my cock is so big...

From a real medical chart:

22. Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.

Now that is a big cock--or at least an entertaining one.

Perhaps he was pitching a tent?

Maybe he has clownmydia?

A severe case of elephantisis?

Perhaps his penis ran away from home when it was younger?

He works for Dingaling Bros?

He was probably lion about it's size?

He juggles balls?
Quoll said:
He works for Dingaling Bros?

I've worked for them. . .they suck. :rolleyes:

My cock is so big it is getting it's own reality show; Cock of Love --watch out Daisy and Brett Michaels!
It finally returned Spielberg's call. My dick is so big, King Kong is going to climb it in the next remake.

My dick is so big, when you go to see the movie, you can get your popcorn in small, medium, large, or My Dick.
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maybe so, but mine is so colossal...

[how colossal is it?]

it's so colossal, that the washington monument looks at me and whimpers.

My cock is big that my orgasms caused the recent flooding in West Virginia!
ah, and here i thought that was b/c of all the newly-minted seamen from annapolis... :>

mine is so big, scientist are developing an even more efficient type of scientific notation to describe its size!

ah, and here i thought that was b/c of all the newly-minted seamen from annapolis... :>

That is just terrible! I can't stop giggling.

My cock is so big it has it's own satellites. Anyone know a good cream to get rid of them?
my cock is sooo big... when I get out of the pool it looks like a birthing submarine.

my cock is so big... when I was sky diving nekkid, nasa thought it was a meteor entering the atmosphere.

its funny... alot of people made wishes when I did that:D
my cock is sooo big that even the incredible hulk gets shy penis when I have to piss next to him.
nice on, NM!

i recently was contacted by the department of the interior. apparently, in the event of a specific natural disaster, they want me to stand in for the hoover dam!
i recently was contacted by the department of the interior. apparently, in the event of a specific natural disaster, they want me to stand in for the hoover dam!

My cock is so big that when I cum the Office of Emergency Services, FEMA, and the Army Corp of Engineers is called out to handle the flooding!
That is just terrible! I can't stop giggling.

My cock is so big it has it's own satellites. Anyone know a good cream to get rid of them?

Oh sweety, it must be terrible to have meteroides.
Have you tried a corticoassteroid cream?
minx, were you giggling at the thought of those seamen in their dress whites? :>
