My wife did it again!!

Right from the beginning of sharing my wife she believed it was just an excuse for me to sleep with other women. It took many years before she finally accepted that I just got off on being a cuckold. It may just take time before she'll really believe you. In the meantime you could try to expose her to information about cuckolding and that may (if she's ready to accept you in that role) help her to understand your kink.

What really convinced my wife was when we took separate vacations to my brother's (he knew I was a cuckold). He was a really wild partier and she visited him twice by herself before I did. The first time she started up an affair with one of his buddies. They didn't hide it from anyone, making out at parties, in bars, and even having a threesome with another guy. The second visit was even wilder because he shared her with several of his buddies and another woman.

Before I went she made me promise not to have sex with anyone. I didn't know who any of the guys were that she had slept with and nobody brought up my wife's infidelity. Because of the crazy parties at my brother's it was really hard not to have sex, lots of loose women, but I didn't, and her lover reported back to her that I had behaved. After that she didn't worry.
Right from the beginning of sharing my wife she believed it was just an excuse for me to sleep with other women. It took many years before she finally accepted that I just got off on being a cuckold. It may just take time before she'll really believe you. In the meantime you could try to expose her to information about cuckolding and that may (if she's ready to accept you in that role) help her to understand your kink.

What really convinced my wife was when we took separate vacations to my brother's (he knew I was a cuckold). He was a really wild partier and she visited him twice by herself before I did. The first time she started up an affair with one of his buddies. They didn't hide it from anyone, making out at parties, in bars, and even having a threesome with another guy. The second visit was even wilder because he shared her with several of his buddies and another woman.

Before I went she made me promise not to have sex with anyone. I didn't know who any of the guys were that she had slept with and nobody brought up my wife's infidelity. Because of the crazy parties at my brother's it was really hard not to have sex, lots of loose women, but I didn't, and her lover reported back to her that I had behaved. After that she didn't worry.

Thanks for your response and sharing your story. I think what's going to convince my wife is when she starts going out on dates, and he subsequently fucks her, and I stay home waiting for her. Upon her arrival home I focus on her evening. A few evenings like that and then she'll understand what's it's all about.
Have you ever thought about offering her clean up duty for them both when they come home to you? That should convince her

I'm sure it would. I have no bi tendencies though and never had a cream pie before. Maybe if my wife requested the latter though.

Yesterday evening my wife certainly livened up what I was anticipating to be an average Tuesday evening. We settled into the living room together when she told me about Roger.

My wife works in the office of a fairly large company. Starting last week a certain gentleman from another division has been joining my wife in the coffee/lunch room on her lunch break. Her company is a larger one where all the divisions don't always interact all times. Apparently Roger started at her company a couple months ago but she's only really met him now. So in light of the recent stuff that's been going on within our marriage I started to get curious about some things and started asking some questions. Most importantly, does she think he's attracted to her? Does she find him attractive? And, of course, does she want to have sex with him? Having had enough men interested in her over the years she suspects he's attracted to her. But honestly any straight guy with a heartbeat would be all over her if given the chance. Then she admitted she finds him attractive. But she did say she wasn't 100% sure she wanted to have sex with him.

Of course all this talk soon got me going. As we were screwing I took the plunge and asked her "You're thinking about Roger aren't you. You want to have sex with him, don't you". Her response was vague. More of a "Mmmmm..." As if showing her pleasure. I think she was saying "yes" without actually saying it out loud. It might have freaked her a bit as another mans name has never been used during our sex before. But I did find it encouraging that she never said "No!" and got upset.

So now as I type this I have a raging hard on again just from talking about it. I'm eagerly anticipating where this is going.
O Yasssssssss


Yesterday evening my wife certainly livened up what I was anticipating to be an average Tuesday evening. We settled into the living room together when she told me about Roger.

My wife works in the office of a fairly large company. Starting last week a certain gentleman from another division has been joining my wife in the coffee/lunch room on her lunch break. Her company is a larger one where all the divisions don't always interact all times. Apparently Roger started at her company a couple months ago but she's only really met him now. So in light of the recent stuff that's been going on within our marriage I started to get curious about some things and started asking some questions. Most importantly, does she think he's attracted to her? Does she find him attractive? And, of course, does she want to have sex with him? Having had enough men interested in her over the years she suspects he's attracted to her. But honestly any straight guy with a heartbeat would be all over her if given the chance. Then she admitted she finds him attractive. But she did say she wasn't 100% sure she wanted to have sex with him.

Of course all this talk soon got me going. As we were screwing I took the plunge and asked her "You're thinking about Roger aren't you. You want to have sex with him, don't you". Her response was vague. More of a "Mmmmm..." As if showing her pleasure. I think she was saying "yes" without actually saying it out loud. It might have freaked her a bit as another mans name has never been used during our sex before. But I did find it encouraging that she never said "No!" and got upset.

So now as I type this I have a raging hard on again just from talking about it. I'm eagerly anticipating where this is going.

You know he has to be a hunk. Maybe you get some of him?
Hey my friend you are playing this so fucking skillfully. You could change the thread name to 'How To Cultivate a Hotwife ' :cool:

Not lost on me as an old-fashioned Brit: we used to speak of 'Rogering' to describe a really wild bareback fuck where the guy is the Master. So! Will your woman get well and truly Rogered? First by him and then by you when she gets home with sticky thighs? ;)
Hey my friend you are playing this so fucking skillfully. You could change the thread name to 'How To Cultivate a Hotwife ' :cool:

Not lost on me as an old-fashioned Brit: we used to speak of 'Rogering' to describe a really wild bareback fuck where the guy is the Master. So! Will your woman get well and truly Rogered? First by him and then by you when she gets home with sticky thighs? ;)

Hey Simon thanks. I had no idea of this "rogering" expressions exsistence. That's so fucking hot! If something sexual ever does happen between them then I'm definitely adding "rogering" as part of our regular sexual vocabulary together.

And yes. I'm sure that will be the scenario the first time my wife has sex with him. It'll be at his place or a hotel. I hope her gives her the rogering of a lifetime. Then when she gets home she'll get her second rogering of the night! I can't wait!!
Hey Simon thanks. I had no idea of this "rogering" expressions exsistence. That's so fucking hot! If something sexual ever does happen between them then I'm definitely adding "rogering" as part of our regular sexual vocabulary together.

And yes. I'm sure that will be the scenario the first time my wife has sex with him. It'll be at his place or a hotel. I hope her gives her the rogering of a lifetime. Then when she gets home she'll get her second rogering of the night! I can't wait!!

She may insist you go down on her and lick her clean before you get to roger her. Mmmm.
I think you owe it to her to confess that you enjoy her feeling free to do that. She's probably wracked with guilt, and knowing that you not only forgive her but also endorse the behavior would likely make her feel a lot better.

No don't do this on any account, she now owes you big time, (how often does that happen to a guy?)

Mate, stay quiet, make out you hurt a bit but will try and carry on, when/ if she wont give you that BJ or quick fuck give it "Oh I bet you would if it was your lover asking"

Dude, make the most of this might not last long.

That is one big get out of jail free card, you need to hold.

:D:D :D:D
All I can say is I wish I was Roger.

And talk of rogering reminds me of a scene in 'Blackadder's Christmas Carol', where Baldrick was sent out to find a turkey that was so large that it looked like its mother had been rogered by an omnibus.

Yesterday evening my wife certainly livened up what I was anticipating to be an average Tuesday evening. We settled into the living room together when she told me about Roger.

My wife works in the office of a fairly large company. Starting last week a certain gentleman from another division has been joining my wife in the coffee/lunch room on her lunch break. Her company is a larger one where all the divisions don't always interact all times. Apparently Roger started at her company a couple months ago but she's only really met him now. So in light of the recent stuff that's been going on within our marriage I started to get curious about some things and started asking some questions. Most importantly, does she think he's attracted to her? Does she find him attractive? And, of course, does she want to have sex with him? Having had enough men interested in her over the years she suspects he's attracted to her. But honestly any straight guy with a heartbeat would be all over her if given the chance. Then she admitted she finds him attractive. But she did say she wasn't 100% sure she wanted to have sex with him.

Of course all this talk soon got me going. As we were screwing I took the plunge and asked her "You're thinking about Roger aren't you. You want to have sex with him, don't you". Her response was vague. More of a "Mmmmm..." As if showing her pleasure. I think she was saying "yes" without actually saying it out loud. It might have freaked her a bit as another mans name has never been used during our sex before. But I did find it encouraging that she never said "No!" and got upset.

So now as I type this I have a raging hard on again just from talking about it. I'm eagerly anticipating where this is going.

Sounds very promising. Good luck and please keep us posted on any progress.
Sounds like shes in need of a good, stand-up rogering indeed! Id like to give her undercarriage a good going over as well ;)
Sounds like shes in need of a good, stand-up rogering indeed! Id like to give her undercarriage a good going over as well ;)

Not a 100% on what an "undercarriage" is but I suspect I'd like the idea of you giving it a good going over.

I believe it's been a week or so since my wife mentioned Roger. I would casually mention him name as we spoke about our day to each other. We both know now that there's a sexual attraction between them so she's not totally comfortable talking about him just yet. So I keep things casual asking simple things - Did Roger join her at lunch, what did they talk about, mist importantly what's he like. Apparently he's in his late 30s and single (he's mentioned the word "ex" so my wife assumes he's divorced. She didn't pry). She said he's quite handsome and they have some common interests. There's a chain coffee shop down the block from their building. She decided to spend her lunch break there this afternoon. He ended up joining her. She said the whole thing was kind of uneventful but it was exciting hanging out with him away from their work environment. But I'm not stupid. What she's really saying is "I loved being alone with him".

Not surprising we has sex earlier tonight. This whole little saga were going through has made me perpetually horny. Roger is now the sexual elephant in the living room for us. So the sex was hotter than hell. While we screwed I had to ask her - "You're thinking of Roger, aren't you". She didn't answer right away so I tried to reassure her with "it's ok. You can admit it." She was still hesitant but did get out a quiet "yes". I figured maybe this was going to start some dirty sex talk so I continued. "You want him don't you? You want him to fuck you!" I got nothing out of her with that. Just her moans and heavy breathing from us having sex. Maybe she's not ready to say that to me. I'm didn't push the issue for fear of ruining our sex session. I'm happy just knowing she was thinking of him while she was naked and having sex. And while she never admitted it tonight it's obvious she does indeed what to have sex with him. This is so exciting.
A bright new day, pal! :)

I'm loving how coy your woman is with you about this. That must be so much part of the tantalising delight for you. You're right I'm sure that the genuine measure of what's going on in her is the levels she gets to when you fuck after talking about him.

Out of my total ignorance of a journey such as you're on, I'd say:

Keep a balance about this for her to be comfortable with. She could freak out with the thought that you just want her to be a cheating slut or something and that you no longer adore her simply for who she is and what you two have together. Your interest in the Roger thing needs to be in the background plenty and the foreground just sometimes, eh?

Handsome, late 30s, with an ex: The dude needs sex, and sex without getting all tied up in another relationship. The dude needs to fuck a married woman who'll go back to her man. ;)
I've been off this site now for about a week due to some goings on my personal life that required a lot of attention. Anyone that has PMed me recently please accept my apologies for my tardiness in getting back to you. After reading this I'm sure you'll understand...

Some of you already know me and what I'm all about on this site. My wife once cheated on me with another man. Much to my surprise, soon after I started to become turned on that she had sex with another. I started fantasizing about it and desired for her to do it again.

Last week my wife returned home from a two week trip visiting relatives on the east coast. It was her second trip in as many summers, unfortunately I was unable to join her both times. Upon her return I had a variety of questions for her about her trip. She offered up very few details and was reluctant to share much. Throughout the week I kept asking her about her trip and she got more and more standoffish, I guess one would call it. I don't know if it was guilt and deep down she felt our marriage would survive her confession. While she was away she had sex with another man again!! And as it turned out not just this trip but last years as well.

She was vague with the details but for now I got enough. During her first trip she met a man who she said his name was Jeff. He is a friend of her sister's husband. My wife met him when her sister had a group of friends and other family over the evening. My wife and Jeff got to know one another and spent most of the evening together. They agreed to meet up the next afternoon for lunch and he'd accompany as she continued her sight seeing. It was then she admitted to an attraction between them. For awhile now I suspected she was getting curious of other men. I guess she saw her time away from me as an opportunity for a summer fling. They agreed to meet again the next afternoon. They met up and their day ended with a trip back to his place. Well, one thing led to another and they ended up screwing his bed!!

About six months after her first trip I discovered some new sexy panties she apparently bought on her trip. Underwear she "forgot" to tell me about at the time. I found that to be suspicious and filed it away.

Now during this years trip she met up with Jeff again. She confessed to spending a couple more afternoons in his bed. She was quite upset as she told me as much as she could. We have a history of infidelity on her part and she honestly thought this was was to seriously damage our relationship again. I told her I was upset but I forgave her. I wanted to confess all my secrets to her. Namely that inside I was thrilled that another man had fucked her. But I was afraid with all that went down this might be too much to take in. I chickened out...for now. When the time is right I'm going to talk to her further about this.

But right now I'm quietly over the moon! I'm basking in the glow (with a major hard on) of a fantasy fulfilled! My wife got fucked by another man!!!
Would men who have this desire to know their wife or girlfriend was being fucked by another man feel the same way if said wife or girlfriend became pregnant by them
A bright new day, pal! :)

I'm loving how coy your woman is with you about this. That must be so much part of the tantalising delight for you. You're right I'm sure that the genuine measure of what's going on in her is the levels she gets to when you fuck after talking about him.

Out of my total ignorance of a journey such as you're on, I'd say:

Keep a balance about this for her to be comfortable with. She could freak out with the thought that you just want her to be a cheating slut or something and that you no longer adore her simply for who she is and what you two have together. Your interest in the Roger thing needs to be in the background plenty and the foreground just sometimes, eh?

Handsome, late 30s, with an ex: The dude needs sex, and sex without getting all tied up in another relationship. The dude needs to fuck a married woman who'll go back to her man. ;)

I think you're bang on with both points. Thanks.
Would men who have this desire to know their wife or girlfriend was being fucked by another man feel the same way if said wife or girlfriend became pregnant by them

someone is paying child support NOT ME

Flippin heck guys, we're talking here about a couple who know a thing or two already about birth control and safe sex and all that stuff! Screwher needs no lectures! :rolleyes:
Flippin heck guys, we're talking here about a couple who know a thing or two already about birth control and safe sex and all that stuff! Screwher needs no lectures! :rolleyes:

who's lecturing....I answered a rethorical question. tongue and cheek... relax brother. we don't need a lecture...or a dressing down

I was completely unaware we had to take Lit seriously :eek:
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who's lecturing....I answered a rethorical question. tongue and cheek... relax brother. we don't need a lecture...or a dressing down

I was completely unaware we had to take Lit seriously :eek:

Hey klippert my friend - hope you still are! If I over reacted, my apologies. :eek:
I appreciate everyone's comments and input. Everyone is right. An unwanted pregnancy ( or an std) would suck. My wife got "fixed" years ago. She used condoms during her summer flings as well.

Later this evening my wife is going out with Roger!!

Early last night my wife told me that earlier at work Roger asked what she was doing this weekend. We don't have any real plans so she told him that. He told her that tomorrow (Saturday night) he was getting together with some friends. He has a favorite gaming lounge that he plays pool at. He asked her if she'd like to join him. She said yes and they made their plans. When she got home she told me of her plans, her tone like she was asking permission. I asked her "So is a date or something?" In a real casual tone as if I was halfway joking. She giggled and said "No of course not. We just going to hang out with his friends". I immediately removed myself from the equation. "Well I'm busy tonight. I couldn't go". She said she knew that and didn't mind if she went without me. And that I'll get to meet him another time.

We both know that my wife and Roger are attracted to each other. That really turns me on. So son after dinner we made our way to the bedroom. Our sex was fantastic. I didn't bring up Roger the whole time. It was obvious to both of us what was on our minds. The next time she has sex it will be with him in his bed. I don't mind sharing that just posting this has me erect. She's had sex with other men before but this is the first with my knowledge and blessing. I'm both excited and nervous. I guess I'm experiencing my first cuckold angst.