My Milky Journey

Proper latch technique

I'm not sure if I posted this already, but I feel the need to do it again after thinking a lot about an experience I had. If you are planning to enter into an ANR as someone who will be nursing, you need to know proper latch. It isn't just sucking on a nipple, and you have to do the motions continuously to mimic suckling patterns of an infant in order to properly stimulate.

I've talked to a few different people who claim to be experienced sucklers, and when it comes down to it, they have no idea what they are doing. I know that is biased and that there ARE good sucklers out there, but to err on the side of caution, here is a link on how to suckle :)
A friend shared this link with me and it is a great compilation of several ANR/ABF groups from around the world. Some are websites that you can join, sort of like dating sites but searching for ANRs. Others are Kik groups or other chatting apps. I joined a few of the Kik groups for my area and one for women only, mostly for support. I didn't even know that Kik had public groups, that's how often I use the app lol.

In my own experience, I've tried 2 sites with no luck. One was, which had a very low amount of members, and most seemed to only want cyber hookups. I was unable to find anyone local, let alone in my state.

The other was I didn't explore this site much. It is a paid membership site which I did not purchase. I was only allowed to send one PM every 24 hours, and again, not many people in my local area.

Hopefully it is helpful to anyone looking for a partner out there. :)
i wish more women would take on board what you are doing Sally, well done on your current achievements and have to say some of what you've posted has brought me more than a smile .. erotically hot!

Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad it's made you smile so far. It has been a fun journey for me with some ups and downs, but mostly good times :) Inducing is quite the feat to undertake and not the norm, for sure! I breastfed both my kids and wish I would have maintained somewhat, but since I've lactated before, I should be able to do it again. Happy milky thoughts!
So my meeting with potential ANR partner a little while back did not pan out as I hoped it would. It is disappointing, but I am glad that I figured that out now rather than later on. It is a small punch to the gut because I was really looking forward to the help and the connection, but it was clearly not meant to be.

That being said, I have been in touch with one other prospective partner that is close by and I may be meeting him over the weekend at some point if our schedules align. He has never helped anyone induce but has breastfed before so understands proper latching and suckling.

I am still processing a lot of frustrations I experienced with my first prospective partner because I felt very deceived by his intentions. I am trying my best to not exude a mindset of fear and distrust with others. He was only one person, but the idea is now there so it's hard to turn that off completely. I suppose having a sense of guarding isn't totally bad at this point in time, but I don't want to be a ball of nerves with a sense of distrust toward every person I meet. Here's hoping future endeavors get things flowing :D
that's a shame you got let down like that so i hope the new guy proves to be someone better for you, tread carefully though and keep safe during these times :kiss:

Thanks! We are only meeting to see face to face. I have no intentions of doing anything at that point, unless things go really well... we'll see ;)
So my meeting with potential ANR partner a little while back did not pan out as I hoped it would. It is disappointing, but I am glad that I figured that out now rather than later on. It is a small punch to the gut because I was really looking forward to the help and the connection, but it was clearly not meant to be.

That being said, I have been in touch with one other prospective partner that is close by and I may be meeting him over the weekend at some point if our schedules align. He has never helped anyone induce but has breastfed before so understands proper latching and suckling.

I am still processing a lot of frustrations I experienced with my first prospective partner because I felt very deceived by his intentions. I am trying my best to not exude a mindset of fear and distrust with others. He was only one person, but the idea is now there so it's hard to turn that off completely. I suppose having a sense of guarding isn't totally bad at this point in time, but I don't want to be a ball of nerves with a sense of distrust toward every person I meet. Here's hoping future endeavors get things flowing :D

When it’s mesnt to be it will happen. I am sure things need to connect and when they do you will relax and make it great ;)
I'm not sure if I posted this already, but I feel the need to do it again after thinking a lot about an experience I had. If you are planning to enter into an ANR as someone who will be nursing, you need to know proper latch. It isn't just sucking on a nipple, and you have to do the motions continuously to mimic suckling patterns of an infant in order to properly stimulate.

I've talked to a few different people who claim to be experienced sucklers, and when it comes down to it, they have no idea what they are doing. I know that is biased and that there ARE good sucklers out there, but to err on the side of caution, here is a link on how to suckle :)

I am feeling your excitement about all this and think you are on an amazing journey.
Kisses a thousand ways :kiss:
Woke up this morning and did my first hand expression of the day. Nothing came out, but my breasts are very warm and tingly. I keep having phantom sensations of milk dribbling from my nipple. Perhaps it's a mental thing, but it feels so real!
Good luck, sparrow. I hope your milk comes in soon. You have been at this for quite some time. Maybe some hormones?
Woke up this morning and did my first hand expression of the day. Nothing came out, but my breasts are very warm and tingly. I keep having phantom sensations of milk dribbling from my nipple. Perhaps it's a mental thing, but it feels so real!

Tingling breasts are so amazingly arousing to me.
Over the weekend

Well, I have to say that this weekend shaped up to be much better than the week before! I got to meet with my potential nursing partner. The first meeting is always so exciting and nerve racking at the same time. I am the type of person that isn't much into small talk. We both know why we are there. Aside of making sure we were both comfortable, I was anxious to begin.

I had a cozy space set up for us and I felt comfortable with him, which is huge. I've had a partner in the past where I gave him a chance but the entire time I was tense and could sense something was off (including his horrible latch which he claimed he was experienced doing). I was right to assume that time that he had other intentions... I didn't feel that way this time and I did not get a weird vibe from him. So with awkward introductions out of the way I took my top off and we settled into a comfortable position for him to work on his latch.

I came away with a cracked nipple due to trial and error on the right side, but once he got used to my body and where his mouth needed to be, there was no discomfort and suckling felt really nice.

Being suckled is so serene, and finding someone willing and able to do it with no expectations of anything else is rare. It takes me to another place, and it is probably the most relaxing thing I can do to calm my body - and yet it is so stimulating at the same time!

My breasts feel amazing right now, and properly handled. I don't have any soreness like I've had with others. I am hopeful that we are able to meet regularly to get the milk flowing... that is when the real fun begins!
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Well, I have to say that this weekend shaped up to be much better than the week before! I got to meet with my potential nursing partner. The first meeting is always so exciting and nerve racking at the same time. I am the type of person that isn't much into small talk. We both know why we are there. Aside of making sure we were both comfortable, I was anxious to begin.

I had a cozy space set up for us and I felt comfortable with him, which is huge. I've had a partner in the past where I gave him a chance but the entire time I was tense and could sense something was off (including his horrible latch which he claimed he was experienced doing). I was right to assume that time that he had other intentions... I didn't feel that way this time and I did not get a weird vibe from him. So with awkward introductions out of the way I took my top off and we settled into a comfortable position for him to work on his latch.

I came away with a cracked nipple due to trial and error on the right side, but once he got used to my body and where his mouth needed to be, there was no discomfort and suckling felt really nice.

Being suckled is so serene, and finding someone willing and able to do it with no expectations of anything else is rare. It takes me to another place, and it is probably the most relaxing thing I can do to calm my body - and yet it is so stimulating at the same time!

My breasts feel amazing right now, and properly handled. I don't have any soreness like I've had with others. I am hopeful that we are able to meet regularly to get the milk flowing... that is when the real fun begins!

So so happy for you, you are amazing.
Hey thanks everyone :)

I have been pumping for the last 8 minutes and my nipples are insanely sensitive. I have this tingly full feeling in each breast. I've never had it last this long during a pumping session and it feels absolutely amazing. The increase in sensitivity after being suckled once is so dramatic. I have an overwhelming sense of tranquility and happiness. That is most definitely my oxytocin level rising. All of this is encouraging :D I haven't had drops of anything but I have never experienced such a heightened hormonal and physical response to pumping yet.
Hey thanks everyone :)

I have been pumping for the last 8 minutes and my nipples are insanely sensitive. I have this tingly full feeling in each breast. I've never had it last this long during a pumping session and it feels absolutely amazing. The increase in sensitivity after being suckled once is so dramatic. I have an overwhelming sense of tranquility and happiness. That is most definitely my oxytocin level rising. All of this is encouraging :D I haven't had drops of anything but I have never experienced such a heightened hormonal and physical response to pumping yet.

You are so beautiful and feminine. I love your journey. I admit...hehe, I am a little jealous :cattail:
Life just got so much easier with this pumping bra. It is soooo nice to be hands free again. This thing is surprisingly very comfortable. I may need to get a second one down the line. The material is exceptionally soft and light and will be perfect to wear in the summer.
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Looks awesome

That looks really good. What's the sensation arc like? When in the process do you feel turned on and relaxed? Ever a sense of calm afterward or during?

What about the difference in experience with this bra and a person suckling?
That looks really good. What's the sensation arc like? When in the process do you feel turned on and relaxed? Ever a sense of calm afterward or during?

What about the difference in experience with this bra and a person suckling?

When I first begin pumping my breasts, even though I do not have milk yet, they feel full and slightly ache. The first 1-2 minutes of pumping is a quick pace and the first few tugs on my nipples sort of reminds me of when a man first slides into me. It is so relieving and amazing that first stroke. That is what those first few suctions feel like to me. It is so much pleasure and release.

Once my eyes stop rolling and I get over that first arc, things settle down, but my breasts are very warm and tingly throughout the time I pump. After the first two minutes, the suction pattern slows and pulls for longer increments. That is when I feel more relaxed. My mind settles and I can just listen to the rhythm of the sound of the pump and I usually find myself rocking in my seat with the rhythm. After a few minutes though my mind drifts again and I become turned on... it's a cycle. If I haven't had an orgasm by the time I am finished pumping I will need to soon.

The different between the pump and a person suckling is huge. A mouth is warm, soft, and wet. A pump is cold plastic. A mouth can change pace and adjust as needed. A pump is a pain in the ass to adjust to comfort. A mouth is attached to a person, whom is positioned quite close, and they are warm and pressed against me. A pump is plugged into an outlet on the wall, trapping me for 15 minutes.
Pumping only suctions so far into the glands that release the milk, where a mouth can cover more surface area of the breast to completely drain its contents.

By the end of a pumping session I am relaxed and feel relief, but it is no where near the feeling of finishing a session of being suckled.