my cock is so big...

My cock is so big, Silverwhisper has started using it instead of a fish to smack people with!
My cock is so big, when I bust a nut... people think a volcano is erupting.
NM: nice! :D

mine is so long, it looks at the LOTR trilogy and thinks, "o look, a pixar short!"
My cock is so big, it's the real reason Sarah Palin stepped down from government.
My cock is so big, congress just declared it a national monument.
it charges a late night fee?

yo dick got the HIV

my dick rumble in the jungle

yo dick... got touched by ya uncle (i am a bad person for knowing about this song)
...conservative knee-jerkers wigged out even harder about it than the president's address to children. :>

... it inspired Archimedes to say

"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world."
My cock is so big that I've been put on display at the Smithsonian.


  • 2009-09-10.jpg
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My cock is so big..

that every time I get an erection, the Red Cross blood drive is dry for a month.
...have you heard of saturn? jupiter? red giants?

yeah, mine is so big, it cries tears of pity for 'em. :>

My cock is so big..

everyone tells me I should run for President. Oh wait, they said I was a big dick. Sorry, my bad!
My cock is so big...

that my jock size is S.S. (steamship)

that only the government is big enough to fuck it (up).
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