My wife did it again!!

So a good night was had by all and now she owes you one. I know you would never think to suggest that but in her mind she knows she has a debt.

Great news that he stayed over. Hopefully you found her riding him again when they woke up. I'd like to think soon they'll leave the sanctity of the bedroom and start fooling around all over the house. Maybe she could start him off with a hand job when he first gets there before they go upstairs next time. I'm excited to hear the update.
Just recently found this site. I clicked on this thread day before yesterday and got hooked on it. Had to read the whole thing. I have been fantasizing about watching my wife fuck other guys (and girls) for several years. Unfortunately she has zero interest in doing it. She does tell me stories while we’re having sex about fucking a guy at work or something similar cuz she knows I like it and it will help get me off. We overall have a great sex life. She has fulfilled pretty much every fantasy of mine but this one, so I really have nothing to complain about but man do I wish she would give this one a try. You’re a lucky man.

Looks like it’s on tonight!

I’ve been feeling that Mrs. Screwher and Greg are overdue to get together. It was obvious he wasn’t going to take the initiative and call her. So I was thinking, if he doesn’t this weekend, I’m going to be a little more proactive.

Earlier today I brought Greg up during a cup of coffee with my wife. I recommended she call him. Arrange something for tonight. She called him. No answer. Tried again a little later. Again no answer. Finally he called her just now. They chatted a bit. She invited him over this evening. He’s coming by tonight!

So we’re going to be getting ready for our guest soon. Needless to say, I’m getting excited already.

It’s that time!! Greg is on his way! The courteous pot of coffee is on. I can feel that exciting tension in the house. And I’m feeling all my usual emotion so.

I’ll update when I can.

That was amazing! Once again I just watched my sexy wife and her stud of a boyfriend have a fantastic sex session! We pretty much followed out usual patterns. But I’m not complaining.

I’ve taken my spot on our living room couch. My pants are on the floor. My cock is raging. And I’m going to start jerking off right away. The bedroom door is closed and I’m thinking right now she’s getting his cock hard again!

Again I’ll update ASAP.
Damn!!!... The lead-up to a date is always soooo exciting. And then the knock on the door.. Gut wrenching and arousing as I open the door for the man that will be enjoying my wife for the next few hours.... I wish I could live those experiences again Screwher... But Thanks for sharing yours with us!!
Great News! Can't wait to hear more. Glad to see she's being proactive (even if you had to suggest it.) Here's to hoping you're on the couch a lot in the next few weeks while she is getting fucked on your marital bed.

Tonight it’s happening! We just spoke with Greg. Mrs. Screwher invited him over tonight. He said he has a few errands to do first. But he’s going to be by this evening! So we’re going to be getting ready for another night of fun soon.

I’ll update what I can when I can.

Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But Greg called. He can’t make it after all tonight after all. We’re disappointed but we understand. We’re going to shoot for tomorrow night.

Don’t worry though. Mrs. Screwher will not be going unfucked tonight!

This has potential. Greg just called us! He asked Mrs. Screwher if we were “free tomorrow”. And he thought we’d “like to get together”. In other words, he’s available and horny! So it looks like tomorrow is a go! I can’t wait! I admit it. I’m getting a bit antsy lately.
Maybe Greg just misses you ?
All he wants is to share a beer and to thank you for all the pussy you have allowed him to enjoy
Maybe Greg just misses you ?
All he wants is to share a beer and to thank you for all the pussy you have allowed him to enjoy

That’s a nice thought. But unlikely lol. Besides the whole time talking with him I’d be thinking “Aren’t you going to take her upstairs?”

We just heard from Greg. He’s going to be on his way soon. So it’s that time around Screwher Manor. My sexy wifey just stepped into the shower. I’m tidying up a bit, particularly the bedroom. And of course, I’m getting that nice feeling again!!!

We just heard from Greg. He’s going to be on his way soon. So it’s that time around Screwher Manor. My sexy wifey just stepped into the shower. I’m tidying up a bit, particularly the bedroom. And of course, I’m getting that nice feeling again!!!

If only they felt comfortable sharing
An audio version would satisfy us
(For awhile)

We just heard from Greg. He’s going to be on his way soon. So it’s that time around Screwher Manor. My sexy wifey just stepped into the shower. I’m tidying up a bit, particularly the bedroom. And of course, I’m getting that nice feeling again!!!

Looking forward to the update.

We just heard from Greg. He’s going to be on his way soon. So it’s that time around Screwher Manor. My sexy wifey just stepped into the shower. I’m tidying up a bit, particularly the bedroom. And of course, I’m getting that nice feeling again!!!

Can't wait for the update. :D Sure wish there was a "Like" button available.

Thanks for everyone’s patience in my getting this out here. I’m finding it’s getting more and more of a challenge after one of Greg’s visits. His visits put me in a perpetual state of horniness the days after. Mrs. Screwher and I are also like a couple on prom night afterward. I can’t keep my hands off her. When we aren’t fucking I find myself masturbating as well. So getting into that right frame of mind is getting tougher.

Especially when I don’t really have anythung new to report. Or we didn’t go any deeper into our hotwifing. We just had our regular evening of fantastic sex.Again I don’t like the word “regular” because this is hardly that. But anyway...

Do you think Mrs. Screwher and Greg would be interested in you chauffeuring them around while they fool around in the back seat? Just a thought. Glad you guys are having a great time.
I was catching up on some of my reading. On 9/7, you left us with you going out for coffee.
What happened when you got home with the coffee? Or did Greg leave before you got back?
In My Humble Opinion, you need to continue these stories past the reclamation
sex and the start of non-hotwife normalcy.

Besides, I want to compare your day after with my day after.



Good morning!!

After my sexy wifey made her way back upstairs, I continued masturbating. I finally allowed myself to cum. Then drifted off to sleep.

Right now, Mrs. Screwher and Greg are still upstairs sleeping in. I don’t blame them. Obviously my wifey hasn’t been able to fill me in on all the glorious details just yet. That’s coming up later today after Greg makes his way. But I have a feeling they were quite busy for quite awhile last night. My cock is stating to react to that right now as I struggle to get this updated!

Since I was the first to rise, I decided to treat them with some coffee from my wifey’s fave coffee shop. It before I left I looked into the bedroom. I liked what I saw. Both my wife and Greg were asleep but naked together on top of the bed sheet. They weren’t spooning but layed close to each other in that position.

So I’m going to let them rest. I’ll update as I have something.

Looks like it’s that time. Mrs. Screwher just spoke with Greg. Looks like we’re together tonight for a long over due visit. I guess he’s horny and looking for a bit of action. Either way, I’m getting excited again. Barring any last minute problems, it should be be a great way to end the weekend!

I’ll update again when I can.