My Milky Journey

wonderful thread

WOW! What a ride it has been so far. I cannot wait to read more about your lactation journey.

Sadly, my lovely bride has crossed that hormonal bridge and from what I know, for her to do this would be extremely difficult. I did love the occasional tastes I received after she fed our children oh so many years ago.

From what I have read, you are in a great state of mind and I am sure that you will eventually reach your goals. Keep it up, we are cheering you on.
WOW! What a ride it has been so far. I cannot wait to read more about your lactation journey.

Sadly, my lovely bride has crossed that hormonal bridge and from what I know, for her to do this would be extremely difficult. I did love the occasional tastes I received after she fed our children oh so many years ago.

From what I have read, you are in a great state of mind and I am sure that you will eventually reach your goals. Keep it up, we are cheering you on.

Thank you! It has been both fun and frustrating at times but I am starting to notice changes, so that is encouraging.

How are the shenanigans going sally?

Things have been a bit stressful here for the last week ... hoping stress and lack of sleep isn't effecting the process too much. I am still diligent with expressing, hydrating, and supplementing.

Aside from that, it's been going well! Expressing every few hours allows me time to clear my head for a few minutes.

I did some retail therapy to manage my stress and got a new under bust corset earlier this week which has beem fun to wear even though I'm not going anywhere. I love the way my breasts fall over it, and they look so heavy now. It makes this mom bod feel very sexy and I enjoyed hand expressing wearing nothing else but the corset at one point in the day :D I really like to watch myself in the mirror and I looked so dirty :devil:

I've noticed in the mornings when I wake up my breasts are very achey, almost like they need to be emptied right then. I remember the feeling of engorgement and the release provided to pump, nurse, or express.

Think milky thoughts :)
I did some retail therapy to manage my stress and got a new under bust corset earlier this week which has been fun to wear even though I'm not going anywhere. I love the way my breasts fall over it, and they look so heavy now. It makes this mom bod feel very sexy and I enjoyed hand expressing wearing nothing else but the corset at one point in the day :D I really like to watch myself in the mirror and I looked so dirty :devil:

Aah, sally, photo please, your fans here, well me, we would like to see your sexy mom bod with breasts displayed. Thank you.
Aah, sally, photo please, your fans here, well me, we would like to see your sexy mom bod with breasts displayed. Thank you.

When the milk comes in... that is when I plan to show off my hard work :)
All right, I'm posting a picture, but it won't be on here long. I'm taking it down by the end of the day today (US Eastern time).
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Sally this is very interesting to follow. It sounds like many others may share similar feelings. I was always turned on with lactating good luck
Oh my goodness, this is whole thread is amazing and this post in particular is one of the most intense and beautiful things I've read on here. Thank you sharing. :heart::heart::heart:

I looked so fucking sexy. I watched myself and continued my gentle breast massage. I didn't want to get carried away and have an orgasm before 20 minutes was finished. I edged on that chair over, and over and over... until finally, my timer made its announcement that 20 minutes had passed, and I was free to play with my pussy.

Marmet technique :)
All right, I'm posting a picture, but it won't be on here long. I'm taking it down by the end of the day today (US Eastern time).

Last call ;)

So today I learned I do not need to continue taking a prenatal vitamin. I have been told before that they are necessary for induction, but I never took them in pregnancy so I'm unsure why I assumed it would be necessary. I got to thinking about it - I eat a good diet and get my vitamins from food, over synthetic versions. I'd rather not overwhelm my system, and spend the extra money if I can help it!

I am still taking a supplement that supports induced lactation and breast tissue growth and will continue with that throughout the duration I plan to lactate.

Thanks for joining me on my journey, everyone :)
Something I have been asked is how to figure out proper flange size when it comes to pumping. Many women are not using the proper size flange when they pump and this can lead to clogged milk ducts, pain and discomfort, and can decrease milk supply when lactation begins.

Here are two helpful images to determine proper flange size if you choose to pump. I do not pump very often - it really isn't necessary to induce, but becomes important when milk comes in. I used to struggle with pumps and the way they fit, but since I've made the proper adjustments it has helped quite a bit!

On a side note- I hand expressed this morning and I don't know if it was me in my sleepy stuper or not, but I thought I felt liquid dripping from my left nipple after. I checked and there was nothing there, but it could have soaked into my shirt. Regardless, it was a happy reminder of what that feels like. I feel like I am getting closer every day!