my cock is so big... looks at the big bang and thinks, "you call that big?!" cries tears of pity for jeff stryker. chuckles when confronted with fred phelps.

My cock is so big it IS the government's stimulus package.

It is also so big that it punched a hole in the ozone layer, and my cock is the single largest reason for global warming. But don't worry, every one can just stand in the shade of my cock.
My cock is so big, every woman I've ever broken up with has become a nun or a lesbian afterwards, because she knew she'd never have that type of perfection again.

/They also walk bow-legged for a few months...
mine is so big...

if i did porn, it would have to be IMAX.
news of this thread has only just now reached the head.
when russ perot talked about "a giant sucking sound" he got his hopes up--but even that wasn't big enough to give him oral.

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My cocky is sooooo big that after my recent circumcision, my wife got herself a knew flesh tone ankle length skirt.
My cock is so big the ladies call me "Smokehouse" 'cause I have so much meat hanging!!