My Votes Were Erased

My Erotic Tale said:
I was feeling poorly today and well that just made me laugh <hehehe> hunni join the club of low voters as far as I am concerned <laughing> I am immune to those by now. If it gets you off well join the masses <laughing>

the art of masterbation and trolling for an orgasim <grin>
I'm a multiple orgasm woman, so I need to 1 a few more or your poems and stories to sufficiently cum. I'm horny and cruel, aren't I? I do hate being cruel to you, Art. I'm sure you know that I harbor certain desires for you. I was in a museum yesterday and I screamed out, "ART!"
WickedEve said:
I'm a multiple orgasm woman, so I need to 1 a few more or your poems and stories to sufficiently cum. I'm horny and cruel, aren't I? I do hate being cruel to you, Art. I'm sure you know that I harbor certain desires for you. I was in a museum yesterday and I screamed out, "ART!"

now that's funny... <grin>

I was at the mall and yelled out Eve...
and they said I was a confussed gun toter...
that I still had about nineteen more days to go <grinin>

that's a long orgasim ....<grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
eve I don't even look at my ratings anymore for most of the poets here have had their feelings hurt in some way or another <thin skinned I guess> <laughing> and I get one votes by the half dozen, that is why I was suprised to hear I had a poem back on the top list and have not gone to see which cause I know it will be shot down as soon as 12 or sack hears this. < I get two one votes per poem>

My point was that I don't give out defacing votes in duplicate or I should say with intent to teach them a lesson by giving a low vote. Why don't I turn off voting, I hear that alot.... because of the monthly mentions <know what I mean?> of course the obtuse wouldn't have figured that one out <laughing>

how does giving a three help any one? It socks them from getting any 'H' or monthly mentions. Do you enjoy getting a pocket full of threes or a handfull of fives? so why not give out what you like ...unless? well you are wicked <grin>
ey, wots this, an accusation? when I'm away?
You are trash, trash, boy, go ahead write a bunch of shit, I'm not going to play wack a moron across five threads.

Although, I did find it funny, when you threatened me over the internet with beginner karate belts, and when you wrote that shit poem of yours and stole the best part from me.
My Erotic Tale said:
I don't watch the top ten list as a few pointed out that they do, and give later votes to make the list what I would like to see it as, what <zen> Like when my 6 poems were removed from the top ten by 'late' voters trying to manipulate the top ten list. Then I had none so I figured that was what they wanted, then was told the other day I had some poems on the top list again, I said "well untill the person that manipulates the top list see's them and gives a late vote to make the list what they would like to see." ...and that was all before this thread <grin>

you sure keep track for someone who does not keep track! pretty impressive!

and you know, it might be a conspiracy, worse than you thought because it could not have been all my fault! I have not looked at the top list (before last week) for a long long time!!! Sure they might have been a week old, but does that mean thou shall not vote?

what is is.... MET and if it is two days after the poem is, is it still is...yes it is...and if it isn't after a week has passed was it ever is or was it always isn't waiting for the is to appear- so sayeth the late voter
annaswirls said:
you sure keep track for someone who does not keep track! pretty impressive!

and you know, it might be a conspiracy, worse than you thought because it could not have been all my fault! I have not looked at the top list (before last week) for a long long time!!! Sure they might have been a week old, but does that mean thou shall not vote?

what is is.... MET and if it is two days after the poem is, is it still is...yes it is...and if it isn't after a week has passed was it ever is or was it always isn't waiting for the is to appear- so sayeth the late voter

I hope I did not imply that you souly did the top list changes ...We just had a thread while back anna where several claimed to do pretty much the same thing your saying more or all fairness your ways are not unique <laughing> I think that is what amuses me most <grin>....have a good night...zzzzz

bows humble....and thank you for the boredom breaker... (~_*) call on me again when you get bored.... <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
I hope I did not imply that you souly did the top list changes ...We just had a thread while back anna where several claimed to do pretty much the same thing your saying more or all fairness your ways are not unique <laughing> I think that is what amuses me most <grin>....have a good night...zzzzz

bows humble....and thank you for the boredom breaker... (~_*) call on me again when you get bored.... <grin>

oh my goodness-- don't tell me that someone else votes according to what they feel a poem deserves! Oh no! It will be anarchy! Someone do something quickly!

I am not bored. Just avoiding some other more boring stuff than this.
WickedEve said:
Yes. That's what I'm doing. I'm not wicked eve for being sexually devastating. I'm wicked for the cheating and manipulation. You know, Art, just between us, I sometimes low vote you, and it excites me so much that I masturbate afterwards. I know. I'm a bad, bad, girl. Arrest me. :heart: Cuff me and fuck me, you big throbbing brain of intellect and nonsense.

PatCarrington said:
and in, just under the wire.

i second it. :)

I think 2 Irish votes makes in unanimous no matter what anyone else thinks..

Tathagata said:
I was just thinking that the fresh ground nutmeg could pose a bit of a problem.

are you allergic? I can bring an epipen and a box of kleenex.