My Votes Were Erased

annaswirls said:
I don't vote twice.

That was a hypothetical question.

I read the top list sometimes when I have not been able to keep current with the new poems. The top list is supposed to be the best, right? So I figure I can go get a snapshot. I am not the only person who does this, it is the reason for the top list. Only a few regulars read every poem every day. It is those EARLY votes that are skewed, not the ones that roll in later. The Early votes come from people who are waiting for new poems to come out, the regulars who are here for social reasons in addition to creative reasons. It is like little league-- the parents come and cheer on the kids, then when you get up to the majors, you might have people who do not love you in the stands, you know?

I do not rate the toplist more harshly than I do any poem, nor do I vote to regulate anything. I vote how I vote because of the same reason some people vote--- according to my opinion of how good the poem is.

Why on earth my giving a vote as an opinion on the piece (when compared with the poems that I have been reading for over 2 years that are no longer on the top list) would be censorship, or sensorship is beyond me.
Uh. I just looked at the top list for the first time since this summer. Where are my poems? I always had a handful on both pages. I found one poem only. :D Art, you seem to be doing well on the list. :) Or should that be THE LIST? I feel like beating my chest and grunting that. Let's all do it together. THE LIST! *grunt*
Anyone know how to get rid of the taste and smell of garlic? I'm sitting here breathing and just killing myself!
Just found this & thought I'd comment. I think there must have been some sort of system error. One of the stories I put up only had 1 vote of 5 on it, then when I looked again the vote was deleted. Honestly, rereading the story I don't think it necessarily deserves a 5, but it's still a bit annoying that it's back to a 'no-vote' after it was at 5 with 1 vote...
My Erotic Tale said:
I don't know that we can answer your question satisfactory without the correct knowledge as to why but... you have raised the issue of why would some one go through the top list and give them 4's and '3's to regulate the that a form of manipulation or sensorship? Just curious what drives a person to do this <grin>
Who said anything about "regulating" the top list? :confused:

She has not raised that question. You alone have.

Do you want an answer? Here's one.

1. When I read a poem, I give an honest vote. To call that "manipulation" or "regulation" or any other conspiratory tin foil hat name is just ridiculous.
2. The top list is there to let people know of some poems that other think are good.
3. I go there now and then to see if there are any popular poems that I missed. Just cuz I'm lazy.
4. See point 1.

Now can we please go back to talking about things that matter, like anna's licking spots?
Liar said:
Who said anything about "regulating" the top list? :confused:

She has not raised that question. You alone have.

Do you want an answer? Here's one.

1. When I read a poem, I give an honest vote. To call that "manipulation" or "regulation" or any other conspiratory tin foil hat name is just ridiculous.
2. The top list is there to let people know of some poems that other think are good.
3. I go there now and then to see if there are any popular poems that I missed. Just cuz I'm lazy.
4. See point 1.

Now can we please go back to talking about things that matter, like anna's licking spots?

originally posted by Anna~

What is very very interesting that many of these poems Still have 5.0 averages on the top list even though I gave many 4's and some 3's.

Interesting that perhaps people think because a poem starts with a 5.0 that it should keep its 5.0 and anything lower must be from a troll... and should be swept away to keep the record clean.

So I wonder, if my first vote gets erased by the perfection enforcer, will my second vote have any possibility of sticking? Or will I be seen as another troll trying to vote twice?

liar that is what I concidered manipulation mi amigo, of course one vote perperson reflecting how the poem made them feel is not manipulation but voting twice to bring a 5 down...well then what would you call it... in the country we call it ....being as bent as the hind leg of a dog <grin>

I voted on a poem. I gave it a 3. The next day, day after, it still has a 5 average.

I did not vote a 3 because it had a 5 average.
I did not vote a 3 because of some emotional instability.
I did not vote a 3 because the person might be a prick,
I DID vote a 3 because I thought the poem deserved my vote of a 3.

It should not count as any more or any less as any other vote!

My perfectly VALID vote was NOT taken because someone most likely did not like it. THAT is the issue at hand.

I would not want to be able to have two votes that count, I want ONE vote that counts. One ONE.

Why is this so hard for you to understand???

Lets do the math again, MET.

1 valid vote - 1 vote = 0 votes

0 votes. Get it? Not 1, not 2, ZERO.

And of course if I tried to vote again, it would NOT be counted. I am not an idiot, I know this and would NOT try to vote again.

I was putting the question out because I thought it might be interesting for people to think about the voting issue from a different angle. To see that maybe the person who is voting their poem a 3 or 4 is not some evil troll that is personally out to get them, but just another poet who might have different standards than the people who gave them higher votes (or lower votes!)

Do you get it? My perfectly valid vote was erased. And I am not a troll. I am a person with an opinion who should be allowed to vote, even if I am the 100th person to vote and 100 people THINK the poem is perfect and I do NOT think it is perfect, I should STILL be allowed to have a vote.

Get it?????

My Erotic Tale said:
originally posted by Anna~

What is very very interesting that many of these poems Still have 5.0 averages on the top list even though I gave many 4's and some 3's.

Interesting that perhaps people think because a poem starts with a 5.0 that it should keep its 5.0 and anything lower must be from a troll... and should be swept away to keep the record clean.

So I wonder, if my first vote gets erased by the perfection enforcer, will my second vote have any possibility of sticking? Or will I be seen as another troll trying to vote twice?

liar that is what I concidered manipulation mi amigo, of course one vote perperson reflecting how the poem made them feel is not manipulation but voting twice to bring a 5 down...well then what would you call it... in the country we call it ....being as bent as the hind leg of a dog <grin>
annaswirls said:

I voted on a poem. I gave it a 3. The next day, day after, it still has a 5 average.

I did not vote a 3 because it had a 5 average.
I did not vote a 3 because of some emotional instability.
I did not vote a 3 because the person might be a prick,
I DID vote a 3 because I thought the poem deserved my vote of a 3.

It should not count as any more or any less as any other vote!

My perfectly VALID vote was NOT taken because someone most likely did not like it. THAT is the issue at hand.

I would not want to be able to have two votes that count, I want ONE vote that counts. One ONE.

Why is this so hard for you to understand???

Lets do the math again, MET.

1 valid vote - 1 vote = 0 votes

0 votes. Get it? Not 1, not 2, ZERO.

And of course if I tried to vote again, it would NOT be counted. I am not an idiot, I know this and would NOT try to vote again.

I was putting the question out because I thought it might be interesting for people to think about the voting issue from a different angle. To see that maybe the person who is voting their poem a 3 or 4 is not some evil troll that is personally out to get them, but just another poet who might have different standards than the people who gave them higher votes (or lower votes!)

Do you get it? My perfectly valid vote was erased. And I am not a troll. I am a person with an opinion who should be allowed to vote, even if I am the 100th person to vote and 100 people THINK the poem is perfect and I do NOT think it is perfect, I should STILL be allowed to have a vote.

Get it?????
I don't think any person removed the 3. Not unless that poet has some sort of extremely close relationship with Laurel. I really believe you could have clicked twice without realizing it and two votes were counted. If so, then whatever program/software is being used would have deleted both.

And personally, I like to base my votes on emotional instability.
annaswirls said:

I voted on a poem. I gave it a 3. The next day, day after, it still has a 5 average.

I did not vote a 3 because it had a 5 average.
I did not vote a 3 because of some emotional instability.
I did not vote a 3 because the person might be a prick,
I DID vote a 3 because I thought the poem deserved my vote of a 3.

It should not count as any more or any less as any other vote!

My perfectly VALID vote was NOT taken because someone most likely did not like it. THAT is the issue at hand.

I would not want to be able to have two votes that count, I want ONE vote that counts. One ONE.

Why is this so hard for you to understand???

Lets do the math again, MET.

1 valid vote - 1 vote = 0 votes

0 votes. Get it? Not 1, not 2, ZERO.

And of course if I tried to vote again, it would NOT be counted. I am not an idiot, I know this and would NOT try to vote again.

I was putting the question out because I thought it might be interesting for people to think about the voting issue from a different angle. To see that maybe the person who is voting their poem a 3 or 4 is not some evil troll that is personally out to get them, but just another poet who might have different standards than the people who gave them higher votes (or lower votes!)

Do you get it? My perfectly valid vote was erased. And I am not a troll. I am a person with an opinion who should be allowed to vote, even if I am the 100th person to vote and 100 people THINK the poem is perfect and I do NOT think it is perfect, I should STILL be allowed to have a vote.

Get it?????
I had it along time ago, I am trying to help you see how your votes maybe taken as a troll voter <grin>

well concider the amount of votes that come through lit, stories beats poems hands down and with the multitude of TROLL votes the pattern you set may be interprited as a troll, remember trolls don't think of themselves as trolls <grin> they are making their vote count in a harmful way and the mods <what ever the system is> may be seeing a pattern of multiple votes to draw a rating down and interpret that as a troll vote.

I know a few months back a handful of smart individuals went to the owners of the site with a proposal that may be in affect cause I see one of the names being taken care of with care to remove low votes when they appear. How this works I do not know anna, I am not being difficult I am trying to help you see that maybe they view your IP as a troll voter. Try a different IP and see what happens. Call wicked and get her to do it <brigrin>

I would call your double voting a troll movement <grin> so I can see where the 'system' might also.
WickedEve said:
And personally, I like to base my votes on emotional instability.

I know the women of the world may be viewed as the emotionally unstable species of the planet but I could make you a list of men that vote 'here' with the same emotional instability <bigrin>

I give 5's

to me a work is created and if I like it I praise it, if not, I won't say a word or leave a comment. Ang had one the other day and I use to look forward to her writes, but halfway through it I was out the door <grin> I didn't give her a 3 to teach her a lesson <grin> I exited without a vote or comment, I made it through jims poem today which is rare, I made it all the way to the end. I didn't vote and stated I didn't and why. It is rare for me to comment with no vote their are a growing amount of reasons why I may do this more often <grin> I would rather comment with my opinion rather than give out 3's that I know will hurt that man's rating.

I don't watch the top ten list as a few pointed out that they do, and give later votes to make the list what I would like to see it as, what <zen> Like when my 6 poems were removed from the top ten by 'late' voters trying to manipulate the top ten list. Then I had none so I figured that was what they wanted, then was told the other day I had some poems on the top list again, I said "well untill the person that manipulates the top list see's them and gives a late vote to make the list what they would like to see." ...and that was all before this thread <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
to me a work is created and if I like it I praise it, if not, I won't say a word or leave a comment. Ang had one the other day and I use to look forward to her writes, but halfway through it I was out the door <grin> I didn't give her a 3 to teach her a lesson <grin> I exited without a vote or comment, I made it through jims poem today which is rare, I made it all the way to the end. I didn't vote and stated I didn't and why. It is rare for me to comment with no vote their are a growing amount of reasons why I may do this more often <grin> I would rather comment with my opinion rather than give out 3's that I know will hurt that man's rating.
Maybe a vote or comment to Ange would have been beneficial to her. Most all comments have some value. A 3 vote has value. It tells the poet that her poem is average in one reader's opinion.
And what's with ratings? You speak of ratings as though it's oxygen. :)
WickedEve said:
Maybe a vote or comment to Ange would have been beneficial to her. Most all comments have some value. A 3 vote has value. It tells the poet that her poem is average in one reader's opinion.
And what's with ratings? You speak of ratings as though it's oxygen. :)

eve I don't even look at my ratings anymore for most of the poets here have had their feelings hurt in some way or another <thin skinned I guess> <laughing> and I get one votes by the half dozen, that is why I was suprised to hear I had a poem back on the top list and have not gone to see which cause I know it will be shot down as soon as 12 or sack hears this. < I get two one votes per poem>

My point was that I don't give out defacing votes in duplicate or I should say with intent to teach them a lesson by giving a low vote. Why don't I turn off voting, I hear that alot.... because of the monthly mentions <know what I mean?> of course the obtuse wouldn't have figured that one out <laughing>

how does giving a three help any one? It socks them from getting any 'H' or monthly mentions. Do you enjoy getting a pocket full of threes or a handfull of fives? so why not give out what you like ...unless? well you are wicked <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
I would call your double voting a troll movement <grin> so I can see where the 'system' might also.

Listen VERY carefully.

I did not vote twice.
I voted once and my vote did not show up.
End of story.
WickedEve said:
I don't think any person removed the 3. Not unless that poet has some sort of extremely close relationship with Laurel. I really believe you could have clicked twice without realizing it and two votes were counted. If so, then whatever program/software is being used would have deleted both.

And personally, I like to base my votes on emotional instability.


Good theory, but my fingers are not that jittery that I would click twice. but who knows, maybe I am twitching without realizing it. I did switch from coffee to gggreen tea
greeen teeea

yeppp tha


mighhhhht beee itttttttt
annaswirls said:
Trying to catch up a bit, I read and voted for a bunch of poems several days ago. Some 2's, 3's, 4's, and 5's and some I left comments some I did not. Many times I do not like a style and am not going to suggest that someone change their style just because I do not like it. Why bother. But I can vote. That someone voted less than perfect sends a signal that someone is not crazy about the style and nothing else.

What is very very interesting that many of these poems Still have 5.0 averages on the top list even though I gave many 4's and some 3's.

Interesting that perhaps people think because a poem starts with a 5.0 that it should keep its 5.0 and anything lower must be from a troll... and should be swept away to keep the record clean.

So I wonder, if my first vote gets erased by the perfection enforcer, will my second vote have any possibility of sticking? Or will I be seen as another troll trying to vote twice?

I know, it has been peaceful without talk of voting, but it irks me that we have this kind of censorship of opinion.


I can only reply by what you write.... thanks for the clarification <laughing> so you only do that once in a awhile ? <laughing>
annaswirls said:

Good theory, but my fingers are not that jittery that I would click twice. but who knows, maybe I am twitching without realizing it. I did switch from coffee to gggreen tea
greeen teeea

yeppp tha


mighhhhht beee itttttttt
I drink so much green tea that I'm sure it's poisoned my body.
My Erotic Tale said:
eve I don't even look at my ratings anymore for most of the poets here have had their feelings hurt in some way or another <thin skinned I guess> <laughing> and I get one votes by the half dozen, that is why I was suprised to hear I had a poem back on the top list and have not gone to see which cause I know it will be shot down as soon as 12 or sack hears this. < I get two one votes per poem>

My point was that I don't give out defacing votes in duplicate or I should say with intent to teach them a lesson by giving a low vote. Why don't I turn off voting, I hear that alot.... because of the monthly mentions <know what I mean?> of course the obtuse wouldn't have figured that one out <laughing>

how does giving a three help any one? It socks them from getting any 'H' or monthly mentions. Do you enjoy getting a pocket full of threes or a handfull of fives? so why not give out what you like ...unless? well you are wicked <grin>
unless what?
WickedEve said:
unless what?

unless your being wicked, cheating, manipulation or trying to cast ill will and low votes for personal reasons... you know, not voting because that is what you thought the poem deserved but because you don't like that person they would not get a five from you even after death <grin> in other words casting a undeserved number because of instable mentalities <grin> and then contemplating voting again cause the low vote didn't go through.
My Erotic Tale said:
I can only reply by what you write.... thanks for the clarification <laughing> so you only do that once in a awhile ? <laughing>

Oh my lover, I am sorry I was not clear the first time. I was speaking hypothetically. The word "If" was meant to convey that, but I see that you did not understand, I must have posted without proofreading. However, since that post, I have explained what I meant many times, but you know love bug, it is okay if you want to stick with your first impression because you are such a sweetie. Is that the Zen way, snuggle muffin?
My Erotic Tale said:
unless your being wicked, cheating, manipulation or trying to cast ill will and low votes for personal reasons... you know, not voting because that is what you thought the poem deserved but because you don't like that person they would not get a five from you even after death <grin> in other words casting a undeserved number because of instable mentalities <grin> and then contemplating voting again cause the low vote didn't go through.

huh? My vote is just as valid as yours. It is not low. It is a vote.

And besides, I have given you 5's. I have given 5's to the people you hop on your white horse to defend when all is not perfect.

Is that wrong? Or maybe I am dead?
annaswirls said:
Oh my lover, I am sorry I was not clear the first time. I was speaking hypothetically. The word "If" was meant to convey that, but I see that you did not understand, I must have posted without proofreading. However, since that post, I have explained what I meant many times, but you know love bug, it is okay if you want to stick with your first impression because you are such a sweetie. Is that the Zen way, snuggle muffin?

zen brownies <grin> thanks anna~ for clearing that up....again. :rolleyes:
My Erotic Tale said:
unless your being wicked, cheating, manipulation or trying to cast ill will and low votes for personal reasons... you know, not voting because that is what you thought the poem deserved but because you don't like that person they would not get a five from you even after death <grin> in other words casting a undeserved number because of instable mentalities <grin> and then contemplating voting again cause the low vote didn't go through.
Yes. That's what I'm doing. I'm not wicked eve for being sexually devastating. I'm wicked for the cheating and manipulation. You know, Art, just between us, I sometimes low vote you, and it excites me so much that I masturbate afterwards. I know. I'm a bad, bad, girl. Arrest me. :heart: Cuff me and fuck me, you big throbbing brain of intellect and nonsense.
Ohhhh, I'm <grinning> now. I just dropped fifty 1 bombs on you. Sorry. I usually get off after only 20 or 30. But I did cum hard. I did that female ejaculation thing. You know. I squirted right on my computer screen. If there are any typppos in this post, it's because the screen is all smudgy. Okay, let me know if I'm being to forward, but will you send me a few naked photos of you or someone better looking? :rose:
WickedEve said:
Ohhhh, I'm <grinning> now. I just dropped fifty 1 bombs on you. Sorry. I usually get off after only 20 or 30. But I did cum hard. I did that female ejaculation thing. You know. I squirted right on my computer screen. If there are any typppos in this post, it's because the screen is all smudgy. Okay, let me know if I'm being to forward, but will you send me a few naked photos of you or someone better looking? :rose:

I was feeling poorly today and well that just made me laugh <hehehe> hunni join the club of low voters as far as I am concerned <laughing> I am immune to those by now. If it gets you off well join the masses <laughing>

the art of masterbation and trolling for an orgasim <grin>