought they progressed in a natural and connected way to a sound close. Still, that's a good idea, put it aside, take it back out later, repost, see what other eyes see.




I enjoyed reading this poem, and think its damn good work.

The voice is consistent in its tone and pace. As Pat counsels, keep aware of that—diction changes, even slight changes, can upset the somewhat cottony, uncertain mindset you’ve begun to describe here.
For me, the poem attempts to tackle the demon of universal condition through a series of vignettes, and though the risk you take in such a potentially rewarding tete-a-tete with the reader is laudable, the structural thematic seems in a flux, and to its detriment right now.

The service flashbacks seem to want to drive the figures, but right now, at least half of the wonderful corpuscles you’ve presented cross over into a world of non-service, so the thematic becomes jumbled. Of course, there are a hundred ways to weave war experience and those which comes after, so I’m not advocating one way over another—I’m advocating a more consistent temporal progression in the structure.

Now, Maria the know-it-all, do you notice the Sratego reference in the comments?

That post is apporx. two years old.

The poem is currently published this month on line with the word
still Strateego.

What explanation would you give me now for not changing it?

Since you've been attempting to attack my poetry and my character all day I decided to read some of your work.

It's shocking that you even have the nerve to throw around negative comments about "Toy Soldiers" when you write poetry that sits on a page
and dies before the poems are done.

Here's a few excerpts from your work. Do you really believe I'd be concerned
with what you have to say about my poetry after reading you?


He sees this (my crotch)

and these (my nipples)

and these short legs.

I am dead but he can't see

into my eyes like you can

but even you don't look here anymore.

Do you think I still hurt

because you discarded me?

I love you, but...

I'm married





just plain lazy and more

than just a little stupid,

but you haven't said goodbye.


I'm not blind, I can see

that you aren't ready

to let go

of we.


I do not want random sex
fuck random sex
I want a man to hold me, whisper

Here's something for you, Honey

It's me and I will never leave.
Come let me love you, let me touch your face
forever be my angel. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


When the store opens at seven
I'll buy a watermelon
and leave the seeds for latch-key kids
who want to watch a watermelon grow

Winter days ran together-
and I am tired, tired of living
in a dark, damp hole of a hell.
No light, nothing but bright
and pale, pale, pale.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

You have made the claim that I, the Cricket
a meek and cheerful soul
has harpooned your evening silence
with ricochet chirp and saw
as you put it-
a rickety, crickety serenade
bouncing off the walls

Allow my voice, are you not a poet?
I am only guilty of invading closets
no match for daylight creatures, no choice
but to sing when biology will allow <<<<<<<<<<<<<<


next on the "agenda"

what is this?

He did the mapiko while stary-eyed

do you have spell check on your computer? I can only assume you meant "starry"

or did you invent another new word?


I am sorry Cubby. I am trying to enjoy your work, but all the typos makes it difficult to take you seriously

also, typos aside, you use present and past tense together. It doesnt work in that poem, it doesnt flow with any sort of continuity. You can do better, I hope

~~~ from River Dance~~

Where the poets walk the streets
carrying the truth of their ancestors
in ryhmed steps behind black eyes


your Blue Flame poem is an excellent piece of work. Terrific descriptions in there, no typos to distract. This is one you shoudl get out to the world, it shows you actually have some poetic ability

Two Guitars~~

like eagles riding thermals

more typos, and the phrase above?

has me seeing eagles riding thermal underwear, not a pretty site

I tell them I do
but I only played it once
in the forrest
near a campfire
above the cliffs

is this a ref to Forrest Gump? or another award winning Cubbyism?


andy made a boo boo!!

he responded--

cub4ucme said:
I make lots of those, stick around so I can slap you around some more.

I think you like it.

Find them in my poetry and then we'll talk.

That is after you are done rolling on the floor laughing your ass off just like I explained you would be at that Slam.

This is a very easy game when you're playing against the handicapped.


Cubby challenges me to find mistakes in his work, and when I do??

He accuses me of pissing on his poem.

Cubby, you cannot have it both ways!!!
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Maria2394 said:
OMG!! you are so pitiful!! You removed the poem with the typo in the title!!!

Haha, gotcha, ya slacker! couldnt admit you made a mistake so you pulled the whole poem, you just made my day:)


I don't maintain that web-site.

But, I did send her an email after you alerted me to the fact that the
title was spelled wrong. So what?

I don't get you, at all.

I'm not even sure why I am wasting my time responding to you.


Haha, gotcha, ya slacker! couldnt admit you made a mistake so you pulled the whole poem, you just made my day:)



Do you have even an inkling how desperate and immature your behaviour

Really, no, really!

I didn't even know she pulled the whole poem. I wrote the poems there so it's not a site I frequent.

Since I wrote the poems I don't have much of a desire to go back and read them again. That's what happens when you fight with poems and process them until the emotion and work is done. You've already gotten out of them as much as you ever will. They aren't for you anymore. "Hello, Hello, is the Anybody In There?" P.F.

Try focussing some of your time on your poetry.

Figure out a way to find your own voice instead of writing five minute
poems and rushing them to market.

Work on writing in such a way that you say something differently
than its been said a thousand times before. Look to write so
that your poetry is thought provoking instead of "So What?"

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Maria2394 said:
next on the "agenda"

what is this?

He did the mapiko while stary-eyed

do you have spell check on your computer? I can only assume you meant "starry"

or did you invent another new word?


I am sorry Cubby. I am trying to enjoy your work, but all the typos makes it difficult to take you seriously

also, typos aside, you use present and past tense together. It doesnt work in that poem, it doesnt flow with any sort of continuity. You can do better, I hope

~~~ from River Dance~~

Where the poets walk the streets
carrying the truth of their ancestors
in ryhmed steps behind black eyes

another one.... you arent quite as good as you think yourself to be, this is careless work, Cubby


your Blue Flame poem is an excellent piece of work. Terrific descriptions in there, no typos to distract. This is one you shoudl get out to the world, it shows you actually have some poetic ability

Two Guitars~~

like eagles riding thermals

more typos, and the phrase above?

has me seeing eagles riding thermal underwear, not a pretty site

I tell them I do
but I only played it once
in the forrest
near a campfire
above the cliffs

is this a ref to Forrest Gump? or another award winning Cubbyism?

O.K., enough of your bullshit. My daughter typed in all of the poems on that site. That's not to say some of the typos were not my mistakes.

As far as your other comments go. You might as well bark up a tree.

You don't seem to have an ounce of integrity to you.

Visit your STUFF over the next week. It may turn out to
be enlightening.

Grasping at straws now makes you appear even more desperate.

I'd have thought that would be an impossible task a few minutes

For the record, what you have to say good, or bad, (and that includes
plaid skirts) does not matter to me at all.

You have no idea when poetry is good or bad.

You've proven that over and over again today.

Cub4ucme said:
O.K., enough of your bullshit. My daughter typed in all of the poems on that site. That's not to say some of the typos were not my mistakes.

As far as your other comments go. You might as well bark up a tree.

You don't seem to have an ounce of integrity to you.

Visit your STUFF over the next week. It may turn out to
be enlightening.

***** ooohh, what are you going to do?? give me ones?? Oh, I shiver at the thought little man...however, I DO welcome any type of valid, constructive comments, like the ones I gave you on your poems, but you refuse to take responsibilty for your own mistakes , even worse you blame them on your child, and you dare to use the word INTEGRITY.

Grasping at straws now makes you appear even more desperate.

** what straws?**

I'd have thought that would be an impossible task a few minutes

For the record, what you have to say good, or bad, (and that includes
plaid skirts) does not matter to me at all.

** it must matter!!! otherwise....** :D

You have no idea when poetry is good or bad.

** youre probably right and blue flame isnt as good as my first impression**

** you do not know what I know and what I do not know. I do know you are inconsistent and narrowminded.**

You've proven that over and over again today.

** I have proven is that you cannot stand up to your own version of what is right and wrong and your own BS works for you until someone proves you wrong **

****Dear Cubby

Who is desperate now? Blaming your mistakes on your daughter?

YOU challenged me to find anything less than perfect in your work ( see quote below, from page 27] and when I do find mistakes , you call my post bullshit.

cub4ucme said:
I make lots of those, stick around so I can slap you around some more.

I think you like it.

Find them in my poetry and then we'll talk.

That is after you are done rolling on the floor laughing your ass off just like I explained you would be at that Slam.

** I have never been to a slam event, what are you talking about??

This is a very easy game when you're playing against the handicapped.

what do plaid skirts have to do with anything? You do babble a great deal.

I hope you get better, whatever your problem is. A piece of advice, in the future, when something is so important to you that you use it as a basis to insult others and and denigrate their own efforts, please be sure that your own "stuff" is spotless. even a daughter can use spell check. Does she know you blame her for your mistakes? It is a sad day when a grown man blames his mistakes on a child.

I am glad you had the decency to apologize to Liar. Your one redeeming post today. Now you owe an apology to about a dozen others, no not me, I begged to be insulted, now didnt I?

smile, Dear Cubby, you arent perfect, neither am I. and it is not the end of the world


Im sure you learned something from this .

use[/COLOR] it
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Maria Meets Mother Goose

They're piled high
the remnants of shame
some memory of raising winter pigs
she's sliding on ice underneath a leaning barn
painted gray from red by north winds
that loosened rusted, headless, nails
of every choice she ever made

until she turned to face them
head-on sucking hardons
both hands typing
she ducked to dodge the fluid rains

.......................Old MacDonald Had a farm

She is the bent bow of fist-makers
celebrating nothing twice a day
dreaming of her daddy's Matchbox
some Unser brother fucking Petty
on the final lap in the agony of sport
while Cossell saw Monkeys running
and the Greek thought Achilles
was the heel that jumped the stars
she was busy trying to catch up

.......................see how they run...see how they run

it's all colors here
her machete dull but ready
not quick enough to draw blue blood
we're all waiting here
her head still pointing south
waiting on a brighter sun
to pour milk across fine china
for now she swims in mud, as

............................the rat takes the cheese

she sails across clear water
reprieved, still believing
everything she did had a purpose
though, she is so much smaller
than her talk, smaller than
her day, fading quickly
heading for a small patch
of mud with midnight rushing in
trading in her dreams for a

........................half a pound of tuppenny rice, then

POP-- Goes the Weasel

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Cub4ucme said:
O.K., enough of your bullshit. My daughter typed in all of the poems on that site. That's not to say some of the typos were not my mistakes.

As far as your other comments go. You might as well bark up a tree.

You don't seem to have an ounce of integrity to you.

Visit your STUFF over the next week. It may turn out to
be enlightening.

Grasping at straws now makes you appear even more desperate.

I'd have thought that would be an impossible task a few minutes

For the record, what you have to say good, or bad, (and that includes
plaid skirts) does not matter to me at all.

You have no idea when poetry is good or bad.

You've proven that over and over again today.


I do visit my "stuff" on occasion, to see what may be improved, what worked then and what never worked.

I write for pleasure, to entertain myself and others. You do not have to read my work, in fact, I would rather you didnt because I like to make people smile, I like to see the dark humor in life I like to look at life through as many different angles as possible.

I enjoy attempting to make people smile and if I can do that with a dead bunny poem or a mediocre attempt at a form poem, then I am pleased with my work. That does not mean that I am satisfied that I can never get any better.

I have written crap, but never have I once defined that crap as good poetry, especially if it was laden with typos and grammatical errors and misplaced metaphors. Something you wrote didnt "work" for me and when I pointed that out, you dismissed my opinion.

I would challenge YOU to ask anyone if I attacked anyone because they made a typo, or ever called a new acquaintance a big mouthed bitch or brainless fart.

LIar made a typo, you acted a sthough it was the end of the world, but he didnt blame his child. If he had, Iwould have said the same thing to him...

I do not defend my work because it stands on its own, whether it is good or bad, it is what it is. You dont like my work? dont read it. I promise you, I will not lose any sleep over that. The poets I respect and have learned from are the ones you have slammed on here.

Like I said earlier, I feel sorry for you.

as for LIterotica beiing a market, I never considered it being a market, just a place to exercise. I have fun here and what you say or do, in reference to MY work will not change that. Youre just a hateful, insecure little man who seems to have come in here looking for a fight.

anyway.... I have work to do. I am done pointing our your mistakes as you take no credit for them. In the future, dont submit a challenge you cant stand up to, as I am like LIar's rabid smurf , if and whan I see crap, I might just take the time stomp in it, and your babbling and sorry accusations here have me all stomped out!!!

I am still waiting for you to embarrass me. When you do, please let me know.

My pm's are enabled, so you can message me in order to spare YOUR own self any further embarrassment, okay?

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Maria2394 said:
Cub4ucme said:
O.K., enough of your bullshit. My daughter typed in all of the poems on that site. That's not to say some of the typos were not my mistakes.

As far as your other comments go. You might as well bark up a tree.

You don't seem to have an ounce of integrity to you.

Visit your STUFF over the next week. It may turn out to
be enlightening.

***** ooohh, what are you going to do?? give me ones?? Oh, I shiver at the thought little man...however, I DO welcome any type of valid, constructive comments, like the ones I gave you on your poems, but you refuse to take responsibilty for your own mistakes , even worse you blame them on your child, and you dare to use the word INTEGRITY.

Grasping at straws now makes you appear even more desperate.

** what straws?**

I'd have thought that would be an impossible task a few minutes

For the record, what you have to say good, or bad, (and that includes
plaid skirts) does not matter to me at all.

** it must matter!!! otherwise....** :D

You have no idea when poetry is good or bad.

** youre probably right and blue flame isnt as good as my first impression**

** you do not know what I know and what I do not know. I do know you are inconsistent and narrowminded.**

You've proven that over and over again today.

** all I have proven is that you cannot stand up to your own version of what is right and wrong and your own BS works for you until someone proves you wrong **

****Dear Cubby

Who is desperate now? Blaming your mistakes on your daughter?

YOU challenged me to find anything less than perfect in your work and when I do, you call it bullshit.

what do plaid skirts have to do with anything? You do babble a great deal.

I hope you get better, whatever your problem is. A piece of advice, in the future, when something is so important to you that you use it as a basis to insult others and and denigrate their own efforts, please be sure that your own "stuff" is spotless. even a daughter can use spell check. Does she know you blame her for your mistakes? It is a sad day when a grown man blames his mistakes on a child.

I am glad you had the decency to apologize to Liar. Your one redeeming post today. Now you owe an apology to about a dozen others, no not me, I begged to be insulted, now didnt I?

smile, Dear Cubby, you arent perfect, neither am I. and it is not the end of the world


Im sure you learned something from this .


I don't blame my daughter for anything. I'm proud of her. I don't care about some typos on a site I seldom visit that still generates email and numerous positive responses to my poetry.

You only comment where you THINK you can do damage. Then, when you fail miserably you flank to the left or right and fail again.

Your tendancies are too predictable. You're in an argument you can't possibly win. You continue to lie and then make me look like I sold out my daughter.

Here's what I think of you: You are a desperate bitch who's anger is so out of control you can't stop from making an asshole out of yourself over and over again.

Why not go back to the your first post in this folder today and see who attacked who.

First you lied and said I made up Strateego. When I asked you why I hadn't changed the word after I proved it was questioned over two years ago you changed the subject. Then you had something to say about Synchronated and accussed me of making up another word. Once that was settled you changed direction again. Now, you are calling me a liar again and asscusing me of misrepresenting my daughter and blaming her for something I couldn't care less about to begin with.

Why would I have pulled the whole poem from the site? Why wouldn't I have just changed the title?

I emailed my daughter and informed her the title was mispelled. I got an email from her back today saying she didn't have time to edit it so she just put it in the archives until she had a chance to get back to it.

You're a very fucked up individual.

I'm going to make sure I continue to expose your inadaquacies since you think it's fine to attack me and never once apologize or recognize the fact
that you are wrong. All you do is flank and shift gears.

Sad, but true.

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Maria2394 said:
I am still waiting for you to embarrass me. When you do, please let me know.

My pm's are enabled, so you can message me in order to spare YOUR own self any further embarrassment, okay?


You're like So Damn Insane, when he claimed Iraq
was winning the war.

You're outright delussional.

I don't think you can think critically and address issues
head on. You dance and dart and when you're wrong,
shit, you don't even recognize it, nevermind admit it.

You called yourself stupid in one of your poems.

Sorry, I fear it's far worse than that.

.........London Bridges Falling Down, Falling Down
London Bridges Falling Down, My Queer Lady

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Cub4ucme said:
You're like So Damn Insane, Claiming Iraq was winning the war.

You're outright delussional.

You called yourself stupid in one of your poems.

Sorry, I fear it's fare worse than that.

.........London Bridges Falling Down, Falling Down
London Bridges Falling Down, My Queer Lady

Good grief.
There are over 320 posts on this silly thread. Honestly, you and Maria--or you and anyone else--could go on forever and never get anywhere. Of course, that's up to you, Maria, and everyone else posting to this pointless thread.

Maria is usually a sweet person. Her poetry has been accepted at some very fine ezines. Andy, I've read and enjoyed some of your poetry. You're both poets. You've both written some good poetry. Why not participate on the Poetry threads. Please.
WickedEve said:
Good grief.
There are over 320 posts on this silly thread. Honestly, you and Maria--or you and anyone else--could go on forever and never get anywhere. Of course, that's up to you, Maria, and everyone else posting to this pointless thread.

Maria is usually a sweet person. Her poetry has been accepted at some very fine ezines. Andy, I've read and enjoyed some of your poetry. You're both poets. You've both written some good poetry. Why not participate on the Poetry threads. Please.

damn, Eve. you have really nice lips.

WickedEve said:
Good grief.
There are over 320 posts on this silly thread. Honestly, you and Maria--or you and anyone else--could go on forever and never get anywhere. Of course, that's up to you, Maria, and everyone else posting to this pointless thread.

Maria is usually a sweet person. Her poetry has been accepted at some very fine ezines. Andy, I've read and enjoyed some of your poetry. You're both poets. You've both written some good poetry. Why not participate on the Poetry threads. Please.


I have participated on the poetry threads. Possibly more than you have since I've been here.

I am not going to ever back down or allow someone to assasinate my character in any way, shape, or form.

I couldn't possibly care less what you think about Maria.

If you knew what happened, or took the time to read it (which you don't and won't, because that's the M.O. here) you'd be wondering what I did to deserve the onslaught I received today. It was only after many posts that I started to get nasty.

I'm sorry but, I think most of you are cowards.

You don't recognize truth. You recognize your own opinions of relationships you have established and then jump in and address me as a result.

Now, you're asking me to contribute in other folders.

If people stop attacking me that's all I'd be doing in this forum.
