My wife did it again!!


I hustled my wife up to our bedroom. I had to have her! Continued pawing at her. and taking her clothes off. When I pulled her panties off I immediately dove in licking her pussy! I licked her until she came! I then got on her and slid my cock into her cunt! I stopped and savoured the sensation of her pussy. I was absolutely thrilled with the revelation there was another cock in her pussy that until,tonight I was totally on the dark about! Then I said it...

“Say ‘Fuck me, Gerald’”
“Fuck me, Gerald!”
I got her to say it a few more times as I fucked her! But I wanted to hear more.
“Tell me you loved his cock!”
“Tell me you’re happy he fucked you!”
I don’t know if she was just saying this stuff as pillow talk or not. Gerald was thirty years ago. But it was music to my ears. A really great song I’m never going to Forget!

So now six other men have fucked my wifey through out our marriage! This has gotten me hard again. And I’m slowly stroking now!

I love it when a sexual partner expresses their wants out loud. it is also hot when they recount a past lover as they are fucking you or you are down on her. not sure why, but knowing someone else wants her makes it so devilishly sweet, sexy and maybe a little shameful.
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Great news! My wifey and I were out and about today. The plan was to call Greg and invite him over this evening when we got home. But he beat us to it. Needless to say, he’s coming over!

Now the real trick is keeping my hands off her. I’m half hard now just doing this!

It’s getting to be that time! Greg called. He said he’s just got a few things to do then he’ll be here!

Needless to say I’m getting excited! And once again getting that nice feeling in my cock! The Missus has just gone up to shower and get ready!

Actually, I just heard the water come on. To think that body that Greg’s going to be enjoying soon is now naked! And getting ready for him!

It’s getting to be that time! Greg called. He said he’s just got a few things to do then he’ll be here!

Needless to say I’m getting excited! And once again getting that nice feeling in my cock! The Missus has just gone up to shower and get ready!

Actually, I just heard the water come on. To think that body that Greg’s going to be enjoying soon is now naked! And getting ready for him!

You're being pretty quiet.
Greetings. Thank you everyone that messaged me or showed any concern because of my absence. As has happened in the past, life suddenly got in the way. Our lifestyle was unfortunately put on hold during this time. And dedicating time to a forum just took a back seat. Rest assured everything is fine with Mrs. Screwher and I. We’re looking forward to our activities returning again very soon.

Sorry, not one of my usual updates. But one I feel kind of compelled to share. Mrs. Screwher and I recently went through one of life’s little challenges. It put not only our lifestyle activities on hold, but our own personal bedroom as well. Tonight we got back on track. Earlier this evening we both found ourselves “ in the mood”. Making out like newly weds again. Then we were in the bedroom and I was pulling her clothes off. Her pussy tasted so good! Her mouth felt so good on my cock! Then of course that special moment...

So now with that back on track, the plan is to initiate the conversation with my wife about getting our lifestyle back into motion? How is she feeling about? Is she Ready? When and if she wants to call her boyfriend again? Communication is key. I’m thinking right before our next session would be a good time.

Greetings. First up, thank you everyone that has expressed an interest as to when we would begin our lifestyle adventures again. As I already stated, our extra marital activities were put on hold. I was feeling ready and eager to begin but wasnt 100% sure how Mrs. Screwher was feeling. I didn’t want to push the issue, to just give her time. Last night though, call it the stars aligning, but it seemed like an opportune time. Through the course of conversation, I brought up what she was thinking and feeling.

I’m not going to go into the details of this very personal conversation. But Mrs. Screwher did say she was feeling ready to get back on the horse. We went over a few The here’s and there’s. Bottom line - my sexy wifey is going to take the initiative and get a hold of Greg tonight. I understand there will be no guarantees but we’re going to shoot for maybe inviting him over this weekend! Fingers crossed and cocks hard.

Needless to say, as we were getting ready for bed I was feeling kind of amorous to say the least. It wasn’t long before We we’re going hot and heavy! There’s nothing hotter than when my wife uses another man’s name when we’re screwing. “Tell me you’re thinking about Greg!” I asked. She replied that she was.
“Tell me you want him.”
“Yes I want him.”
“Tell me you’re going to fuck him this weekend!”
“Yes, I’m going to fuck him this weekend!”

It was easily our best sex session in awhile. Update as soon I have something.

Great news! Earlier this evening, Mrs. Screwher got Greg on the phone as planned. It had been awhile since they last spoke so they seemed enthusiastic to talk. After their initial salutations and a bit of small talk, I excused myself from the room. I don’t what compelled me to do that. I just felt that maybe it would be a good idea to give her a little privacy. At least she might be a bit more relaxed without my presence. At least for this first contact. Honestly though part of me was kind of hoping she may want a little phone fun with him. But not to be.

But they did agree that meeting up together at our place was a good idea. Nobody knows on what day right now. But this weekend is a go! I’m getting excited already!
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For our activities this weekend, it’s a good news/bad news situation. First the good. It’s going to happen tomorrow evening. Mrs. Screwher and Greg spoke earlier today and the appropriate arrangements have been made. By this time tomorrow, Greg will have come by. Had an amazing evening in bed with my wife. And left, leaving big smiles on our faces.

The bad news - right now I’m not 100% on when and where I’m going to be. Hopefully, I will be home. Be able to watch. And I’ll see what I can do about give real time updates here.

Either way, my wife is going to be getting fucked tomorrow. She’s definitely due!

As planned Greg did make it by our place for his rendezvous with Mrs. Screwher. Unfortunately as I was kind of predicting, I had an prior engagement that I just couldn’t get out of. When I got home, Greg already come and gone(pun intended). And my sexy wifey was lying in bed reading. I was already pretty excited hoping to be home in time to see some kind of action. So after stripping and getting into bed with her I was hard and ready!

So told me of her evening as she slowly stroked my cock. They talked to a bit getting caught up in the kitchen before moving to living room couch. When the small talk was over they started making out and pulling clothes off. I asked her what they did in the living room and she replied with “Not much. I just did oral to him.” Ha! Not much she says lol.
“We then went up here and did it.”

I asked her for details. In her words she said they started off with him laying her on our bed. He licked her clit until she came! From there he positioned himself on the bed got her to get on top.
“So you 69ed??!!” I asked. She responded they had.
She then layed back down on the bed. He got in position and then fucked her! I couldn’t take much more and got between her legs myself. Her pussy was still very wet. As per usual during our reclaiming sex, I didn’t last very long!

I’m disappointed I didn’t get to see their sex. But I am super excited that we’re now back on track. I’m going to talk to her tonight about Greg’s next visit. And where we go from here.

As planned…

Thanks for the update!

I’m happy for you! And, selfishly happy for me/us that we get hot updates to enjoy.

Bummer that you couldn’t be there in person, but, I think I might looooove the “story and a handjob” almost as much.

It’s happening tonight! A short while ago this afternoon, Greg called! He asked what we were doing this evening and that he wanted to come “visit us” tonight. And as it happened we’ll be home tonight. But honestly, I think neither of us suggested anything in this event. So needless to say he’ll be on his way here soon. And I’m getting excited already!

Right ow, Mrs. Screwher is in the shower. She’s shaving that pussy smooth. Just the way Greg likes it. Hopefully I can do some real time updates tonight.

Going to quickly give a real time update here. Fuck that was hot! More details later, but right now I’m so thrilled to say I just watched my sweet wifey get laid! Now I’m on my living room couch stroking my obviously hard cock. All while my wife and Greg are recouping for Round Two!

I’m hearing some rustling up there now. It’s midnight now. So I thinking Greg is getting ready to go now. And maybe not a moment to soon. As much as I’ve been enjoying this evening, I’m ready to blow up here!

I’m hearing some rustling up there now. It’s midnight now. So I thinking Greg is getting ready to go now. And maybe not a moment to soon. As much as I’ve been enjoying this evening, I’m ready to blow up here!

I'm eager to hear more details...

As planned Greg did make it by our place for his rendezvous with Mrs. Screwher. Unfortunately as I was kind of predicting, I had an prior engagement that I just couldn’t get out of. When I got home, Greg already come and gone(pun intended). And my sexy wifey was lying in bed reading. I was already pretty excited hoping to be home in time to see some kind of action. So after stripping and getting into bed with her I was hard and ready!

So told me of her evening as she slowly stroked my cock. They talked to a bit getting caught up in the kitchen before moving to living room couch. When the small talk was over they started making out and pulling clothes off. I asked her what they did in the living room and she replied with “Not much. I just did oral to him.” Ha! Not much she says lol.
“We then went up here and did it.”

I asked her for details. In her words she said they started off with him laying her on our bed. He licked her clit until she came! From there he positioned himself on the bed got her to get on top.
“So you 69ed??!!” I asked. She responded they had.
She then layed back down on the bed. He got in position and then fucked her! I couldn’t take much more and got between her legs myself. Her pussy was still very wet. As per usual during our reclaiming sex, I didn’t last very long!

I’m disappointed I didn’t get to see their sex. But I am super excited that we’re now back on track. I’m going to talk to her tonight about Greg’s next visit. And where we go from here.
Do you ever lick her cum filled pussy clean after Greg has been there?

I was anticipating hearing from Greg at some point this weekend wanting to come visit us. Well, he did just contact us. But instead of coming to our place tonight, he invited Mrs.Screwher to make her way to his place tonight!!

When she got off the phone with him, she brought up the idea to me. I asked her if that’s something she’d want to do.
“Yeah, I guess so. If you don’t mind.” She relucantly answered, knowing that I prefer that he come to our place and they use our bedroom. So we came to the decision together that she’s going to Greg’s place to the evening!

So right now, my sexy wifey is up in the shower getting herself ready for a night of sex with another man! I’ll try to real time update whatever I can.

My Mrs. Screwher is off for her night at her boyfriend’s!

When she got out of the shower, I made my way up to the bedroom. I watched her as she removed her towel from her shower and starting drying herself. I couldn’t help buy stare at her naked body. I see her naked daily of course. But there’s just something so hot seeing what she’s about to give to another man. Especially her pussy. Which is now completely smooth. Just the way Greg likes it. She’s wearing just a plain black set of bra and panties. Nothing fancy. But I know he’s going to love seeing her in them. And of course removing them off of her.

I asked her when she plans on being home. She said she wasn’t sure. I asked that if she chooses to spend the night, to give me a call and tell me. I saw her to the door and gave her a big hug and kiss.

So now here I am spending Saturday night alone. Naked on my couch. My cock is raging. And about to start masturbating!

My sexy Mrs. Screwher just called! I asked her how everything was going. She said everything was going great! “But I’m sure you want to know what we did so far?” I said I did but I’m more interested in hearing the details once she got home. But I did ask “Are you naked right now?” She said she was.
“Are you in his bed?” I asked. She said she was was. Then I heard Greg in the background saying Hi!

I let her off the hook and said I would let her get back. And to call me again when she’s on her way home. Or decided to spend the night.

So now I’m thinking right at this moment they’re starting another session. He’s got his hands all over her naked body. Even better, I’m hoping she’s got his cock in her mouth right now, getting him had again!