My Andy Thread

Senna Jawa said:
You're rude and you have repeated your abuse. This is my last communication with you. You don't exist for me anymore. Write for others but I am not going to read you. I have warned you.

Senna Jawa


Below, Basho zooms on a single moment in time:


Spring air --
woven moon
and plum scent.

Basho (tr. Lucien Stryk)

In the several Basho's haiku below, Basho uses either a prolonged time interval or a juxtaposition of two (or more) moments in time, widely apart one from another--he is not zooming on a single moment in time, and in most of them there is no zooming on any single miniature object (in poetry moon can still pass as miniature but a mountain range is not miniature).

What happened to IDEA?

Did I forget to list that?

I said, a moment in time, or an idea that brings on a sense of enlightenment.

I do not find that Basho is referring to two times widely apart in these haiku.

What he is expressing is a repetetive happenstance that continues over a period of time.

I am not at all disappointed that you are choosing to filter me.

I knew you would eventually. It makes sense. You really don't have any other option without having to put your ego aside.

I would warn you however that censorship rarely works in an environment
that allows for quotations.

Good luck to you.

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I saw your post tell-tale trail, ah, the joy of innuendo.

...and I thought this guy was after me. Like A Child

andy, with all due respect you have a license plate for a name, bumper stickers for responses. Smokin'.
Change the oil before you seize up.

I see a car wreck.

But I admit, I don't know nothing, except for the fact that you denigrate better writers than yourself.

so god forbid, I get hit with a


I would love to trade responses with you, but you are toooo clever for me

see you
see you before
see you before you see
see you before you see me <I would do something about this "me" at the end, it spoils the effect, unless that is the whole point the "me"

way tooo clever for me, and I have to go change my front licence plate, :)
bogusbrig said:
Hmm You are just reinforcing my prejudice that Americans are by nature perverted. :D

I think that is why we left England in the first place, so we could be perverted with out persecution!!!

normal jean said:
Hey Cubby, what IS Streteego?

I can find no reference to it anywhere, none whatsoever. NO reference to it that makes any sense at all where your poem is considered.

Now, here is my problem with your poem.

It is well thought out, but it seems in your attempt to be , well, I dont know what you were attempting because that word is non -existant except to you.,

How does that benefit your poem in any way?

Please teach me something, I am confused by this choice of word and that is an important part of poetry, is it not?

Explain to me what I am missing, and if you can, without insulting me, because I am attempting to be respctful to you and learn something here. My tiny female mind cannot understand why one would use an obscure reference for something that is easily understood when spelled the other way... :confused:

Anyone else know what Streteego is?

and I STILL want to know what STRETEEGO is

anyone ever figure out his reference? well, besides him, that is
Maria2394 said:
and I STILL want to know what STRETEEGO is

anyone ever figure out his reference? well, besides him, that is

oh, nevermind, I went back through his posts and he dmitted he made it up

thats all I wanted to know
lets hope they include that one in t he next issue of an old dictionary so cubby wont have to explain it ever again!!
Maria2394 said:
oh, nevermind, I went back through his posts and he dmitted he made it up

thats all I wanted to know
lets hope they include that one in t he next issue of an old dictionary so cubby wont have to explain it ever again!!

What is the purpose of lying in public?

Does that make you feel satisfied inside?

The game is not only known to me. I didn't make it up.

Hopefully, someone will stand up and make that point so you
can feel good about being a knave.

You're a very strange poster with an obvious and devious agenda.

Carry on!

MyNecroticSnail said:
I saw your post tell-tale trail, ah, the joy of innuendo.

...and I thought this guy was after me. Like A Child

andy, with all due respect you have a license plate for a name, bumper stickers for responses. Smokin'.
Change the oil before you seize up.

I see a car wreck.

But I admit, I don't know nothing, except for the fact that you denigrate better writers than yourself.

so god forbid, I get hit with a


I would love to trade responses with you, but you are toooo clever for me

see you
see you before
see you before you see
see you before you see me <I would do something about this "me" at the end, it spoils the effect, unless that is the whole point the "me"

way tooo clever for me, and I have to go change my front licence plate, :)

You should see a car wreck. You just got in one.

You have nothing to offer me. Just rhetoric and assanine statments.

Have a great day.

Maria2394 said:
I think that is why we left England in the first place, so we could be perverted with out persecution!!!


No, perverted, without taxation without representation. And after 200+ years, we wind up with Mad King George anyway. :rolleyes:
Cub4ucme said:
You should see a car wreck. You just got in one.

You have nothing to offer me. Just rhetoric and assanine statments.

Have a great day.

U2 (hey I'm getting good at this)
B4U go, check out my Haiku Ribber, there is a text message 4U, and I really don't care what you think, since most of what I write are just troll collectors anyway.

ass in nine, go ahead play the full 18 holes.
MyNecroticSnail said:
No, perverted, without taxation without representation. And after 200+ years, we wind up with Mad King George anyway. :rolleyes:

okay, ONLY you and BB can call ME perverted. I like that.

Snail, good to see you HERE

TheRainMan said:
good to see you, Boston.

that's a great picture . . . sure beats the monkey with a Budweiser and Marlboro. :)

same monkey, different priorities
Good to see you as well and congrats on all your success
Cub4ucme said:
What is the purpose of lying in public?

Does that make you feel satisfied inside?

The game is not only known to me. I didn't make it up.

Hopefully, someone will stand up and make that point so you
can feel good about being a knave.

You're a very strange poster with an obvious and devious agenda.

Carry on!


I am not lying, silly man!

I read your post about it being a mish-mash between the actual board game Stratego and horse, the kids b'ball game. Honey, you need to chill out.

Look at it like this, YOU are the caveman that invented a new word!!

HOWEVER, it is NOT communication until someone else k nows what it means. Rybka had a very pertinant quote about explaining a poem, if you have to explain it, then it was not ready to be published. There. Feel free to attack me, I know how you hate women. IT is obvious in most of your posts.

On to the business at hand!!!

I award you the New Word of the Week award. You can set it next to the three or however many it was you got from Ms. Lewis' site for one poem. Have you notified the pulitzer committee yet?

I know they would be sick inside knowing they missed Toy Sokdiers

perhaps someone will send them a copy..


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Cub4ucme said:
Explain to me why Synchronated is bad grammer in the title of a poem.

I'm sincerely interested in your response.

First: What does it mean? According to every reference I can find on the English language, it means nothing. So it must be either a word used in a very local language domain, or it should be 'synchronise', or it's made 'incorrect' for a purpose, a purpose that the poem itself does not communicate.

Second: Does it make any difference if we're talking about the title or the body of the poem?
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Liar said:
What does it mean?

hey Liar, I was wondering the same thing. IS he in line for yet another NEW WORD award? He gets rather quite when someone points out he is less than the perfect person he has imagined himself to be.

He wont explain it, he cant. The only explanation for bad grammar and misspelled titles is carelessness and dare I say, ignorance?

nah, not ignorant, everyone makes mistakes, it becomes ignorance when the mistaken person DEFENDS his mistake as correct...
sort of like streteego

If and when you get a definition for that word, please let me know, I will pencil it into my dictionary for future non-use.

syn = together + chronos = time + nates = buttocks

meaning:- an arse keeping perfect time.

or as we say in northern England, she's got an arse like two ferrets fighting in a sack!

Just couldn't resist it. :eek:
Maria2394 said:
nah, not ignorant, everyone makes mistakes, it becomes ignorance when the mistaken person DEFENDS his mistake as correct...
And agressively rips into others' writing for the same kind of mistake.

That's the only reason I bicker about this. I don't really mind a typo or a language boo-boo. (hell, I can't even be bothered to correct my own - and there are a few - once they're up on Lit) But the way he bore down upon me like a pack of rabid smurfs for having forgotten an S in a poem, his own poems should be flawless, or he's got nothing.
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bogusbrig said:
syn = together + chronos = time + nates = buttocks

meaning:- an arse keeping perfect time.

or as we say in northern England, she's got an arse like two ferrets fighting in a sack!

Just couldn't resist it. :eek:

my hubby says "she's got an arse like two puppies fighting beneath a silk sheet." I showed him yours and he said, damn! wonder what THAT looks like

cute, however


Maria2394 said:
I am not lying, silly man!

I read your post about it being a mish-mash between the actual board game Stratego and horse, the kids b'ball game. Honey, you need to chill out.

I need to chill out?

You appear to be a physchopath.

You accuse me of lying and inventing my own words and when I call you a liar you inform me I need to chill out.

Funny, crazy, but, humorous nonetheless.

Read the entire thread on the subject, or don't.

You can see it published as Strateego after being edited by a professional but, of course you know more than she does.

Liar said:
And agressively rips into others' writing for the same kind of mistake.

That's the only reason I bicker about this. I don't really mind a typo or a language boo-boo. But the way he bore down upon me like a pack of rabid smurfs for having forgotten an S in a poem, his own poems should be flawless, or he's got nothing.

yep, and I even pointed that fact out to him....

rabid smurfs?? Oh my...

Maria2394 said:
I am not lying, silly man!

Do you have another word for posting something untrue?

You stated, I made up STRATEEGO.

That Maria, is a lie.

It's not rocket science.

Now you've lied twice.

Good for you!

Bang a Gong!

Maria2394 said:
Rybka had a very pertinant quote about explaining a poem, if you have to explain it, then it was not ready to be published.

I don't have to explain it. The root word takes care of that.

Why don't you read before you respond.

The poem HAS been published so your point is irrelevent on both accounts.

Because, you don't get it is not my concern.

The poem has stood on its own for four years now and has been through numerous editors.

Do you think I should concern myself with what you think about it?

Not a chance.

Maria2394 said:
Feel free to attack me, I know how you hate women. IT is obvious in most of your posts.



You are entirely out of bounds here.

I don't respond to people based on gender.

You are taking great liberties and starting to offend me to the point that
you are making me believe you are in need of some help.

I love women.

You are completely clueless, hypocritical, offensive, and a liar to boot.

Hope the mirror doesn't crack.

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Liar said:
First: What does it mean? According to every reference I can find on the English language, it means nothing. So it must be either a word used in a very local language domain, or it should be 'synchronise', or it's made 'incorrect' for a purpose, a purpose that the poem itself does not communicate.

Second: Does it make any difference if we're talking about the title or the body of the poem?

You know, this does get tiring.

Google it! Do you know how many words in different forms are not in the average dictionary?

Guess not or you wouldn't be questioning me on something so obvious.

Maria2394 said:
hey IS he in line for yet another NEW WORD award? He gets rather quite when someone points out he is less than the perfect person he has imagined himself to be.

He wont explain it, he cant. :)

How does your shoe taste?

You live in a weird world that I can't even relate to.

I respond when I read the posts whenever that may be.

I don't get quiet when I am wrong, I apoligize.

You're a very strange woman who jumps to conclusions
so quickly you are dangerous to yourself.

I wouldn't believe the course of this communication today
except for the fact that I have witnessed it myself.

Liar said:
First: According to every reference I can find on the English language, it means nothing.

I think you might want to inform some of those olympic swimmers that they need to give their medals back.

You might find the word could be either synchronised or synchronated.

No, you will find that.

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