My wife did it again!!

Hey good man here's just a suggestion at the turn of the year. Perhaps you have it in mind already: An invitation to the Mrs to find herself Stud Number Three in 2020?
You had me at "Hello"

Wow! I have been following this thread from the very beginning. The visual you posted just blew my mind. Thank you for sharing this wonderful thread with all of us.

Happy New Year to you and Mrs Screwher.

Just want to give a real time update. I just heard from the Missus. Their "date" is over; they're on their way home!! Pretty soon our bedroom is going to be filled with the sweet sounds od their sex!!

No update on this?

Once again thank you for everyone for their patience with me in getting this up. The plan was to have this by now but I got sidetracked. Not just with life in general but with activities on the very sight. I'm going to give this my complete focus now. The weekend is approaching and I'm hoping for some more hotwifing fun but don't want to get ahead of myself. Especially since I'm thrilled to say we seem to have broken some new ground, taken another step down our adventures road.

When Mrs. Screwher and Greg got home I greeted them and we exchanged pleasantries. I feel he enjoys speaking with me as I do with him, but it was quite apparent he wasn't here to chat with me. I let them make there way upstairs. Our home is structured that you can see the stairs leading to the top floor from the living room. It was a simple thing seeing them ascend the stairs together. But it was thrilling. They were fully clothed and otherwise gave no indication of why they were going up to the bedroom. But I knew. He was taking my sweet wifey upstairs to fuck her!!

I gave them their usual time alone to get started. When I made my way up those same stairs they were both already naked on our bed. They were making out a bit. Kissing, feeling, she was stroking his cock. Then he went down on her. Obviously he knows her pussy well as she was soon moaning. Then she came! Greg let her come down and catch her breath. He then got between her legs and slid his big cock into her.

I have a great view of our bed from my spot just a step into the bedroom. I was obviously straining inside my pants. It was at this moment I now said to myself "ok it's time." and I took the plunge. I unbuttoned and lowered my pants. As I watched him fuck my wife I slowly started to stroke my cock!!! Another first for us! But I didn't want to cum so I was careful not to ejaculate. When it was time Greg let himself cum in my wife's pussy with a loud grunt. I put myself back into my pants and left the room. I returned to the living room and took my pants right off. I continued to masturbate.

Maybe an hour-hour and half later they came downstairs. We said our good nights. Once Greg was gone I was kind of waiting for some mention of my masturbating in the room. Was Greg uncomfortable? Was my wife? Were they taken a back at all? But nothing was said of it. They had to have known and since there was no word, I left it at that.

We our way up for our own session. After all that jerking off I knew I wouldn't last long. So I didn't fight it. I pretty much just took her doggystyle. A position I love. Obviously her pussy was super wet and felt great! It wasn't long before I came in my wife too!!
Hey yes! If the lovely lass finds a new pleasure in seeing her husband erect while she's pounded by a guest dude, that's a huge upping of sexual intensity! I suggest you need to know for sure that SHE likes it, before before taking that much further?

I've mentioned many times on this and various other threads, that years ago my wife cheated on me the first time. She developed an attraction to another man. She ended up dropping her panties for him and he fucked her. When I found out it almost ended us. But we preservered and moved on. But I always suspected there was at least one more man, one more incident, that happened around the same time. I confronted her about it. She denied it and I didn't push the issue. It's didn't really matter as she had already done the damage to our relationship.

Now here we are. We're a hotwife couple and we both enjoy her having sex with other men. Earlier this week I had a PM chat with a fellow Lit gentleman about this unresolved suspicion. This conversation served as an inspiration. Tonight was a quiet Sunday at home, just Mrs. Screwher and I. After dinner we found ourselves just relaxing in the living room in front of the TV. I slowly started bringing the conversation toward this past suspicious activity.

Let me tell you about Gary. We were living in a small two story apartment building. Gary was a neighbor that lived on the second floor. He seemed like a good guy. Maybe five years older than us at the time. We socialized with him and a few of his friends. Soon my wife found herself spending time up in his place without me. They were "just talking". This became a minor point of contention with us and she admitted that Gary came on to her. Tried to seduce her but she said no. As I said I never quite believed her. Now tonight I laid everything on the table. I asked her about Gary, about what really happened. I reassured her I wouldn't be angry especially considering our lifestyle now. She finally said "Ok. Don't get mad or be hurt. It was a long time ago. But yes, it happened."

She went on to tell me that night he hit on her she gave into temptation. Of course, I had a few questions; she didn't go into any real details though. I wasn't surprised there. They took it to his bedroom. She went down on him then "we did it". And they used a condom. As she told me everything I had a big shit eating grin on my face. I think that helped with this latest confession but honestly I was loving it. She went to to say that was it. She hadn't cheated again until her trip visiting relative a few years back.

Needless to say I was all over her. Then we took it upstairs ourselves. This particular session I'm going to pass on giving details. It was a more private "hubby-wifey" moment.

So now I have to get used to the idea that now FIVE men having fucked my wife throughout our marriage!! I'm hard and horny again just sharing all this here so I think I can handle it.
It can be quite liberating when certain events are finally brought to light. It took several years for my wife to really open up about her earliest adventures. It helped both of us to become closer. I can’t share what she told me about what went on, as it would violate the rules of this forum.

Thank you for sharing so much about your life!

I've mentioned many times on this and various other threads, that years ago my wife cheated on me the first time. She developed an attraction to another man. She ended up dropping her panties for him and he fucked her. When I found out it almost ended us. But we preservered and moved on. But I always suspected there was at least one more man, one more incident, that happened around the same time. I confronted her about it. She denied it and I didn't push the issue. It's didn't really matter as she had already done the damage to our relationship.

Now here we are. We're a hotwife couple and we both enjoy her having sex with other men. Earlier this week I had a PM chat with a fellow Lit gentleman about this unresolved suspicion. This conversation served as an inspiration. Tonight was a quiet Sunday at home, just Mrs. Screwher and I. After dinner we found ourselves just relaxing in the living room in front of the TV. I slowly started bringing the conversation toward this past suspicious activity.

Let me tell you about Gary. We were living in a small two story apartment building. Gary was a neighbor that lived on the second floor. He seemed like a good guy. Maybe five years older than us at the time. We socialized with him and a few of his friends. Soon my wife found herself spending time up in his place without me. They were "just talking". This became a minor point of contention with us and she admitted that Gary came on to her. Tried to seduce her but she said no. As I said I never quite believed her. Now tonight I laid everything on the table. I asked her about Gary, about what really happened. I reassured her I wouldn't be angry especially considering our lifestyle now. She finally said "Ok. Don't get mad or be hurt. It was a long time ago. But yes, it happened."

She went on to tell me that night he hit on her she gave into temptation. Of course, I had a few questions; she didn't go into any real details though. I wasn't surprised there. They took it to his bedroom. She went down on him then "we did it". And they used a condom. As she told me everything I had a big shit eating grin on my face. I think that helped with this latest confession but honestly I was loving it. She went to to say that was it. She hadn't cheated again until her trip visiting relative a few years back.

Needless to say I was all over her. Then we took it upstairs ourselves. This particular session I'm going to pass on giving details. It was a more private "hubby-wifey" moment.

So now I have to get used to the idea that now FIVE men having fucked my wife throughout our marriage!! I'm hard and horny again just sharing all this here so I think I can handle it.

Thanks for sharing. Do you think she always had a roving eye, even in her past relationships?
Thanks for sharing. Do you think she always had a roving eye, even in her past relationships?

No. Before me she was only in one quick relationship. Her first boyfriend and the first to fuck her. So she had limited experience when we got together. It was after a handful of years of monogamy that it seems she started looking for some of that experience. After all this it took some two decades that she started to become curious of other men again.
Screwher you are a wonderful guy. You and your woman have a supremely beautiful relationship. That you could have this latest conversation and both feel free to celebrate the sharing sexually right after is … everyone's dream. Good man, good woman.
No. Before me she was only in one quick relationship. Her first boyfriend and the first to fuck her. So she had limited experience when we got together. It was after a handful of years of monogamy that it seems she started looking for some of that experience. After all this it took some two decades that she started to become curious of other men again.

Hubby and I had a similar conversation. And like most women that I have talked to about this, you answer what is asked. Don't volunteer anything else. Not knowing your wife I won't guess which side of the percentages she falls into but if I had to bet, I know which way I'd go.
No. Before me she was only in one quick relationship. Her first boyfriend and the first to fuck her. So she had limited experience when we got together. It was after a handful of years of monogamy that it seems she started looking for some of that experience. After all this it took some two decades that she started to become curious of other men again.

Wow, You seem to describe the same 20years I have been thru with my wife. I hope she will also feel the need for more soon! ;)
Wow. Thanks for that. If she looks like that she could have any number of men.

Nice thread, by the way.
That's hot. Bonus naughty points for giving into temptation when it's not allowed.

If (some) wives only knew they could admit to infidelity with impunity so long as they had our hard cocks in their pretty little hand while they did it.

So... the obvious question is... where is Gary now? :) Do you still live in that same area? I wonder if he'd like another helping of Mrs Screwher...


I've mentioned many times on this and various other threads, that years ago my wife cheated on me the first time. She developed an attraction to another man. She ended up dropping her panties for him and he fucked her. When I found out it almost ended us. But we preservered and moved on. But I always suspected there was at least one more man, one more incident, that happened around the same time. I confronted her about it. She denied it and I didn't push the issue. It's didn't really matter as she had already done the damage to our relationship.

Now here we are. We're a hotwife couple and we both enjoy her having sex with other men. Earlier this week I had a PM chat with a fellow Lit gentleman about this unresolved suspicion. This conversation served as an inspiration. Tonight was a quiet Sunday at home, just Mrs. Screwher and I. After dinner we found ourselves just relaxing in the living room in front of the TV. I slowly started bringing the conversation toward this past suspicious activity.

Let me tell you about Gary. We were living in a small two story apartment building. Gary was a neighbor that lived on the second floor. He seemed like a good guy. Maybe five years older than us at the time. We socialized with him and a few of his friends. Soon my wife found herself spending time up in his place without me. They were "just talking". This became a minor point of contention with us and she admitted that Gary came on to her. Tried to seduce her but she said no. As I said I never quite believed her. Now tonight I laid everything on the table. I asked her about Gary, about what really happened. I reassured her I wouldn't be angry especially considering our lifestyle now. She finally said "Ok. Don't get mad or be hurt. It was a long time ago. But yes, it happened."

She went on to tell me that night he hit on her she gave into temptation. Of course, I had a few questions; she didn't go into any real details though. I wasn't surprised there. They took it to his bedroom. She went down on him then "we did it". And they used a condom. As she told me everything I had a big shit eating grin on my face. I think that helped with this latest confession but honestly I was loving it. She went to to say that was it. She hadn't cheated again until her trip visiting relative a few years back.

Needless to say I was all over her. Then we took it upstairs ourselves. This particular session I'm going to pass on giving details. It was a more private "hubby-wifey" moment.

So now I have to get used to the idea that now FIVE men having fucked my wife throughout our marriage!! I'm hard and horny again just sharing all this here so I think I can handle it.
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ScrewHer I just wanted to say I've lurked on Lit for years and only last year started writing some of my own stories. However, this is the first time I commented on the discussion board and I do it because this has been an incredible read. Congrats to you and your wife. I've enjoyed this immensly and look forward to your next update.
Thanks to everyone here for their support and kind words for this latest chapter in our lives.

To answer the question already stated, Gary is long gone from our lives. He was the moment we moved out of that apartment. In all likelihood we could probably pass him on the street and not even recognize him. And knowing my wife, if she did, she probably wouldn't even acknowledge him.

Would he still want a piece of ass from my wifey? No doubt!
Screwher -

A couple of questions/observations.

I notice when your wife goes out with Greg it usually starts at the gym or a coffee shop. Do you enjoy the public aspect of your wife out with another man? Do you think they appear as a couple or does she work hard to keep it nonchalant.

Even though she works with Roger I don't get the feeling there is anything overt there, just a quick meet to make plans, if that.

In my writings it seems I usually make my female leads overtly sexual (probably the difference between fantasy and reality I would assume.) It's obvious your wife is not a "slut" just a lovely lady that appears to enjoy sex with men, not limited to her husband.

I find her descriptions of the sex hilarious in the blandness.

Also, is she getting any closer to having bareback sex with Roger?

Once again I enjoy your updates so much, thanks for letting us in.

Im finding myself home alone with rather short notice. I walked into an empty house but shortly heard from beautiful bride. On her way home from work, Mrs. Screwher got "The Call" from Greg. He wanted to get together tonight. So she quickly made a detour to catch up with him.

As I post this they're finishing up their dinner and coffee time and will be heading home soon. And once again the blood is rushing to that appropriate spot.

Update when I have something.