my cock is so big...

Its so big that it has another guy at the other end and hes got a BIG cock too
dave: bah, mine is so big, i have to file permits when i travel for crowd control. :D

My cock is so big, the smallest vehicle I can drive is a mini-van, and that's still really cramped.
it's so big...

...its stays up all night and logs on to add to this thread while the rest of me is sleeping.

It's so big, if you'd lay it on the keyboard it would stretch from A to Z - the A on my keyboard to the Z on the keyboard next door.
blonde angeleyez: true...between davetmet & myself, we could spawn a whole spin-off site from lit, they're so big! :D

The stimulate one is my favorite too lol :D

My cocks so BIG though that I had to outsource some of it to India