My Votes Were Erased

quietpoet said:
Tell me,

If everyone thinks the voting system sucks, and it does, why hasn't anyone eliminated it? if the whole reason you, Angeline, are here is for the camaraderie and sharing of ideas (a noble purpose), and you were a Mod for a while, why didn't you try to eliminate the problem? This ugly smell is never going to go away with a flawed system in place. This should not be a place of competition, but by having voting on poems, that is exactly what is created. Lauren and Manu could give two shits about faulty systems. This is a "for profit" site. Isn't that what America is all about now?


Because I had no authority to change it. You think Laurel doesn't know that people feel this way or that none of us have ever said we think the whole thing is problematic? You're wrong. I personally have, and I know I'm not the only one. Laurel and Manu make these decisions, they know a lot of people intensely dislike the system. And having said that, Laurel has always been wonderful to me and, most important, provided a place for me to grow as a writer. I don't think I would have if I hadn't come here and become friends with some of the people I did.

And by the way. For three years, most of which time I was a moderator I helped people both publically in threads and privately via pm and email, spent countless hours reviewing poems again both publically in the new poems thread and other places here and again privately if that's what people wanted. I tried to encourage people to write and tried to encourage people not to get uptight about the voting system which I could not change, but to just learn and help each other grow as poets.

Would you care to know how much I was paid for it? Nothing. Oh. Once I got a $25 gift certificate, which I didn't ask for but very much appreciated. I bought a poetry book with it. If you have a problem with profit, it's not with me. I did it because I love poetry and it made me happy to do it.
quietpoet said:
Tell me,

If everyone thinks the voting system sucks, and it does, why hasn't anyone eliminated it? if the whole reason you, Angeline, are here is for the camaraderie and sharing of ideas (a noble purpose), and you were a Mod for a while, why didn't you try to eliminate the problem? This ugly smell is never going to go away with a flawed system in place. This should not be a place of competition, but by having voting on poems, that is exactly what is created. Lauren and Manu could give two shits about faulty systems. This is a "for profit" site. Isn't that what America is all about now?


If this wasn't a profit making site there probably wouldn't be a site because who else would pay for it out of their own pocket? As far as commercialism goes there are far worse things going on in the world than worrying about Lit being a commercial site.

Competition has always gone on in the arts. Varsari was all about promoting the art of one city over another. Whether we like it or not competition has always been a driving force in the arts, there is nothing wrong with that as long as you approach it with a positive attitude and not a destructive one. One can say a good piece of work inspires one to improve, one could equally say a good work inspires one to compete and produce better work oneself.

As for voting for a poem, just view it as a piece of harmless fun. A 5 or a 1 does not change the quality or the lack of quality of a poem and if a H influences the way a reader views a poem then it is the reader with a problem and should probably read more. I've read an awful lot of poems on Lit over the last few days and such condensed reading has just confirmed to me that a H is no guide at all to people's best work. Though I have to admit I did read the poems flagged with an H first but that was me being as shallow as judging a woman by her ass. I did once and got what I deserved. :eek:
bogusbrig said:
If this wasn't a profit making site there probably wouldn't be a site because who else would pay for it out of their own pocket? As far as commercialism goes there are far worse things going on in the world than worrying about Lit being a commercial site.

Competition has always gone on in the arts. Varsari was all about promoting the art of one city over another. Whether we like it or not competition has always been a driving force in the arts, there is nothing wrong with that as long as you approach it with a positive attitude and not a destructive one. One can say a good piece of work inspires one to improve, one could equally say a good work inspires one to compete and produce better work oneself.

As for voting for a poem, just view it as a piece of harmless fun. A 5 or a 1 does not change the quality or the lack of quality of a poem and if a H influences the way a reader views a poem then it is the reader with a problem and should probably read more. I've read an awful lot of poems on Lit over the last few days and such condensed reading has just confirmed to me that a H is no guide at all to people's best work. Though I have to admit I did read the poems flagged with an H first but that was me being as shallow as judging a woman by her ass. I did once and got what I deserved. :eek:

You only judged a woman by her ass once? Ever? :D

And quietpoet, I apologize for coming on so strong. I understand your frustration; I've experienced it, too, but really I am mainly grateful that I can sit here in the warmth of my bedroom at my desk and have a place to write and share poetry with all of you in all your far-flung places. That's the main thing.


quietpoet said:
Tell me,

If everyone thinks the voting system sucks, and it does, why hasn't anyone eliminated it? if the whole reason you, Angeline, are here is for the camaraderie and sharing of ideas (a noble purpose), and you were a Mod for a while, why didn't you try to eliminate the problem? This ugly smell is never going to go away with a flawed system in place. This should not be a place of competition, but by having voting on poems, that is exactly what is created. Lauren and Manu could give two shits about faulty systems. This is a "for profit" site. Isn't that what America is all about now?

I am a mod and I will eliminate voting. If you change your mind and want voting, I will restore voting. I will also remove any warts you have. I can't do anything about bad breath or dutch elm disease, though. I am not all powerful.
Hey, I just had a two hour nice conversation with the ex, so anything is possible.
WickedEve said:
I am a mod and I will eliminate voting. If you change your mind and want voting, I will restore voting. I will also remove any warts you have. I can't do anything about bad breath or dutch elm disease, though. I am not all powerful.
Hey, I just had a two hour nice conversation with the ex, so anything is possible.

Were you holding a knife to his throat?
mods? who are they now? Last I knew, they were Angeline, Lauren and Eve!!!

when did it change and why
did no one tell ME?? I am the center
of the other universe you know, :D I gotta know,
cant sleep till I do. Was there an election? a coup?
a party with an open bar?
or a smellyjealouscatfight stew...
I gotta know...:p
Maria2394 said:
mods? who are they now? Last I knew, they were Angeline, Lauren and Eve!!!

when did it change and why
did no one tell ME?? I am the center
of the other universe you know, :D I gotta know,
cant sleep till I do. Was there an election? a coup?
a party with an open bar?
or a smellyjealouscatfight stew...
I gotta know...:p

cat stew with jelly....yummmm
Maria2394 said:
mods? who are they now? Last I knew, they were Angeline, Lauren and Eve!!!

when did it change and why
did no one tell ME?? I am the center
of the other universe you know, :D I gotta know,
cant sleep till I do. Was there an election? a coup?
a party with an open bar?
or a smellyjealouscatfight stew...
I gotta know...:p

I'm not doing the mod thing anymore. As far as I know Eve and Lauren still are. I had a few hissy fits in the last round of voting/critique arguments, but I think that's because I was under pressure from other non-Lit stuff. Really I stopped doing it because I'm working two jobs now and I don't have time to do both of them, be a mod, and keep up with my own writing. I'm a selfish girl. My writing time is survival for me. ;)

Angeline said:
I'm not doing the mod thing anymore. As far as I know Eve and Lauren still are. I had a few hissy fits in the last round of voting/critique arguments, but I think that's because I was under pressure from other non-Lit stuff. Really I stopped doing it because I'm working two jobs now and I don't have time to do both of them, be a mod, and keep up with my own writing. I'm a selfish girl. My writing time is survival for me. ;)

I'm still a mod because I like the control. It's the domme in me. And where is lauren?

Who ever you are, I'm grateful.

quietpoet said:
Tell me,

If everyone thinks the voting system sucks, and it does, why hasn't anyone eliminated it? QP

I have.

And you can too.

Turn the voting mechanism on your poems OFF.

Tristesse said:

Who ever you are, I'm grateful.


Me too.

It is obviously a volunteer position. And a necessary one.

I think they deserve kudos.
Disappearing Votes!

I just noticed that votes have disappeared from many of my poems. Now most of them no longer have 10 votes, but their averages have gone up. Go figure! :rolleyes:
WickedEve said:
I'm still a mod because I like the control. It's the domme in me. And where is lauren?
I'm always here, always watching. ;)

By the way: I talked to Laurel about this thread, and she said that the system "only remove duplicates - be them 1s, 3s, 5s, whatever. It's possible that if someone clicks too fast, it could register as a double vote and get flagged/removed. Without looking into a specific instance, I can't say for sure."

As for QP's cute little rant, I can only echo TheRainMan: if you're unhappy with the voting system and would rather not have any, turn it off. I have, and it works wonders.
Lauren Hynde said:
I'm always here, always watching. ;)

By the way: I talked to Laurel about this thread, and she said that the system "only remove duplicates - be them 1s, 3s, 5s, whatever. It's possible that if someone clicks too fast, it could register as a double vote and get flagged/removed. Without looking into a specific instance, I can't say for sure."

As for QP's cute little rant, I can only echo TheRainMan: if you're unhappy with the voting system and would rather not have any, turn it off. I have, and it works wonders.

oh damn! So it could be my trigger finger is jittery? I do drive my husband crazy with my impatient double click, jeez louise! I guess I need to practice some Tai Chi for the fingers, get some more control.

And I am not being facetious. I am an impatient clicker. I had not thought that it would count as rapid fire voting.

I guess I do need to meditate more before clicking on a number!

Thanks for checking it out, Lauren!

anna, there could be a problem with your comp or your isp or something... i recall seeing recently where you had left a comment on a new poem, but you'd left it twice. don't ask me which poem, but it was within the last few days. (actually, come to think of it, you could have a little nervous twitch in that finger... you should take better care of it dear. ;) )

flyguy said: Some of us are just badder at it.

i'm trying to be gooder.


Reltne said: I just noticed that votes have disappeared from many of my poems. Now most of them no longer have 10 votes, but their averages have gone up. Go figure!

i've had a sweep out on my voting too. the hilarious part, (can you tell i think the voting idea is whacko?) the hilarious part is, that where a single vote has been removed, the score has not come back to where it should have with the vote removed.

i.e. Weeping Cherry Blossoms
Rate - 4.63 Votes - 8 Views - 6 Comments - 3
next time i looked
Rate - 4.67 Votes - 9 Views - 215 Comments - 4
last time i looked
Rate - 5.0 Votes - 8 Views - 246 Comments - 4

so, one vote was removed, but the Rate did not go back to what it should have. and this has happened with several of my poems (i've only watched the recent poems).

like i said, it's whacko, pointless, meaningless. ignore it. turn it off.
wildsweetone said:
so, one vote was removed, but the Rate did not go back to what it should have. and this has happened with several of my poems (i've only watched the recent poems).
That only means that the vote removed wasn't the last one...

just as well i don't hold my breath ;)

it must be a hell of a job sifting through each poem and story on the site to keep the records 'straight'. i'm glad i'm at the writing end. :)